Why are fighting game controls so obnoxiously anti-intuitive with absolutely zero improvements since it was first...

Why are fighting game controls so obnoxiously anti-intuitive with absolutely zero improvements since it was first conceived?

Why is is acceptable to fight your controller and force your fingers to do uncomfortable, unnatural, movements that require multiple unnecessarily convoluted strings just to pull off a simple combo?

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Lose some weight and do some exercise burger boy, you are literally complaining about needing to move your fingers while sitting down.

Because fighting games are steeped with stagnation and a group of turbo autists obsessed enough to always buy their shitty lazily designed games that they don't ever have to improve

Also faggots like this are mad they had to learn the shitty controls so they want to make sure anyone who enters has to suffer through it like they did

>Why do I have to learn new skills to play a fighting game
>I would rather every character only have 4 moves for each button
>Movement should be easier too
>Let's just remove it
Go play rockk'em sock'em boxers or something. Entitled little shit.

Pic unrelated.

Looks like fighting games are just for you, maybe try Smash.

why cant shitheads accept that some things are difficult or complex because they need to be and people want them to be?
youre looking at a guitar and asking why it isn't as simple as playing guitar hero. it's an autistic and competitive genre based on ancient gook arcade games, let it fucking be, you can't come in and slap on some lowest common denominator 'fixes' and expect anything decent

you're playing kusoge

Because they are tied up to retarded gamepad design and whole console limitations. Some movements in fighter game are legit thumbs breaking.

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>Other games
>Move joystick and hit buttons
>Fighting games
>Do the exact same thing but faster

Fag detected.

Learning guitar is easy as shit. Scales makes sense, progressions makes sense, if you have any sense of rhythm and understanding of note progression picking up guitar or any instruments is easy as pie because of its intuitive design. Fighting game controls are fucking pants on head retarded with completely arbitrary inputs.

It's fun to learn I guess

>If you have a sense of rhythm and understanding of note progression...
>If you have a sense of blocking and frame data...
Either you're looking at it wrong, you haven't actually tried, or you're retarded. Try naughty dog games user, I think single player with no pressure might be more your style.

This could have been a nice n fun thread if only you weren't talking about fighting games.

DoA isn't exactly the best example since I found the inputs to be easier than most fighters, they actually are intuitive unless you are looking at the whole string at once instead of single attacks.

Im working on a fighting game with a small team. But im on Yea Forums so im probably lying. here are a few reasons.

-the difficulty or time it takes to perform some actions can allow the actions themselves to be useful in ways that would be too strong if performed in simpler ways

-the initial hurdle of execution is easier for most people to overcome than the strategy portion. as your winrate steadily goes up along with the familiarity of the controls, that is a satisfying feeling. Continuing to chase this satisfaction long after mastering the controls is what pushes you to really dig into every aspect of the strategy.

-the people that dont want to put in effort to learn convoluted controls probably wouldnt want to put in effort to learn the ins and outs of the systems and strategies. it is a casual filter. This is something that is easy to disagree with.

-fighting game players at this point know what they want. To go against that would be suicide unless marketed very very carefully.

-and more

because being able to do zangiefs SPD with a single button would be broken as fuck, inputs take time to do and also require you to release block etc and these balance the moves

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Possibility for technical error creates uncertainty in a genre that historically has minimal random elements. It is exciting for players and watchers
"He hit me with a big counter hit ... but will he finish the difficult combo and kill me? Maybe not!"
It is exciting.

Dude just slide the fucking analog stick from back to forward like a cup. It's not that damn hard faggot

The analog stick is too imprecise, I use the d-pad and I have fucking blisters on my thumb.

>inputs take time to do
Activation delay.
>and also require you to release block etc
Make it so that block doesn't work during activation.

