Anime only you have seen

Anime only you have seen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm one of the five anons that watched this 8 years ago. I liked it.

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Now that is some obscure stuff.

Is it any good?

What is it then?

Sauce? Looks comfy.

>storing your ketchup inside fish carcasses
the fuck is wrong with japan? wouldn't the ketchup smell like fish when you put it on fries? the fuck?

It's amazing. I don't know if I saw Fairy Florence (Adventure through Fairyland) or Nausicaa (Warriors of the Wind) as my first anime.

Fairy Florence is anime Fantasia basically.

It's almost like you don't know fish sauce was one of the original main ingredients in ketchup before corn syrup and "flavoring" became most of it

What will he proceed to do with the fish?

How the fuck would corn syrup (sugar) replace fish sauce (some salty shit)?

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I liked notAccelerator dude.
I heard manga went to shit after adapted parts?


Baka Gaijin

Watch to find out!

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I have my doubts that anyone else has even heard of this.

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I have yet to find someone besides me who knows about this.

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I thought it was fun

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Damn. Can't even find a good torrent on Nyan

>6.2 on MAL
Is it actually good? Its 136 episodes so I want to know if its worth the commitment.

There's a guy that posts her I think every week here, usually late at night (burger time) with only one or two replies. I haven't finished it but it's a cute and enjoyable show.

I like to call this one the only truly deconstructive isekai i've ever seem in my life. Re Zero got nothing on this thing.

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You've obviously never had fish sauce?

>Vandread is now 19 years old and considered obscure
This shouldn't surprise me considering that seemingly no one had watched Boogiepop Phantom when the 2019 version was airing, but it's still depressing

>surprised anime that was barely not obscure almost 20 years ago is considered obscure now

Bitch, nobody watched Vandread

Sad story, I thought Sara's story was the most horrifying.

This aired when the current idea of "isekai" (trash) hadn't crossed anyone's mind. There's a reason why I watched Ima soko ni iru boku, but avoid any modern isekai like the plague.

Modern Isekai is wish fulfillment

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Dumbass. This was considered essential viewing when I first got here.

Probably the first anime I've fapped to countless times. In retrospect, it wasn't a good show but I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel nostalgic every time I think about this show

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Why would you think you're the only one that's watched it?
It's too bad the manga ended badly. It was penned by a married couple that went through a divorce. Or so I remember.

Times have changed user, and i'm pretty sure most people on Yea Forums these days don't know about it, even if it's a fantastic show.

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I take it there are no germanbros here?

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Is this actually worth over a hundred episodes? What did you think about it?

I'm still here. I will not let you disrespect your SENPAI.

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The time in the 70's and 80's when all the European shows were outsourced to Japanese animators doesn't count.

There was also another Isekai during the same time about two girls going to a world with midgets who looks like they wear kigurumi that i can't remember the name of. Then there is El Hazard.

That being said, i have to respect Shu. Even after all the crap he went through he is still a happy, optimistic kid. About 99% of other Isekai protagonists would end up mindraped before even half of the episodes happened.

Kacho Oji

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Toonami fags didn't but in early 00s LiveJournal weeb circles it was roughly in the same tier popularity-wise as Oh! My Goddess, Galaxy Angel, Mahoromatic, Those Who Hunt Elves, UFO Princess Valkyrie, Arc the Lad, etc

I liked it.

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Yoshitaka Amano 1001 Nights

Came for the blonde and stayed for the rock.

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About half the things you just listed are significantly less obscure than Vandread. UFO Princess Valkyrie might be the only thing that isn't.

Strange Dawn, loved that one.

The only thing in this thread I've never heard of. What's it about?

Never seen

Its not rare

Its a well known echhi

Not him but Oh My Goddess is popular to anyone who's ever beat off to hentai even today, I've never even watched it and I can recognize it because of that.

Looks cute.

Feels good being the only person on Yea Forums who watched this.

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> ratings
True. You're not worth the commitment.

Not obscure.

Prohibition, but with chocolate instead of alcohol. The episodes are 5 minutes long.

You probably only jacked it to the crocodile

Mahoromatic and Vandread have virtually identical mentions in the archives. Just because the former is namedropped as a quintessential "muh Gainax ending" in every zoomer YouTube channel whereas the latter is relatively less-discussed doesn't change the fact that Vandread was quite popular and well known at its time of airing and for a good number of years after.

The majority of Yea Forums now is newfags but a lot of people on /m/ have seen it.

Damn! Its been 20 years since then.

I should watch it again. I can't remember what happen at all.

