Manga Rock closing down

Thank you Twitter libkeks

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Other urls found in this thread: x family chapter 1

Does it have anything the other Manga websites don't?

literally who cares just use one of the alternatives you faggot. there's been like 3 threads about this already

They deserved it by trying to make money like that.

>literally who cares
Everyone who hasn't discovered Tachiyomi yet.

How long until they start trying to force other sites to close down?

How is this different from what Fakku pulled few year back. This guy basically started the witch hunt for shekels.

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Meh, I use mangahere and kissmanga.


What I want in my scanlation aggregators is that they will not try to mine buttcoins and bloat the site with ads like pissmanga.

>actually being upset about Manga Rock closing, or using Kiss Sites
You absolute fucking shiteaters.

says a person using Yea Forums in 2019 LUL

Communists and libkeks on Twitter are celebrating taking one thing away from us again.

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haven't been following this at all
just found out today from my app that it's shutting down
what do communists and libs have to do with this?

Still works for me.

What a fucking faggot

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>Communists and libkeks
Why is /pol/ trying to become the centre of attention over a manga site closing down?

I use manga rock to get all the manga on tachiyomi.

What sources are worth using with tachiyomi?

Mangadex supporters tend to have a pretty intense dislike of redundancy.

>mangadex user profile in the bio
Oh wow also gotta get that dopamine clout

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You won't be after this year is over unless the vietcongs are fooling everyone

>Twitter libkeks
It was a Japanese mangaka who started a long twitter thread about Manga Rock.
Blame the Japanese

So what do I use on my iPad now, since no tachiyomi there?

Do you anons know of any Manga Rock- tier manga reading Android apps?


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manga nelo is still better. I've never used manga rock.

How did that go anyway?

This makes my blood boil.

I guess they would call it a success, it sure as hell drained a whole bunch of typesetters and translators

>100k on osu
It's not even that hard and takes you a week maybe

>supporting corporations
fuck off /pol/ tard

Fruit people got the raw deal with this one.
Can't think of any decent alternatives.

but in the end nothing really changed, since i can still find the shit they have on panda.

>purchased the pro version like 6 years ago
>first the change to monthly membership
>now this

You only have yourself to blame for putting actual money into it. Why the fuck would you pay to pirate something?

Get on with the times boomer user

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The app was good and I hate ads

>Been using MR as source on Tachiyomi since ever
Well fuck me, time to search everything again. What are the other good sources then?

Yeah. I didn't mind paying for convenience either

>a webcomic makes me right!
Grow up.


looking at the thread, some people at least weren't aware of the situation unless we are all samefagging

so what exactly did mangarock have that the 10000000000 other aggregation sites didn't?

Why don't people ever learn that redundancy is always required? Just not by ones profiting off of it.

Considering there will always be manga that don't have enough interest for official translations, ending unofficial ones won't happen nearly as effectively as it can be done with anime.

/pol/ always tries to clasp for relevance, they're a pathetic bunch

A paid subscription.

The only native app for iToddlers.

Why do I feel like this whole streaming™ and muh anti piracy shit will one day collapse and leave everything in ruins

Some right-wingers are idiots, don't over-think it. True commies want anime and manga to be free and manga authors/animators to be directly subsidized.

how is your based and redpilled gamer president who hangs out with jews all day and called a ban on video games doing?

Money ruins everything.

Wouldn't know, my president isn't a gamer. But he is a corporate dick sucker. Fuck Capitalism.

He's not having a mental breakdown on Yea Forums like you, it seems

instead he's having a mental breakdown on twitter, which seems to be your favourite platform
despite being an evil lefty nest, but I guess a /pol/tard can't say two words without a contradiction

Go on

go back to your board

Now this is reaching. Where did you even get all that from?

continue your tirade spergie

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So far I never had to look for stuff on that website when I downloaded some series or chapters. There are tons of other websites out there. Also, people should use FMD.

What do I do I dont wanna pay for shit AAAAAAAAAAA


says the guy making a thread about "twitter libkeks" while spamming twitter screenshots of literal whos
go sperg on your own board you autistic child

whats the diff between mangadex and mangarock?
why would that guy celebrate the closing of "illegal" website but use one

This, really nothing of value was lost.

Stonetoss is a nazi

You know you can just not click on a thread, right?

mangarock hosted licensed rips.

Take your meds schizo

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They have licensed stuff that Mangadex and other sites won't touch.
They have even IP banned countries just to keep the licensed stuff up.

stay on your board /pol/tard

>he thinks everyone he argues with is OP

who are you quoting?

Cool for him.

Hope you enjoyed your visit, tourist! Remember, it's TWO (2) years before posting next time!
Enjoy the vacation!

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Your brain.

Fuck On Takahashi. Even after shutting down Manga Rock He's now saying on twitter "it'll be hard to get trust from Japanese publishers" he took Manga Rock down and went "oops. no alternatives get fucked"
I hope the fucker gets harassed into space.

just took a look at based trump's twitter and he's calling racists mentally ill
there's your logic I guess

at least you're not misusing the quoting function now retarded election tourist /pol/tard

i bet he did not pay for any of that music

It was better than I expected. Which extensions are the best? Any other apps?

Keep going tourist, don't let the lack of replies stop you
Keep schizoposting to your heart's content

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they sometimes uploaded faster, maybe?

>They have licensed stuff that Mangadex and other sites won't touch.
Only Mangadex. The other sites also don't give a fuck. MR is nothing special.

>They have licensed stuff that Mangadex and other sites won't touch.
No, just mangadex does that. Every other aggregator has licensed stuff

keep spamming twitter screenshots and whining about communists /pol/tard

You literally can't download pages on mangarock unlike any other aggregator, so there's that

Who are you quoting?

nobody, are you retarded?

because it is? Streaming services are already so fragmented that you have to pay more than a cable subscription to get the same content as you would have when they were on TV

nobody, are you retarded?

And their website is slow as fuck on computer.

How do I just download all new manga automatically? Fuck online readers

continue your tirade spergie

continue your tirade spergie

>Mangas not available in your location
>Mangakas losing money for not selling mangas in countries they're not even selling

What a fucking retard

cry more /pol/tard

Who cares about downloading Manga from those shit sites? Every image is compressed garbage.

