Anime only you have seen

I like to call this one the only truly deconstructive isekai i've ever seem in my life. Re Zero got nothing on this thing.

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You've obviously never had fish sauce?

>Vandread is now 19 years old and considered obscure
This shouldn't surprise me considering that seemingly no one had watched Boogiepop Phantom when the 2019 version was airing, but it's still depressing

>surprised anime that was barely not obscure almost 20 years ago is considered obscure now

Bitch, nobody watched Vandread

Sad story, I thought Sara's story was the most horrifying.

This aired when the current idea of "isekai" (trash) hadn't crossed anyone's mind. There's a reason why I watched Ima soko ni iru boku, but avoid any modern isekai like the plague.

Modern Isekai is wish fulfillment

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Dumbass. This was considered essential viewing when I first got here.

Probably the first anime I've fapped to countless times. In retrospect, it wasn't a good show but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel nostalgic every time I think about this show

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