Random Encounters or Visible Enemies which one do you prefer?
Random Encounters or Visible Enemies which one do you prefer?
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Visible, easily. Random encounters are a product of NES era limitations. The fact that they've lasted so long is a travesty. The only "benefit" of random encounters is that they allow developers to be extra lazy with the level design.
random encounters are only still used because of "tradition" when both Pokemon and Dragon Quest had their most recent titles have visible encounters and it improved the pacing of both games noticeably
The idea is that catch you unawares. That's the point of tall grass. This new game had much bigger problems.
Visible for caves and water, random for grass.
You can avoid water and cave encounters.
Grass is thick so you can't see the mons.
No encounter, it's tedious, boring and a waste of time. Just get me to the fun part.
random encounters
only basedboys who are too dumb to plqy the games say otherwise
visible but stylized in a way so that you dont know the exact pokemon youre gonna fight.
Random. Only scrubs and idiots like visible so they can plow through the game without any challenge.
+Surprise of what you're going to get
-Unable to avoid them
+Can avoid easier
-Lose all surprise
I'm torn honestly. What if there was an option for both?
Random is much better in the context of Pokémon. I would agree for most RPGs that Visible encounters, but not for Pokémon. Also, it completely ruins certain ways of playing
Are you roleplaying a blind child. At least the implication for random is they're jumping out at you
Visible was the only good thing about lgpe and gamefreak removes it, not even surprised at this point
Visible. Many different types of on world encounters that have their own patterns that chase you so you have to know how to juke each.
You can have visible random encounters and invisible deterministic encounters.
How the fuck are random encounters "smart", if anything it's a much dumber system.
>have to account for enemy movement, player movement, and the level design
>unga bunga step counter variable + RNG
Random encounters. I really don't know why you'd want anything else. It's not like this is a gigantic open world or whatever where there's actually space for a Pokemon to exist. They have to all cram into this 8x8 patch of grass. It looks dumb.
never played or watched the Let's Go games. how do shinies work there? is the variation and/or quantity of pokemon limited due to how many of them are around?
Random by far. The world isn't nearly big enough to do visible encounters well.
random all the way
Random because Visible ruins Nuzlockes and Nuzlockes are the only way i've managed to have a bit of fun with nu-Pokémon
random, because I don't want to know what I am getting.
So you consider walking around in the overworld the fun part? What is the fun part if not the battles?
SMT IV did it with a “monster like figure runs in you”
Optional random with visible being default is the patrician system
Random. I hate visible enemies.
>Random encounters are a product of NES era limitations.
no they are not, it's about surprise
You know you can still have surprise with visible enemies right? It just takes a lot more work than a step counter to implement.
Visible but stop designing the world with the limitations of a fucking Gameboy in mind.
honestly id like something along the lines of seeing a vague shape of certain body types, like the pokedex from gen 4.
Do the mons in LGPE interact with the player (ie: rush towards them / run away) or do they just wander around?
That guy is having more fun than I do when I play games and I hate that.
The wild mons in LGPE are oblivious
>Optional random
What a fucking retarded idea. "Optional" core gameplay elements? If I'm playing your game and I find out I can just fucking turn off random encounters, I'm closing the game, returning it to the store, and losing all respect for you as a game designer. Fucking stupid.
And it was fucking horrible
Random obviously
Imagine how ecstatic he'll be when he scores for the first time
> if he will
Random. Even if I preferred visible, it would be a huge undertaking to fit the many more Pokemon in SS into the current map design compared to fitting the original 151 into LGPE
ORAS silhouetttes
Random because I just don't like how cluttered routes look with visible enemies. It looks strange, like your walking through an exhibit at the zoo instead of out in nature with wild animals.
Visible enemies would be cool if there were some sort of territory system where certain mons kept to different sub areas of a route and you had to hunt down the one you want by following footsteps or other signs that they're in the area. The amount of work that would go into something like that to account for the sheer number of Pokemon available makes this pretty much impossible, though. There are probably other issues with this system that I'm not thinking of, too.
I prefer random encounters for Pokemon, though the occasional visible encounter in ORAS and being able to use the dexnav to force a visible spawn was pretty good. Pokemon has done a decent job of building its routes around how the random encounters work, it would be disingenuous to imply it's the same as in every other RPG that features random encounters. There are safe places, and unsafe places. Sometimes tall grass is set up so that there is a more encounter-efficient way through it, or items will bait you deeper into the tall grass. Some routes have shortcuts or one-way paths that allow you to circumvent encounters. It only becomes more like a classic JRPG in dungeons and water.
I don't see what visible encounters adds to the game besides the ability to avoid battling, and the ability to see what the encounter is going to be. As for the former, there are already ways to reduce or eliminate encounters, moving more carefully through grass and spending money and time buying and using repels. The fact that both of those are more conscious choices works better. You SHOULD be getting into a certain number of encounters. The encounter rate is a way for the game to remove guesswork. If you go through a cave without repels, you most likely earned about as much experience as you were expected to. If I can see the encounters and have to choose to bump into them, how do I know when I've done "enough" of them to keep in line with the level curve?
The latter reason, being able to see what you're going to encounter, has more merit, but I personally don't think it matters much, and it's almost entirely moot with dexnav, not that I expect gamefreak to be smart enough to bring it back. I don't see why people pretend that it eliminates things like low% encounters. Rare pokemon will still be rare spawns, they're just decided outside of battle instead of when battle is initiated, and it's harder to "roll again" for that spawn than just starting a new battle is.
Random battles are mainly a holdover from Wizardry-style dungeon crawlers, where combat is less a challenge in and of itself and more a source of unavoidable attrition that has to be managed as you plan and navigate an efficient route. You can clear most combat encounters in one or two turns but at the same time will take unavoidable losses through ambushes and crits no matter what you do, because your goal in battles is just to minimize losses in order to conserve limited resources. In that context randomness makes sense, because the individual battles matter much less than your overall actions over a long period where the randomness becomes statistically predictable. It's comparable to something like the Oregon Trail, where individual events are random but perfect play makes success a statistical certainty over the long term. The battles are only actually random to keep the games from being completely deterministic and therefore solvable.
Modern JRPGs tend to avoid the whole issues of resource attrition and navigation, or at least make them fairly trivial. In those contexts the actual battles become much more important because they're the only sources of challenge, and I think in that case randomness becomes much less desirable. To take an extreme analogy, people are fine with rolling dice for movement in a board game, but a game that's nothing but rolling dice would get boring pretty quick. I can see the appeal of mitigating randomness in non-dungeon crawler RPGs.
Visible, but 3d pokemon is still shit. Look to the Earthbound and Mother 3 for prime examples of overworld encounters done right.
I prefer visible. The problem with LGPE is that the map is way too fucking small so the giant overworld models feel out of place
Why take away the mystery of what I'm going to encounter next?
Random Encounters since im old school like. it also encourge you to actually explore the area or hunt down the pokemon you want.
A mix of the two is neat.
Emerald best Pokemon game.
Prove me wrong.
>that hand flapping
Random encounters come from the idea of collecting, so you would have to be lucky to find a certain pokemon. The only way visible pokemons could work is if the world was huge and encounters in general pretty rare. Which would make the whole game pretty tedious and boring. Just imagine a Skyrim about collecting bear pelts or something.
You only say that because that's how pokemon have always done it. If they just did visible it would be a much better game.
Random encounters are good because they ensure your team stays at a certain minimum level unless you just flee all battles. With visible enemies you can never be certain how many you should be killing to keep up with xp but also not get overleveled. Not that that matters in modern pokemon games because you can probably ignore everything and still faceroll the whole game.
If anything visible encounters encourage you to explore. With random encounters you can just run around in the same patch of grass until you find what you're looking for.
you get used to it. atleast when you get ambushed, you only had yourself to blame.
Random for pokemon, they look ugly and retarded when they just waddle around in the tall grass. The whole point of the grass is that they're hiding in there, but now it's just a magical spawn area that spits out pokemon all day.
The bigger problem is the boring take on turn based combat Pokemon has. It just feels slow and dull compared to other JRPGs with turn based systems.
Kill yourself, normalfag.
Are you retarded?
Part of that is due to only having one "party member" on the field at a time. That's why the gamecube games were so much better, as every battle was doubles
>Named Pikachu 'Twitch Prime'
I can't wait until the bubble bursts and leaves all these fucks penniless.
So let me get this straight. The two new games are SS but there’s no /ss/ symbolism? Where’s my mommy x shota art renaissance?
Gen 7 had a few cases where specific grass patches had unique encounters, rather than it just being done route by route. There have also been other ways to diversify means of encountering pokemon throughout the series, like fishing, surfing, headbutting trees, and putting honey on them. Items like TMs and hold items, which are another facet of team building and customization, already do a pretty good job of incentivizing the player to explore nooks and crannies that otherwise wouldn't entice them.
not really since there is a difference between small grass and tall grass in encounters.
Random Encounters but with at least one of every catchable pokemon in the area visible
Then you should have no problem with random encounters.
A giant open-world where the visible enemies look natural and not like there's only ten animals in this entire forest.
Now if only there actually was anything to explore in these games.