If you download Manga from those sites, you deserve to be shut down.

>people left leaning do something
>/pol/ points it out

take your meds schizo

>Manga Rock

who quote

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They already started

>True commies
don't exist

Them dying sounds like a great thing. Ads for server fees, whatever, that's standard with most websites and aggregators, but fucking asking for "pro membership subscriptions" for shit you didn't make or translate is insane. And that's before getting to the legality shit.

stupid newfaggot samefaggot

spewing /pol/ buzzwords won't make you seem like less of a /pol/tard you know

spewing /pol/ buzzwords won't make you seem like less of a /pol/tard you know

go back to your board

go back to your board

go back to your board

Name a site that hosts whole libraries of localized tankobons. Not just the english stuff that Kodansha released but tanks from the big western localization companies like Viz, Seven Seas, Yen etc. Also it wasn't Twitter that shut this outfit down. The developers of this app have since the beginning been meaning for their platform to go legit, either by selling out to a major publisher/publisher alliance or by going the Fakku route and licensing titles. This whole stinks of a Joshua-like backstab.

I'm also celebrating it. It was phone shit, and made money off piracy. I hope you suffer.


as always when a /pol/tard gets exposed he just starts throwing a childish tantrum
how embarassing, go try to rally your personal army on r/donald, if they even care about degenerate asian cartoons at all

as always when a /pol/tard gets exposed he just starts throwing a childish tantrum
how embarassing, go try to rally your personal army on r/donald, if they even care about degenerate asian cartoons at all

no, you go back to your board

no, you go back to your board

No! YOU go back to YOUR board!

Mangarock was garbage, go die with it you worthless trash.

>literal first grade mockery
Please copy this message too grade school bro

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I honestly almost feel bad for you schizos

What is this nonsense? Was every other manga website going down over the last like 20 years also part of some Communist attack?

Stop this shit.

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can I come to your board?

checks out

it's literally just a /pol/tard sperging out for no reason

>schizo schizo SCHIZO ÀAAAAAAAAH

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>people left leaning do something
Even if that's true (Nothing from the screenshots posted indicates this) why do you give a single shit?

It was a polished app with fast servers and fast updates.

Everyone go back to /pol/

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How would we know? Twitter didn't exist yet.

Hit a nerve there, schizoid?

Why should I even care?
Mangadex and mangakakalot are way better

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

I actually just joined in making it look like 2 people were aruing like that.

Reason 23 why Yea Forums needs fucking id like /pol/: so we can tell who the fuck is talking to who

>sperging out

If you didn't care you wouldnt reply. Hopefully that answers your question. The mere fact you couldnt stop yourself from defending left leaning comrades should tell you why he also pointed it out.

Take your meds, schizoid

Why doesn't mangadex go "legit", like crunchyroll and fakku? I'm sure its runners would welcome this, seeing as they strictly disallow licensed manga.
I'll tell you why: they make no profit.

Phone shit, apparently.

fuck them
MR was comfy to use
now i'll switch to one of the other million sites
I will NEVER pay for chapters

who are you quoting though?

garbage web UI only interface, no licensed stuff

Shut up schizoid

>Fuck On Takahashi. Even after shutting down Manga Rock He's now saying on twitter "it'll be hard to get trust from Japanese publishers"
I don't know, worked pretty well for CR and fakku.

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

How is this relevant? There are a billion manga sites out there

I'm pretty sure they're not going legit because there's a million licensors involved and it's a nightmare.

Don't be too hard on /pol/, they suffer from low intelligence and existential fear.

that didn't answer anything, you're still just sperging over nothing

Why don't you take your meds?

That place needs to burn.

Where will I read Space Brothers that never gets updated anymore now?

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

When did people gladly want to become slaves to corporations? Back in the day, people were against that.

Take your meds schizoid, I'm not OP

>paying for scans

fuck off

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

>right wing anime fans say something
>g-guys let's just waifus UwU
>everyone is a retard except for me
Yea Forums in a nutshell

>be commie
>act mentally ill
checks out

you think too highly of others. If you assume everyone is basically fucking retarded you'll be happier- because most of the time you'll be right, and when you're wrong it's fine because someone is actually worth a damn


It's one IP with 40 posts who lost his mind cause someone said commies on Yea Forums

at least you finally admit that you're just a /pol/tard newfag

Take your meds schizo

I believe you

>Whining about something that doesn't exist

I honestly never used Manga Rock.

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

Who owns kissmanga and kissanime?
They make millions a month and have not been shut down.

This is the black market of anime, the jap corporations must be making a good amount of money from them since they haven't shut them down yet.

The one piece spoiler guys years ago revealed just how much pirate providers make.
They were making $750K a year on leaking weekly shounen jump thanks to donations and ad clicks until they were caught by police and jailed.

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>be called mentally ill
>prove their accusation true
God you schizoids need to stop leaving /x/

if you start whining about "twitter libkeks" for no reason then don't be surprised when people start calling you a /pol/ retard

while communism possibly has fuck all to do with a manga website shutting down I'll still take this opportunity to shit on it because

Take your meds schizoid

>be called mentally ill
>prove their accusation true
God you schizoids need to stop leaving /x/

who are you quoting though /pol/ tourist?

This fucker basically came into our freelance translator discord and @'d us to brigade mangarock on twitter

200IQ post

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>the retard hasn't been publicly banned yet
Mods are doing a wonderful job as usual

why do you make a /pol/ thread if you're so scared of people calling you out on it?

based schizo

You fuckers deserved it, imbeciles.

This made manga really convenient to read on my phone, fuck. At the very least if we get another legal manga site that can compete with crunchyshit it won't necessarily be bad as long as the cucks who run mr don't push politics and their opinions too much (but they'll probably do that).

the retard spamming Yea Forums with twitter screenshots and whingeing about identity politics? yeah that should be a public ban
cool /pol/ buzzwords

just me? but haven't you asked this like 5 times

I find it hilarious you think I was referring to anyone else

but why though, he makes it clear he's from /pol/, people point it out and he starts sperging, why even make a /pol/ thread if you're scared when you get called a /pol/tard
are you retarded?

