Just find another shop you twit.
Just find another shop you twit
the problem was that it was the only tea shop near his home
You don't get between Brits and tea.
Genuine spoilers, but who knows if the anime will even cover this since it's not in the arc they're adapting.
>Gray's backstory
Gray is a descendant of the Pendragon bloodline but that's not her original face.
Her family is a family of gravekeepers, running one of the many cemeteries across Britain that claims to be the resting place of King Arthur. But her family, her entire village actually, is part of a cult.
When Gray was born with a passing resemblance to Saber, the cult freaked out and decided to have her be the second coming of King Arthur. They used magic to synchronize her essence to Saber's, planning on having her body transform into a perfect copy of Saber's so that Saber's soul could possess her and bring about the return of King Arthur.
When Saber was summoned in Fate/Zero, Gray's face and hair suddenly changed to be identical to Saber's. The cult, her family, and her mom most of all, treated her like royalty and like an object. She wasn't a person to them, she was King Arthur.
Eventually Waver found out about her. He saved her from her cult village before she could be possessed by Saber's soul and brought her to London.
Add is a special weapon called Logos React Replica that has been passed down Gray's family since Arthurian times. He is a seal on Rhongomyniad, Saber's holy spear, that keeps Rhongomyniad from losing its power. His personality is a copy of Sir Kay's, Saber's nii-san.
>Gray at the end of the LNs
When Shirou summons Saber in volume 10, Gray's body reacts to it just like it did when she was summoned in Zero. This time Gray's hair turns blonde, she gets advanced regeneration abilities, and she gets a dragon mana engine in her body just like Saber has so she basically generates mana just by breathing.
Thanks for saving my time. Not worth wasting another minute on this chuuni fanfiction.
I love how he was going on about crimes, morality and whatnot, when he wouldn't have bothered if his favorite shop wasn't involved and/or he wasn't on assignment. Also, I think Svin might need a restraining order.
poor svin, he can't help being a dog
>Convoluted way to have another saberface
Jesus christ
Why would you ever consider Fate if you don't like chuunishit?
How is that convoluted? Seems straightforward to me and it's a better reasoning for saberface than some of her other clones.
Love it when Waver's old F/Z side filters though.
It's automatically convoluted because there is never a reason to have a saberface character.
All those explanations are simply excuses.
You weren't ever going to watch it anyway.
>His personality is a copy of Sir Kay's, Saber's nii-san
why was nii-san an asshole?
There might be a reason for it. Nasu may have told them to make her a Saberface as a setup for something in the future. But if there's no legitimate reason, then it's inexcusable.
He's the "I bully my imouto all the time but only I'M allowed to do that and if you bully her you deal with me" type.
>he thinks there's a reason other than nips fucking loving saberfaces
Does grey develop a Interest in [Swords] when rin drags her manservent to clocktower?
We've never seen them interact in anything official because the LNs end when FSN starts, but probably
no girl can resist the chad sword autist.
They never meet. Again, and this bears repeating, they never meet. Ordinarily, Shirou has nothing to do with Waver. There's an extremely low likelihood of them ever crossing paths. Let's repeat it again:
I'm more interested in Shirou and Rin's reaction when they see monochrome Saber.
He is tsundere for that cafe.
Rin goes to Waver's class and Shirou spends some time in the CT with her. It's not that far-fetched. Hell Shirou talks with Waver in the last episode of UBW.
She's not even monochrome by the time they do meet her since her hair turned blonde in volume 10 as a reaction to Saber being summoned by Shirou.
So they'd just see Saber in a black hoodie and thigh highs.
Nasu said that it's just fanservice the anime guys threw in on their own. Ordinarily, they'd never cross paths.
>Flat casually manipulating Svin into leaving
Coldness befitting a mage
So what, they're just dicking around in London and suddenly Gray turns blonde? Then Waver's like "oh shit I guess Saber got summoned over in Japan"?
Sorry user, but every sabarface has bonds with the sword retard because of Avalon.
also because he impaled the king.
Okay sure they never meet, but why are you so angry about it?
Shirou doesn't really interact with more than one Saberface. Only Altrias react to Emiya in FGO. Specifically Saber and Maid Alter.