Visible is better. Devs sometimes being lazy and making them look shit in the overworld is another issue. Random just adds stupid tedium
When was the last time i had that feeling? Lucky guy.
This idea of making a Pokemon game not a Pokemon game comes from a bunch of retards that just want to enjoy something they play only because it's relevant. These are the fuckers that ruined the concept of Pokemon GO, and don't even have it installed anymore. It's the typical case of alienating a fanbase.
Route design is another issue, but yeah.
Shinies appear shiny in the overworld. There is a noticeable limit to how many pokemon can appear on the screen at a given time.
Unless they can replicate overworlds and its inhabitants similar to most open world RPGs, it just looks kind of stupid to see them flock around grass patches like they're caged or something
So you enjoy buying the same exact game with no improvements?
Fuck off. I have been playing Pokémon for almost two decades and I want them to finally stop producing mediocre trash and to actually evolve as a series.
Visible is better, but maybe there are creative ways to contextualize it better. Like tall grass could conceal most of the pokemon bud you would be able to see movement and maybe a small body part so you can make an educated guess as to what pokemon it is. Or pokemon hiding behind rocks in caves or hanging out in trees. This is what I was hoping Switch Pokemon would be.
It is dull and boring. Let me run in circles on that 2x2 patch o grass to trigger 1% encounter while running away from rest since fighting would waste more time. It is depressingly dull
Visible because, you know, IT'S STILL FUCKING RANDOM.
You enter a route and pokemon spawn randomly even though you can see them.
>This idea of making a Pokemon game not a Pokemon game comes from a bunch of retards that just want to enjoy something they play only because it's relevant
I think it comes from people who consider(ed) themselves "big pokemon fans" primarily because of the anime. There's certainly a connection that can be drawn between how the anime presents pokemon and the people that want to explore sprawling forests with real-time battles and go to every region in one adventure.
Go was shit from the start but.
I'd be sort of okay with this. NPC visible Pokemon in the patch that you can interact and talk with on the overworld but random encounters is the only way to battle and catch. Maybe even have the visible mons only appear at the same rate as their random spawn rate to maintain rare encounters.
As opposed to running into visible encounters over and over again until you trigger the 1% spawn on the overworld? Don't forget that every time you finish a battle you get to wander around a little to make sure the pokemon you want didn't spawn off screen or behind something before you get into another battle.
2 years ago Nintendo worked to the bone and released a Zelda game that was unlike any other before it. It was critically acclaimed and very successful. Gamefreak, who are in charge of the most successful game IP of all time, won't even fucking try. They release the same shit with the most shallow gameplay changes over the previous version.
Visibile > Random with items that can stop encounters > Random
Grandia and Persona do it correctly. You can avoid to fight them if you're low on health, but you need to sneak by otherwise you'll be ambushed or you can preemptively strike them to ambush the enemy to stagger them/strike first which works great.
Random with items you can turn them off is great as well, FF8 and Pokémon is fine because it allows you to just turn off encounters with items you obtain/buy and makes them less of a burden.
Random just sucks most of the time, especially if the encounter rate is high as fuck and one step encounters after battles happen frequently like they do in FF7.
Most of the visible encounter arguments can be boiled down to this-
>It looks better!
All this cancer started with GO. Truly the cancer that killed the franchise
the thing is there are certain complexities that not being able to detect enemies at a distance provide in terms of decision-making (especially if you have limited ability to replenish resources). if you can perfectly avoid enemies this can trivialize resource management in games.
>Nintendo dev teams and Gamefreak dev team aren't the same
>Zelda took years and had multiple delays
>Gen 8 barely 2 years of development
There's no way you should be expecting Gamefreak to do what Nintendo did. Especially not with one of their first forays into console development.
I don't give a shit about the anime. I just want GF to finally make a good game again. The last two gens have been shit and Gen 8 looks no different, so what's wrong with wanting them to change up the formula?
Just make it like SMT where you can see with the light thing when you are getting random encountered
I don't understand the whole "random makes it more challenging" thing. Do people live in some type of fantasy world where running isn't a battle option with a damn near 100% success rate?
>Gen 8 barely 2 years of development
Hot take coming through, I don't think there should be encounters at all. I think every fight should be a crafted experience, even if there's fewer of them. If you're playing a tabletop RPG you won't have dozens of forgettable fights against fodder, you'll have a few memorable ones that are actually fun.
99% of the time I prefer visible in the overworld, the only instance where I like the random encounters is in Nuzlocke type personal challenges where random pokemon add to the excitement of a new area.
There's nothing wrong with wanting a better game. Gamefreak is incredibly incompetent. I just don't think changing the core mechanics and appeal of the series is necessary to make a better game. I think it can be detrimental, in fact. Let's Go changed plenty of things and it was still quite bad, even worse than usual, because Gamefreak is shit.
I don't have any problems with random encounters. Life's not smooth sailing, if you get attacked, you gotta deal with it.
It's nice when encounters are disabled during puzzle rooms though.
pen and paper games are where video games inherited random encounters
>Visible encounters
>Forest path gets swarmed by weedle and caterpie
>Surfing routes full of tentacool
>Have to battle and beat multiple visible ones in the off chance a rare spawns somewhere nearby and you can get to it
Please tell me how any of this is an improvement, I'm dying to know
The GM has full control over when he brings in enemies, and doesn't just roll a die every 5s to see if a new enemy will attack.
Let's Go was low effort trash. I want them to make changes that would require actual effort. I'm just sick of all these mediocre games to the point where I just want them to ditch the old formula and make something new.
Maybe for other JRPGs, but that wouldn't make any sense at all in a game like pokemon about collecting a vast quantity of monsters that are not only different from one another in terms of species, but vary within their own species statistically. Trainer battles are already crafted experiences, even though they're rarely crafted well.
>Let's make a pokemon game
>Excet trainers cant battle pokemon AT ALL
>They get stronger by catching more pokemon!
>They catch pokemon by throwing pokeballs in a specific way!
>No live trainer battles, let them fight somebody else' pokemon in a gym!
What the actual fuck were they thinking
>No live trainer battles, let them fight somebody else' pokemon in a gym!
What? You can battle both NPC trainers and other players.
Yeah, I'm not talking about Pokemon specifically, but just RPGs in general. If they absolutely must have random encounters, they should at least put in some effort to make them feel slightly scripted like Chrono Trigger.
>Game Freak has begun developing a core RPG Pokemon title on Nintendo Switch
Key word being "begun".
I've never liked random encounters. Just let me choose what I what and when I want to fight instead of having the game force encounters on me that only serve to waste my time.
>It just feels slow and dull compared to other JRPGs with turn based systems.
Because it is.
In Pokemon things like the hp bar being drained from taking damage, playing the attack and damage animations and displaying the "Pokemon used X move" messages and such are all done one after another instead of at the same time if appropriate. All this slowers the pace of battles.
Visible enemies.
are you doing a "the gm can just ignore the system" argument
man i hope the dm's kobold raid of the encampment during the night was a real epic and memorable roleplaying experience for you on your way to level 3
And it's releasing in late 2019, meaning more than two years of development at least.
Its for retards that want to avoid playing the game, as if Pokemon needed to be any easier.
They most likely started right after Sun and Moon were done, which will have been three years time when Sword and Shield come out. Although I'm sure they spent most of that time figuring out how to make a game that renders in 16:9 with textures people can actually see.
>He doesn't give any context to his encounters
>He just says "There's a bunch of baddies all of a sudden, go get em"
I would guess not more than 2.5 years in total given they were still working on LGPE at the time and that they'll need to finalize game code at least a few months in advance.
>I've never liked random encounters. Just let me choose what I what and when I want to fight instead of having the game force encounters on me that only serve to waste my time.
But battling through an unrelenting onslaught of enemies is part of the game. The other user is right, it's nice if you can avoid encounters with some investment, but if you run through a dungeon, forest, cave or whatever, you shouldn't be able to just walk through with no issues.
I was talking about Go, the shit meme game that started this whole mess
Left. It was 1 of the best improvements ever introduced.
Visible enemies but you don't know which pokemon is which.
Or, visible enemies with real time combat.
How is it any different from random encounters if you don't know which Pokemon you're seeing?
I don't think the same core team was working on LGPE. And as far as the game needing to be finished in advance so it can be printed and distributed and such, that is true, but it was also true for every other game they've made, meaning Sun and Moon were finished a couple months before release as well. I can't say definitively that they started working on the next game then, before Sun and Moon were even out, but it is possible. Pre-production and planning, at least.
Repels exist. There's literally no point in battling random wild Pokémon since Trainer battles give you all the exp you need to play through the game.
It's ok to be excited.
It's not ok to be excited like that.
I think they'd want everyone working on either LGPE or Town cause the entire company needed to get familiar with Switch hardware. Those 2 surely cut into the meat of SS development.
>But battling through an unrelenting onslaught of enemies is part of the game
I battle trainers, not random Pokemon.
I always run away from random Pokemon because they're just a waste of time. Trainers give enough EXP to get through the game.
>No point in battling wild pokemon
Do tell me how you plan to catch and level up your pokemon then? Because if you've played any decent pokemon game, you'd know that trainer battles alone are simply not enough to level up to a passable level
You can avoid them. Half of what makes random encounters so tedious is you're forced into.