Level headed people finding solutions to problems once again.

can't wait to see you crying on /qa/ about your week ban for spamming

Take your meds schizo

Take your meds schizo

Kiss sites are most probably russian.

>are you retarded?
Clearly you are
Don't @ me cancer

Are you retarded? Take your meds schizo.

Hope they never come for Madakomi

Going by the license deals they claim to currently have it'll be nothing but chinese garbage.

yes!! less normal fags

>Netflix of manga

any easy way to transfer favorites? got the rock app on my phone and had it for a few years and now got 800+ favorites. I REALLY dont feel like trying to type it all out one at a time to a new site that acts the exact same

I think kissmanga and anime is based in Thailand as Manga Rock was based in Vietnam

Personally, I liked Manga Rock because it offered solid service and frequent updates and the site wasn't a complete ad bloated dog shit that tried to inject bitcoin miners.

>Name a site that hosts whole libraries of localized tankobons
What? You want localization version when fan scans are available?

Back to mangastorm for now

What's happened to you, Yea Forums? This thread is an absolute disaster; more so than normal.

>Manga Rock was based in Vietnam
Can confirm

Summer still here, it seems.

what the fuck, i hate mangarock now
damn you Vietnam

How do we destroy communism

Th old Yea Forums is dead. What we have here are newfags and redditors crying over an aggregate site.

I don't know. Over half this thread is the same 2-4 people copypasting aggressively at each other over a dispute I don't even understand anymore.

I still miss onemanga, it was the best ;_;


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Who's this faggot and how can I make his account banned?


Don't let anyone forget that the OP is angry about a paid smartphone app for ripped scans going down. Why this fucker wasn't reported to oblivion is beyond me.

In what country though?
Fucking America cucks forgetting not everything that's licensed there is also licensed in other countries. That's why we cant have nice things.

Wow he's really dumb.

Yea Forums and /pol/ are especially active this week on Yea Forums because there are more things going on they can try latching on to. They were already here because of shonen threads but expect it to get worse

Someone probably had like 3000+ favourites on the app and is now trying to find someone to blame

Newfag, this is the old Yea Forums you wanted.
None anime threads and normalfag links.

By that logic, there would be no official translations in the US at all.

MR's official twitter account tweeted about the upcoming changes and boy is the thread a massive shitstorm

Who gives a shit about a phone app?

Reminder that they will come for STALKER eventually.

What's this faggot talking about?
The only reason there are any licensed manga at all is that the medium started gathering a fan base through the fan translation community.

So, someone seems super salty

Osu! is a music pirating program disguised as a game, change my mind

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It's just more "piracy = theft" nonsense. None of these people have a brain.

>inb4 RockManga

why are you zoomers crying about some cashwhore pirate site? there are no shortage of them.

Let's not even pretend for a moment that North American publishers watch internet communities when it comes to picking up licenses. Whenever some niche isekai shit gets hyped by Yea Forums some publisher grabs the license

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Communism is inevitable. All capitalist societies eventually become socialist, all socialist societies eventually become communist.

This same faggot was calling exhentai getting shutdown a "victory" for doujin artists. Fuck him.

I won't allow it,I will protect his smile like he protected my fap sessions.

It's worse. YP frequently pays fan translators under the table to pick up a series, then turns around and sues them once that series gets popular enough to be worth licencing.

What's the best source (image quality and selection wise) on tachiyomi aside from mangadex? Mangarock's own database was great because it was almost always the highest res available and they didn't comply with scan group's no rehost policies like mangadex does.

Oy buv ye got a loicense t'read taht mango?

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>another twitter thread with screenshots of LITERALLY WHOS that have no impact on the industry
Wow I love this episode! Also mangarock is centralized garbage fuck off itoddlers.

God, some people in the UK are relentless faggots that are impossible to handle.

I literally just switched, I never needed to look into this stuff because of what I said. I added the source for stuff like jaiminis group, but I'd rather have one that has everything.

kiss* is also from vietnam, they block vietnam IPs

While that kinda sounds way too Alex Jones like, it would make sense.

computers and photographs were a mistake

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A-At least we still have goddess, right?

Should we tell him?

>Police were called when a man was seen holding a magazine. Officers shot him but quickly discovered that this magazine is mean't to be read and can't fit inside a gun.

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If it was for piracy then why are 90% of the mp3s actual YouTube rips or YouTube rip quality.

We have kissmanga :^)

b-bro, it was just a joke

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someone tweet this guy about madokami

Just use mangadex

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when will the shutdown fully happen?

>he isn't on goddess

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It's pretty much dead anyway.
Scrapper for mangadex is failing and nobody uploads shit.

Nobody is on Goddess. That's the problem.

2nd week of September it says on their new site

Do anti-pirate fags just don't understand the concept of buying shit you pirated already, because you enjoyed it that much?

My entire physical eroge collection consists of shit I pirated first.

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why didnt you do anything to stop them?

use rawlh

The anti-piracy is just a smokescreen for the cartel.

Liberals and "creatives" are all capitalist collaborators and oppose free and open trade of information and knowledge. In an actual communist Utopia that they want so much, they would be burned alive in a ditch

No, they understand that, its just that Anime & Manga has become such a normalfag hobby that theyre banking on making real money with this now.
Pirates are now the minority for both anime and manga and theyre going to go full force to make sure you can't get it free. Hooray for HorribleSubs quality manga!

And the primary reason most people got into anime is because it was free entertainment without papa Disney and his copyright goons breathing down your soul for piracy. They couldn't care less about things they don't distribute.

It's convenient and widely used (not the official versions on official app stores, those are shit), but it has real performance issues and they tried to monetise features with monthly subscriptions and I guess that's why they're here now

time for me to put on my normie hat.

this is guy is pedo. some of his artists draw loli which only pedos would draw. if other normies looked up his website they'd quickly see that he's ceo of a loli doujin site.

Well, you can take that normie hat off because nobody cares about your poisoning the well fallacy bullshit.