It's a bit like it's more "violent" than I may look at first and... the ending. It was "censored" because no fucking way would anyone allow the animators to show what the story was telling it should happen, but you will gets the message.

I have first watched the OAV because of Kana Hanazawa

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If you think this is obscure at all then it has to be your first year here. It was hyped up to hell and back before it came out.

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This is considered obscure? I mean, it's not super well known but this has been discussed several times here and the realistic soldier rape kind of raised awareness of the show.

It's best considered bait

My fucking sides good find

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There was some kinda train anime where a train otaku and a girl (reporter?) travels around talking a lot about train trivia.
Very relaxing. Can't for the life of me remember the name

In my 30's and re-watching this. Haven't seen it since I was a teen, but it certainly hits harder now that im a bit older and can relate to the protag more.

The music still kicks ass.

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It is obscure. The only way to watch it is from some shitty 480p upload from 15 years ago. Nobody has heard about it other than people that go out of their way for shorts.

I've read that manga. Can't remember its name though

But that was an anime targeting the anime market? Why do you think it has a japanese opening and a japanese dub?

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I recognize the style.

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Outside of Captain Harlock's fans, i doubt anyone has ever seen this one.

(Yes, i know it's potato quality, but the thing is so obscure i couldn't even find it in hi-res)

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Thank you for further proving both your stupidity and newfaggotry, moron.

Does no one really remember this fun show? I mean, c'mon.

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Video Girl Ai was pretty cute, but I've never seen it mentioned on Yea Forums.

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because only american are in /a

Mango was weird. Lotta japanwank and jingoism, kinda fun characters, weirdly aggressive stance towards whaling.

It should be mandatory for you retards to check the archives before getting on your high horse and claiming you're the only one who's seen [obscure anime #746]


Vandread was hype as fuck back then. It delivered a great ending.

They should really give it a new anime adaptation. Since, the live action version from last year did pretty well.

But it was released in America and has an English dub...

Kids these days would be too confused about what a video tape is.

try saying this in France, Leiji Matsumoto is a french knight

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for me Wingman is better

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>But it was released in America and has an English dub...
and who watched it? maybe 10 peoples, thats why anime/manga market in the US is a joke

i bet no one saw this outside of Europe

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or this one

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I'm pretty sure I'm unironically the only one here to watch this, based on archive checks:

Doukyuusei: End of Summer
Doukyuusei: Climax

They might be porn OVAs, but goddamn they're such good fun. They have a better understanding and appreciation for their setting, feel and characters than most non-porn anime do. It's like being transported back to a simpler time where schoolboys and girls would flirt with eachother all the time, and "going out with someone" wasn't such a big deal.

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everybody who watched GTO know about this one

Or as they call it here in Sopa de Macaco land: Fronteira sem lei. I remember watching only ONE episode of this thing in tv as a kid and never seeing it again. Also, WHY THE FUCK did this anime have to show a naked chick every episode? Not even ecchi or in a bikini, the girl's were outright nude with tits and all. And this was all during prime time, mind you.

I feel like I'm the only one left here from a particular older generation

> da capo old

was it the first pedo anime?

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This one is my favorite.

2003 was 16 years ago.

That was the one on Right Stuff that they sold 99 cents per tape!

It's been OOP for over a decade. Viz probably forgot that they still own Ai.

On the left is a show full of comedy and action, on the right is slice of life moeshit. But yeah they both have faces

Nah, that was popular back in the day

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A forgotten piece of shit show that should stay forgotten

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Im pretty sure that Chacha is moe

Huh. I vaguely remember this. But The whole five minute long thing really turned me off.

I doubt you've even seen Milky Holmes if you think that

Yeah just like Sailor Moon and CCS.

Never seen anyone discuss this shit on this board. It's one of my first anime.

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I watched it on Crunchyroll 10 years ago.

Why would anyone talk about it? There's absolutely nothing worth talking about.

i dont quite remember if it was a tranny or a trap?

Who remembers?

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I fapped at the ayy teacher multiple times. I like the Twins one more though

Didn't say it should. But all harem things get a thread sometimes. Never seen one for this albeit it's very old. 10 years roughly like you say. I like the Opening.

Kana was nice

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Any one else see this or just me?

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meh, now and then here and there was good but I'd still rather watch re;zero

I saw this, it's still a popular game so a lot of people did

did we ever got season 2?

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Na klar doch.

Didn't think many people saw the anime or cared

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>there are people on Yea Forums haven't watched any Harlock/GE999 related series
>there are people on Yea Forums who haven't even watched 2199
It's sad

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This was one of the first anime that I watched online, and I really liked it at the time, but looking back on it, it was actually doo doo caca

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> who is Amano
> niizk rip is 11 years old, and there are more recent ones
You must be young.