If you can just see exactly what pokemon you want, that's all you'll ever go for and you'll never want to engage in the battles needed to get stronger.
Probably Exp. Share and never replacing Pokemon so that the first 6 caught never fall behind.
You can just fuck off so they all despawn and then immediately come back for a completely new batch of pokemon, you know?
when you plot these random encounter zones in a p&p game you decide that there are goblin patrols in this area, because they are looking for a mcguffin, and you systemize it so the dm doesn't have to write an essay for possible decision point the players make. maybe you encounter them if the party goes through this area days 3-5 or maybe the party decides to go a different route and up stumbling into a bugbear's territory.
video games have way less abstract thinking involved in their systemization, because you have to teach extremely dumb computers how to do them. this hollows out the games quite a bit, but it's an adaptation of the systems from the p&p games the designers played, and unless you are playing a system that is far less hack & slash you will encounter these systems in p&p games.
I can't tell if this post is serious or just exclusively plays difficulty romhacks
Fucking what? I've played through several Pokémon games dozens of times and trainer battles are the only thing you need to get through the game, unless you're too retarded to beat the game without being overleveled.
Then how do you level up, dipshit
With random encounters I opted for worse movesets with higher PP just I so have bother buying ethers. Random encounters bog down the experience and turn it into grindfest it doesn't make the game hard it makes it longer. when you have small maps with limited space this made sense in old days. Lets Go its clutter fest and it looks bad because their AI is fucking retarded. Being able to see pokemon roaming greatly adds more atmosphere.
Visible 100%
If I'm just trying to pass through and not worrying about level grinding, I don't want to be stopped every 5 seconds to deal with some fuckboy who couldn't mind his own business
A good alternative is being able to just turn random encounters off with the press of a button
Visible is better in theory and has more potential
If we had some big open world game where you could see groups of rapidash running across plains and pineco in trees, and flocks of pidgey in the sky, and dratini jumping out of the water that would be better. And you couldn't just battle one out of the blue by looking at it, you would would have to track and force it to battle because no animals *want* to fight, they much rather flee.
If you caught one rapidash the others would take off, they wouldn't stand there one by one for you to take them all down.
SINCE WE CAN'T GET THIS YET, random encounters work much better.
LGPE visible encounters were nice, but not executed as good as they should.
Random. The visible enemies clutter the screen since the world has a very small scale.
You know, Pokemon isn't the only RPG, I was talking in a more general sense.
>There's literally no point in battling random wild Pokémon since Trainer battles give you all the exp you need to play through the game.
It's just part of the course. You walk through the natural habitat of some monster, you get attacked by it. Even if encounters were visible, you should get attacked a few times while traversing a forest or a cave.
There is no route or dungeon in the series that is so grueling that a team of 6 pokemon won't have enough PP to handily clear it unless you deliberately pick the lowest PP moves available and opt for like three status moves per mon.
random, because it triggers normies
>Want a rare pokemon to appear in a route
>Run all the way to another area to despawn all the pokemon in the route, then return
>Pray to god that the new mob contains the rare pokemon
>Somehow this is better than fleeing random encounters
Visible works for a game with 150 pokemon.
With a full dex it'll just be a cluster fuck and a mess.
At least it saves time.
Or bring DexNav back.
>tfw playing a couple days ago at a family BBQ
>got a shiny Chansey
>went "Oh nice" audibly
I think he's purposefully acting up a bit for entertainment value.
As a kid i thought it would be cool to sometimes see the pokemon sprites peeking out the tall grass sometimes.
Im 18, am I starting to become the boomer who thinks old good new bad?
I think it should be mostly random but have shinys and rare mons show up on map
I'm pretty sure he was parodying the old shiny ponyta video, at least partially.
It would be frustrating and funny if you're running towards the shiny, you trigger a random battle, and the shiny despawns.
Visible overworld enemies are better in theory, but the way pokemon games are built doesn't work with the idea because in the end you're going to be walking around enemies 100% of the time
Pokemon needs some subtle change to make overworld enemies work, because random battles are bullshi
Bit of both.
Visible adds some nice flavor to the over-world but there still should be some bastards ambushing you in tall grass or from the trees.
Thats my dream, if you are dumb enough to forget repels then you dont deserve the shiny
Except that from the beginning almost every Zelda game was very different from the last one. Pokemon main line of games were always very similar and had the same mechanics, and that's what fans want, actually. We just want new Pokemon, characters and a well developed map. This is the problem, lazy ass level design, not the randomness of the encounters, which increases the fun of finding rare Pokemon... in order to have a decent visible encounter you would need huge areas, and changing the whole game to be exploration based. Sounds good on paper, but it's a terrible idea for a GF game, let alone a Pokemon one, mainly for portable devices on the go.
Random, I am not a fucking new Z gen kid with horrible taste
They removed visible encounters because that can't handle stable fps, don't even be surprised, GF is lazy af
>unlike any other before it
Except, you know, the very first game
but pokemon isnt designed for people from the special ed class
hows school today btw champ
>Encounters appear as generic rustling grass/dust clouds/bubbling water in the overworld that move around
>Surprise is maintained because you can't see what they are until you run into them and the battle begins, but encounters are no longer truly random
It's baffling that Game Freak never just expanded on this because they already had elements of it as early as Gen 5, and then again in Gen 6. It'd work especially well for them given how lazy they are, all the benefits of overworld encounters without the need to give every Pokémon new animations.
When you have roaming enemies you need to think about level design and code movement AI, Things Gamefreak clearly is to inept to handle, clearly Mr. billion dollar Pokemon Company is unwilling to open another studio to handle development with the staff required for modern AAA development.
I said this on some other thread the other day. Basically you'd just avoid any fights you didn't have a super effective for or just avoid everything altogether. It completely removes any sort of tension, even if nowadays the tension is from self imposed challenges as the games aren't difficult.
>B-but dragon quest
Fuck off anyone who says this. Look at the overworld for DQ11 and then at Pokemon. They're completely different.
Random encounters are fun because they are like a gambling game.
And gambling is always fun.
Visible would be nice with normal wild battles
Catch mechanics in LGPE are fucking shit
nobody wants to gamble when theyre surfing on the water trying to get somewhere retard
Shouldn't you be busy sucking Jamal and Tyrone off?
Never played bravely default?
no one wants to get leukemia either
welcome to the rota fortunae
that's not the question you dumb fucking spastic
hows special ed class
I fucking hate it when people use Breath of the Wild as an example because Breath of the Wild is unironically Nintendo's FF Versus XIII/ XV in terms of the inputs needed to make the game.
A fucking massive amount of manpower and budget went into it and the game was made by multiple game studios, internal studios like the Zelda teams and external studios like Monolith. ONE OF THE MANY TEAMS that worked on Breath of the Wild is already larger than the entire team that made Let's Go and almost the full size of the "mainline Pokemon dev team".
Or every tales game
Prefer random encounters desu
I like grinding a section of grass for a pokemon I want to make everything visible kind of defeats the entire purpose of an RPG it's suppose to be grindy not hold your hand throughout the game
Viable to find or fight a mon i need. Random encounters are for boomers
>+Can avoid easier
There are some Tales Of games that unironically make random battles better because enemies move really fast or are hard to avoid so you end up fighting way more battles than random battles. Innocence is the first that comes to mind.
Depends on the game.
Open world with lots of exploration and designed around a combat/level system where mandatory fights make up the majority of your levels? Sure, go with visible enemies.
Anything more narrow or linear, I would much rather just have random encounters to not block out the area design. Getting in fights should be a part of the game, not a punishment because you can't use the movement system properly.
You have no idea what the purpose of an RPG is. The clue is in the name.
Yeah I get it Role Playing Gamu but what I meant was turned based combat since generally that's what a good amount of JRPGs are
But if it was a mod you wouldn't give a shit.
You would probably praise the mod
>It completely removes any sort of tension, even if nowadays the tension is from self imposed challenges as the games aren't difficult.
So what you're saying is that nothing is gained from keeping the current encounter system?
Visible, but the game needs to be designed around it with larger areas. If it's going to be as cramped as normal games random works better.
Caves are dark and water is deep, your logic is flawed.
Ideally visible enemies, but done more naturally and integrated with the overworld like in the Dragon Quest Monsters games. You know, tough monsters patrolling, bird Pokemon nesting on trees, etc. But sadly Gamefreak is incompetent as fuck, so at most we'll get lazy walking animations like in LGBT.
Why does he start opening menus at random? NRG manipulation?
Overworld enemies are fine if they leave you alone. If they all chase you constantly like how they normally do then fuck that, that manages to be even more irritating than random encounters. It's irritating to run around like a retard playing catch instead of being able to walk normally through the area at your own pace.
Random because this is a catching game. Other trainers are already visible and avoidable.
they should give you 5 move slots instead of 4.
Can somebody explain why this guy is jumping around like a retard, i played a couple pokemon games as a kid but never got into it so have no idea what i am meant to be looking at
That horse's mane is blue instead of red... which is extremely rare
He's freaking out over a shinny Ponita.
