Why was Code Geass so successful...

Why was Code Geass so successful? I mean even the haters secretly loved it deep down and watched it all despite pretending not to.

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for me it was the artstyle, it came out at a time where everything looked virtually the same and it really stood out to me as unique, still is really.

It just did a whole lot of different things right all at once.

It was like Death Note AND a mecha anime, it was the plucky rebels against the evil empire AND the decadently rich kid of noble breeding MC, it was the over the top dramatic AND had sociopolitical overtones that felt grounded in a realistic setting, it had the best friends secretly on opposite sides in their alternate identities trope except those identities were on different sides than what you would expect, there was just so much going on and they made it work by just being shamelessly fucking shonen about it.

Even the pacing and general storytelling stood out from other anime. Basically a lot of anime plays it safe and Code Geass said "fuck it, DO IT" even if something was going to look ridiculous or create a plot hole, it's like the writers kept saying every episode "Fuck it, just do it!" each time leading to the story getting crazier and constantly escalating with plot twists. I mean the whole moment with Euphemia killing everyone with such a convenient timing is completely ridiculous from a writing perspective, yet they still fucking did it. Not a lot of writers can do ballsy shit like that on top of a very good well grounded story. Code Geass could've ended as an okay anime, but they went next level with its plot twists making it unpredictable and unforgettable.

Like who's idea was it to have nina hump a table, and it got okay'd by their director.

for me, it's how Lelouch was living a double life where one little mistake would get him killed. There aren't too many shows like that.

it was like meme the anime as it was coming out. it was trash, it was dumb, it was so much fun, brimming with laughter and drama and shipping and mystery and soap opera shit and mecha... it was awesome to love, awesome to hate - you just wanted to talk and post about it.

also, i think a lot of big anime are LN or manga adaptations... it's so much more fun with a weekly anime to have it as an original story so we're all guessing and dying for the next fix.

It's Death Note with fights, what's not to like?

>it was trash

Trash isn't fun user. Trash isn't awesome to love either.

that's just like your opinion man

love is everywhere and in everything :3

It’s a really simple anime that pretends it’s smart and in turn makes the viewers think it’s smart with its constant plot twists and asspulls.

These 2, along with Lelouch being a protagonist with a huge deal of agency that often makes the first move - rather than the typical protagonist that is just reactionary to their situation and villains.

>Like who's idea was it to have nina hump a table, and it got okay'd by their director.
Kek, I can only imagine being on Yea Forums during the original broadcast. I started posting very shortly after geass finished

You're one of those "I am 14 and this is deep" people aren't you.

It was the pizza

That’s the audience that like this show

>uwawawa i hate Code Geass because it made me feel different and people will notice me
Same with anything that's popular

It was Melrose Place but with mechs and magic.

Because it was great

cool characters
good story
cool mechs

It had everything rolled into one anime

It's pretty much the definition of trash food anime. You just keep indulging in the pilling on grease and salt and sugar.

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Do you think there will ever be another anime that takes over the board? I missed out on CG closest I have seen was Darling but that felt mostly like ironic shitposting. I'm so mad at myself for being a normalfag for years and missing out on anime culture. I just want to be part of a big event that people come together to enjoy.

Dragon Ball Super, I don't know why people keep downplaying its feats. That thing got televised on all of Mexico and reached like 2 2000 posts threads on its final episode, while consistently reaching bump limit and creating a culture that still persists over other threads (Blanco and Calvo forms and broken spanish)

Spic shit doesn't count.

For me it was Lulu, even for how dramatic the show was I still
empathized with him even when he was being an asshole. I always wanted him to succeed and I actually enjoyed watching his asspulls. Also I could feel his anger whenever he was betrayed or things weren’t going his way. While I didn’t really like the art style at first, it really emphasized the dramatic and over the top motions and emotions of the characters. Also Kallen best girl

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I hate it and didn't watch it.
Checkmate, atheist.


It makes me look cool to badmouth popular anime.

Children these days.

There's a few reasons.

Lelouch was a charismatic protagonist, the show was consistently entertaining and had an interesting dynamic between him and Suzaku, the Geass was an appealing power, the girls were attractive (and also the boys), the OP was catchy and the rest of the soundtrack was very nice too.

All popular anime is a meme if you watch it with that same mindset, user. Have you been to the Jojo or Attack on Titan threads?