It's one of the most famous shows of the '90s, it has been seen by many, and it was mentioned on Yea Forums.

if think its the only anime about fishing

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Trap mecha

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It was really nothing special. They could have released it in 2 or 3 OVAs instead.

I read the manga a few years ago. It's pretty weird but I liked it

Looking at random images on Google has me more confused now. Will have to read to figure out what the fuck I'm looking at.

its one of his oldest manga, I''s, Iria and DNA² are more well know

The state of Yea Forums for people to think nobody watched these. Seems like nobody actually watches anime these days, they just like to pretend they do.

> being this new
It's practically impossible, especially for an EOP, to have seen something that isn't at least a little popular. Why would something obscure even get subs in the first place? These threads are code for "talk about an anime that rarely gets mentioned" and you're somehow to stupid to figure that out.

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Too busy watching all saisonal isekai shows

s11 e10

yeah i aint watching that shit nigga

someone has to do it

It's ok, just let him pretend that he has seen literally all the anime

Downloading it currently, it's about to be done after 3 days.

Yes, else I cannot boast on Yea Forums about the 300 shows I have under my belt.

How the times have changed.

I doubt there are just 100 worthwhile ones.
Probably not even 50 if you are picky.

Ironic weeb opinion.

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Fucking loved this show.

I started posting on Yea Forums last year when I got back into anime after a 4 year break. I was just making an assumption based on never seeing anyone mentioning that ever.

>back in the day you were not a Ъ weeb if you didn't have 800+ titles... Preserved on CD/DVD in your apartment.

I have watched like 30 anime

Bait. Surely.


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Since we are on a topic of obscure animu knowledge may I ask kind user if he ever heard of this animu that I had no luck of finding?

It is a mid 90's anime, the plot revolves about tiny (but humanoid) aliens who got a prophecy or some such that told them they'll find a meaning of life or other some such significant thing inside human body. They have some sort of scaner/radar to determine the human target, and then send in a microbe-sized spaceship to search for it.
This kills a human, so humans send in a sentai crew on their own brand of microbe spaceship and they have space battles inside human body.
At some point aliens capture one of MCs via teleportation or something and they assemble him wrong (IIRC swapped legs and arms)

I'll count them and tell you exactly how many.

>These threads are code for "talk about an anime that rarely gets mentioned" and you're somehow to stupid to figure that out.
Why wouldn't you just make a thread called 'Talk about an anime that rarely gets mentioned'?

Also people posting shit like Binchou-tan and Onegai Teacher get talked about a decent amount. There was a lot of discussion about the latter when Ano Natsu came out.

Sounds weird. Only anime about getting inside a human body that comes to mind is Wonder Beat Scramble, but It's probbly not that.

>300 shows
Jesus Christ, does anyone on Yea Forums even watch anime anymore or is it just the 2D foot fetish board? I've watched over 1000 and I still have a huge backlog.

Have you tried using the tage search on anidb?

> Why wouldn't you just make a thread called 'Talk about an anime that rarely gets mentioned'?
Because retards like you deserve to misunderstand things and be mocked for it even on the internet.

I reached 30 and I stopped, maybe there's 10 more, tops. But I did watch single or 3 episodes of more stuff. But that's the amount of series I watched fully. That might make you mad but that beats me honestly.

but its not a fishing anime, its just one episode

>one episode
No, the entire DVD specials were about fishing. Which is like a miniseries.

You look like a bigger retard for making a thread in 'le epic coded language' with absolutely no reason or purpose.

Depends on what they are really.

It's not code for the rest of us, you dimwit. We can all look at this thread and understand what's going on because we're not completely mindless .

oh never saw it thanks i will try it

No rational person would make a thread in a 'coded' language. Just say what you mean, there's literally no sensible reason not to.

Are you the guy who's only watched 300 anime? Would make sense if you think Oishinbo is in any way obscure. Probably one of the most well know normie anime of the late 80s. It aired primetime on NNS for crying out loud.

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Do people not play the song on the radio anymore? Bloody hell.

what song?

Everyone knows School Rumble

weird harem anime with no girl winning

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i was so hoping for a remake since the reveal in Jump Force, but still nothing

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Similarly. But I believe Cooking Papa anime is even rarer on the Internet than Oishinbo anime.

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Like I said, the rest of us non-retards understand it just fine. Do you not understand the notion of interpreting sentences in non-literal ways due to context?