And other then looking a tiny bit different does it have better stats or something
that's why the game itself gives you repels right???
Shiny Ponyta showed up on the top, Shiny Pokemon have an absurdly low rate of showing up so it's kind of impactful when it does happen.
>tfw lost a shiny on the Great Marsh and thanks to an NPC knocking it out in a double battle before I could catch it
Yeah, it has better stats on avg... not that much tho, it's more about the rarity than anything else, something like 10k/1
sleep tight fugger
random visible enemies
The sad thing is that Pokémon Ranger already did that shit 13 years ago
>Some Pokémon run away from you, some will chase you, some will meander around aimlessly, some patrol set routes, and some will outright attack you in the overworld
>Some Pokémon hide in water or bushes to jump out and ambush you when you get close
>Some Pokémon are camouflaged as part of the environment
>Some Pokémon effect the environment in the overworld by leaving trails of damaging slime or other things
Visable. Random encounters is the one big thing that has put me off Sword/Shield
He doesn't even catch it, bumps into a rattata he didn't see and loses the shiny
Visible enemies you can avoid and ambush if you want to grind. Random encounters is cancer.
>literally compares random encounters to cancer
can't make this shit up
Why not both?
Both at the same time.
He actually found another one after that, and got it...
why am I even commenting on this retard
Pausing the game so the shiny doesn't despawn while he spergs out like a retard.
Random, the suspense of not knowing what's going to come out is better for long term play rather than seeing exactly what pokemon you're going to fight.
Pokemon will never grow as a series, ever.
visible encounters has never not been disappointing. any sort of game with dungeons has suddenly made every battle optional and difficulty becomes non-existent.
basically people who want visible encounters don't actually play rpgs.
>People act like visible encounters are only in new games.
>When Super Mario RPG all the way back in 1996 has visible encounters.
Visible but only their shadows, or any other indicator of where the pokemon is
By current do you mean random? What I mean is that nowadays they don't tend to put difficult dungeons at the start of the game and move coverage is so wide you're bound to have at least something. Depending on what you picked at the start of RBY and if you went to catch things or not you could get fucked in Mt. Moon. Even later on, although most the games have got easier at the start, victory road used to be a challenge along with other small parts of the game.
The problem isn't with random encounters it's with how they've been designing areas lately. The solution isn't to remove random encounters however. If you don't want this kind of gameplay keep playing Lets Go.
Visible would be nice for pokemon if the maps were the same size as say DQ8 maps but they're not they're corridors so having visible mons would be a massive cluster fuck
sleep tight fugger
>tfw poor sleep and neck pain for days now
With Random encounters, I deal with whatever the game throws at me. Whatever comes up 1st, I have to catch or give up on. With visible ones, I'll probably be able to choose, which just makes the whole Nuzlocke thing pointless.
This, but also, more random battles levels you more for the boss fights. Visible encounters allow you to gain as much exp as you want.
Visible, but classic fights. Thats the only correct answer
Thats actually a high quality, well written opinion. Didnt expect that on Yea Forums
LISA did it pretty well in my opinion
>clear-terrain enemies visible
>for some, you need to be quick to avoid them charging at you (eg the football team in construction), this becomes a minigame in itself
>random encounters in caves or tall grass
Hypno raping girls is jew porn.
>I think he's purposefully acting up a bit for entertainment value.
No shit, he's a streamer with thousands of followers and money, most people here are worthless literal whos that are neet or wagecucks. I'm not defending him, it pisses me off that he acted retarded on purpose for views/likes/follows/etc and Yea Forums falls for it and shills him every month.
>but its okay we are making fun of him!!!
Kill yourselves drones.
Visible, but the maps need to be better designed.
Expand the routes and visible would be amazing.
I'm going to get mocked, but imagine if routes and the game were like the zones in Atelier Firis. A massive journey in 3d as you travel through various scenery with Pokemon of different sizes everywhere
Do you guys honestly think they'll ever change the formula for the games, because it's silly to expect anything for this series, fire emblem, and so on. Certain ones can and will grow with Nintendo, Pokemon is not one of them.
Turn unencountered pokemon into dark shadow blobs with generic shapes (the basic pokemon shapes like quadropedal, humanoid, blob, etc)
after encountering them once, you can spot them in the overworld
you will still go "Oh Shit" when you suddenly see an unencountered pokemon between all the known ones
really isn't that hard
Let's Go could do with visible because there's no battles. If wild battles are in, that means you get to avoid battles you're too shit to win, and that's just lame.
Just catch them in order of appearance on screen.
Random encounters unless you can get a world size large enough to have visible enemies be feasible, and large enough for finding specific enemies to be an actual challenge rather than just resetting a small area over an over. LGPE having like 30 random animals cluttered around a small grass patch looks retarded.
This. But they could put some effort to make it look like the Pokemon actually ambushes you and avoiding it is not an option. Like :
>Camera pans out
>you see a Pokemon quickly approching you
>Smoothly transitions to combat
Random, visible is casualization, making it easier for shitters to avoid encounters when they are low on health ajd ruins nuzlocking.
Visible if true large open world, given that this won't apply to pokemon games i'd prefer random encounters.
Visible, but give at least 2 types of behavior that are aggressive and neutral.
Aggressive charges you when you get close enough and neutral just minds his own business.
They don’t need to change a whole lot, but basic modernizations and QoL innovation that has been done by every other franchise in this genre should be expected by now.
Visible but only if done well. In LGPE they're awful.
It isn't
We're on the Switch, not on the DS era
>What is repel?
Visible, or even better, a mix of both. How hard was to let common or low leveled pokemon visibly roam and let the very rare ones to be hidden in a rustling patch of grass? Even better, let the hidden ones tail/attack you if they are an agresive especies and they get a free turn if you get caught from behind or viceversa if you do
>Wizardry-style dungeon crawlers, where combat is less a challenge in and of itself and more a source of unavoidable attrition
How I can tell you've not played a wizardry game in your life
Both at the same time.
The visible ones let you hunt for enemies if you want to.
The random ones make it so you can't perfectly conserve your resources by avoiding battle entirely.
But in practice that’s not what happens. What ends up happening is that players walk in circles until a battle activates
It doesn’t feel like you’re being ambushed either, since there’s always a 5 second wait time where the characters and enemies put themselves in position to start hitting eachother.
Visible, I went back and played the older Tales games cause I liked Symphonia a lot, but being spoiled by visible enemies meant the random encounters in the older ganes got on my nerves.
Still had fun with them.
Visible, but not in the half-assed way LGBT did.
You walk in circles when you're looking for something. No one walked in circles in victory road trying to get to the E4. Removing random encounters so you can pick and choose what you want might be better when you're looking for something but it ruins the sort of pp-draining sometimes close call experiences you can get if you go through stuff normally.
Plus with what we've had lately in swarms and SoS battles, finding what you want is pretty easy. I don't fully know how Lets Go works but do you just zone in/out or stand still waiting for what you want? That seems worse just because I'm not pressing buttons.
How does visible ruin nuzlockes?
Random encounters are superior. They're hiding in the grass in ambush. Seeing nothing there is much more thematically consistent and visually appealing than the monsters awkwardly hanging out in the grass.
Not him, but it means that the first pokemon you encounter in a given area isn't random anymore. It also means you can just avoid fights instead of having to possibly lose one of your pokemon.
not quite, to both of the things you said
>being that excited
>playing as the girl
Random. That actually feels like you're going out into the wild to hunt pokemon. Th e worlds in pokemon are too small to spawn actually enemies in and not immediately make the are feel tiny and cramped. In OP's pic it's so obivous that you're on a tiny path with an itty bitty space for pokemon to spawn in. it doesn't feel like anything, you're just going to a spawn point and waiting to grab whatever Pokemon you want. You're not exploring and discovering, you're going to a theme park.
Visible. At least I know when I can engage in the next fight if I'm trying to grind. Sometimes it can take minutes and minutes to get in the next battle.
I stand by what I said; the encounters themselves are not the main source of challenge. Wizardry as a whole is not known for long and involved random encounters; the typical fight is over in a few turns either because you've wiped out the enemy or they've slaughtered you. The challenge comes from the fact that getting through the fights involves limited resources: healing spells to require from inevitable damage, high-level attack spells to clear dangerous encounters, resurrection spells for when the game drops a Ninja ambush on you.
Assuming you're not under-leveled and your party isn't horribly built you can reliably clear most random encounters by just nuking your problems with your highest-level spells. The problem is that doing so indiscriminately isn't sustainable in the long term, and so to actually make progress you need to know when to conserve your spells and when to use them. Yes, the game can drop a 5 Frost Giants, 4 Vampire Lords, and 6 Ninjas on you in an Ambush, but unless your priest dies it's just a question of how many resurrect spells you can afford once you've escaped.
