Are the gathering professions profitable in vanilla? which are most profitable?

are the gathering professions profitable in vanilla? which are most profitable?

im mostly interesting in herbalism, mining and skinning, can i use 2 of thes and just sell shit to make money or is a crafting profession required to make any ?

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>are the gathering professions profitable in vanilla?
>which are most profitable?
depends on server.
>im mostly interesting in herbalism, mining and skinning, can i use 2 of thes and just sell shit to make money or is a crafting profession required to make any ?
I dont understand the question. work on your English.

Black Lotus will have 2 hour respawn timer in vanilla, so that thing will be super expensive and very heavily contested. In regards to leatherworking devilsaurus farming is so lucrative that actual multi-factional cartels have grown around it in the past on private servers. Overall it's less about having a profession and more about having friends that will cover your ass while you try to snag a node from very heavy opposition.

>desperately trying to shill this garbage

black lotus has 2 hours respawner
have fun farming thorium

>my own ability to comprehend english is so bad that you should work to improve your english to accomodate me

based brainlet, try reading his incredibly easy to comprehend sentence again

keep encouraging people with typos and poor sentence structure. that's the best way to kill the English language.

>in vanilla?
You better believe it. Back then there was exclusive gear that could only be crafted.

Farming rare companion pets was the easiest way to farm money...shame entire groups of Chinese farmers infest their spawn areas.

>I dont understand the question. work on your English.
Of the original nine in-game professions found in Vanilla World of Warcraft, I am mostly interested in dedicating my time to herbalism, mining, and skinning. Since I have not played this game in a considerable amount of time, I was wondering if my peers would consider me mercantile for hypothetically learning two of the previously aforementioned professions simultaneously; however, I have a strong sense of propriety and I fear that ultimately abandoning the learning of a crafting profession, regardless of the "Pyrrhic" lucre that I might gain, might leave me deservedly wanting.

Skinning is the "I just want to farm raw vendor gold" profession.
Mining and herbalism are the "I want to find gold nuggets and strike it rich every now and then" profession
Alchemy for flipping cheap herbs and selling transmutes
Enchanting for running an actual ingame business.
BS, tailoring, and LW for crafting gear
Engineering for general player power

You will be missing out on great crafting exclusive gear, but going dual gathering is more profitable. it is really a matter of priorities. furthermore keep in mind that most crafting professions (all except alchemy and enchanting) have specializations, which will limit your selection further.

Thank you, user.
>keep in mind that most crafting professions (all except alchemy and enchanting) have specializations, which will limit your selection further.
One more question. If I were to make a priest that I was later planning on raiding with, would it be wise to pick up tailoring immediately so that I could craft Truefaith Vestments or would this be superfluous when compared to my opportunity to make money?

what does engineering offer in terms of player power?

Trinkets (reflector, net, death ray, invis)
Gear (rocket helm, rocket boots)

Shields, stuns, sentries, guns.

Start with two gathering professions and fatten your wallet first. Once you're 60, you can quickly solo earlier areas and collect cloth to level Tailoring.

Usually it’s not worth grabbing a crafting profession from the start. I’ve leveled 4 characters to 60 and every time I’ve found it better to just take skinning + whatever gathering profession I’ll need in the future. Then at 60 just drop skinning in favor of the crafting profession you wanna pursue. The reason you take skinning is because leather vendors for a decent - and consistent - amount of gold, which you can use to buy your mount and abilities.


Truefaith is only slightly better than robes of the exalted. Hardly worth the effort.

+5 healing, 6 mp5 and 14 stam vs 11 spirit and 5 int

Making money from professions is for brainlets. Play the AH instead of wasting the time training gathering professions you're just going to end up replacing with ones actually useful on your class

>Black Lotus
roll a healer so you get free flasks for raids

If you take mining, make sure you have a fucking alchemist alt, trust me on this, you need Arcanite Transmutes.

He didn't make a single typo and aside from capitalization he only made two grammatical errors, at least in the last sentence you quoted.

Anyone that isn't a faggot brainlet retard like you was obviously able to tell his last question was asking "can I make money with 2 gathering professions or is a crafting profession required to many any(substantial money)?" which is why you're currently getting blown up now by multiple posters. Strongly consider killing yourself.

What's preventing the chinese from raping the market even harder these days? Chink botting has only gotten more sophisticated over the years and I suspect Classic is going to get fucking loaded with greedy assholes.

This makes a lot of sense, especially now knowing that Truefaith is only slightly better than what can be found in Stratholme.
Does herbalism actually make a lot of money or is the Black Lotus a meme?

>but going dual gathering is more profitable.
No it's not anywhere near as profitable as having a crafting profession. It's just far easier and more consistent amount of smaller income for someone that isn't trying to go full goblin in the server economy.

Uh oh, this is conflicting information.

>Play the AH instead
this. I'd say get dual gathering for main character to get initial funds. then make a Bank/AH dedicated character get it to level 10 and grab 2 crafting professions on it so you could some basic things for AH for some side money.

Wait, Someone remind me, aren't elixir buffs limited only by the buff cap and you can feasibly have six different potions/scrolls up at once?
Also isn't this before the release of Potion Sickness?

If you can reliably get it, yes. However, there's still a market for the other herbs as well, so it won't be your *only* source of income, just a solid boost when you get one.

Keep in mind that you can always work with a friend or guildmate to turn your herbs into potions for personal use -- leather and ores won't benefit you much as a cloth user, but can often sell for more.

I'm going enchanting and skinning while leveling. I'll only go enchanting so I can DE level 51+ shit greens and quest rewards for the mats I'll need for pre-bis enchants. I'll let another sorry sap actually level their enchanting and farm the formulae
Then when I hit 60 I'll powerlevel my actual professions

Honestly the biggest money maker is going to be wool farming and only someone who played classic would know why.