I tried t o rewatch it and 90% of the humor is retarded ornot funny. I still liked Harima x Eri though. I also wish protags like Hige that actually do something were popular, not ultimate cucks japs love so much to self insert.

i only saw the (cheesy) movie, is the anime good at least?

i only watched for Yakumo x Harima x Eri

I don't remember much but I'm pretty sure Genocyber is better.

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1989 OVAs (1-6 that is, 7-12 were made later and cheaper) are awesome. Great fights, fast story, good visuals. They still hold today.

never saw this one, we had in my country Mister Ajiko instead

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i hope its an harem ending in the LN too

The live drama is 10x better

Jubei-chan. A comedy that took itself seriously. It did not deserve to be forgotten.

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Not obscure enough.

Strange Dawn had such a big potential, remembering the final episode still makes me angry to this day.

Oishinbo, Mr. Ajikko and Cooking Papa are the Holy Trinity of food themed manga series.

But it's Cooking Papa that actually invents a new dish into Japanese cuisinary; the oginirazu.

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there is also Chuuka ichiban and a new anime is coming this year

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sad that the anime flopped, i wanted to see Luo Hao and Aisha

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Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland

Normally I have good luck in picking out obscure OVAs I've yet to see. This one was just atrocious, but the girls were cute at least and the insanity of it all was kind of entertaining.

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Is the manga better? I heard that this is one of CLAMP's weakest works.

Wrong, I watched it to. Sequel was a bit meh, but I'll always have a soft spot for lovely eyepatch shenanigans.

I read the mange, if that counts.

Read the manga first. Then try the anime if you can.

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Now and Then, Here and There isn't a deconstruction.
An example of deconstructive Isekai would be Magic Knight Rayearth (at least the ending of Season 1 and all of Season 2) since it was specifically written in response to all the popular isekai of the late 80s and early 90s.

Akazukin Chacha was literally one of the most popular anime of the 90s in Japan and was dubbed in multiple languages though. You're not the only one to have seen it.
Also there's been a resurgence in its popularity since it got some shitty Undertale parody.

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>aired on adult swim in America

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The variable Geo OVA
not the hentai one, the ecchi one.

Stratos 4

it was a good show that made me love stargazing

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Dragon's Heaven

I swear I've never seen anyone discuss Saikano in my nearly ten years on Yea Forums.

I've seen it. The OST is great. DANCIN WITH A HEARTACHE

This sounds interesting.

It's shit.

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she had such a hard and sad childhood

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It is!

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dumb vampire

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why does he looks so badass but in reality he's so useless without Nyanko-sensei or Natori

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Zettai Shonen.

Sukawara is my rare waifu.

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Saw this on a whim a couple of months ago.

It's pretty okay.

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I saw his earlier works like mr.ando and salaryman man. I love this director.
Don't know anyone that watched it

Don’t mind me

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I ain't saying its good

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Anybody watch Heroic Age?

Loved it, cute yet action packed. Still can't believe MC's friend bedded his teacher

One of my favorite space sci-fis next to Stellvia. Vandread and its manga were the best.

I still listen to the OP to this. All the girls were my favorite.

I watched all the other ones by that artist. There are so many I get them all confused because they look similar

Yep, it's old, very old at this rate. DC has so many spin off that come out every once in a while and that is why it doesn't seem so old.

Nice short 12-13 episode anime made by seemingly the same people. I love those anime because a lot of famous voices did these as some of their earliest roles.

Loved the hell out of this one, that and Agent Aika. Stratos4 is one hell of an adventure

Cute anime

That would cause a shitstorm if aired today. By far the best one and all the other series in the lore are good.

Princess Water Sports

I watched this 1 week before Strike Witches debuted

And another shitstorm anime. I remember way back when it was winding down Yea Forums went ballistic over the last few chapters. the anime is the epitome of nostalgia for me. This was one of my first DL'd anime

Another one of my favorites

Adorable anime

Remember that one, ending was good too

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I miss Stellvia

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My man!

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Fun times

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> when you realize Yea Forums has never seen oishinbo
kyoani retard should have burned down this board

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Comfiest watch ever.

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>Anime only you have seen
>posts something that has two banners on this site

I have seen you spamming this image trying to advertise how cool you are for liking Giant Robo constantly during the last two weeks especially. If you actually want to talk about it (which seems to be the case) you should go to /m/ where there is currently a thread for it. One of the most popular 90s OVAs is by no means obscure.

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Forgot to say
This is the most bizarre anime I've ever watched and literally nobody's heard of it.

Things like pic related are completely on the nose isekai right down to the girls being called "isekai no shoujo" or characters remarking "this is just like an rpg".
The genre was much rarer and most are more fantasy than rpg ripoffs but what would become the standard template already existed in the 90s at least.