What about random encounter (with DexNav mechanics returning) + a Safari Zone where it's just visible so it feels like you're actually Safari Hunting.
this is probably the only way I'd like visible
>Walk into an area you've never been in before
>Have to spend the obligatory 15 minutes in EVERY new area walking in circles running away from 30 rattatas and pidgeys before you know nothing else that you actually like lives here with like a 1-10% encounter rate or something
I'd like anyone who defends random encounters to tell me, unironically, why in their opinion, this is defensible. The only way to circumvent this is to literally look at a guide with encounter tables. Pokemon would be so much better if there was like a 1% chance at any time in any environment that makes sense (IE not in the middle of the ocean or something) to just roll the dice and have you encounter any Pokemon with a huge possible level range. Especially because there is 0, ZERO penalty for getting wiped out in Pokemon.
Porting Let's Go mechanics wholesale into a safari zone would work very well.
let me see you code a game for a console with 4 KB of memory in assembly
You're an idiot if you go into every patch looking for sub-5% encounter rate pokemon without knowing if they even exist. Look at your pokedex after you have seen something you like on a trainer.
Random encounters. Visible encounters make the game so casual and easy. Played LPGE and never felt so bored, even without using the 2vs1 mechanic.
>lucky guy
It's fucking easy to get shinies with visible encounters, you fucking retard!
Depends on the game. Usually I prefer visible, but when it comes to Pokemon I prefer random encounters.
put both options and let people choose
Random encounters.
I just don't like the way visible enemies in JRPGs usually look, kind of wandering around in a bit of a brain dead way. And you also have 50 monsters all within 10 feet of each other completely oblivious to everything but the player. I feel like it encourages you to avoid fights as well.
The world would have to be gigantic for visible enemies to work and we both know gamefreak is too lazy for that
visible pokemon in a tiny map look awful
I mean
I can only assume most Pokémon are significantly faster than people
I agree with this, but not for the reasons provided.
Caves and water should have visible encounters because the entirety of the area can trigger an encounter, whereas grass comes in mostly avoidable patches
Fucking this.
Random encounters are just like turn based RPGs, an outdated mechanic that was only used because of hardware limitations
and like Turn based games turning action rpgs
Random encounters should also die.
sleep tight fugger
Turn based games still have a place, though - they allow for strategy and thinking about your next move.
What, would you prefer that chess became Action Chess?
Pause the fucking screen when playing an action rpg.
There. Now it's turn based. That's all turn based RPGs are.
>Enemy literally has to wait for you to make up your fucking mind on what to do.
Good riddance to those games.
Forgot to mention, I was thinking about this recently, it kills some of the atmosphere. When Nocturne gets remade, it's gonna lose some of it's dark and isolated tone.
visible in the overworld but random in dungeons
>much bigger problems
No it doesnt fuckwit
Doesn't Atlus care more about Persona rather then any SMT game?
based centrist chad
Actually, Abra teleports away when he see's you come close, you have to legitimately sneak up behind him
It's ONLY abra though
Random encounters make grinding easier because you don't have to look at the screen.
visible, but give the roaming encounters some actual life
LGPE didn't do this, they just wander around
actually give them some AI patterns
like if a caterpie and a pidgey spawn, the caterpie should try to run away from the pidgey
have them fight eachother
but this is too much for gamefreak i guess
Overworld destroys the purpose of caves
pretty bad comparison. turn based RPGs put the focus on planning your moves in detail and trying to predict what the enemy might do rather than reflexes and precise movements. they are aimed at different skillsets
that'd probably work well at least
or when the pokemon are in the grass, they're obscured and you can't see which pokemon they are, but they become visible when they walk out of the grass
I'm wondering if they're gonna put some item in sword and shield that makes Pokemon visible, that way you can have the option to get random encounters or not
We don't actually know that the pokemon arent random or overworld
The trainer in the trailer was sneaking in the grass for some reason
ORAS's Dexnav maybe?
sometimes it does look a lot more fun to live life as a dunce, yeah
uhhhh but if Nintendo did it then GF can because pokemon makes infinite money so GF can just buy a bunch of super talented devs lol
i'm a fan of both and really enjoyed pokemon let's go
Debate me
>Duduo learns Wing Attack
Have some overworld mons and then have tall grass/caves where random ones can ambush you. Simple
I did too because i was able to appreciate it for the small unique experience it was.
It was a nice distraction while we wait for Sword and Shield which im really looking forward to
Persona already does this by having visible but generic enemies until the battle starts
I take it you don't buy turn based games then. If you do why? Why try change a series just so it fits your taste instead of playing something else?
Visable. It's so nice to be able to walk around and not get stopped every few steps. It's also great to see the pokemon wandering around. It makes the world feel more lived in and I like that I can pick the one I want to go after. Plus, it's fantastic for chaining. I hate that random encounters are back. Why can't GF keep the good things in their games and work to make them even better instead of throwing them away?
>implying Game Freak would ever put this much effort in
even visible encounters are still random, at least in the games i've played. most games are just going to spawn a random monster in the field that you can walk into. most games aren't like chrono trigger where all the monsters are pre-set
I get just as surprised when a pokemon that I want shows up on screen and I see it as I did with random encounters.
>hardware limitations
And like most hardware limitations, made older games better. Devs had to be much more creative, players more imaginative.
Exactly my point. Pokémon is boring as fuck
This webm cuts off the best part. This fag was so busy screaming like a soinigger that he missed the shiny.
>getting excited for a woman
what a fag
I promise that dude has fucked more, better looking women than you.
>It makes the world feel more lived in
They all just loiter about in Lets Go. It doesn't look like it's lived in it just looks like they've been randomly spawned in an area as they shuffle about.
No, don't tell me how to manage my money
I need that cash for more potions because I'm underleveled from skipping battles
>Looking for a specific Pokemon
>Have to re-load the whole area every time you want to encounter another one
>Possible none will even be there
Visible Pokemon is more restrictive and does the opposite of what you want it to do. Visible Pokemon was in LGPE because it connects with Pokemon GO and dosn't have wild battles. Do you want to have to re-load the area after you've defeated the four Pokemon on screen?
ORAS got it right and let you search for specific Pokemon in the grass, and sometimes they'd have higher than usual IVs, be higher level or have egg/tutor moves. Just bring that back.
Random. Specially if the battle doesn't take too long to load because I can run from it anyways and some rpgs even double your rate success of doing it with your level.
visible encounters for sure. there's a reason why modern jrpgs have mostly moved away from random encounters. even dragon quest, a series that rivals pokemon in its refusal to change, dumped random encounters ages ago.
visible encounters are especially beneficial to pokemon because its whole concept is based around creatures in an ecosystem. having them roam around in the overworld would make the game's setting feel more alive. a competent developer could expand on this even more by letting players do things like spread bread crumbs to attract the regional birds, or showing pokemon climbing up trees or jumping out of the water, etc.
unfortunately, this $90 billion franchise is made by one of the laziest, most incompetent and greediest studios in the entire industry. it's obvious that following mons and overworld encounters will be exclusive to the let's go "games" from now on, since if they were in new regions, there'd be even less incentive for anyone to buy those kusoges.
I'm making a game with random encounters because I'm lazy. Would having an equip item that stops all enemy encounters while wearing it be a good idea?
Visible. Random encounters are for folks who are autistic.
>tfw he gets cucked
its even better
>there's a reason why modern jrpgs have mostly moved away from random encounters
Casuals like you like it better, duh.
Visible enemies restricts what you can do with the encounters and ensures there's only a few on-screen at any given time, it accomplishes nothing that random battles don't aside from letting casuals like you skip the content more easily.
I would take anything over seeing stock models with stock animations wandering around in slow circles doing nothing and looking out of place in every environment.
Random. Visible encounters are for folks who are autistic.
RPGs would be better if all of them went to either sRPG or aRPG.
>The only "benefit" of random encounters is that they allow developers to be extra lazy with the level design.
This is a benefit of OW encounters as well, really, the difference being they have the potential to make a game like Pokemon even easier
That is some intense hand-flapping
Ever since lets go came out I realized how so many people ignore this shit. So many people rejoiced at no longer getting spammed by encounters in caves and shit.
Berseria has specific monsters, so you know who your getting into
the adventure of link. go be stupid somewhere else. next.
The only thing I like about random encounters over visible enemies, is the surprise of getting rare pokemon.
I can't really dispute this. Only thing I would say is that it could make each individual battle time consuming.
Do it like Earthbound does and it is solved
are we seriously going to act like pokemon hasn't always been one of the most casual series in gaming, even with random encounters? some series are never going to be "hardcore" and pokemon is one of them, why are you expecting anything different?
the complaint that visible encounters let you skip battles easily also doesn't apply when you consider that pokemon already has items (repels) that let you skip random battles easily. repels are an admission on game freak's part that random encounters get tedious after a while, but instead of addressing this design flaw themselves, they continue to put the onus on the player to work around it with items.
If Game Freak is making the game, then REs. The overworld encounters sucked dick in LGPE because they don't interact with the player. The whole reason you get a pokemon in the first place is protect you from wild pokemon jumping out at you but that's all lost in LGPE because you can just walk around everything. In a game made by competent devs like Yo-Kai Watch overworld works well because they know how to use that design.
It's better than nothing being there at all and it can be improved upon.
Yes, it makes the game so difficult to watch an animation and then press run multiple times
Visible enemies -> wider levels so you could avoid enemies -> more barren and empty level design
>People actually play Pokemon with battle animations turned on.