On Takahashi is a veteran of the industry, has worked on numerous huge game titles, novels, etc.
He's also currently trying to set up his own shop.
You cannot touch this man, Yea Forums. No matter what you do. He is well established and has a great number of connections in Japan, in the states and Asia.

Yes, I only read manga on Tachiyomi, how did you know?

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>missing many series
>even among the series they host they are missing random amounts of chapters
What do I use in addition to cover the holes mangadex has?

>literally who cares
phone niggers

Why does he give a shit about the west all of a sudden?

I thought Batoto was Yea Forums's go-to? Then again I haven't been on this board for like 10 years.

>You cannot touch this man.
He's only immune in Japan. No one gives a fuck who he is in the west or the rest of the world.
His reputation can be erased over night.

We have 100 IPs here. What stops us from reporting both of @OnTakahashi and @kn1000a to end their twitter life?

Who does the le edgy translations where they insert their dumb childish words like instead of translating to "you idiot" they change it to "you fucking dumbass"

Mangarock seems full of those which annoy me, any pure translation sites?

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uhhhh- seems immoral?

The higher someone is, the harder they fall

Batoto has been dead for years, it is a shell of it former glory.

If we don't cull them by the roots, they will take everything from us. Now some mangasites, next they will take your food, work, house, wife and children

I read berserk there. Damn.
Thanks to manga i watched the adaptations and made some non anime guy start liking it. He even bought some 60-70$ remaster of some berserk game.
But sure no profit to find what so ever.

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ha! Jokes on them then- I don't have any of those things!

Where do you guys read the rest of the Spy x Family chapters? Even the official site, Manga Plus deleted them.

I guess people are all talks and no actions in Yea Forums.

You just figured this out now?

Because he's a veteran English translator and an "industry advocate". He's just looking out for his own interests.
You've probably played games he has translated, even if you weren't into anime or manga.

doesn't exist because you'd need to have someone double check every translation, which is even more cucked than being a translator.

just learn japanese

Why is the scanlation community so anal about distribution? it's gonna fucking happen anyway.

This and that is different. He has his interests and I have my own interests

Well, my interests are to be able to read manga and not go broke/die of old age while doing so.

tbf, There is no such thing as "Pure" translation, there are faithful translations , but english and jap are just too different of languages so there is no 1 to 1 translation.

All that being said, fuck those that try to add shit to the translations, just keep the autism to your stupid T/N notes or whatever. hell I could even forgive the "my mom has been sick..." guy since at least he sticks it to empty space in the corners of pages

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Check this out guys

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>a polished app
literal spyware cancer.

I am honestly shocked that Mangarock was able to fool a lot of people that they were providing legit service.

Also why the fuck are people using that shit when Tachiyomi exists?

Better start throwing some titles out there

probably all the shonenshit translated by niggerstream

When I become god emperor I'm going to execute all regular twitter users, everything bad always comes from them.

Through tachiyomi right now I found all 12 chapters on kissmanga and the soon to be deleted mangarock

Is it even better with no ads and full collections? I haven't tried it

Around 90% of modern day problems emerge from Twitter so I'd definitely vote for you.

why do they do this then get mad when users turn to pirates

>I need to remake my library of 300+ manga

They delete the middle chapters in the hopes that you'll get hooked on the first chapters and buy the volumes.

>actual communist Utopia
Star Trek doesn't exist. If it did, we would all be fapping to VR holodeck hentai instead of 2D.

>not spending 30 seconds to copy paste the titles from your favorites list into a text file
didn't sadpanda teach us anything

>Implying the anti-/pol/fag isn't the one who shat on this thread and stopped any actual discussion from taking place.

"Hidden" apk download had access to their private database that had literally everything. The company ripped from mangadex, jaiminis, etc. Standard app and website complied with takedowns.

Oh fucking hell. x family chapter 1

what's with underages and being literally unable to perform a single google search?

don't real pirates just torrent or use private trackers anyway?

>first link is manga rock
Nigga you're not helping

why are you doing this

Final Fantasy XV is one.


there are too many manga and light novels.
the biggest private torrent site for weebs only claims to have a complete collection of anime.

I don't care. Anons who use this site are mostly shonenfags and tourists who ruin Yea Forums. Surface level
99% of manga and artists use twitter

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Fuck I read most of my manga there.

Just learn to read moonrunes you silly EOPs

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>people translate their shit manga for free
>they don't even ask for money just do it for people to enjoy it

Being aggressive about anti-/pol/ in that way is shit too but that doesn't change anything about the fact that they're hurting the board, please die.

While we anons balk at twitter retards it is a fact that the jap industry sits on it

This is true. If you start buying magazines you'll see that non-TLed manga vastly outnumber TLed manga.

twitter drama isn't anime.

wtf I love Stonetoss now


Most untranslated stuff is trash, anything half decent TENDS to get at least a few chapters translated, still, RAWs are infinitely more convenient once you get good enough.

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It's the other way around. Corporations pretend to be on the commies side because it looks hip and sells well based on focus groups

how does one learn to read moonrunes, as someone with zero experience?

Just learn japanese

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by leaving this board and going to the japanese one

You think scans are safe?


Where anons downlaod jap scans? Don't tell me old ass PD. It has garbage connection

i don't think that'll help in how to learn to read moonrunes. I see a thread about onaholes and discussion about onaholes...

>tell people on Yea Forums to just lean nip to avoid localization censorship
>Sony and Nintendo adopt worldwide censorship policies

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Just go to the djt and read the giude zo make it easy I´ll eve post it for you

Go to /int/'s DJT (/jp/'s is fool of lazy shitposters trying to make it look like it's impossible in order to feel better about themselves failing at it), follow their anki guide, and use these textbooks (in the order i pointed out) alongside anki, ignore the use tae-kim as a secondary source and don't believe their magical "if you just read enough you'll learn", that takes ages (reading is important though, just not enough).
You can figure out the rest yourself or asking in that thread.

In two or three years you can read manga with ease if you are at least halfway dilligent.

Attached: Nip books.png (290x220, 8K)

China is already cracking down on that. Unpatriotic.

Why would I want to waste my time on that? I'm not putting that much effort in just for manga

people that need to be spoonfed information will never retain that information.
he's probably just stroking his own ego and will give up tomorrow.