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Also the Worst anime I've ever seen

every other god damn line

It was complete and irredeemable dog trash

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The standard was set by Wataru and Knight Ramune actually with the whole RPG comparison thing.
Rayearth was actually meant to be a subversion of common isekai tropes and plot points from the late 80s and early 90s since the flaw of the genre at the time was that most isekai anime was "too much" like a video game with black and white conflict.

The ova is bad and rushed like most ova adaptations at the time that chose to either cover barely any of their original novels or tried to "cover" them all by heavily redacting them.

I used to think this anime was fairly well known and watched but now I think most people know of the author's later series called monster.

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There's typical CLAMP 90's "subversion" where boy characters get replaced with girl characters that just do the same thing and the princess is actually important to the world instead of just a macguffin but it's pretty minor.
In the grand scheme of things you just watched several hours of anime that was straight cliche with things like opportune weapon powerups and the power of friendship.
I don't think Rayearth is bad but it's more standard than not.

Rayearth follows the late 80s and early 90s Isekai story-telling to a T until the plot twist at the end of S1 and then S2 steers off course and does its own thing.

really cool shit

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You clearly didn't because you posted a bunch of shit everyone and their dog knows about.

Shit show but the ending almost redeems it

I'll bet no one on Yea Forums has ever seen this.

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I mean, even on my shithole where it once aired, it never got that popular with the likes of Doraemon or Shin Chan. Its weird that Anericans have never heard of it nor have seen any notable shitpost fest about it on imageboards and other chinese cartoon websites apart from the ones from the japanese chans

Go watch Gdleen. It's actually pretty good and deserves having more people watch it than can be counted on one hand.

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This was such a great comedy, the likes of which we rarely get nowadays

I like mechabare so I have watched this a lot along side Parasite Dolls, probably another obscured anime not many have watched.

Those are two of the best sources for damaged robowaifus.

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Assuming we're talking about Yea Forums specifically.

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VR? wut?

>Anybody watch Heroic Age?
I did. It was very, very average. Possibly the most 5/10 show I've ever seen.

This show still holds a candle today in pissing anons off about the whole ending.

New Mai Hime series when?

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people always credit urasawa for this when he just did the art for it. Katsushika Hokusei wrote it.

In Japan around December 2017, they had a special VR short for Osomatu-san in Tokyo and I just happened to wander into an arcade nearby advertising it. It's about you joining the matsus in the bathhouse, and they talk to you while you look around at them. My JP isn't the best but basically they discover you have the power to teleport objects, start calling you master, and ask you to teleport Totoko who's in the woman's bath next door. It doesn't work and Totoko comes in in a fish costume and kicks everyone's ass.

Attached: [Moozzi2] Uchuusen Sagittarius - 04 (BD 1440x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv.png (1440x1080, 3.06M)

No idea why I watched this old-ass show.


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Sounds fun

It was an anime about a cop and his cyborg partner. It was called Steam Wolf or something, I can't find it though.

What's this about? Looks like every other low budget CGDCT show

It may not have been good, but it's definitely better than the crap isekais we got today.

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It's about cute girls doing cute things.

Why does the Yea Forums girl have pink hair?

I can count on one hand the times I've seen this show mentioned on Yea Forums

Mhm i still have the first 3 dvd's

Feels like it, though probably half the western anime scene at the time saw all these Pioneer OVAs like this and Moldiver.

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Is this that stupid cooking anime thats insanely popular in nipland for some reason?

Is this worth finishing?

Only show I know I've technically seen but have no real memory of, no idea when or where or how I even watched it. Convinced I hallucinated the entire thing.

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Ive never seen animerama mentioned on Yea Forums (1001 nights, cleopatra, belladonna of sadness) and idk anyone in real life who has either

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It's the pioneer for that genre.

Axnfag reporting in.

It's made by the same person that made Yotsuba.

What's it about? It's on my plan to watch list.

I did not know that.
All I noticed was Urasawa credited works like to use german settings for it's story.

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My first wife.

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It was okay. I liked the designs but the plot was inconsistent as hell and Age was a cheap Goku knockoff.

I want to rape this retarded loli...

I've watched (too) many unsubbed anime that I was lucky enough to find thanks to Japanese uploading their VHS/TV rips or based Anonymous Russian Rippers.

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At least 50% of /m/ has seen this.

