Tanks are powerful if you don‘t know how to deal with them. All you have as a LAT is to shoot it in the ass, now the engine is fucked and you have a 15+ ticket loot piñata sitting ducks
tallil has the map design the game should have had from the start, why the hate?
Out of around 30 people on my friends list who played I'm the only one who ever gets on anymore and after one or two games I remember why they all left and I go play something else. RIP
Blake Collins
I wish habs started with a set amount of respawns and it was a third resource added to logis that resupplied them. This would make cutting supply lines and hunting logis a legitimate strategy which I think would be exciting. Logis would actually have to have escorts and would also stop defense turtling. That being said I'm not sure if the casual part of the player base could handle that, not to mention it would probably take too many people away from the actual frontline. Maybe when there are 100 man servers. Ammo kind of fills the role a little bit, if you're fob has no ammo and is constantly getting assaulted you're just asking for a vehicle reking when you're lats can't get ammo, but I think it'd be an interesting idea nonetheless
Grayson Murphy
This would have been a much better change than the 2-man disable
Colton Murphy
Yeah the 2 man overrun is a low threshold bandaid, but it has served its purpose. After it was implemented games matches improved drastically for me. I do think 2 people is too low now, maybe it could be like 4 or 5 people, or make a squad leader one of the required people for an overrun
Joshua Moore
It's been a while since I've played so maybe it's different but I recall LATS hell even HATS shooting tanks multiple time to no effect. As for the map, it was just too god damn big and open. There was so little cover. It was obvious it was made just for tanks in mind to let the 4 people using them run around getting free kills on the rest of the server.
Bentley Stewart
This honestly sounds like one of the best ideas I've heard for the game. It would only work with more people and more vehicles for each side though. It would actually make people want to fucking do logi runs
Robert Baker
as someone with 1800 hours in RS2 and 0 hours in Squad, you are wrong.