>Excalibur Galatine chose that idiot gorilla (and son of Morgan) Gawain instead of based Kay
Shitty sword has shitty taste.
Poor Gaheris is the only Orkney spawn left who hasn't appeared onscreen.
they're in the last battle against the main antagonist
OP of the season tbqhwy senpai
Wouldn't they eventually meet Gray when the Grail Dismantling conflict happens? Waver's sure to drag her along.
Shirou isn't involved in that.
Oh so it's like a climactic powerup moment. Cool.
>Shirou isn't involved in a magus conflict in his town with his friend/lover participating that could very possibly involve or hurt innocent people
seems unlikely
what if Prototype Kay is a big sister instead of big brother?
I think that's actually the case
He might be doing his hero thing in the Middle East by that point. I don't know when he starts doing that but the Grail dismantling is something like 10 years after FSN so they might overlap.
That's HS Emiya though, it's not certain Shirou will end up even doing the same things. He certainly won't end up the same way.
Meanwhile she doesn’t have a clue
My Servant, by my Command Seals, I order you...Gray, hear Svin out
He'd already be seigi no mikata-ing by that point. Rin would probably tell him not to come anyway.
Besides, it's not a Holy Grail War. Even if magi slaughter each other by the droves, they'd try not to involve innocent people since it'd cause problems. Most magus slaughters happen behind closed doors.
Won't help, she's shishousexual
He won't have the same fate as Archer but I do think he still ends up in the Middle East because there's so many people there for him to help.
What's the reason for the other saberfaces?
Even so, the poor guy ought to know his chances
Gray, Reines, and Flat want Waver
Svin, and Reines wants Gray
Waver wanta Iskander
>Gray, Reines, and Flat
And most of the female student body
>Heavily indebted Waver
>Can afford to eat all his meals in a restaurant every day
Waver's food budget is probably $1200 per month or more including tips
Wonder if grey will ever find out how much waver loves massive bears. it'd probably be a bit of a shock.
Reminder that Gray still hangs out with Waver into her twenties. She wants the Velvet dick.
Waver is like her step-dad, she has nowhere else to go.
Shirou was probably off killing brown people in the Middle East
Does she still dress like a dork?
Go outside, you fucking hikki.
There's no art of her but yes.
She does in the manga
That's nothing lol. All his clothes are super expensive custom designer clothes and he has fuckloads of videogames both old and new, with games imported from Japan. Also he is into fountain pens, which can be a damn expensive hobby, even if you buy just (good) paints.
Yeah dude they're making that Okita Souji plotline as we speak
I didn't see her but have Waver freaking out when he realized the super-mage autist is halfway across the planet without supervision.
Waver plays Japanese vidya games when no one's around.
Waver hates Japan and the Japanese and thinks games are the only worthwhile thing that comes out of there.
He's Yea Forums.
>He saved her from her cult village before she could be possessed by Saber's soul and brought her to London.
Dude what the fuck is your problem, Waver?
Nero is because Arthur in the legend became Roman Emperor, I believe
This is pretty cute desu
So it's only once Gray goes full Saber is when Waver makes her cover up her face?
This is why he does not like Rin
Fucker has the gall to come from Japan but has no knowledge of games, the fuck is she even good for?
>Gray's backstory
Makes sense why Waver hates her face.
Being a better magus. :-)
No. It's when Gray tells Waver to hate her face even more
What's up with the subs this week?
This line and the overuse of "Sir" kinda threw me off.
Will they ever write anything regarding Shirou and Rins time at the clock tower? How does Waver react towards an Emiya now? Does Shirou meet Gray at any chance and on top of that by this time she looks exactly like Saber so how would that play out
>Will they ever write anything regarding Shirou and Rins time at the clock tower?
We don't know
Homocels don't compromise
Waver already thinks Shirou is an idiot
>his name
Isn't Jack the Ripper canonically female in Nasuverse? There's no way a proper magus like Waver don't know that.
Shirou and Waver barely meet. Originally, they'd never meet at all, but the anime changed that slightly. Shirou's gonna leave the Clock Tower to seigi no mikata it up anyway.
Waver is neuroatypical. He doesn't like his routines disturbed and completely fail to process social cues.
