Daily Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro chapter

>god damn it sen stop thinking with your dick for one second

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Huh, that was interesting.
She's still Kuro to me. Sunya is a gay name.

Gotta keep you on your toes

kotgurls save the day

Well this is a gay comic.

Don't you dare fuck my mom other Dad

The Kots got a lot smarter these last few chapters, than they were for the story before that point. Just a shift in the writing style I guess.
Kuro not being shocked by Hifumi being (partly) her mother is weird. I can understand her deduction from the reaction to the pendant. But her lack of expression of shock or horror or something is odd.
I chock the earrings up to serendipity, the series had dealt a lot with that kind of stuff before. So its fitting.

I think I really am more disappointed in how her traveling around to world and making allies/friends across nations and lands didn't really contribute all that much to the finale. Especially when so much of the story was predicated on meeting someone, helping them out and getting to like them, and moving on as a traveler leaving behind connections and stories.
That just became capped off with a near montage that Kuro herself wasn't a part of.

this is was the least gay comic in this daily

For now

>Kuro not being shocked by Hifumi being (partly) her mother is weird. I can understand her deduction from the reaction to the pendant. But her lack of expression of shock or horror or something is odd.
Kuro always had a feelings that Hifumi might be her mother, so she has plenty of time to deal with it. But seeing her die or remembering her is another thing ... Kuro showed more emotions when she told Nijuku that she shouldn't become like her 2 chapters ago.