Ragged Elf

I've read the whole thing yesterday and holy shit the author is really fucked up. Dude is writing this story about a poor elf girl that was literally destroyed in every ways and he's trying to make her looks lewd to the reader, dude is a fucking sociopath for sure

It's a machine translation of the actual title, make of that what you will


So is this a tragic SOL manga that the author also does porn for?

>Used goods
For what purpose?

Stop reading it then
Do something that makes you happy instead

The true degenerates in society was weebs and otakus all along

She's an elf, it's an occupational hazard


The word can be taken a lot of ways but ragged is probably the most gentle given the circumstances. Hell, "dying" was used for awhile at the beginning and honestly that wasn't incorrect at the time