Can someone explain this ad to me?
Can someone explain this ad to me?
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He used to be obsessed with his fuckable wife, but the product being sold is so good that he'd rather spend his time with the product than fucking his wife.
>tired of fucking your hot wife? go buy a video game console and play that while your wife has sex with jamal
video games are more appealing and fun than having sex with biological women. this is a fact of life and the main reason women bitch about things in them so much - jealousy.
Work on your insecurities bro.
Video games turned her loving husband into a hateful, misogynistic incel.
This is what it really meant
That the guy is autistic and can't spare a few minutes to spend time with what I presume to be his wife even though I don't see a ring on either hand because he's too busy playing video games. Even though the games are available at any given time and she would be well within her rights to leave him if he keeps it up
Subliminal messages in vidya turned him into a faggot.
does jamal play, too? i could use some help on this one part and i dont wanna buy a guide, fuck that.
i have another controller
Fuck bitches, video games are superior.
Patrick Bateman on his downtime
This is some low tier bait
No matter how hot she is, somewheres a dude whos sick of her shit.
What game is he playing? Looks like a fun beat 'em up.
This is just what incels tell themselves to stave off the inevitable mass shooting.
>one of the modern generations most absolute truths is bait
ok roastie
Ok incel
sounds like someone got sick of your shit years ago and you are too fat, ugly and miserable to find another sucker
This could apply to literally any person in history since the beginning of time. Most people don't start out as fully realized well-adjusted people. There's always at least one nauseatingly shitty thing about every person because every person has a degree of selfishness that they need to overcome. The only difference is that now Ug can't bonk Oog over the head to make her shut up.
Whatever you need to believe to get through the day, incel.
Dumbass. Holy fuck.
Being sick of people's shit is a 2-way street.
Do you own ironically believe that there are women that are so jealous because they can't hook up with a bunch of nerds that they probably weren't attracted to begin with. Video games are not even halfway that prevalent especially when there are thousands on top of thousands of other Chad's that they can hop onto.
based and redpilled
Incels hard cope with the fact that they'll never touch a woman.
the majority of women who complain about shit in video games, like violence and nudity and lack of diversity, never fucking play them to begin with. they just want to ruin the hobby because it takes "hurts the image of women" that they've been trying to build up since the sexual revolution.
men who agree with them are traitors to their gender and should be castrated.
this man was a psycho who beat his wife every day because he couldn't control his violent urges. He uses videogames instead now. Videogames literally saved her life
i kek'd way too hard
He will MAGA, he will
Of course, you fucktard. How do you think all those 9/10 celebs end up single?
why does she look so upset? why would she put on white lingerie if she was expecting to get beaten to a bloody mess?
Don't you have something better to than promoting your feminist propaganda on Yea Forums nobody gives a shit here about that landwhale
That's a mighty fine hyperbole that you have there. That's also not what you were originally arguing or at least not with the post that was linked to was arguing. Which is that women were jealous of video games and that being part of the reason why videogames were superior to literally half of the human race. As if hobbies hasn't been around since a controller was first invented.
>y-yer a f-feminist...
Shut up, incel.
She's not upset, she's very serious because she's delivering a message about how videogames saved her life, the lingerie is because more pople will pay attention
Sounds like you're the one who needs to cope. Please have sex.
as someone who is sitting next to his gf right fucking now as she types a bullshit paper about unions for a job she'll probably quit in a few weeks, i can safely say that damn near any hobby - stamp collecting, bird watching, anything - is a better way to spend time than a relationship with a female.
the fact that anyone would argue otherwise PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that NONE OF YOU have been around any women who weren't directly related to you for more than a few months.
that's clearly Marcus Halberstram tho
Did you watch the last AVGN episode or what?
Just because you finally landed some horrendous landwhale that annoys you and think you suddenly speak for all men in all relationships doesn't make it true. I've had fun with some of my girlfriends and some of them were fucking annoying. Get a backbone and break up with her so you can be an incel again.
roastie cope
With you?
Ever consider that women don't play video games because of stuff like violence, nudity and lack of diversity?
Motherfucker I have a family of my own. Stop being so arrogant as to believe that it's only by virtue of having a dick that you can't be irrational, illogical, or fucking stupid or annoying. Case in point arguing that women are terrible to be around on a Vietnamese rice farming board complaining that your girlfriend is complaining about something that doesn't matter as you also have a girlfriend. If that isn't the biggest case of irony then I don't know what is. Get over yourself.
>video games are more appealing and fun than having sex with biological women.
>biological women
Are you implying something user?
Based and truthpilled.
Why are you getting pissed off about completely true statements? They're not even really controversial unless you're a drone that believes everything you see on TV.
I'm not anyone previously in the thread by the way.