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Americans only imported sci-fi/action/tits back then. A lot of people still have that chip on their shoulder than anime should still be like that.

yes, but it's not there.
I definitely remember a few scenes from there, with angry alien queen/princess, them dishing it out inside a human heart and MC lying on operation table and panicking after aliens botch up the assembly (I think they switched his arms/feet around or something like that)
I may remember it wrong but IIRC at some point they capture alien chick who ses things from their perspective and works with them on a peaceful resolution.

Me too. Shame season 2 didn't happen.

>It may not have been good
screw you, it's good.

Literally nobody has seen this but me.

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the subs are only 5 episodes in

I have, you're underestimating how many people like Dezaki.


Since this is basically a pre-2k thread, does anyone know why all of the OldCastle Attack no. 1 releases get v2/v3s? I've been backlogged since about episode 30 and still have the first releases downloaded.

Samurai Pizza Cats!

I'm sure I've seen something that would make the average Yea Forums browser scratch their head.

Have a comfy tune for now.

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I remember discovering that anime from this video years ago:

Dropped it after the first episode. Unless you're attracted to extremely old men then what's the appeal?

Recently watched this short about a boy raised by a telephone pole, was pretty good, doubt anyone in this thread has seen it.

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I've seen the whole thing, but I'unno what you'd discuss about it on Yea Forums

A lot of people jumped on that the second it got subbed. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I tried it. Dropped it halfway through. I had a good reason for it but I forget why.

I remember this fondly. I'm so glad Kikuko Inoue was the teacher.

I'm pretty sure I'm the ranking Gall Force expert here.

Although I have seen some pretty obscure stuff.

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It was fun albeit highly retarded. It could've been much better if that disease thing wasn't in the story at all.

Nigga what?
To this day, if anyone mentions pie ending, they'll know immediately what you're talking about.
I haven't seen a romcom overshadow it.
The only show that came close to it is Kishuku Gakkou no juliet.

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go to bed hiromoot

Eh, a 300 anime watched fag would call them shit.


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reminder you need 300 completed to post on Yea Forums


Well this is not an actual requirement so my 30ish completed will have to do

You should be watching anime instead of posting here. If you don't like anime why are you even here?

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Why did Geneon release a lot of maid shows in the early 2000's?

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>was promised delicious twincest
>got animated fever dream

turns out I was supposed to watch the other Futakoi anime

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I've only seen talking about this movie once

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Maybe there's nothing to talk about as opposed to nobody having seen the anime?

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Only one episode tho

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This and episode 23 of Outlaw Star provoked my "awakening" way back when. Good times.

Watched it. It is informative and well made.

And the moment when you realize her lil bro wasn't there.....

Saint Luminous

I don't care what anyone says, i like bootleg Makoto Kusanagi than the OG one

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The hell are you talking about? Literally everyone has seen it. Good anime though.

The manga for Kimengumi is being scanlated in English, by the way.

Angel is awesome.

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sukeban are the GOAT

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Kokoro Aru Iina...

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Karin is unironically great. The manga, that is.

Why isn't the manga translated? I loved this back then.
It's pretty chill. It's not really gay or anything.

Hey, I just got here, and this is crazy, but I have seen this, have it on DVD

I have to say I skipped on Madlax, but I watched Noir, Grenadier and El Cazador.

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I think I'm the only being who watched Kyuukyoku no Sex Adventure Kamasutraand actually enjoyed it
What a ride this OVA was.

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t. carly rae jepson

I feel like a retard normalfaggot for laughing at this.

Looks shit

it looks nice

trap detective conan

It’s on my list after I saw that great OP and ED. Does it touch any of Takahashi’s best work?

i'm still mad that they couldnt make it

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isnt Mai Otome a sequel?

I’m more of a Yea Forums guy so 99% of my obscure stuff is that, but here is my most obscure anime, highly recommended for the arthouse crowd.

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its really good and need a new season

i only watched the 1st episode and found it boring

IMAGINE the anime.

i remember the live action version of this

its coming soon by Discotek

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if you are under 20 yes its unknow

there was 2 version if i remember and the blue hair maid was scary in one of them


its complete?

>Why isn't the manga translated? I loved this back then.
me too i hope one day someone translate the 6 last volumes

Is this subbed? I’ve been methodically going through every anime OP ever, i’m up to 1994 this one really stood out.

Thanks for the heads up.

in french yes (and dub) but i dont know about english

>implying i haven't seen every Takashi Taniguchi film
Also Mukidashi no Mitsuko is his best work

Nah I’m EoP. Did the looking myself looks like it’s only up to episode 15 but a fan is trying to get a team together to finish. Is it as good as the OPs lead me to believe?

