So now that linux has a bare minimum of 90% the performance in windows and up depending on the game, 100% open source AMD drivers that work right off the stock install, Steam Proton, and hilariously faster load times on the very same hard disk/ ssd from ext4...
Have you considered switching or trying a dual boot? Is there anything that isn't working that you're waiting on?
why would i ever, EVER, want to take the time and install linux on my already 100% fully functional windows pc that i havent had any issues with in over 4-5 years
Brandon Myers
I still use 7 so I'm good.
Nolan Anderson
I switched to Linux Mint completely a year and have zero regrets I only play indie/old games on PC nowadays, dorf fortress runs, rimworld runs, factorio runs and I play all other games on the switch
Grayson Ortiz
because anons on Yea Forums will make fun of you and call you a pajeet or something
Gavin Cox
Honestly if AMD sells an 8 core chip with integrated graphics I'm going to be running Gentoo with a pass-through graphics card for Windows in a VM, Linux is better when something is supported on it, but not enough is supported to fully cut the chord with Windows yet.