Apocrypha Jack is a bunch of dead baby souls pissed off so they took up the mantle of Jack the Ripper due to the time period they died in and for revenge against the sluts who killed them.
Another Jack the ripper exists in Fate he is a Berserker his gimmick though is that even he does not know who is due to the mystery surrounding Jack the ripper
Jack is whatever the hell this week's writer fells like it should be
No. Jack the Ripper's identity was never positively confirmed, so any wraith who can best fit the role can be summoned as Jack the Ripper. It's the same deal as Sasaki Kojiro. The "Sasaki Kojiro" that we know was just a nameless farmer. He was chosen to take on Sasaki Kojiro's role because his technique is a solid fit for the fictional Kojiro's famed Tsubame Gaeshi technique.
Whoa, I didn't know that Nasuverse is an anti-abortion series. It just keeps getting more based.
Do you think they might introduce Gudao/Gudako in the main universe?
Sure. After Hakuno's introduced as a Pseudo-Servant.
I really do not understand the self insert crap when most of the time the community makes them their own characters
Organic Meat & Electric Bunny Drama CD (preview)
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaah! Who was it? Who ate the sandwich I bought?
Flat (munching):
>Oh, this thing? I'm eating it right now, Caules.
>What happened?
>Svin, say something to Flat.
>Did I do anything bad?
>Sigh, give it up. If something is in the fridge with no nametag on it, anyone can eat it. That's the dorm's rules.
>What kind of rule is this? Are we barbarians? ...Man, I was so looking forward to this dinner.
>It was a mistake to expect common sense from Flat.
>My bad for not telling you about the rules, but aren't the Pentel sisters the main culprits for making the rules up? Well, I'm not good with common sense either.
>Don't say it yourself.
>My bad, my bad. I think I had some cup ramen left in my room if you still want anything.
>Then, I'll ta... wait up, you didn't use any weird magecraft on it, did you?
>Hehe, no, I may be like that, but even I don't modify cup ramen all that often.
No, you're just ignorant of myths and folklore about grudges and hauntings of dead children. Apoc jack is literally the khuman tong thing in thai black magic, right down to it functioning as a familiar.
So literally el saber blanco
>not la saber blanca
>After Hakuno's introduced as a Pseudo-Servant.
The real question is Hakuno two servants forcing you to roll twice or one servant which has both genders per ascension?
The second one
i dont speak tranny language
but they already made Saber Charlemagne a Gudao-face, and Gudako got one recently too
The spanish subs for HF used Saber as a proper noun in english and with male pronouns.
>Isn't this the ramen cup I saw rolling on the floor back when you made poison gas?
>Is there really a problem? Those things are airtight.
>There is a problem! Ah, now I'm getting really hungry. I should go asking people around if anyone's got food.
Svin: *sniffs*
>What the heck? Don't go sniffing people all of a sudden, Svin.
>Smells like a dirty dog in a chariot. You truly are hungry. Wait a second. *sniffs some more* There doesn't seem to be any other food in the dorm. I can't smell it.
>You can tell?
>Le Chien's got a good nose.
>Don't call me Le Chien!
>Le Chien? Ah, dog in French.
>I can easily get the information from my nose, at least in this building. Because the smell of cooked food is very characteristic.
>I see. Ah, now that I know there's no food, my hunger only gets worse.
>If that's the case, let's go for the best we can. All-you-can-eat beefsteak!
>Beefsteak? Can we?
>and Gudako got one recently too
Did she?
>Gudako got one recently too
If you mean Kagetora then they only share the same face, still different hairstyles though
Isn't that just Takeuchi sameface?
The hair style is the biggest give away though. Saber Charlemagne has black hair with a white streak while it’s the opposite for Kenshin.
All the Paladins are fucking forks
The 12 Paladins are really just the Knights of the round table the abridged series for the French
lmao that was the dude who stole Waver's freebies
Jack the Ripper was never ide tified in Fate, just like in real life. The loli Jack servant is a hive mind of ghosts of aborted whore babies from Victorian London that became a conglomerate ghost child and killed whores so she could climb back in their wombs.
