I don't really get it either. I can understand indifference or being bored with the show but some of the outright hate seems a little uncalled for. I'm still enjoying it though so whatever
Nicholas Johnson
Jack Bell
5 children with Mitsuru!
Noah Gutierrez
Haven't seen any hate for it. Only outright indifference, just totally flew under the radar.
Jackson Green
what did they put there to lure lolis into the trap?
Cameron Cruz
This show is really nice, but fell almost under my radar due to lack of Yea Forumsttention, and I still haven't caught up to the most recent episode.
Ethan Hughes
Ponytail Itsuka is the cutest she's ever been so far.
Jonathan Harris
If no itsuka end, then why even bother?
Luis Parker
Interesting artstyle cannot overcome terrible pacing.
Hunter Scott
Itsuka's hairless cunny
Thomas Wilson