Women are generally annoying, controlling and stupid. Funny thing is so are men. We're all fucking trash
>Not watching your wife shiver as Jamal cums inside her pussy, impregnating her
that's the most chad shit there is, that man don't let the pussy control him, fuck off bitch i'm scoring frags on halo you'll be fed dick when I say so
she's had a hard life, and wants patrick bateman to kill her. but he's preooccupied with repeating 1s and 0s
Sorry, I don't have hot gay sex with seething incels.
you're not fooling me, robutt
You sound like a huge faggot, and I'm sure you'd be a broken mess if you two broke up. Because if that weren't the case, you would have broken up already.
Your normal operating baseline of the feel-good/reward hormone dopamine is X.
Sex pumps up that level to 2X
Vidya pumps that level up to 1.5X
So sex is a little better than video games, but video games are competitive. Now look at the cost: In a video game, the anxiety of playing is just losing (either to an enemy, another player, a time limit, etc.) -- there's not much there.
Compare that to sex. If you haven't had sex before, just imagine being in the most stressful situation you've ever been in. Now imagine that you were naked at the time, and someone was judging you, and timing you, based on how you handled it. Multiply that by 2 if you are self-conscious about your breath or weight.
The magazine advertisement is suggesting that this man has now opted to choose the pleasure rewards of video games over the pleasure rewards of sexual intimacy. This trend is noticeably widespread in zoomers.
>when men control things
>space travel
>when women control things
>1239023478203423049230987234908723 babies dumpstered
>video games are more appealing and fun than having sex with biological women.
not even an incel /pol/ack (proud lefty degenerate), but this is true for me and I've upset at least 2 women saying that to them.
>muh imaginary wife and kids
>user's gf is typing up a paper about unions for her job
>meanwhile user argues about women on Yea Forums
>It's user's gf that doesn't provide a good time, not user here, obviously
I wouldn't miss a second of a bvll working his magic though, he doesn't let me watch sometimes though.
>muh imaginary gf
See I can do it too
You really think there's no women working in high-end fields like that and actually deserve it? Surely you're not that delusional to think everything in the world fits into some stupid narrative. Accept you're probably just as horrible to others as the people you complain about and just get on with things man.
I didn't claim to have a girlfriend, retard.
as a married man i can confirm this is true.
Women BAD
None of you actually think like this, right?
Have sex
But you would have hot gay sex with anyone else?
i hope you don't one day come to regret starting a family. happiness now doesn't mean there isn't a lifetime of misery waiting for you in the future. never say never, you might one day finding yourself wishing she stayed a stranger - i've seen it too many times
Nah, you're probably a boring fuck, or you married a boring woman.
There's absolutely no better feeling than having sex constantly with a person you love.
With you? No because i'm not gay
don't cut your dick off, bro. it won't help and you'll never pass.
>only self doubt issues, chads don't actually have these
>actual costs
>divorce rape, alimony, the kind of life destroying trouble a woman can do to you with a single conversation with friends and family
>wrecking your car, getting herself put in jail, threatening roommates, buying stuff she shouldn't behind your back (note to fbi: haha satire)
>lies to everyone, they believe her because attractive
>pays no bills, doesn't lift a finger for housework
>her own dog runs around with matted fur and fleas until I wash it
>thanks no-fault divorce
>doesn't realize that is the literal answer to OP's retarded question
I might but not you 4 sure.
>You really think there's no women working in high-end fields like that and actually deserve it? Surely you're not that delusional to think everything in the world fits into some stupid narrative. Accept you're probably just as horrible to others as the people you complain about and just get on with things man.
Exceptions that prove the rule.
Me btw.
shes writing the paper now that its due in a few hours, she had a week. i spent all of yesterday working on an actual jobsite, while she spent the evening learning about the theoretical aspects of working on a jobsite. we stayed up til 2 am watching cartoons while i got drunk, she was laughing the whole time. god i miss China, IL
am i supposed to provide fun, food, money, a roof over our heads and a positive attitude at all times, simply because i'm the male half of this relationship?
Yes and every person that skateboards runs the risk of being a cripple. Every person that builds a building runs the risk of dying. And every person that becomes a general runs the risk of being shot. That's life, if you want to gain something substantial you have to risk something. I very easily could have spent the entire day of my life behind a computer bitching about the world while racking in my autism bucks and risked very little. And maybe that works for some people but I'm a bit more enterprising than that. You can't say that because there's a chance things can go wrong that there's no worth than attempting it at all. That's what the people who are arguing for the White Tanooki suit in Mario games want.
You really think you're not living in a matriarchy? Surely you're not that delusional to believe everything you hear out of left coast media. Accept that you're running cover for a societal trend that is killing us all.
Wah wah wah I'm SUCH a victim. Look how much I dislike my girlfriend, yet refuse to end the relationship.
Kill yourself.
cope harder
You first buddy.
Don't bother. Self-improvement isn't something that Yea Forumscan understand. It's much easier to blame their circumstances on the world and the people around them.