>Can't do DoA inputs
Fighting games aren't for you then cause DoA has the easiest inputs out of all japanese fighting games.
Then how would you improve it user? How would you make it so you can play as King in Tekken, a character with over 100 moves be playable with only basic button presses? Input's are needed so you can't just spam the same attack over and over, as well as the fact that most characters in fighting games have more than 10 moves so you have to make it so there is a way to do those moves. If you can't do a fucking half circle then I'm sorry, you're just retarded.

>Playing a 3D fighter with a controller
There's you're problem. No one uses controllers for 3D fighters, get a fight stick.


>push ONE button
>the thing you want to happen is exactly what happens
Why aren't you playing the superior, more intuitive, more competitive fighter?

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nigga if you're still using a controller then play overhand on your right hand

what the fuck retard adapt to your situation i'm red rank and i play overhand on a rock candy controller

Having 100 moves is even more problematic than complicated input. Quantity over quality.

this game had so much potential but the feint/guard break system is such garbage and promotes dancing over playing

Oh it's frustrating too, having played this game for over two years now and the only change they really need to make are a few minor adjustments to feints and guardbreaks. Never gonna happen.

Just because you have 100 possible moves doesn't mean you're going to use all 100 in a match, or even ever. You learn which moves are generally regarded as good, and then which ones fit how you play, and learn how to work with them.

having useless options that nobody uses bloating your game is a definition of bad game design.

Feint central is never, ever going to be taken seriously

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Look at an RPG where the more powerful spells cost more mana points. Or an FPS, where the powerful weapons have downsides like limited ammo or have a low fire rate. You could choose an attack which does lots of damage, but it costs more resources. Across most fighting games, the common resource is time. Not just time for the round, but that the time you're inputting a command is time your opponnant is using to attack you. An attack with difficult input usually does lots of damage, but you're spending lots of time to input it, and that time could be wasted if you mess up the command. If you don't want that, you could play something like Hybrid Heaven where you picked your punches, kicks, and throws from a turn-based menu and they were instead balanced by stamina point costs.

So the Diablo games should do away with equipment drops, because there's only one optimum build per character, and choosing anything else than that is bad & bloated game design?

Yes and no
Yes because you're correct that everything you aren't going to end up using in the long run is useless trash.
No because the point of Diablo is to get tons of useless loot on your way to getting the good loot. It's more fulfilling to get something you want after having to deal with mountains of garbage first.
This doesn't apply to fighting games with massive move lists, because you can jump right to the good moves and ignore everything else.

>Feint central
>Not parry central

Feinting does absolutely fucking nothing in FH because a good player can simply abstain from attempting a parry before the attack passes the point of no return (that is, the point when it can no longer be feinted). Because this point is before it is no longer possible to parry, you can always just assume that an attack is going to be feinted unless it continues through that point of no return, at which point you parry.

>wah wah why are things difficult wah wah?
Because dudes like to get better at things and compete. You would understand if you had a dick.

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Is that bitch retarded?

Isn't it so, in an ideal game at least, that every character has a bunch of moves and options that they can use?

There's that vertical topdown yearly progression with the mario background about women and video games getting updated every year. It's too true sadly.

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I could do that stuff when I was a kid. Even a dog can do a quarter circle. There's a guy that literally plays with his face because he has brain paralysis (the guy in the pic).

Don't move your thumb around the d-pad. Use the d-pad as if it was a really short analog stick and just rotate the finger. I've tried to teach some friends to play fighting games and they always have that same issue.

Controllers are perfectly viable for both 2D and 3D games. At least for Tekken it is said that the dualshock is more efficient than the stick.

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They are really intuitive, have you tried playing on stick before?
Over time, I've developed the feeling that Smash (at least for Ultimate) controls like shit. Everything is so painfully inprecise and clunky to do something as simple as fast falling or dash dancing along with retarded design decisions like defaulting to a walk when you keep holding stick after landing from a jump, or how hard it is to face the proper direction to attack at times, and it all generally feels like you're fighting the game for an approximation of what you want your character to do rather than simply controlling them. I've played on both joycons and GC controller online and offline, and my conclusion is, it's just trash.