Unfortunately this. goddess isn’t being maintained. Most new uploads stay in the unsorted folder for weeks

It still works for mobile games and VNs and certain JRPGS

I don't believe any of this bullshit. I think its a publicity stunt.

fucking commies taking away our free man-

I'd rather not need to decipher moonrunes in the first place.

It isn't. This year has been full of closures or near-closures, and this is just one more in the pile. By 2021, I'd wager exhentai will shut down regardless of what is currently being said.

Export to web in settings. Log into web site go to settings and import then view your favourites click show more till it’s all visible then highlight all text and copy and paste to notepad or msexcel

I say its a publicity stunt because they mentioned that they were planning to shut down anyway and this guy calls them out for no reason.

Can't all of these sites just get servers in Panama or something? Someplace that just doesn't care about international copyright faggotry?

>innocent due being tortured and forced to shit himself gets translated
>no black no life gyaru harem isnt being translated

They were planning to shut down and restart as official so that wouldn't matter. MangaRock was destined to be dead by 2020.

Servers are just one part. The other part is DDOS protection.


Doesn't matter because ultimately it's always run by an actual person in some country where international law and lawyer pressure works even if the servers are off in some wild west internet place.

I switched from mangapanda to MangaRock completly in past months. What will you Yea Forumsnons use now?

Fuggg :DDDD
Are there any othet android apps for this?

*kissmanga instead of mangapanda. I had a brain fart.

Takahashi I know that's you.

it's only a matter of time before something happens to mangadex too.
as i get older i've been seeing manga sites in more danger than anime sites. i only back up LNs and manga these days. never bother to backup anime unless it's an obscure web series or loli/shota hentai.


There's either an aggregate that we have to lurk for awhile to find out about, or everyone actually just uses 3-4 different sites to cover for the holes in the others.

Mangadex is definitely going to go legit one of these days.

I'm gonna dump what I figured out in the last 2 days
Tachiyomi: it's on GitHub
Externally install foolslide catalogue
Configure it and look for the best source for each series you follow since there is missing stuff on each source

Honestly Star Trek is more fascist than communist. The Federation and the way their system is setup is fascist. Not necessarily a bad thing mind you.

Nothing's gonna happen to mangadex as long as they don't start charging money for no ads or host licensed manga like mangarock did
MR was honestly pretty lucky they got as far as they did with all the shit they were pulling.

In an utopia both systems are incredibly similar, that's why representative democracy is so good, it's meant for a flawed system and populace.

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People said the same thing about botato

Kissmanga was based until they went full retard with the ads.

and mangatrader.

I miss that place. Noone else has done direct download since.

For the time being going back to mangabird but I’ll probably be using mangadex in safari on my iPad a lot more frequently. For tankobon or torrent danke releases I’ll continue to use wireless FTP and iComic

>thread is still up

The only idiots who care about this shit are iPhone losers & cockmonglers who think t his is the only place to read manga.

>Nyaa, and those private trackers
>Exhentai and torrent the fakku stuff
>Yeah just use Mangadex and when shits missing head to some malware filled aggregate we make fun of normalfags for streaming anime on.

Attached: 1559327464395.png (334x455, 85K)

Sure for completed tanks like danke scans but it’s too much of a hassle for weeklies. Currently following 150+ series

Source please

if e-hentai cleaned up their site and added genres, it would actually be a great place for manga

mangarock was the normalfag aggregate judging from all the newfags and tourists on this thread

Given that, normalfags managed to find a supposedly lawless, moralless aggregate that hosted high quality scanst hey managed better than us.

>Love #HiroyukiSawano
Shit taste

Attached: 1553535083682.png (640x600, 614K)

and paid actual money for something they could get for free

make a fake convention the the islamic republic of Euro and when he touch ground jail and behead him by the anti loli laws of the land?

>managed to find
Literally the first or second result when you google a series. Only newfags rely one single aggregate site to read manga.

Needing scanlations makes you all normalfags.

Attached: 1564674193619.png (2396x1616, 254K)

Shit. I can't argue on this point.

>Yea Forums reaction image

It's Ok user, i still love you even though you are a normie.

Attached: 1565949171155.jpg (850x1207, 161K)

Who is that?


Attached: Die.jpg (664x636, 113K)

Blocks and shit did.
Remember that guy who managed to force several mango sites to pull mature stuff for a short time because Dance in the Vampire Bund? It affected some streaming sites too, I think.
Also, IP range bans. How unpleasant.

You i don't love.

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Based on there was a but of "secret club" to it, paid but hidden none the less.

4suba was a forced meme by moot
With him gone its only natural the recognition of it died down.

I for one love our new mascot.

Attached: 1518682159313.png (500x575, 216K)

>Be Crunchyroll
>Pirate media and make money off of it
>use said money to buy rights to media
>"Guys frankly I am disgusted that you would STEAL these INCREDIBLE AUTHORS work. Take a good hard look at yourself. Also btw I told people to DMCA you lol."

>Be Fakku
>Pirate media and make money off of it
>use said money to buy rights to media
>"Guys frankly I am disgusted that you would STEAL these INCREDIBLE AUTHORS work. Take a good hard look at yourself. Also btw I told people to DMCA you lol."

>Be Irodori Comics
>Pirate media and make money off of it
>use said money to buy rights to media
>"Guys frankly I am disgusted that you would STEAL these INCREDIBLE AUTHORS work. Take a good hard look at yourself. Also btw I told people to DMCA you lol."

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Dude if you haven't even read Yotsubato&, you'd better hurry b4 they shut down manga rock

also what is that moeblobs name

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Thanks for noticing us senpais

Attached: 2019-09-05_23-18-08.png (307x731, 51K)

>the amount of newfags on Yea Forums nowadays
I bet they will go back to kis*manga or mangapanda or whatever. Heck, even leddit know better when it comes to these run of the mill aggregate sites.

This. How the fuck can I garner interest for a localization of a very niche product if I don't know about a work through fan translations first? All the manga I've bought is based on me discovering it first via word of mouth and liking it.

This is just marketing middlemen jewing their own share and glorifying their position, nothing else.