What is with all this "cope" "have sex" insulting? Can't we all just go back to calling each other faggots?
the only existing videogame genres are shooters and fightans
Get laid reply spammer
Shut up, stupid incel.
>What is with all this "cope" "have sex" insulting? Can't we all just go back to calling each other faggots?
Leftists and "centrists" that really haven't been in a long term relationship, but because they orbit several women, have fooled themselves into believing they have.
>calling each other faggots
can you, like, not?
No can do.
why amerimuts obsessed with cuck and black people ?
>if I can't get laid no one can!
This is the type of thinking literal incels use.
It gets repetitive after a while. No matter how much you mix it up it gets repetitive
i wish game ads were still funny, they used to have a distinct charm to them
>Angery enough to reply.
I do
You're not fooling anyone. If you were out there with people you enjoyed spending time with then you wouldn't be here spending time with us.
Maybe one day you will be able to understand that people think in ways that aren't literally option 1 or option 2.
You fuckers are so god damn stupid and annoying. This whole "My team, GOOD. Your team, BAD" mentality has completely fucked this entire nation
>Now imagine that you were naked at the time, and someone was judging you, and timing you, based on how you handled it. Multiply that by 2 if you are self-conscious about your breath or weight.
What kind of faggot are you? Sex IS one of the greatest things in life, the difference is you cant multiply sex. If you are horny, you fuck for an average 30 mins and then the magic is gone for the next 2-3 hours at least.
Videogames you can play for hours, if not days.
The best thing you can do is just achieve both, have regularly sex and play vidya in between resting.
what game is he playing
heh, this one is pretty good
You fuckers that think you're not pushing left ideology with every goddamn breath are more annoying though.
Name something out of your "I'm a centrist Kumbayah" playbook you think I might agree with.
Once again, either one of you or both of you are sexually boring. I had sex at least once a day for three whole years when I was with my ex.
patrick bateman got tired of trying to butcher that prostitute and discovered gaming.
>think of the children!
nice, you almost made me forget my question. pretty good bait, but lets get back to it.
you originally said i'm not the fun one since i'm sitting here woman hating on the internet while she does work. i explained that we had a lot of fun yesterday (and damn near every other day, fyi), despite me being tired from working for both of our sakes. in no way did i claim to be a victim - she does more for me than anyone in my life has or will. its a gift to have a chance make her happy and spend time with her, especially when i'm made aware of how many lonely fucking losers there in the world.
so like i asked before, am i supposed to always be the better half of the relationship because i was born with a dick and women deserve to be pampered and praised all day because the have pussies to cum inside of?
There was a really obnoxious trend after Austin Powers 2 to use the word "baby" in absolutely fucking every ad
The delicious irony of it is that this tribal mindset is the exact same indictment that Yea Forums uses to attack the feminists that attack them. It's almost as if both sides are completely insane and are more concerned with winning than proving any sort of point or improving the medium as a whole.
Imagine caring about black and mexican babies so much you shitpost propaganda images on a video game board.
I fixed it
Way to continue to let the point fly right over your head, you stupid fuck.
>improving the medium as a whole.
>We're improving the medium!
>Let's force a lot of shit instead of letting things sell or fail on their own!
>Why does everything suck now!
Shakespeare wrote plays to eat.
Imagine a stormfag trying to take moral high ground over me.
lmao a literal bible basher, why are you here?
So, you have nothing then, as expected. You can't even name a "centrist" belief.
The hilarious irony of this is that stuff that does sell, Yea Forums is vehemently against.
Lootboxes, gachas, DLC, etc. It all makes money. The market has spoken and you fucks still complain.
>imagine being raised by a young incapable and poor single mother and suffering a wide range of consequences of her life choices because she made a mistake in her youth.
Imagine if Game Informer ran this in 2019, it would be amazing
>all anti-abortionists are bible thumpers
>Why can't everyone stop with TRIBALISM and MUH STEREOTYPES lol
I'm an atheist and I'll be glad to outline completely secular reasons for preserving the sanctity of life.
Do you lack self-awareness or are you actually this fucking stupid?
Or this
Half of Yea Forums doesn't have to imagine.
>life is so bad, it's not worth living!
So just kill yourself instead of preaching to others that life isn't worth living.
oh, we're posting old ads now?
i guess i can share a few before i go play vidya
I'd like to imagine that it was after Army of Darkness.
>imagine teaching the young mothers everywhere that life has no value over convenience
I know you're not aware what a shitheel you are because media tells you you're a great person, but try objectively considering cause and effect sometime.
Even Jane Roe reversed her opinion before she died.
Stop thinking in a political mindset towards everything.
>projecting this hard
I'm sorry your mother didn't love you enough user but we're trying to discuss video game ads here
Imagine thinking a cluster of unthinking and unfeeling cells is alive.