Ambivalent, especially if they give you a way to change encounter frequency.
Being surprised by encounters and setting high rates can be effective for atmosphere but if I need to backtrack there when fights are trivial it's a pain. Things like repels or a menu slider help, although the former is perfered. Things like earthbounds instant wins could also be implemented to solve this even though it used a visual system.
Visible is nice because it can draw the battle world and exploring world closer, although it's a double edged sword because you can hit an uncanny valley where the different rules pull you out of the experience. Visible can also be an issue if you can out run enemies. Players can be encouraged to never fight until right before a boss which just backloads grinding. And if they can't run away or only sometimes can it's just random with extra crap on the screen.
Also you're a retard if you say technical limitations are the only reasons for random encounters. Motherfucker MENU BASED COMBAT is a technical relic of those limitations start there.
yes, selecting run, on the other hand, is truly a hardcore game experience for true video gamers
overleveling literally makes the game easier. If you want to play hard mode, don't train in the fucking grass, moron
Welsh posting is and will be better.
Just admit you only any visible Pokemon because you want to skip wild battles
Does it matter? Gamefreak fucking sucks and we will never get a proper pokemon game.
pokemon's environments are barren and empty without overworld encounters, and nu-pokemon desperately needs wider levels instead of narrow corridors that move the player from one cutscene to the next with no exploration allowed.
why wouldn't I want to skip random encounters I don't need?
But the routes were already barren. I'd rather have a bigger barren area and have the pokemon wandering around than a just smaller barren area with nothing going on.
If all its going to do is enable shitters to skip the game's content why do we need it, how does it benefit players beyond this?
If you don't want to play Pokemon why are you playing Pokemon?
That's what repels and the "run" option are for
Again, if all its going to do is enable people like you who apparently don't even want to play the game to skip content, what is the point
>random encounters is all pokemon is
>also casuals are playing the game wrong!!!!
you're funny lad
if i only cared about skipping wild battles, i'd be one of those shitters saying "who cares, use repels." visible encounters would benefit pokemon in other ways beyond letting players pick their battles if done competently.
>we will never get a proper pokemon game.
Define proper. If you mean tough, the series has been easy since Gen 1.
Depends on the game but for Pokemon I think both can work.
Depends. Make it so that it only works in areas that have enemies that are so far beneath your level that it's a waste of time to engage in combat with them. If you can't do that, I wouldn't bother with it.
I agree with this, but I do not agree it applies to Pokémon. Combat in Pokémon is dumbed down to oblivion anyway, it wouldn't make any less intelligent and strategical to just give it a little bit of action
go full Bravely Default and make encounter rate a slider in the options that goes between 0% and 200%.
>Pokébabies complaining about random encounters
Go play Nocturne if you wanna see how bad random encounters can be.
>Goddamn boss got me again with RNG bullshit
>Just gotta run back and-
>Random encounter with 3 enemies that spam Mudo on Demi-Fiend until it hits
I mean something that actually changes the fucking formula for something better.
Visible is a lot better for gameplay
Just have enemies scale to your level.
Random. It looks ridiculous in Let's go when there's always like 3-5 different pokemon running about in short grass. Figure out a way to make it not look so silly and maybe I'll reconsider.
Acceptable graphics, innovation, care, effort. That is a proper Pokémon game.
Then what's the point of leveling?
>random encounters
Fuck off, water and caves are cancer in Pokemon because you can't walk 10 meters without being interrupted
Simply make the map bigger. In LGPE they look dumb because Kanto is a very small place. If they are on an open field, however, it would feel natural. It would also enhance the adventure feeling.
yeah sorry I really do not like random encounters in video games. I was kinda done with them 30 minutes into my first Pokemon game.
It's just SO much better when you can see them in the overworld, like a gazillion other RPGs do. People are gonna say that the surprise is part of it and all that, but my counter for that argument is that surprise only works once. Navigating through caves and water routes in Pokemon is absolutely not fun, especially since they just crank up the encounter rate and have 75% Zubat and Tentacool anyway. I just MUCH rather prefer seeing the Pokemon, deciding whether or not I wanna interact with it, and then either going towards it to engage in battle or avoiding the Pokemon. It just makes the most sense.
If gen 9 still has random encounters I'm gonna be very upset
zoom zoom zoom
The biggest argument for visible encounters is GF ALREADY has animations necessary for every single Pokémon, they're just unbelievably lazy. They probably made walking and running animations for all the new Pokémon but completely removed following Pokémon because "It is not affected by LGPE".
Anyway, I think that having both is the only correct answer, but rare Pokémon only show up as one or the other, and if you catch it, it shows in both.
Now that the new gen is proven to be shit, Let's Go Johto when?
I prefer random encounters, at least for new generations. I love the surprise and anticipation that comes in those first few seconds when you don't know what Pokemon you're gonna get. If I ever get annoyed by them like traveling through a cave I just use repels. Pokemon games aren't that hard that you need to conserve a ton of money for healing potions or anything like that.
I do think Game freak should add a way where you can influence what Pokemon will appear. 1% encounter rates are dumb
I feel like in pokemon it makes more sense to have random encounters. The left picture just looks trashy.
That's my big issue. In other RPGs the enemies were designed with the idea that they can be seen in the over world but that isn't the case with Pokemon.
It's so weird to be walking around and the there are big blobby monsters all over the place
I'd rather they stayed with random until they got it right rather than watch the soulless version Lets Go has until they do.
Tentacool and Tentacruel will go straight for ya. Even if you go back on land they'll just be running into the wall
Visible enemies but in DP’s pokeradar style.
Never expected somebody to post The Dark Spire
>but a game that's nothing but rolling dice would get boring pretty quick
That is incredibly false seeing as table top games require rolls for literally everything you do.
>tfw played the hell out of this game in college instead of trying to get laid
You can still have surprises without awful random encounters
What's the surprise?
Pickle surprise!
By the time it's hit you, your last surprise
Not really Visible because if they are still randomly generated visible it doesn't really change anything except you avoid them.
Chrono Triggers set encounters are what needs to be strived for. Completely remove farming from all games.
Growing enough with experience by defeating every enemy you come across successfully going from point A to point B is the best way to play.
The fuck are you on about
Wild pokemon spawn all the fucking time in LGPE
I've had more problems with areas being too crowded and having to leave to reload it with less pokemon than what you just pulled out your ass.
in Pokemon actually you should avoid fighting every trainer because you would gain too many exp and become invincible very early
This. Turning around a corner and seeing a specific Pokémon bathing in the sunlight a few steps from you beats any experience I've ever had with random encounters.
>big guy in the picture is a generic shadow creature
>once you start the fight it turns into the actual shadows you are fighting against.
Pokemon could have had some shadow/silhouette creature, instead of the actual pokemon you'd be fighting against
That sounds a hundred times worse than invisible random encounters. You have to leave the area to reload and get more creatures AND you risk overcrowding.
I battled every trainer and caught and battled plenty of pokemon in Moon and spent the entire last act of the game underleveled by just not using exp share. It was even more severe in Ultra Sun, although I also caught fewer pokemon because I already had them.
It' s a feminised male.
why would someone want to feel like theyre being raped multiple times in a game
Everything else just clogs up the screen.
He found a shiny pokemon. And because of >2019 is overreacting to please his twitch audience.
Not only is your opinion shit, you are factually fucking wrong and its obvious you didnt even play the lgpe games.
The pokes spawning constantly cycle infront of your very eyes retard, how is that forcing you to reload the entire area?
>guy makes a living acting like a jack ass on cam
>people ask why hes flailing around like a retard
>you didnt even play the lgpe games
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Visible encounters do nothing but slow everything down for people who do want to fight shit and do nothing for anyone but shitters like you who only want it so they can avoid wild battles entirely.
>friend links me shiny salamence for whatever reason
>keep it on my disc
>little kid cousin visits with family, finds my gameboy, and ends up overwriting the save
I think deep down my friend is still salty about that
Honestly, tell me why it should be random? Tell me why this game isn't looking like DQ11 in bith graphic and counter mechanic? I'm so baffled that they are keeping this looking like a 3ds game. It's 2019. Your switch is way more powerful than the 3ds. Even DQ11 is fucking coming to the switch. Why the hell can't a fucking POKEMON game look as impressive.
Wild encounters. Only zoomer retards want Let's Go mechanics.
all streamers do this, they fake excitement because there is a camera pointning at them. kinda like that one streamer who was overly excited over that virtual concert on fortnite
I have no problem with both depending the game but why exactly would you want to avoid battles entirely when it's the core of the gameplay and it's easier for you to just pick another game with a genre you will like? Disliking pokemon is not forbidden you know.
Or that one guy that opened his mouth wider than your mom's gash while watching the trailer for that one Marvel movie.
>15 generations of the same game copypasted with two new assets per gen
>wow why do you want things to change a bit
because we're not quite that autistic
>not autistic
>Wants generic open world that has been made a billion times for the last 20 years
I honestly would've expected to have pokemon games with full blown ecosystems by now in huge open worlds.
I guess it's better do the same thing over and over with some minor improvements since pokefags will buy it anyway.
