New gameplay from my wife's game. Ignore the scrubs playing and admire how much it's been improving every time it's been shown off.
Kill la Kill IF
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It's still an arena fighter so it's automatically shit.
Why do they release this now? The anime is already 6 years old and almost nobody cares about it anymore
It's an excuse to make more content without having to devote that much to it
This game looks like absolute garbage
Good on them for striking while the iron is ice cold for KLK. Fucking retards I hope this flops
This. Also, thisSome alternative story RPG with a few new characters would have been interesting maybe but why should anyone care about that?
This has an alternative story you dip. It splits off after episode 8 with Nui and Ragyo coming to the school earlier.
>not an action game
Isn't it better that it took so long to make? This means they have no reason to half ass it since it's being aimed at the hardcore fans who will notice if it something's wrong
I just wish KLK was a good anime because the designs were so fucking top tier. I can genuinely only remember one fight from episode 3 and I just finished the anime not even 2 weeks ago.
>they have no reason to half ass it
Shit taste
Yeah but I doubt it will have much story, it will just be the same characters in the same three locations as an excuse to make Satsuki gain a new form. The lack of locations was something that annoyed me about the anime, actually. Despite liking the series as a whole.
>Those ps2 graphics
>Those 15 FPS animations
>Literally just two different attacks/buttons
>that plot being thrown around
>anything with mako
>everything relying on speed lines because it has no budget for animation
Other than god tier design and voice acting, what is there to offer?
That would be true if they had started that project ages ago. Just because it's coming out 5 years later doesn't mean that the production schedule was longer.
I personally don't find it very appealing, looking at OP's video. Yeah the special attack animations look cool, but that's basically it.
Wasn't this announced like years ago? It barely looks different from the announcement. What have they been doing all this time?
looks like actual hot garbage and I hope it flops so KLKfags can commit suicide
>Could make a fighter like Guilty Gear, FighterZ, Skullgirls etc
>Make a copy paste arena fighter that nobody will give a fuck about
Every time.
>20 seconds for a simple RPS choice
and I thought SC6's thing was bad
I leik ugly-voice Nonon because she's flat xDD *farts*
what the fuck happened halfway through the series anyway? did they lose focus and just play fuckin bananagrams with the plot?
>He doesn't like Fight Club President Mankanshoku Mako
Not enough screentime sadly
>Could make a copy paste 2D fighter
>Make a copy paste arena fighter
The community for this game will last as long as it would have if it were a GG clone.
pretty sure klk is hit or miss, you either love it or hate it. i particularly liked how over the top it gets and how serious the story takes itself while still knowing how dumb and exaggerated it all is.
the animation being so shit kinda helps with that, especially when yui appears since she's essentially a looney tunes character
Sorry bud, but it's MY wife's game now.
I've seen better looking fangames
>arena battle trash
The animations are shit too. Is this an indie?
>how much it's been improving every time it's been shown off.
If that's how it looks improved, I'd hate to see what it looked like when it was revealed lmao
There more 2d fighters than arena fighters tho
Where's tennis shark?
here's your shadows, bro
She's a meme.
It looks like garbage, what the fuck are you smoking?
How can she be a meme if she's best girl?
Jesus christ this looks so bad.
I also wish it was good but I hate it because of the "lol epic and wacky randomness" garbage. I can't take any of it seriously, unlike Jojo where I can buy the characters' seriousness despite the situations and such being so ridiculous.
Do arena fighters ever go anywhere competitively? They sort of come, die and then thats it.
Gundam is the top dog in Asia but that's it. Dissidia Also has a lot of (female) players in Japan
Why are there so few animation frames? Are they trying to replicate Trigger QUALITY?
If KlK had more characters if would have been a Musou you know it's true.
They are trying to aim for anime 24fps frames to make it look more like the anime.
Anime games are never good
Most anime is animated at 12 frames per second in most scenes. The unique drawn frames are held on screen for two frames to be the standard 24fps of film.
I would be a happy man if they did a 2D KLK fighter that turned into prime basketball kusoge like HnK.
*blocks your path*
I feel like they should have animated on 1s instead of 2s because the camera moving so much in a 3D space and so smoothly destroys the illusion for me. Also, the fact that I can clearly tell I'm looking at 3D models, more so than GG and DBFZ.
will it have anime cutscenes or a bonus animation or what
Script was thrown out halfway through the show because the writer didn't want it to be a "villain of the week" type thing anymore.
No Buy.
You forgot to include Kneesocks
No, I didn't. We'll be incredibly lucky if we get anyone, so I'm only banking on actual important characters.
found a potential muslim shooter