That's not what I said fucknut. I said that neither side cares about improving the medium. At least with regards to here. Because the feminists that Yea Forums bitching about are bitching because feminist advocate for things like forcing the over-the-top costumes of Mortal Kombat to be tone down and covered up because there a secret cabal looking to ruin everyone's hobby out of spite and that censorship doesn't belong in video games and people should be able to make and play what they want to make and play. Yeah that sounds really nice until you also have Yea Forums bitching about the niche audience of females that actually do like playing video games and I've been playing them for years and funposting about manface threads whenever a developer wants to go for a more toned down art style. You can't have it both ways but Yea Forums does it all the time. I'll be the first to acknowledge that Injustice 1 looked like shit. But I would rather they keep trying until they actually do get realistic faces down which Injustice 2 was a massive leap in Improvement. But the topic of conversation back when Injustice 1 was new was that this was a secret ploy by feminists to ruin superhero video games when in reality it was just that the developers hadn't gotten down the face scan technology yet.
What is Shadow of Mordor. The market corrects or they die off. Or they become a paradise of whales and invalids that would otherwise be pulling the arm of a slot machine in Sunny Florida, ignored by the gamer market as it should be.
I did. Hollywood really overhyped it, not nearly as great as people keep thinking it is.
>not inviting Jamal to play with you
kys you no-friends loner
Translation: I blew my load in less than 5 minutes because I'm an inexperienced lay.
>muh paragraphs of trolly centrist justification
It's cool dude, you don't have to believe in anything on my account. People pushing leftist bullshit in media are imaginary like you said.
this is exactly the crux of my first statement. sex is not as fun as video games, and if it is, its only for a little while. its a brief period of engagement, even if you do it every day. video games are a lifetime hobby that will always provide something new and exciting as long as you are interested in it. women, or men if you're gay, can not compete with this.
My team, GOOD.
Your team, BAD.
Are you just intentionally not reading what I'm saying. I didn't say there wasn't a push from the left. I'm saying that the left doesn't actually care about the medium but neither does Yea Forums
And? You're supposed to cum you inbred whore. I don't give a fuck what the female feels.
Yay reductionism!
Dynamic constantly changing humans are incapable of being exciting? What do you think people were doing before video games were invented?
>most heterosexual couples have sex that lasts for an average of 19 minutes. Typically that amounts to about 10 minutes of foreplay and 9 of penetrative intercourse.
whats your point, lady?
White people as a whole are obsessed with black people.
Can someone explain this ad to me?
haha imagine cradling her belly as the seed takes hold within her womb haha and imagine feeling pride that your wife was impregnated with powerful genes as her belly sweels over the next few months hohoho that's a good one
You're bad at sex, so of course you don't think it's good.
>I'm saying that the left doesn't actually care about the medium but neither does Yea Forums
Yea Forums doesn't matter though, and feminists have all media gripped by their so.y chimpmunk balls. What does pointing out your le so neutrally based position do for vidya exactly?
Stop. There is more to life then sex. Get some help.
Nah I cum that what matters a fleshlight is better than pussy desu.
mentally ill retard that isn't even aware that he's doing it for free
>Not just having Jamal fuck you instead while you play vidya
>humans are dynamically and constantly changing
thats some of the dumbest shit i've read here in a while, but lets ignore that for a second.
>What do you think people were doing before video games were invented?
all the other fucking hobbies that existed before them? you wouldn't know this since you have no fucking friends, but people get boring, or worse yet, annoying and unbearable, after being around them for long enough. it happens to everyone, no matter how much you love each other. and to get back to you're retarded statement from before, people don't really change that much over the course of their lives, at all. you are who you will be when you're dead, and thats the same as who you were a few years ago. if you believe otherwise, you're being really fucking naive.
Because political mindsets have invaded and taken over Yea Forums entirely. Every argument is now based on if the other person has or has not had sex before. I dunno or understand these mindsets either.
Imagine being born with no sex drive at all. You literally cannot be sexually aroused. Its biologically impossible. Then you end up on this website. Everyone telling you to get laid any time you are critical of anything. My life is already a living hell, I would like to have normal discussion about video games instead of sex please.
>Call on jamals shit
>Challenge him to rev2 ft10
>become gamebuddys
>wife gets btfo
>she gets a dyke cut and dye her hair green
>she moves to london
>have blasblue tuesdays with jamal
Bros before hoes
Sounds like a plan
If you could same person you were from 10 years ago then unless you got everything right the first time you are actively choosing to not learn anything. People, as in well-adjusted people, fuck up a lot early in life and then either continue to fuck up or make changes and become a different person. Like the drug addict who became a sponsor to help other people. Or the guy who went to find a better family when he realized his woman he was with was a toxic cunt. If you and ironically never move for the rest of your life after the age of 20 then you deserve to be there.