I just wish KLK was a good anime because the designs were so fucking top tier. I can genuinely only remember one fight from episode 3 and I just finished the anime not even 2 weeks ago.
Kill la Kill IF
>they have no reason to half ass it
Shit taste
Yeah but I doubt it will have much story, it will just be the same characters in the same three locations as an excuse to make Satsuki gain a new form. The lack of locations was something that annoyed me about the anime, actually. Despite liking the series as a whole.
>Those ps2 graphics
>Those 15 FPS animations
>Literally just two different attacks/buttons
>that plot being thrown around
>anything with mako
>everything relying on speed lines because it has no budget for animation
Other than god tier design and voice acting, what is there to offer?
That would be true if they had started that project ages ago. Just because it's coming out 5 years later doesn't mean that the production schedule was longer.
I personally don't find it very appealing, looking at OP's video. Yeah the special attack animations look cool, but that's basically it.
Wasn't this announced like years ago? It barely looks different from the announcement. What have they been doing all this time?
looks like actual hot garbage and I hope it flops so KLKfags can commit suicide
>Could make a fighter like Guilty Gear, FighterZ, Skullgirls etc
>Make a copy paste arena fighter that nobody will give a fuck about
Every time.