I seen this.

crazy comedy its good but kind of tiring as its a bit repetitive and lacking some romance but if you watch it its a gem from the 80s

every old peoples have seen it

i want FA and SOL

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Been a while since the last chapter was released but the project is not dead. Worth reading because the anime skips a lot of great content outright.


Very comfy show.

Cool, looks kind of Urusei Yatsura-esque.

but less ecchi

Æon Flux

Vandread was one of the earliest fansubs I watched when DivX was pretty much brand new. On top of that it's early Gonzo and had something like three different R1 DVD releases. It's well known but doesn't get much discussion because it wrapped everything up well.

i remember waking up at 6 am everyday to watch this shit on SIC

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Starzinger. I'm literally the only person alive who knows this thing exists, which is odd considering Leiji Matsumoto was involved in making it.

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Great show but it isn’t anime.


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I won’t pretend like i’ve watched it but i’ve definitely heard it mentioned on /m/.

Yea i've seen it and the other ZoE OVA too

On /m/? Probably because of SATAN BIRD

GOAT series

I'm downloading the original Harlock right now, please be patient with me.

Tck he's on to me.

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B-daman was it? i did the whole circle triangle shit on my bedroom wall

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Is this Moshi Moshi Jesus Desu~?

I watched like half of the English dub on bootleg VCDs.

non mon fils

And why would they even want to watch some mediocre 21st century budget spin off when the old series and movies are far superior?

Not really. The ending is something like they have to sacrifice the other girls to make MC the best princess and save the world. But with the power of friendship they just save the world without sacrificing anyone or some shit. Dark loli was funny.

All I did was playing THAT porn game.

i wonder why it never came to America

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It's about a high school girl astronaut in a commercial space program. She gets elbowed into it because the booster is not powerful enough to lift the scheduled male astronaut.

>What kinda anime you want senpai?
>You know that cover of Yotsuba where Fuuka wears a space suit?

made for NTR

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I'm surprised this thread is still alive.
If you like closer to slice of life type shows I think its excellent. It leans far more on the 'realism', aka you will actually learn about life in Japanese society, side but is still entertaining just for the story and pacing.

If you enjoy food it will also be educational and interesting. Now, at the moment only 5 episodes are subbed, so if you don't know Japanese you will have to wait I guess. But you should take a look at those episodes.

I tried to automate the subs for the episodes so more people could see the show by uploading to YouTube and then auto-captioning it, but the AI is still garbage and barely works for any sentences.

I assume so, unless there's another one.

Attached: Oishinbo OP.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Fuck you Milky Holmes is a masterpiece

anyone here know this?

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Still 1 episode with subs?

I bought a DVD of this when I was about 12 because I thought the cover looked cool and I remember showing it to my grandpa, who knew nothing about what anime was but was still a good sport about it.

Amazon is selling DVDs of Gun Frontier.

I'm sure some people saw the dub version but the original seems pretty rare.

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Has anyone else seen Nurse Angel Ririka?

I saw a few minutes at an anime club meeting many, many moons ago.

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Incredibly popular lmao.

All of scandinavia saw it, the dub is even a meme due to lines like "the pussy rockets!!" and "I want to die like a man who loves Penis".

I don't think I've ever seen Puni Puni Poemy mentioned here.

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Always mentioned in Excel Saga threads.

Was pretty popular here when it aired. Even has a banner.

You didn't say it had to be good

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not in my country

I'm quite sure no one has seen this

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i dont care what you say. i enjoyed it.

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dope ass OP to boot

G-On Riders

There was a joke in this that I saw years after in Kung Fu Panda 3 and it drove me insane.

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Always wanted a sequel to this.

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Isn't it one of Miyazaki's first works? It is obviously popular.

KY-kei JC Kuuki-chan.
Watch it.

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Not an anime, but needs a bump for newfriends: Akihabara Geeks

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>Thinks he's the only one who watches Natsume
Most agree that it's good and there's only like 3 mostly irrelevant females in the show so there's no waifu wars to keep threads alive.

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Anybody watch Angelic Layer?

I've been here since 2007 and these two trolls are the only ones I've see,what do I win?

Congratulations, you're colorblind.

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Inazuma Eleven
That anime about little star and wizard making the wishes true

Pretty popular in Italy.

>Jeanne et Serge
Was it called like this in France? Here in Italy it became 'Mila e Shiro' and it was pretty popular.

You are just old.

Don't people know that's the source of pic related?

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OP definitely watched this one, sorry user.

I have..... for all of 10 seconds before I changed channels.

What was the joke?

Literally just me

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Sure user, only you.

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Atleast source it

Manga was better.
But anime Hiyono was a qt.