Her deal is "maybe she's Jack, maybe she isn't, but since Jack was never identified she's the closest thing so she's what you get when you try ti summon Jack."
huh what are you talking about
there is only one Fate Jack and he is based
Based Waver keeping her from becoming the jobber servant class.
That's what you get when you summon Jack as an Assassin. If you summon Jack as a Berserker, you get something else.
Berserker Jack might be unique to SF, what with the Fake War and all.
Still a version of Jack other servants have other forms too
Not like Assassin is much better
Eh im pretty sure that strange fake jack is more about how weird was his summoning. A fake catalist, no circle, no chant and by fucking Flat of all people. Even his ME say that he is unstable as fuck
Holy shit that dialogue, at least Saber remained an dignified king in front of Shirou and wasn't begging him for shit. Now fucking Charlemange is like a fucking kid asking a favor of his father. Absolutely disgusting, the absolute state of Type Moon.
Ruler Charlemagne though
Do you guys like all these different versions of the same character or think they are bullshit?
What I learn from this show is that the UK is a disgusting place no matter how much they try to shill it.
The paladins are a bunch that you could get from a parody movie, is kind of the point of having 2 charlemagne in extella link
Different versions of characters tend to exist primarily due to lack of communication between writers. Nasu doesn't really tell anyone his plans, and writers for different projects don't really talk to each other about them either. This is why there are two Vlads and two Jacks.
Charlemagne is a different story, though.
Depends. I'm pretty strict on how I like my different versions.
Summers are fucking cancer. Alters like Cu Alter or Jeanne Alter who are the results of wishes are fucking cancer as well.
The only good alts are like how Old Li and Young Li are the same dude just affected by age or Lancer Cu and Caster Cu being basically the same dude even with the class change.
They are the same character but they dont act the same like Saber Gilles and Caster Gilles its just different points in their lives
>No fun allowed
Just a shallow way for Servants to fall in love with (you) while forgetting about their original stories.
So, autistic?
>Isn't Jack canon canon female??
No, read Apoc, or just evil cat's interlude in FGO
Jack is basically Hassan, there is no real Jack or at least the real Jack was never found, so any time you try to summon him you get something random that's merely "close". Loli Jack isn't real at all, she's just as fake as Fake Jack.
Any time you summon Jack you just get something rumored to be Jack. Since Jack himself is all rumors.
Saber Gilles was irrly turning into his caster form in Apocrypha though
Why does the visual novel describe him as "jovial"? Is it because it was at the end of the Fate route and they retconned that since then?
I'm watching this for Waver anyways. But I'm betting that Nasu and Takeuchi required this saberface bullshit for the LNs to be written.
I didn't realize liking canonical class changes was somehow anti-fun.
Unless your defense is of Cu/Jeanne Alter in which case I can't defend you on that choice considering neither Alter is actually the servant they are alters of.
Still murdered people and stole their lands. Like a lot of people. Not pictured: Roland raping an enemy dude to death while screaming about his waifu leaving him.
Not really, extra was written by nasu before apo so it was a choice to make 2 versions of him
Two jack is just a problem that strange fake first vol was a aprils fool joke released before apo and then became a ln series years later
Summers are fucking joke servants dude
And grail alters actually make sense in the context of go, being able to summon them is the bullshit part.
except there ones that ARE the original and still conveniently fall for your dick sometime forget everything about that they represent.
>she's the closest thing so she's what you get when you try ti summon Jack.
Its not even that bro, she's just one of many things you might summon as Jack. She has no special status as "Almost true jack".
Summer versions are all in good fun. And Jeanne Alter's fun so who cares. The Holy Grail is an omnipotent wish granter, so making a fake Servant is fine.
Why are the Strange/Fake and Lord El-Mellio LN's the best Fate plotlines?
No saber
I want a slutty Sex lmao Saber who only serve (me)
"From Hell, I said. Where it's nice and...warm..."
God dammit, you're absolutely right. Arthur doesn't count since he's cool and not Artoria.
That's theoretically possible too, yeah.
Because Ishtar finally wins. Like always!
Does 20 year old grey have the body of lancer Artoria?
>being able to summon them is the bullshit part.
I mean this part obviously isn't true with the rest of your statement considering if you can summon Summer Servants then there is no issue summoning made-up versions of other servants either.