Attached: Sachiko is fucking dead.png (1874x816, 74K)

This. The author for Overlord bitched about fan translations but I dare say without the buzz generated by anons it would have never been licensed

I bet those guys are fucking faggots to, let's find out

Remember when twitter users with anime girl profile pictures were cool nazis n shit?
Goddamn, what happened?

fuck off spic

The future

Attached: EDnn142X4AEOY9w-orig.png (304x525, 18K)

>Remember when twitter users with anime girl profile pictures were cool nazis n shit?

gotta switch everything to mangakalot in case some faggot scanlators pull their stuff from mangadex again

I can't tell which of these 30 year old boomers is more autistic

Attached: Faggot Supreme.png (639x564, 317K)

Seems like cultural appropriation of anime avatars

Not the spic ´.

>user wasn't here for /spa/
Lurk more.

But I'm guessing its this potato faggot

Attached: Faggot Potato.png (602x608, 297K)


That reads like a 2003 forum profile, jesus christ.
Worst part is it brings up memories of my own cringey adolescence

Attached: 1564867413369.jpg (1440x1080, 117K)

Let's return to the golden time of Geocities and Anipike

What does twitter have to do with anything? Manga Rock hosted pirated licensed material of course it was going to happen

nothing a rape accusation can't fix

Jesus no, at least i was smart enough to stay on the smaller forums. Thank god they are all dead too, so i can't ever see what i posted again.

I still have shitty midi files from those stored away somewhere

Attached: CtqU.gif (101x101, 35K)

Still works, what the fuck is this crap montage ?

Why bother ? Not like he has any influence or any followers lmao

Mangadex is pure shit

How does Tachiyomi work on PC? I don't wanna get an emulator those things are shady.

t. Butthurt scanner

So what's gonna change in their new site "MR comics" ? The popular stuff won't be there anymore ?

It's great for the what is actually on there, it's just fucking annoying to go to another place to read chapter 31-69 because they only host 1-30, 70-

what did you tell him?

Based on the post it's just gonna be chink comics

half of fan scans have barely legible english, not to say anything about 2nd year japanese language student calibre translations

On android everything is spyware cancer

Then read raws, the sites and torrents for those aren't going anywhere, at least not yet.


And they'll be the last to go anyway if they were to go, even nips pirate.

you know what would be really cool?
Making a portable raspberry pi- where instead of needing a monitor- it had a projector

Blame the faggot scanlators who took away their shit when they saw that they were making less shekels when people don't go directly to their sites

Attached: EDunHTWWsAAwL9Z-orig.jpg (1280x1811, 580K)

that explains the low quality of this thread

>Name a site that hosts whole libraries of localized tankobons
no I won't because I don't want to see it closing. fucking faggots.

that's why I started moon

MangaRock staff literally showed everyone their office on google maps.

They made themselves so easy to find and contact and are now saying so much bullshit in the off chance Vietnam decides to extradite them to Japanese prosecutors.

Seriously Google Map Search "Not a Basement Studio"

A dumbass Mangarock staff thought it be funny to do a 360 degree photo of their office and you can see MACs everywhere.

MangaRock staff were begging to be raided by the police

Have you seen the vietnamese flag?
They could care less

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Vietnam.svg.png (1280x853, 7K)

>be piracy site
>shit it up with ads galore just to make money

good riddance

I wish their company gets shut down that'd make them understand how dumb they are

>he unironically uses Manga Rock

Attached: 1532580871312.png (555x629, 286K)

Mangarock needed 3 co-founders. What the fuck.

Every single Mangarock co-founder is a normalfag according to Vietnamese standards.

Is it considered a hate crime to give gay people in the workplace gift cards to Chik Fil A on their birthday?
Then it's not a hate crime to say that anti-piracy fags don't understand how much shit I've bought after finding a manga on manga rock.

Typical process:
1. Look through recomendations on MAL
2. Skim some manga- a lot of trash
3. Find something that is absolutely awesome
4. See what else the author has worked on
5. End up buying the blu-rei of the anime
6. Buy official artwork
7. Buy the physical copy because god damnit I have a bookshelf and it needs filling
8. Repeat

But I guess I'm just fucking stealing, right?

According to them, yes, buying Merch and such don't count. Your situation is pretty much the same as mine.


The co-founders even have twitter accounts and other social media accounts. They made it so easy for Japanese rightsholders to find out all the identities of MangaRock staff.

No wonder why MangaRock bailed. They probably thought Vietnam would give them to Japan for some trade benefits or something

I’m a pirate and fucking proud of it, yar har fiddle dee dee till the end of my days

If Mangaka were smart- they would pool their resources- to make a really good free manga website, with great translations, and lots of updates. Then, they could make money with ads- or give people subscription options.
You don't want someone to steal it? Then give it away for free, AND make money. It's not fucking complicated.

There is so many things wrong with this post i'm just going to politely ask you to shut the fuck up and not to post again until you're cured of your stupidity user.

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Its ok guys they're recreating mangarock but you gotta pay 20$ per mangas read

They're recreating it with only chink "manga"

send me nudes first and I'll think about it

>There is so many things wrong with this post i'm just going to
is some passive aggressive shit that doesn't prove your point, or make them

There are several different manga publishers aimed at different audiences and they all compete with each other since someone buying a One Piece manga tank might not have enough money to buy another different manga tank.

There will never be one single manga publisher in Japan and sometimes manga is best limited to Japan before foreign outcry happens.

For example, a children's manga author made a chapter making fun of Genghis Khan

Mongolia went ballistic even their ambassador to Japan sent a protest letter.

The manga was never intended for sale outside of Japan but someone in Mongolia scanlated it and a shitstrom append.

>reading manga online
>reading shitty Low Q resized images
>twitter screencaps
>not actual manga discussion but a shitty third party literally who site with ads
>this shit thread wasn't 404'd on sight
This board turned to trash

about that...

Attached: RIP_mangarock.jpg (2000x2872, 1.89M)

that's actually hilarious- perhaps then if the different manga publishers got together to make a website for official translations for foreign audiences that'd be good. I never meant to suggest they shouldn't compete in the physical market in Japan. But also, again, that mongolia thing is hilarious.

