Manga Rock closing down

>actually being upset about Manga Rock closing, or using Kiss Sites
You absolute fucking shiteaters.

says a person using Yea Forums in 2019 LUL

Communists and libkeks on Twitter are celebrating taking one thing away from us again.

Attached: fakyu01.png (640x347, 38K)

haven't been following this at all
just found out today from my app that it's shutting down
what do communists and libs have to do with this?

Still works for me.

What a fucking faggot

Attached: file.png (609x477, 210K)

>Communists and libkeks
Why is /pol/ trying to become the centre of attention over a manga site closing down?

I use manga rock to get all the manga on tachiyomi.

What sources are worth using with tachiyomi?

Mangadex supporters tend to have a pretty intense dislike of redundancy.