Daily Shoulder-a-Coffin Kuro chapter

Chapter 79

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Done. Plague is a fairly gracious loser. It's unnerving. Coming next chapter, Sunya's funeral and burial.
...man, calling her Sunya feels weird.
See you tomorrow!

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Also, have this Mo.

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thanks OP

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>not editing week to day
Poor form.

Thanks, it'll be my second funeral this week.

you're right that was weak of me

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The babiest of all the Kuro's

Fuck man, this page always gets to me.

Man here comes the eye juice again.

Thanks OP. Lots of sadness in these dailies right now, it's rough.

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Some minor nitpicks I have.
Why does the necklace trigger Hifumi's memories but not her own daughter herself?
The fact that they just happen to have those exact earrings, from that one night Sen was flirting with that random girl still bothers me. I'm not saying that it’s more or less bullshit than Kuro meeting her dad and just happen to get the necklace, it’s just not as organic integrated into the characters/story as the rest.
Is Sanju/Nijuku really smart enough to understand the situation and come up with the right answer at this exact moment? Kuro has to explain them the most basics things, but linking together 2 characters and recite some very specific words the professor incidentally said 10 years ago is a bit too much for toddlers to handle, I think.
Kuro's real name doesn’t seem to have any importance other than the fact that the author simply refused to give it to us any time sooner. I know it’s supposed to be symbolic and all, Kuro is gone and Sunya's back but I guess I expected one more twist or surprise to her name, like it’s hinted throughout the story or her name could have meant something like "love" or "hope" etc, something that ultimately lead to where we are now … but making a "mystery" around her name for like 12 years or so only for it to be some interchangeable name is a bit too lame, especially with how interconnected and twisted this manga usually is.
Maybe Kuro could have shown some more emotions for finally being reunited with her mother and/or her mother literally dying in front of her eyes.

Thanks, OP. This has always been my favorite chapter.
Final chart incoming in like 2 days.

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>It's unnerving.
It gives the sense of this being but a minor setback, for such strange entity, that seemed soo violent and excited to gain a body that could hold him, such attitude its quite unexpected, so it makes you think there is something more

>Why does the necklace trigger Hifumi's memories but not her own daughter herself
It almost did, but Plague intervened. After that, Kuro was transformed.
Also, apparently she specifically saved the pattern's memory?

Kuro's appearance was suspicion, the pendant is proof.

Thanks OP

I liked the fact that the name didn't have some big hidden significance. I think it makes it all the more personal.

thanks op!

>Sunya is a Sanskrit word meaning "zero," "nothing," "empty" or "void." It is derived from the root, svi, meaning "hollow." It is also the root word for sunyata, which means "emptiness" or "nothingness." Sunya is the state of nothingness.

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>Why does the necklace trigger Hifumi's memories but not her own daughter herself?
That's exactly what happened when Hifumi met her the first time so Plauge drove her to curse her appearance as well.

>Is Sanju/Nijuku really smart enough to understand the situation and come up with the right answer at this exact moment? Kuro has to explain them the most basics things, but linking together 2 characters and recite some very specific words the professor incidentally said 10 years ago is a bit too much for toddlers to handle, I think.
It was one or two years ago. And yes, by now they are, their journey was about maturing to this point. Having her hair done by the Professor was also one of her most pecious times so it makes sense for her to remember.

The implication is that deep down she realised who Hifumi was a while ago hence the lack of suprise.

Thanks Op. As they say, as long as evil exists. Or disease I guess.

Sunya is a pretty name.

I'm sure there was a panel where this happened before and I noted it down somewhere but I can't find it.

>This design is patterned after a four-leaf clover.
based きゆづき

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I agree with most of your points, but I also agree with you saying they're minor nitpicks.
It's not perfect, but I think it hits the emotional spots pretty damn well.

really makes you think, huh holo

Are you ready to say goodbye to her?

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It's not goodbye, it's so long.

angelic kots

this is the best finale of any manga, it just keeps on going

Thanks for the dump like always OP.

come on


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So last time, Kuro fucked up thinking that she could beat an actual Witch with her untrained succ powers and turned into soup, Sen finally overcame his horniness like 15 years after first being turned into a horde of bats, and the Witch/Skeleton inside her decided to wait until Kuro darkened the Catgirls more before stealing their bodies.

Did I get all of that right? Want to have my ducks in a row before reading.

pretty much.

Even when literally sitting on the ground as a bowl of stew, Kuro finds in herself to snark about Sen.
What a woman!

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Sumomi is a cute witch name

>god damn it sen stop thinking with your dick for one second

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Huh, that was interesting.
She's still Kuro to me. Sunya is a gay name.

Gotta keep you on your toes

kotgurls save the day

Well this is a gay comic.

Don't you dare fuck my mom other Dad

The Kots got a lot smarter these last few chapters, than they were for the story before that point. Just a shift in the writing style I guess.
Kuro not being shocked by Hifumi being (partly) her mother is weird. I can understand her deduction from the reaction to the pendant. But her lack of expression of shock or horror or something is odd.
I chock the earrings up to serendipity, the series had dealt a lot with that kind of stuff before. So its fitting.

I think I really am more disappointed in how her traveling around to world and making allies/friends across nations and lands didn't really contribute all that much to the finale. Especially when so much of the story was predicated on meeting someone, helping them out and getting to like them, and moving on as a traveler leaving behind connections and stories.
That just became capped off with a near montage that Kuro herself wasn't a part of.

this is was the least gay comic in this daily

For now

>Kuro not being shocked by Hifumi being (partly) her mother is weird. I can understand her deduction from the reaction to the pendant. But her lack of expression of shock or horror or something is odd.
Kuro always had a feelings that Hifumi might be her mother, so she has plenty of time to deal with it. But seeing her die or remembering her is another thing ... Kuro showed more emotions when she told Nijuku that she shouldn't become like her 2 chapters ago.

The series is more about fleeting moment of connections that sometimes reconnect again and sometimes just fade away. Having everyone payoff would feel too epic.
It's about a small story taking place on a big stage.

She's half gloop at the moment. Any more emotions and she'd melt in Hifumi's arms, which wouldn't help her mother.

Plauge already put her through the wringer.

I think it's more like she's suicidally at peace that her life sucks and just grateful for having met her mother one more time and that she's free from Plauge.

She already had a practice run with her dad.

Ah yes, so we decided to pick Moyashimon as the next dump. Very nice.

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