Sometimes its just fun to fuck with people who think they're more important than they really are. Its not enough that I succeed, others should fail.

So they want to become the crunchyroll of manga and make even more money ? Well fuck them I hope they all go to a waste and their company drowns with them

are there any manga sites that has a responsive page? MR is quite good to use on mobile rather than the desktop version

And then they'll eventually snitch other sites too right?

You want points you underdeveloped waste of sperm and eggs? Here you go
- Mangaka have no resources, most, the vast majority, live paycheck to paycheck
- Even more have no fucking control over the distribution of their manga, their publishers can do whatever the fuck they want, are you honestly suggesting shueisha, kadokawa, Kodansha, etc would ever pool everything together?
- Nips have no fucking reason in hell to go full digital when they are the only nation on earth where physical > digital
- They BARELY give a shit about international, all drama is always middlemen's fault

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.38.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

well, i did know most of that information. But I guess I wasn't really thinking in terms of the 3rd point. I guess, meh, oh well. Their loss. I'll still read it.

Raws are even harder to find than translated versions

>not buying the superior physical RAW for the full eleven experience

Anyyone else here read Chinese webnovels and remember the qidian vs fan translations fiasco? That will be manga in a few years.

Then you need to look better, the only things i haven't found RAWs for yet (a few mango and the last volumes of the gosick sequel LNs) have no translation on any language other than gook and chink, because there are no RAWs

Is there any way to import my library to another app? I have almost 300 manga on my favorites and do not really want to do it manually.

Maybe for popular actively translated stuff. But for slow, competed or abandoned translation projects all that remains are the translations on aggregator sites


Either torrent or DDL sites user, there are a shitton, use the nip ones. DJT has plenty of shit too.

Unless the apps use the same format for back ups, no.
You're going to have to manually switch stuff over

You mean you don't like pastebins?

This is what happens when manga and anime goes mainstream, fucks sake.

Also pretty sure if it wasn't for unofficial manga hosting websites like these, uploading translated manga then manga would never have become so popular outside of Japan in the first place.

Can't they do like TV channels and compete for the revenue from my vieweship?

our goddess does direct downloads

>starts out as a pirate manga website
>we'll kill all pirate manga websites and become the netflix of official anime!

Manga translators become super lazy when they make their final ever blogpost.

They just say goodbye and never do a final data dump.

This isn't how funerals are suppose to work.

When Egyptian Pharaohs died, they gathered all their shit in one spot along with records of their accomplishments for someone to find one day.

Meanwhile, manga scanlators just say goodbye. They don't even think of dumping the data and files for any unique typesetting fonts they created themselves.

so basically its gonna be chink webtoon

Couldn't say shit, no one wants to be blacklisted

Attached: Screenshot_20190906-075518_Discord.jpg (1080x832, 231K)

Manga and anime becoming mainstream like this. Good or bad?

>When Egyptian Pharaohs died, they gathered all their shit in one spot along with records of their accomplishments for someone to find one day.
Nigger, they got buried with it in the middle of the desert or encased in millions of tones of stone so no one ever found it.

unless he is a saint irl, he has something that can be used against him.

Hey user, care to give me a link to this discord? Wouldn't mind getting a few shekels for translations.

Definitive still works, what's the big deal ?
Actually, I thought they had already taken it off the store and that was why Definitive was even a thing.

Nice try, takahashi


I liked the convenience the app provided.

Time to invest in an Android tablet for Tachiyomi.

good. fuck these mostly chink cunts that profit from it and then act like they're hot shit.

He wants free slaves. The internet isn't his army.

This is why I miss IRC.

Discord is too friendly for boomers. IRC at least looks like super complex hacker shit for people

Bad, duh.

Wow what a dickhead

Yeah, and here he is acting like a tragic hero

On Takahashi: A Japanese-New Zealander working as a freelance translator in Japan. ... My manga and light novel translation mostly consists of Japanese to English translation. My English to Japanese translation is for DC comics and Marvel comics where I translate Batman comic books and some

He's some nobody Kiwi faggot

How is like 2 threads at most, somehow a big reaction on Yea Forums?

When most of the posts were shitting on Viet Cong?

The translators said the mag scans are all censored while the tank scans are uncensored

Because for many more obscure titles there exists no way to legitimate translation and no license to translate the work is likely to be created, and if one was, no company wants their translation work to be done by hobbyists of varying fluency in Japanese and whatever language the work is being translated into.

They already have too many store exclusive items. Why would you expect them to do something as nice as that?

Never doubt the power of an autismal Jap who's been brainwashed into thinking 1 act of piracy = 1 lost sale.

Mangarock staff are fucked.

Karma bit them in the ass.

They bought houses and got married while profiting off of MangaRock judging by their twitter accounts

They now lost their golden egg.

How does Debt Collection work in Vietnam?

If they truly feel sorry, they should refund any remaining money.

This guy's such a queer. You want to do it? Start partnering with scanlators. Twitter and Pixiv artists are doing it to some success so if you're an indie/smaller manga author approaching some scanlator, letting them translate your stuff and throw it on Mangadex while linking to your SNS is basically free advertising.

Tachiyomi is great. The one thing I wish I could do is sync between devices.

What is with their latest email about keeping the app and database online? Are they gonna update their series?

I had to change my 30 or so bookmarks to mangakalot though.


kissmanga was created by a filthy subhuman named hyutars, and he is a vietnamese.
also lhscans also came from vietnam.

Welp, now I'll need to change source for some of the manga I'm reading on tachiyomi.

Mangamura was free and based in the Phillipines.

The owner of Mangamura somehow has 3 difference citizenships, though.

He has German citizenship and also Israeli citizenship so Phillipines is having issues trying to deport him to Japan.

Google Romi Hoshino. You think only spies would need 3 different citizenships not some normal person.

>Morente said the Japanese embassy was in touch with the Israeli and German embassies to coordinate his deportation to Japan.

>He is currently lodged at the Camp Bagong Diwa detention facility in the Taguig district, east of Manila.

Wait copyright violation warrants extradition order?

Man I would pay for a way to import a list of text manga names / favourite imports into another app like Takiyomi.