It'll depend on just how close to Vanilla Blizzard is going to make the rules.

Herbs will probably have the highest degree of market competition.

>Play the AH instead of wasting the time training gathering professions you're just going to end up replacing with ones actually useful on your class
OR you could just save up the materials you gather for the crafting profession you'll have eventually, and vender/auction the materials for your second gathering profession.
Then drop the second gathering for your final crafting profession once you've actually acquired or can acquire useful patterns for that profession.

I like you. But if you're just interested in just gold, go full Jew with gathering. Herbalism and mining are probably best. Skinning is the most profitable, but chinks will probably have the devilsaurs and stuff on complete lockdown.

what are you rolling
what world drop BOE do you want to find while leveling (it can't be sold, traded, DE'd, and you can't sell your account with it in your inventory)

You can only have one node tracker active at a time.

The point is to vendor the skins you get while leveling.

Man I really wish I knew how classic guilds managed the farming of MC trash for mats. Did they even bother and just prayed for good RNG on heart of the mountains or did they force their raid group to do farming runs before clears?

I have thought about going Herbalism or Mining but my levelling speed makes it impossible to skil these at a reasonable pace. It's always because I'm ready to leave the first two zones very quickly leaving me with ~15 skill in either, which is not enough later on. I also cannot stand running with basic movement speed looking for nodes when I could be moving to higher areas.

How do you deal with this issue? I always postpone levelling these two until I at least have a mount and even then I feel like I'm wasting time that should be spent on getting to 60 instead.

I never played WoW back in the day, considering starting now or when classic comes out. Would be fairly casual though. I used to play a ton of RuneScape and MapleStory since I was poor. Should I even bother with modern WoW?

>The point is to vendor the skins you get while leveling.
wot, why would I do that instead of selling it in the AH?

You can only have one flask active but you can supplement it with elixirs, scrolls, food buffs etc.

Don't bother with retail. You'll have to grind to 120 that is boring as fuck and will take you while. Once 120 you'll realize how retarded the game is and drop it.

In classic the fun start at lvl 1, and you'll have a great time and meet people as soon as you are starting.

please tell me

This sounds extremely tempting. While I often prefer to be a contributing crafter to myself and guild members, I think my lust for mammon is too great to ignore. Is there really no point in skinning, due to the potential influx of gold farmers, or would it still be possible to invest a significant portion of my time in an attempt to overcome these orientals?

bow of searing arrows

>want tailoring for RotV and BV set
>want engi for PvP
What do, bros? I'll level with skinning for vendor, mining to save mats for engi, but how do I make enough money at 60?


>he won't be trading his millions in retail in exchange for classic gold

As a rule of thumb;
>raw materials
Guaranteed source of income at no cost other than time. Heavy competition.
>Consumable crafting
Guaranteed source of income with material costs. Heavy competition, but you can often get subsidised by your guild, or work the auction house to spin a greater profit
>Gear/item crafting
Heavy material costs, often a high cost to get the recipe to begin with, but you can get very high returns, especially if you wait for times of scarcity.
Pretty much unworkable without a guild, but you'll be their best friend if you manage to get one, and get a great profit on the side.

This user gets it.

Because everyone with a brain picks Skinning as it's the easiest profession in the game to level. Because of that all kinds of leather makes it to AH in huge quantities, driving the prices down to the point you're saving yourself time and effort selling to vendor instead of trying to be yet another smartass undercutting the guy above him by 1 silver.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about fishing. Thanks!

>tfw putting 1 piece of leather with a stupid low price, lower than NPC price
>people start undercutting me
>I buy them all and sell them to the NPC at a profit
if I'm going to be surrounded by idiots I might as well make a profit out of it

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I'm going to rp as a girl and sell my premium snap in game for gold

Surely there will be people who bite right?

Based and vendor-pilled

I never thought about that. I always had a cutoff point where I'd just shove it in the bank until prices rose, and assumed everyone else did something similar.

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>put 1 piece of leather with lower than vendor price
>some faggot with an AH addon snipes it in a second

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low risk, high reward friendo

it doesn't always work

if you want to play dirty in a cleaner way, go enchanting and go full monopoly up the AH's ass, assuming Blizz won't police the AH like it is doing currently on retail

>assuming Blizz won't police the AH like it is doing currently on retail
wait what? Has it truly sunk that low?

>assuming Blizz won't police the AH like it is doing currently on retail
I played up to Wrath and I remember AH monopolies being a valid strategy. Nu-blizz makes me puke

You dont need herbalism to farm herbs ironically

Its not policing the ah, there are literally multiboxers spending their whole day undercutting people through a smart addon, with thousands of auctions and millions gold in profit daily.

Immensely, double gathering for the most dosh.

It also depends on what point the server is at.

If it's just at the Naxx 40 scenario, then just work your way up until you can get the herbalism mats up in Winterspring (I think) so you can sell them to alchemists because they need elixirs/potions out the ass. If you think you have enough multiply that by four I imagine (and I'm probably still wrong).

Allowing multiboxing was a mistake.

>TFW PVP is pushed back to phase two so there's time to stockpile Savory Deviate Delight

God damn I can't wait to see the level 19 bracket absolutely explode in the greatest games of Overgeared Assholes trying to be the lord of the WSG mudpit.

Professions are literally at their most crucial state in vanilla.

Sure, but you need a crafting profession alongside it in order to maximize your profits if you're considering the time factor.

This will absolutely work.

>instead of trying to be yet another smartass undercutting the guy above him by 1 silver.

what stops this from working?

Nothing really. But players seldom buy single stacks unless it's really higher end items.

you'll need to mirror the images and do some other edits so they can't be google image searched

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