ITT: the best character designs in mangas/anime
ITT: the best character designs in mangas/anime
I unironically want you to kill yourself
Gyro sucks in terms of design, so do most characters after part 4, araki really jumped the shark and made every character a gay parade atendee
Bleach has the best character designs in anime & manga honestly
>calls out for shounenshit
>posts a HxH reaction image
This is bait.
>in a thread with a Jojo OP
Gyro is ugly and overdesigned.
There's obviously two meanings to the word in vernacular. One is the demographic and the other is a distinct and very prevalent type of power fantasy fighting genre that follow the same conventions (DB, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, etc). You're a moron if you think the usage of the word shounen is only applied to the former.
That's Araki for you, ocassionaly he comes up with great designs like Jotaro, but most of it is overdesigned queerness.
>gyro fagpelli
lmao no
>HxH nigger
Get out faggot
>calls out for shounenshit
>literally posts the most shounenshit nigger garbage possible
fuck off not even trying with your fag tier bait
Pic related alone proves you wrong again shonenshitter. The simplicity of shonenshit's approach is the logic of a power fantasy, they're just vehicles for cartoon fights, not a realistic, believable story. This directly contradicts the nature of smart manga like HxH, which are focused more on political maneuvering and indirect subterfuge, see nen beasts and Hui Go Ro's speech in chapter 362. Direct confrontations devoid of subterfuge is basically what fighting shounen is and why it's so bad. No one with a triple digit IQ takes shonenshit seriously.
If a story or conflict can be resolved simply with chatacters fighting and throwing laser beams is obvious you're not even trying to put together a compelling plot. HxH has 10x more narration, logic, nuanced dialogue, depth, complex plots, organic characterization, politics, subterfuge, realistic developments, than fighting, literally. It's a literary series, not shonenshit for retards, shonenshitters should stick to OP, Bleach or Naruto.
and that's literally just a kid, how is he/she memorable in any way?
>seethes and copes this hard at literal basic banter
you HxH niggers are pathetic. enjoy your shitty shounengarbage written by a literal chimp. HxH is nigger tier manga for simps.
Based hunterchad
I want to diddle Ermes
Another win for the hunterchads, I lost track how many.
Your life has no meaning
Had to put both of them since their design perfectly encapsulate their character and contrast so well with each other's colours. Even someone who's never read or hear of Berserk would have a rather good understanding of what kind of characters these two are just by looking at how they look like externally. This is one of the best examples of an artist who can tell a story just by design alone and that is in my opinion what great character design is all about.
>HxHfags thinking haitus the garbage pile is something for someone with more than a single braincell
kek. cope harder faggots
Man I love SBR but its character designs are pretty bad. Lucy is the only character in that part I would say looks “good”
Looks gay 0/10
Not with that man jaw
Is there another series where the MC evolves like this?
Diego and Hot Pants look nice
only diego, hot pants looks like a dude
Diego had a better design.
Gyro felt like he had too much going on in his design.
This, it's a shame the letters are inconsistent and the I often goes missing
>hot pants looks like a dude
That's the point.
so does lucy and every female in part 7
Based and nenpilled
>Seething manlet angry he got exposed so all he has is insults
HAHAHA you DBZspics never cease to give me a laugh when I read your dumbass posts. Just thinking of the fat, greasy, sludge-ridden creature behind the screen making those replies gives me goosebumps.
Another win for hunterchads!
Mountain Tim and Diego are fine
>cant actually come up with anything valid
>resorts to calling people DBZ spics
>don't even watch fagball Z
god you hunter niggers are absolutely pathetic.
That's two out of who knows how many
hard to top this
this isn't an interesting design.
I hated the grills at first
Then they grew on me
Now I know how great they are
How the fuck does Araki actually forget that.
I, Jolyne Cutejoh, have a dream
>the best character design
>dude literally looks like he just got done with a shopping spree at hot topic
Make way for best character design faggots
>good designs
What's so great about a kid in a baseball cap?
Kira has a pretty cool design, just a fancy suit with a tie that shows off his hidden personality
shit wrong picture
11 lads look pretty cool
Top tier character designs stuck in a shit show: the series...
I liked him better when he was Sensui.
Femasui was cool.
Ryuko’s design was a nice balance of normal and over the top, in the same respect as jotaro’s design
Do you not see the scars on the face? That's plenty interesting.
She is just Shadow the Hedgehog.
These designs were so of their time in the best kind of way
The average Hunterfag
Daily reminder sanctuary is a bullshit politics manga with Cartoonish evil old guys
Post yours , faggot
Did teeth grills even exist back then?
EVERY JoJo character
>copy pasta super powers
How original.
I really enjoyed all of bleaches characters. Its like they took the power ranges board of the rainbow and took it to the extremes. Like red ranger was a certain way, brave, couragous, leader, manly in every possible aspect. And Bleach just took that archetype and painted the fucking rainbow and fleshed out the characters too. I really regret it not being as popular so it could get the funding it deserves.
Say it, user! SAY MY NAME!
why? he is right
Out of all the character of Jojo you can complain about that aspect you choose Gyro
>God Tier design
>Waster in a jobber in a shit manga
To each their own I guess, SBR probably has some of my favorite designs in the series other than Part 5. I love Johnny, Gyro, Hot Pants, Diego, Mountain Tim, Blackmore, and Valentine.
He draws foreheads far too large
I love how much of a shitlord Jagi is, he deserved better than 3 episodes and a shitty one-off.
take that back
Why cant someone tell him its too big or an editor resizing his stuff perhaps
It's called an art style, like how Oda can't draw normal people to save his life.
Thats not an artstyle, its a intentional error
He can draw everything else perfectly and boys seem less oversized too
I literally dropped the manga after his defeat. Like I was hyped to see him and he just dies in a few chapter. Fuck this gay earth he deserved better
sbr had the least gay characters after all the parts after 4
Post oda please now im interested
Could you speak a little louder please whisper-kun?
I love military uniforms.
look at this pathetic faggot and laugh
He literally has the power to have all the powers
>doesn't know our goddess
She isn't.
First time I saw her I instantly though she was a she and was confused when they said she was a he.
There's none better