Heck I would even buy an android tablet for it except I can't find any decent android tablet that is not a chinese rip off on android 7.

>Less using mangadex ever since the scanlator faggotry purging my backlog list.
>Start using mangarock and then this shit happen.
For fuck sake, update madokami already.

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Majority of profits comes from branded merchandise.
manga and anime are no different from western franchises. if you like a series, purchase some kind of official merchandise for it. it gives a bigger profit margin to the creator that way.
disney doesn't make money from its movies, it makes money from advertising its characters on everything.

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Mangadex was just sold to Sony. Hopefully the Funimation brouhaha makes them leave up the site for another year or so.


I wonder how high the revenue for slotmachines is outside of Japan (and Vegas)

The richer and more able a person is to hire lawyers in foreign countries to enforce takedown orders the more likely they are to SHUT IT DOWN, even if it doesn't actually increase overall sales.

Get a tablet, poorfag.

>is a Flip

How does that work, I thought you had to convert to Judaism to become a citizen of Israel if you weren't already a citizen's child (such as the palestinian-israelis).

I sure love talking about twitter in the Anime & Manga board

>reading on a smaller screen
For what reason?

reading manga on PC is shit
get a reader or a cheap tablet

>Thank you Twitter libkeks
What does this have to do with leftists on twitter?

Which one would you recommend? And how much ram do I need for Tachiyomi to run smoothly?

Get tachiyomi and never bother with scanlator drama or scummy aggregation sites. God tier app.

>reading manga on PC is shit
Why? Show ergonomic proof.

Trannies and commies. Most people are unironically brainless, useless animals.

Bigger is not always better. A nice 8 or 10 inch tablet is ideal for reading books, manga and comics.

Go back to r/chapo.

Just checked australia and apparently tax revenue from Slut machines is 3 billion dollarydoos per year. Multiply that by about 3 and that's your gross taxable income (we have a company tax rate of 27.5-30% here).
As an australian i can assure you the real number is likely way higher than that too.

Like anywhere, businesses here like to minimize taxes and we have this thing here called the income tax exemption for NFP organisations. It's a bit finicky to explain, but the short version of it is that as long as a club restricts access of the slot machines to members of the club, the transfer of funds from the gambler to the organisation is treated as an internal transaction and isn't taxed at all.

As you might expect, the most common form of gambling establishment you can find here is a sporting club or something along those lines.

Japan just legalized gambling.

Everybody important from Las Vegas has sent lobbyists to Japan.

Las Vegas is interested in 3 sites: Tokyo, Yokohoma, and Osaka.

This could deal a death blow to pachinko industry which is controlled by Yakuza and North Koreans. Yes, North Koreans do live in Japan and they don't have Japanese citizenship and Japan can't deport them because South Korea won't take them back and well you don't need to ask North Korea if they want their citizens back because those North Koreans living in Japan, send money back to the North Korean government. There's a youtube video about this, I believe.

Anyways, yeah, Las Vegas is probably feeling the heat from China-American relations because outside of America, you only hear about casinos in places like Macau which is under Chinese control.

Las Vegas is probably think getting money from Chinese gamblers is getting unstable and risky these days. Japan seems like a much safer bet.

Personally, I feel a native Japanese and native Japanese arcade companies would know how to create a casino in Japan better than some American from Las Vegas.

Las Vegas slots look kinda boring to be honest and the slots look the same everywhere even in the most expensive casino.

Like do these Las Vegas execs realize how tacky American hotels would look like in Japan. It wouldn't match the rest of the buildings in the city.

Unless they make a casino all out of wood like a Japanese castle, I feel a Las Vegas casino in Japan would be pretty tacky.

I do not travel to Japan just to see a clone of a MGM casino resort.

My ideal would be Sega, Konami, Nintendo, Sony etc running a casino, instead.

Nintendo did have a past history of running hotels ( I believe they were love hotels by the way).

>antifatoss r-edditor seething
Is that supposed to make me dislike him?

Ideal in what way? You guys keep yapping on but I'm not seeing real reasons listed.

Please don't be so self-depreciating.

Let this be said again for the sake of the thread:
DO not feed the retards.
Do NOT feed the retards
Do not FEED the retards
Do not feed THE retards
Do not feed the RETARDS
They will fuck up with whatever is given to them.

Attached: 032.jpg (482x724, 225K)

That is why this guy sounds like a spy.

He holds 3 citizenships: Philippine citizenship, German citizenship, and Israeli citizenship but he doesn't really look like a Hapa.

Did he divorce 3 different women from 3 different countries or something?


>this thread about to reach bump limit
Good shit mods

Attached: 1544620138017.jpg (790x443, 61K)

>no u
Got me.

very interesting insights

>shit game I didn't play

I don't feel convinced about this guy being anybody mate.

Yeah I would be stocked if Nintendo created a casino in Japan, not so much if MGM made a casino in Japan.

Nobody wants to see Las Vegas in Japan. They want to see Japan in Japan.

I don't think Japan will see much profit if they whore themselves out to Las Vegas because isn't slot machine software the same software everywhere in America and likely runs a subscription model?

If Japan created their own gambling slots software, they won't need to share profit to America.

Also, Japan could innovate gambling if they made their own casinos.

Like imagine combining Gambling and DDR together.

I'm sure a mangawater or some other site will pop up in it's place

>Remember when twitter users with anime girl profile pictures were cool nazis n shit

I fucking hate hafus so much. No wonder japs hate them as well

thats exactly whats gonna happen, user.
unless, you know.
This version of MR is going down for sure.

I'm really sad about this. There is no better way to read manga digitally than using the manga rock app on an ipad, I'm really gonna miss that.

the DMCA really needs to die, it's the reason why all these anti-piracy loons even existed in the first place

Yep, couldn't care less about the site shutting down, but it was the last good manga app on ios. With their rules nothing will ever replace it either.

Is it wrong that I wish Rules 1 and 2 were actual law?

Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

WTF? My country often doesn't have officialy licensed manga/anime because the fucking japs being hard asses on not giving the right to publish. Fucking xenophobic assholes. And now with a lot of piracy they cried on potential market loss. Well, serves you right japs.