Code Geass was tailored to maximise its potential target audience. It borrowed the trend of "intelligent", "anti-hero" protagonists who fight with their brains from Death Note, which had been a huge hit at the time, but combined it with the mecha meets teen drama crap from Gundam SEED for maximum success with the chuuni audience. And it also heavily pandered to fujoshits, due to Clamp designs alone. It was like this anime was designed by a marketing committee. They also made last-minute changes to the plot depending on popularity, time-slot, etc.
Code Geass is the embodiment of overrated shit and it's mostly hyped by people who were kids or teenagers while it aired.

>closest I have seen was Darling but that felt mostly like ironic shitposting
It was the same for Code Geass. A lot of the threads that "took over the board" were literal spam with hardly any replies and the gaiafags (akin to the redditors of today) that came to Yea Forums for "epic memes" and shitposting who were unfamiliar with the website's functionality and culture, starting threads all over the place, did the rest. Code Geass was bigger than DitF but it was pretty similar and pandered to similar demographics.

Because he was also the villain.

The villains (mostly) weren't idiots. They were taking actions that made sense, but Lelouche simply outsmarted them.

Good but also bad so you can watch it earnestly but also hatewatch it easily. It was so fucking ambitious.

I'm rewatching it right now, anything I should know?

It was what non-mechafags tuned into to see if they could like mecha. I don't like mecha but CG was great.

C.C. has hairy pussy

Cornelia is and always will be the best girl, plebs are just too stupid to notice this

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Probably becasue the main character with a good guy a bad guy and an asshole the who time


I think what separated all the twists from LOL SO RANDOM nonsense was the fact that It All Came Together.

Nina shlicking off to Euphie's picture? That's because she has a Suuuper crush on her and creates a doomsday device when she dies.

Euphie's death sets up the Season 1 ending, going from a relatively boring ending of peace to a very exciting ending of more war.

Even Jeremiah Gottwald comes back as LOYALTY INCARNATE. All those weird ass tangents come back to play their part.

>geass and salt and sugar

B I G, F A T P I Z Z A A S S

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never :(

I'm thinking of watching it for the third time but maybe I'll wait until next year

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Couldn't have put it any better. It really was just a mishmash of a lot of interesting concepts that somehow seamlessly fit together in the best way. Usually shows that try to do that fail to make any of the concepts stand out but Code Geass somehow managed to take the best from all of it and make fit it together into something special. It was like watching the best of Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, Eva, and other shonen all at the same time

Lelouch killed his dad with the Geass but because CC is still alive he still has it, but he also inherited his father's Code by killing him, and thus he has both Code and Geass

Code Geass


Actually i fuckd that up i think

No Charles had Code

I always rewatch the series at least once a year and every time is just as good as the first, not many shows can do that.

That happened with Gurren Lagann too but keep in mind this was over a decade ago when traffic on Yea Forums tilted towards the same crowds and before General mentality came into play.

Tfw I got a cheesy bites from Pizza Hut yesterday

Curse you CC

>one little mistake would get him killed
he makes massive fuck ups every episode and still makes it to the very end. the zero requiem arc is probably the only one that panned out according to plan from start to finish.

No, most people enjoy it because it's silly fun.

Suzaku was the X factor that always ruined lelouch's plans
>capture him at the end of R1
>nuke the city led to the Britanian kidnapped his sister
Also he didn't expect Ougi would betray him for a piece of pussy and Black Knights were a bunch of retard.

Wouldn't that make him immortal and invalidate the ending? Why would he inherit the code? He didn't make his father transfer it, nor did he have a geass contract with him. He just made the god thingy absorb his parents.

You have to make plans with people being retarded traitors in mind. He himself talks endlessly about having backup plans and expecting what people will do, and most of his asspulls are played off as this - him predicting what people are going to do.

>pits not hairy
Hard pass

>Original setting and worldbuilding
>Charismatic MC that's smart and ambitious, but also flawed, makes mistakes and takes high risks
>Flamboyant CLAMP character designs
>Colorful and full of memes but with tons of dark moments
>Themes of racism and moral dilemmas in politics, terrorism and war
>Fantastic mecha design that weren't over the top and full of special snowflakes until R2. Delicious Sunrise production values and choreographies
>Pretty good and memorable OST
>Addictive pacing, full of plot twists. Even the comfy slice of life episodes were hectic or ended on a high note
>Anime original so no smug weebs spoiling the experience, except for NEW-TYPE's fucking episode synopsis ruining Shirley's death
>One of the best cliffhangers in the history of anime at the end of season 1

gee I wonder

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