Why the fuck is this just not as enjoyable as the first game? Every time I start it, it has better everything. Yet something just feels off about it. Anyone else get this feel?
Why the fuck is this just not as enjoyable as the first game? Every time I start it, it has better everything...
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Yes I can't put my finger on it but somehow it's better but worse than the first game.
It's too bright, a lot of the levels are in daylight. Dunham had daylight levels too but the town was gray as fuck either way.
There is overall too much exposition. The first levels are also kinda meh.
Story-wise it's also less motivating. You already dealt with the villain as Daud in the DLC, and even then, the character you didn't pick is just turned into stone, not killed, so the "vengeance" angle is less pronounced. In the first game you were actually "dishonored" because everyone thought it was you who killed the Empress. In Dishonored 2 only morons would believe Delilah or whatever her name was.
Dishonored 1 has the comfy Hound Pits Pub with new stuff after each mission and all these sidequests that are interconnected and alter the world state. It feels like it reacts more to your actions than D2
I disagree, just sneaking through those levels feels amazing. The sheer amount of opportunities to fuck with guards and do weird shit. It's a great game, even though the characters weren't as interesting as in the first one.
I think a lot of things like these add up to it feeling like a slog; a lack of narrative focus. Personally, I don't feel there was enough (any) characterisation in the Emily-Corvo-Empire axis before you have to save her.
D2 is overall better than 1 (nothing more kino in vidya to this day than the moving mansion and the time travel level) and has better ideas but they fucked up the story by bringing back Delilah again. They literally do the same shit twice, for no reason.
It doesn't help that Emily looks like shit and is boring. Death of the Outsider had similar issues - amazing level design and gameplay coupled with an utterly awful story, but I liked Billy more than anyone from D2. It's just a shame she looks like an already ugly person after a heinous crack cocaine addiciton.
I mean... You know Corvo and Emily fucked.
There's less novelty and the story is much worse and rehashed. That aside, the game is better.
Dishonored 3 set in Tyvia when?