These 2, along with Lelouch being a protagonist with a huge deal of agency that often makes the first move - rather than the typical protagonist that is just reactionary to their situation and villains.
Why was Code Geass so successful...
>Like who's idea was it to have nina hump a table, and it got okay'd by their director.
Kek, I can only imagine being on Yea Forums during the original broadcast. I started posting very shortly after geass finished
You're one of those "I am 14 and this is deep" people aren't you.
It was the pizza
That’s the audience that like this show
>uwawawa i hate Code Geass because it made me feel different and people will notice me
Same with anything that's popular
It was Melrose Place but with mechs and magic.
Because it was great
cool characters
good story
cool mechs
It had everything rolled into one anime
It's pretty much the definition of trash food anime. You just keep indulging in the pilling on grease and salt and sugar.