Opening song was by the same person that did the opening song for Bokurano.
Good hunting.

This was Hero Academia before Hero Academia

Ixion Saga DT

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Seems like he already pleasured himself too much, if anything.

Why the final episode makes you angry?

What's wrong with the producers?

This one was great

France and Italy changed quite a lot anime title in the 80/90s

i watched it in the 90s, i was 8yo

Did anyone watch Nazca? It’s the anime seen in the Malcolm in the Middle intro

Can confirm
oh boy, this is the italian title im not kidding
>A spell disclosed between the petals of time for Rina

like this one

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>City Hunter
not american enough
>Nicky Larson
oh yeah

and the opening
Lupin III OP italian music for Captain Tsubasa OP french

What about Magic Knight Rayearth?
>A half-closed door at the borders of the Sun
That was plain plagiarism.

loved this shit so fucking much 12 years ago

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I've never watched it but because of Malcolm it became a meme anime more than anything. How is it?

Also that:
I guess
>Saint Seiya
>The knights of the zodiac
doesn't sound that bad, however the dialogues adaptation took too much inspiration from the divine comedy and other works

Just admit that if you had seen it was because DouchebagChocolate made a review about it.

Attached: Alien9.gif (500x336, 991K)

Another one:
>wicked city
>the city of the sorceress beasts
Guess, they didn't liked to name it ''la città malvagia''

it was France who changed the name, it doesnt sound well with christianity i think

I won't show you

Well, at first glance it implies that Seiya is a saint, when the series has also other main characters so i think its why of that change.

Who ??

pretty sure only 10 people watched this world wide

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Motherfucking Noir. People talk about Gunslinger Cats all the time like it’s some obscure show, and even absolute garbage like Kitty Grade gets discussed here. And yet, I have never met a single other person in real life or online who has watched Noir, or even heard of it in most cases. I never see it talked about on Yea Forums either, which is such a shame because it honestly has one of the single most aesthetic end themes of all time.

It just blows my fucking mind that this gem is so frequently passed up. I think I maybe saw one thread about it on /k/ years ago, and that was it. Even they don’t really talk about it.

One of my favorite shows

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Is that some space family carlvinson?

I watched Noir. It was aesthetic, and it sounded great.
Wasn't particularly well-written, but the Taiwan arc was fun, and the villains were interesting.

Bee Train only went downhill from there.

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Amerimutt here.
Has anyone seen this show outside of Italy

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some fag that doesn't upload anymore

I watched it. Soundtrack and stuff was solid, even great. But it sputtered out hard especially as it was wrapping things up, and not sure what was up with that weird yuri shit at the end. The story as a whole wasn't the show's strong point. Some nicely directed moments here and there, but overall kinda meh. Nearly all the villains were bullet fodder so it really lacked any tension beyond unbelievable gun antics.

This series is obscure in all world sans japan and italy, same for sampei, tiger mask [before the last one], cats eyes and cobra are decently known.

I recognize that from GCCX

Mai-Hime is a timeless classic.

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I marathoned this a few weeks ago user, it was pretty average

Neo-Yea Forums everyone

I absolutely love Karin.
The manga that is...

I have, I was enjoying the show quite a bit but I feel like wrapping it up around 26 episodes would have been best. That attempt at another cour was awkward and the queen's sister was annoying and kind of pointless, I wanted to see more of Saiya and Ririka developing their relationship, since that was the best part of the show. I do love Ririka as a protagonist though, she is pretty flawed in a realistic way without being overly abrasive about it.

~Let me be with you~
How many of you still remember Chii?

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Season 1 was funny and exciting.
Season 2 is depressing, but it feels like it somehow healed my heart.

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Wrong thread, but yeah.
The manga is super depressing.

Chii is a legend.

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One of very few in this thread I don't recognize. Source?

Superior music anime to Beck and K-on combined

Chibits is based.
Neo/a/ doesn't know it

Only 70's kids will remember :^)

Wow in Spain it was just Reena and(y) Gaudi

Reverse image search nigga.

>Proto Saitama

Pollon. I watched give chapters at least. Not bad

Oh, the Ane Naru Mono prequel

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Didn't Urasawa start a lawsuit claiming he wrote most of the second half?

>tiger mask [before the last one], cats eyes and cobra are decently known
they are massively known in France

is that Rahan?

Watching right now. Pretty nice, but doesn't really feel like a kids show.

Sure, but the faggot didn't give it 1/10th the credit it deserves.

Seems like this one got buried over time. Which is understandable, but also a bit of a shame since it is a pretty comfy show.

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