Random. It looks stupid to have a small patch of grass with three Pokemon hanging out in it.
Random also just meshes a lot better with Pokemon, where they aren't merely "enemy encounters to be killed", but moreso things to be found. Random encounters means you don't know what you'll get until you find it, which has a good surprise factor. Rare shiny Pokemon also have a surprise factor.
Moreover, Pokemon has defined areas the Pokemon are found in, making them avoidable. In many RPGs, you avoid the visible enemies because they can be anywhere (outside of towns or whatever). In Pokemon, just stay out of the grass and you're good.
sleep tight fugger
that was way too forced, do they ever regret doing this kind of shit?
People keep doing it so I don't think so.
>That one guy part of an advertisement for that coffee maker that makes intricate pictures in the cream
>Starts off smiling and then :O
I don't get it.
You nuzlocker cunts are simply the worst
Reminder that we lost Overworld Encounters for the sole reason that GameFreak would be required to design the world around them, thus forcing them to make areas be much more vast and open to accommodate their existence properly, which is well beyond any modicum of effort they're willing to put out.
No, we lost over world encounters because this new game is not a spin off focused on motion controls and a lack of battles literally for kids.
Visible has much more potential
But it's gamefreak so it's never going to get realised
mouth gape is the new xD so random
How does it feel? I guess you're not as ashamed as you were back then.
so this is the power of autism
ahhh at last i see
Potential for what?
Visible Pokemon limits what you can do
How are you going to do:
>Double battles
>Triple battles
>Sky battles
>Rotation battles
>Horde battles
With single models on the screen representing everything?
You can only encounter what you see at the time, it does nothing but allow pissants to skip wild battles because they apparently don't like playing Pokemon but are playing it anyway. ORAS did random encounters the best, you had the radar so you could choose to encounter specific Pokemon if you wanted. This solves the only real complainant people have about random encounters, visible models are not necessary and again only limit what can be done with wild battles and encounters.
I prefer visible enemies generally speaking, but there are some cases where I think random encounters can be more appropriate. I don't think Pokemon is one of those cases though.
I agree with this.
caves and warer is tedious. grass is actually fine.
For Pokemon Visible Encounters was definitely the right call
I just wish they'd keep that element but return to having to fight them at some certain level, before being able to catch them
Pokémon has visible encounters.
Trainer battles are encounters, they are visible and can be avoided. Same with the occasional trap encounter, and legendary you encounter (do they even still do that?).
Pokémon battles need to be random though, because part of the fun is not being able to tell what you're going to find. They should add more life to the routes though. They've done various things in the past that make sense, like rustling grass or whatever, and just need to keep doing things like that, which gives the impression of life, but doesn't bog the game down.
Chrono Trigger did that too back in '95 and it was incredible
Invisible enemies because:
1. They emerge from tall grass because they are supposed to be jumping out of large bushes or from behind trees. Its meant to take you by surprise.
2. Having a bunch of visible pokemon just walking or flying around makes the game look and feel crowded.
3. Makes it harder to tell the difference between commons and rares.
4. Also having tons of pokemon running around makes the game feel unrealistic. The game's world already loosely works off of the idea that wild pokemon mostly stay in hiding, but here, its not like this, it makes you feel like you got stuck in a zoo. The entire world being stuck in a zoo. It makes the game look fucking stupid.
5. There are better ways to make this more convenient for people who hate random encounters, but this isn't a way to do it. For example, they could create an idea, called x ray binoculars or something, that causes bushes with pokemon in them to glow one of three colors to tell between common, uncommon, or rare pokemon.
6. Last but not least, it obviously takes a very real toll on the processing power for the system.
Absolutely wrong call, see this guy's post
Visible and Random, Visible ones you play the catch minigame, Random you actually have to fight them.
>remove random encounters for 1 (one) game and attract the most casual filth ever
This is why you shouldn't pander to literal retards that can't handle actual gameplay
>you actively have to prevent undercrowding and risk overcrowding if you don't
Have you played the game for half a second?
Are the
>lol u so casul
posters just baiting or wtf?
Pokemon games are the definition of a casual game, no matter how you flip it around.
>overworld encounters == catch-only battles
If you weren't an illiterate retard, you would have deduced this information already.
It doesn't have to stay the same as it is in Let's Go. You could run into a pokemon and it gets mad or scared and calls other pokemon to it and then you transition into the battle screen and fight double, triple, or horde battles. If you don't sneak up on a flying type, it'll rise up into the air. You can then jump on your pokemon to follow it and then you can do your sky battles. You can have certain pokemon be aggressive and try to run you down. You can have some that try to sneak up on you.
Visible, obviously. But soibois who grew up with >muh bogemon :DDDDD will probably think of that as soulless.
Would bug type pokemon be swarming around in huge clouds?
Random encounters.
How would you even do:
>Wild double battles outside of gen 5
>Wild triple battles
>Wild sky battles (and why would you even want them)
>Wild rotation battles
>Wild horde battles outside of gen 6
Actually, gen 7 has an answer for that last one with the call for help mechanic.
Trainer battles don't change if overworld encounters are visible.
They went from a game that's aimed at 5yo to a game that's aimed at 2yo toddlers
Visible is fucking stupid, then the game is a really shitty stealth one with no actual stealth mechanics. Shouldn't the people who want visible be playing those phone games that play for you and you just give them money?
RPGs have fucking solved this problem already
earthbound has all the enemies in the area swarm you
earthbound was released 2 years before pokemon red/blue
I like the tension of RE.
Nah they are as casual as ever, you can claim what ever you like, but pokemon simply can't get any more casual then it has been forever.
No matter how you make the encounters appear.
Visible enemies. Loved Grandia for doing that.
it makes sense DexNav isn't in sense DexNav was also in the RSE and the only other one Being the gen 3 remakes..... its a feature special to gen 3.....
u tard
Again, this sounds pointless and serves only to bloat what the devs need to do to no benefit to the player other than allowing them to not play the game more easily. Random encounters serves the same function without all that extra work for what is at the end of the day purely cosmetic.
Just use ORAS's dexnav or whatever its called, it allows you to encounter anything you've already seen and implemented a sneaking mechanic similar to what you've suggested. Having models on the map just clutters the screen, makes the game run worse than it already does and is just more load for the devs that ultimately adds no functionality. Your solution is overly complex and solves a problem that isn't actually a problem, and we already have a better solution anyway.
See above, its just more visual fluff that functionally is no different than having random encounters. Its a non-issue with an overly-complicated solution. Just go back to how ORAS handled it, allow players to seek specific Pokemon if they want.
The games became easier over the years
At this point they're so fucking easy that you get everything handed to you
In gen1 blue didn't give you potions or healed your pokemon for free after each match
They're so fucking easy now that you can just press A to win since your starter has stats higher than legendaries
Visible enemies because:
1. Only really a handful of pokemon would be small enough to hide in tall grass or behind bushes, trees, etc. Especially on later routes when wild pokemon are pre-evolved and thus larger.
2. Having a bunch of visible pokemon just walking or flying around make the game world look and feel alive.
3. Makes it easier to tell the difference between commons and rares.
4. Also having some pokemon running around makes the game feel realistic. If you go out into the wild, you see wild animals, even animals that are commonly shy of humans, Pokemon are supposed to be especially sociable towards humans when compared to real life animals, too.
5. It isn't just about picking and choosing wild encounters, it's about having the pokemon there. Even a combination of invisible and visible encounters would be better than, say, some fucking x ray binoculars which make the random encounters visible without telling you what they are or even helping the empty feeling most routes have.
6. Last but not least, LGPE already proved that it can be done on Switch, and those games' lighting engine was more advanced than Sword and Shield's.
based despairfag
I wouldn't. I'm glad they experimented with it.
>Last but not least, it obviously takes a very real toll on the processing power for the system.
no it doesn't. what takes a toll on the system's processing power is game freak's lazy, incompetent and wasteful approach to programming. and that's a consistent problem regardless of whether encounters are visible or random.
>Can go through the entire game without battling a single wild Pokemon
Earthbound is a walking simulator with some Dragon Quest mechanics needlessly tacked on to stunt your progress and make it feel like a game. That's why enemies try and run away once you're too high level, and there's nothing to actually facilitate grinding.
Random encounters were necessary in Let's Go because of chaining and to make it look like Pokemon Go. I've never had a problem with them in the main games.
Healing is debatable since in theory you could just go to poke center after every battle , but who the fuck does that?
Since gen1 you could literally spam the same move over and over as long as you had the counter element. Most of the time i have had so overleveled pokemons that even the counters doesn't matter at all until e4.
In pretty much every pokemon games i've have to go through hoops to capture legendaries so that i won't kill them in one hit.
You are seriously brain dead retarded if you actually think any of the pokemon games required any thought at all.
Let's be real, the only reason people want random encounters removed from games is because they literally do not want to play the game, they just want to rush past them.
pokemon isnt though
*puts on a repel*
*just ignores everything in the game*
ahh this is how oughta be
I had no idea repels ignored trainer encounters too.
Having both is always better than choosing one or the other.
If I don't want to fight wild Pokemon, I can use repels. If I do, I can. No reason to make Pokemon Go again.
>Only scrubs and idiots like visible so they can plow through the game without any challenge.
I actually like visible encounters so when I get lost somewhere I can avoid encounters and not get over-leveled. I really hate in games with random encounters when you get stuck on some dungeon puzzle and wander around in circles for a while and end up gaining a bunch of extra levels and getting ahead of the curve and the game just dropping in difficulty because of it.
Overworld encounters are literally the one single thing Let's Go actually did right
LGPE has trainers too you know
You know there's a run button, right?
I can't think of a single game fanbase that want to destroy their favorite series more than Kantofags
That said, Kantofags aren't actually Pokemon fans, just '90s nostalgiafags that haven't touched the series since it became popular to hate on in in the early 2000's.
I don't agree that it's not necessary. It's stupid that you're supposed to be in a world inhabited by pokemon but you look around and there's absolutely nothing there. Especially if you've ever watched even one episode of anime or at the very least have an imagination to know what such a world would look like.
This I could get behind, but that would be too much work for Game Freak.
This is 100% a you problem.
That's the main reason I don't trust people saying that specially of a series that have had this style for years. It also makes no sense anyways since they would need to battle bosses which they cant skip to go forward in the game. Or you play because you like the game and genre or look for something else.
>tfw seeing let's go genwun fags on gamefaqs and leddit screeching about how Gen 8 is a real Pokemon game and not Let's Go Grookey and Let's Go Sobble
Yeah, and in most games you get one of two scenarios:
1. Running is very difficult unless you spec for it somehow and it's less time consuming to just kill the monsters.
2. Excessive running is punished by either making running away more difficult each time or by increasing the rate of encounters, again forcing you into just fighting the battles.
Just being able to avoid the encounters on the map is a far better solution, and if properly designed it can even be its own form of challenge/puzzle.
It depends on the game. A lot of people like visible enemies but it can by annoying if they suddenly spawn and bumrush you or if they're wedged right in your way. Random encounters can keep you on your toes, but if the encounter rate is too high or if there's not enough enemy variation it can be to the detriment of the dungeon area that you are exploring.
The only people who want visible wild encounters are casuals and/or shitters
>Needlessly complicates anything beyond single battles
>Clutters the screen with Pokemon walking in circles
>Can only encounter what you see on the screen at the time
>Makes EV training a pain in the ass
>Makes grinding in general more drawn-out since, again, you can only encounter what's on the screen
It makes basically everything related to wild battles more inconvenient and time-consuming aside from the ability to avoid them, which is still just as easy if not easier to do with repels. Visible battles does NOTHING beneficial for gameplay or mechanics and in fact limits them.
Bullshit you would never know half the Pokemon in sun and moon exists I still haven't seen the anchor Pokemon
>visible encounters do nothing but slow everything down for people who do want to fight
How? you know where to go if you want to fight instead of running in circles hoping you step on the right random generated number.
>>Makes EV training a pain in the ass
lol who fucking cares?
>>Makes grinding in general more drawn-out since, again, you can only encounter what's on the screen
Why are you grinding in a game as easy as Pokemon?
Right, its purely cosmetic, it changes nothing about the mechanics but in turn complicates a number of other things that don't need to be complicated.
AGAIN, ORAS did what you're asking for already. Have something similar to the Dexnav, allow players to seek out specific Pokemon and see them in the grass alongside the standard random battles.
>Just being able to avoid the encounters on the map is a far better solution
Except that has been done in a really shitty way too in many games. There are a bunch of older Tales games that are really tedious because of overworld encounters that are hard to avoid. Radiant Mythology and Innocence come to mind.
>casuals and/or shitters
so the exact audience that pokemon has always been designed for?
Infinitely better than living as a bitter hateful asshole who despises everything.
For Pokemon, random encounters.
For literally every other RPG, visible.
>The only people who want visible wild encounters are casuals and/or shitters
You're just proving my point
>Cites Pokemon's lack of difficulty as a negative while decrying the the aspect of the game that can be used to make it more difficult and competitive
BASED Kantard
Sounds more like the only people who want random encounters are no-fun compfag autists.
Visible encounter in Lets Go makes hunting pokemon many, many times easier with how multiple pokemon appeared on the field as oppose to random single encounter.
Which is why there is many casual streamers managed to do a shiny hunts streams with how easy it is.
Srpgs are awful tho
why all the hating on random encounters. have any of you faggots ever played a pokemon game?
So, what exactly do you people want Pokemon to do to stop being so "shallow"? Which other RPG series do you want them to rip off? Dragon Quest? World of Warcraft? Mass Effect?
Let's look at all these quality ARPGs that have come out lately.
>Final Fantasy XV
>Tales of Zesteria
>Star Ocean V
>some Falcom shit whose name has Tokyo in it
Random encounters are better.
>want to go somewhere
>just walk there
>maybe you'll get lucky, maybe not
For visible encounters
>want to get somewhere
>have to play metal gear and sneak around and do all sorts of crazy loops just to get somewhere
>haha it doesn't even matter because they can still randomly spawn right in front of you like in
If you want visible encounters so bad then just save it for special monsters like in Etrian Odyssey.
Online battles are just horrible rock-paper-scissors competitions to see who spent the most time grinding the perfect meta team they read about on some wiki page. It's awful. Playing single player is the only worthwhile part of Pokemon and all the autistic EV/IV training bullshit just clutters the experience.
It's a bunch of Let's Go bandwagoners demanding Kanto of the Wild, this isn't just on Yea Forums, the Let's Go bandwagoners are doing this on Gamefaqs and Reddit too.
>people are using DQ11 and Breath of the Wild as arguments when they are the worst in either of their very long series. BotW doesn't even have fucking dungeons...like how in the fuck?
>I want visible encounters so I can not play the game
Why are you even playing it then?
Visible ennemies
>if I ignore the existence of something I can claim it doesn't exist!
Because people hate RPGs
sleep tight fugger
>Online battles are just horrible rock-paper-scissors competitions
Competitive Pokemon has an autistic amount of depth
>strolling along some forest
>music changes
>a POE shows up on the map
>catches up to me
>a sentret stole my escape rope
>one shots my whole team
That sounds more tedious than random encounters.
I want visible encounters so I don't over-level my pokemon on zubats while navigating a cave. Pokemon is easy enough as it is without extra EXP being forced down your throat.
You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about like you do, just admit you're a mong that wants the game to be dumbed down because it makes your brain hurt.
There is nothing wrong with liking Pokemon for the SP, but as soon as you want content to be removed, you've entered the retard zone.
Online battles =/= Smogonfag tourneys
>Online battles are just horrible rock-paper-scissors competitions
Nigger more like fucking chess, have you seen the shit they do? Even I'm not autistic enough to go near it.
It doesn't, though. It's just grinding stats for thousands of hours and using the best moves.
So use repels or run
Why do you want the game to cater to you and ONLY you when what you want is already 100% possible and easy for you to accomplish
>use repel
>fight/avoid trainers
Still more engaging than Earthbound.
So use a repel you fag.
>Which other RPG series do you want them to rip off? Dragon Quest?
they already did that by ripping off the core concept of the game from dragon quest v. they also filled the kanto dex with thinly-veiled ripoffs of dragon quest monsters while they were at it.
>Why do you want the game to cater to you and ONLY you
Because humans are inherently self-serving and selfish. But also I'm not the only one, as you can see there were plenty of people in the thread defending visible encounters before I even got here.
>it's just grinding stats for thousands of hours and using the best moves
So you never ever played competitive Pokemon, good to know. EV training is short as fuck and can be done in a matter or minutes.
is he a "special" person?
I'm sorry you had four water moves on your Gyarados when you were 10, but competitive Pokemon is autistic-levels of deep.
You probably spent half this thread calling anyone who wants random battles an autist, why are you being so hypocritical?
Streamers are retards, so yes.
Are they all samefagging or are there really that many.
Earthbound is one of the best designed JRPGs I've ever played. The fact that there's no grinding ensures the appropriate level curve is always preserved and you always experience challenge. Being able to grind yourself to be overpowered just breaks an RPG.
>I want visible encounters so I don't over-level my pokemon on zubats while navigating a cave
Nigger at that point it's just needless tedium to avoid Pokemon that charge at you as you walk through a cave, just use a repel.
>Use an OU Pokemon with all the "best" moves you read off of a Wikipedia page
>Get rolled by a PU Pokemon that isn't a retard that just put on four damage moves and spammed whichever one has the type advantage
I think both systems have their merits. On one hand, visible enemies, at least in Pokemon, are good for when your looking for specific shit/shinies. Tall grass is good for grinding though, no chasing shit around.
There have always been KANTOOOOOOfags. before Breath of the Wild, they all wanted a Pokemon MMO. They don't play actually play Pokemon.
sucks how we can't get Battle Revolution-esque quality for visuals and effects. I bought from a church rummage sale five years ago but inevitably sold it cause it kept crashing after leaving the main menu..
In other words they love the pokemon that only exists in their head
>when your looking for specific shit/shinies
The Dexnav in ORAS was better for this, you could search for specific Pokemon and could use repels to ensure you only encountered the one you wanted, no bullshit popping up in front of you
Thats rough