>And Jeanne Alter's fun so who cares
I knew you were a Jeannefag when you responded, I knew I should have called you out on it the moment it came into my mind.
>The Holy Grail is an omnipotent wish granter, so making a fake Servant is fine.
Neither of these statements are true.
All servants canonically love Japanese culture.
>Charlemagne questions why Astollfo wears a skirt
>with him here
Nigga that ain't Arthur
Holy shit a nigger in my anime
Wherever there is saber, there is wank, and no tension since you know who will win since Nasu is a whore who shills Saber above all things. If the story has no saber, then it actually has the potential to be interesting and no clear winner, and well less annoying wank.
But bro, Richard aside...Cuckold horns.
Wouldn't put it past them.
If you want arturia then search for saber alter or okita alter if you only care for saberface, no version of blue saber wants gudao dick after all
>a rectonned cuck for fujos
also that's not cuckthur
How is it not true? Okay, so the Holy Grail can't do literally anything, it still has the power to do something on the level of creating a fake Servant. Why wouldn't it?
You got me lads, it's been a while since I've even read the LN's.
I hope we get more "fair" mysteries like what we got in the body part episode. I mean, yeah, it was obvious that the sewer mage was stealing electricity for some research, but the Zeus thing came out of nowhere.
>shills Saber above all things
>half of UBW as a Caster's rape slave
>gets wrecked almost immediately in HF
Hey man, they had to appeal to certain fetishes. It was a VN originally after all, and how else were they supposed to sell copies?
"Well, Locksley's no Sir Tristan, but he's very good at making problems...ah...disappear."
Why does Nasu wank ENGLAND so much?
Can someone explain Nitocris's noble phantasm to me? In lore terms.
You never summon the summer servants user, they are the already summoned servants that you have that get a class change cous scath can fuck with that cous runes.
Jeanne alter and Cu alter are in a way different spot because they were born from a grail wish and were killed after that and then you can summon them. They needed to make a whole event to make jeanne alter be posible to summon too because she was 100% fiction while cu is just him going full out of character thanks to the grail.
Saber needed more badass fight scenes like with Sasaki Kojiro and Medusa and Gilgamesh in the Fate route.
Cause their most iconic character was from that island
Ah, my facetiousness has missed it's mark. I'm not denying that a grail can create a fake servant, I was deliberately responding to both statements as if they were separate as a way to shit on both your hyperbole on grail power and whether or not fake servants are fine.
I apologize, my sarcasm should have been a bit clearer.
I'll be more genuine with my response from this point onwards.
Basically, I am against Fake servants because they serve no purpose you couldn't get a real servant to fill the spot of and we already have transient servants like Kojiro who are already treading Fake enough as it is.
For exmaple Cu Alter being Medb's wish for her perfect Cu is just shoe-horning a Cu form we didn't need when we could get Berserker Cu easily.
Berserker Cu wasn't what was needed for the purposes of the Singularity. A wild, frenzied beast who can't tell friend from foe is useless for that purpose.
Because that's where all the magi come from.
The word "wizard" is of english origin.
Who the fuck do you think came up with those myths?
Why would japan be wanked for their wizardry when they don't have as many magic-based myths?
Reines needs discipline by cock
>Nasu wank ENGLAND so much
>implying Nipwank isn't a thing
>You never summon the summer servants user, they are the already summoned servants that you have that get a class change cous scath can fuck with that cous runes.
Not necessarily. Tamamo, for example, is completely loyal to Hakuno in her regular Caster form regardless of who summons her, but her summer form she suddenly starts lusting after (you).
Nasu acknowledges leylines as a real thing in Type-Moon, and Britain has a shitton of leylines.
I mean while this is true for the first event. Not every event after this applies the same logic of using Scathach to create swimsuits for your servants and class changing the saint graphs in the process.
I understand it's a joke but I derive more personal enjoyment from canonical class changes rather than joke ones.
I'd rather see actual Ruler Martha than Swimsuit Martha or an actual Ushiwakamaru Assassin than Swimsuit Assassin etc.
I understand why they exist and I've got no issue with other people enjoying them, I'm just a HGW traditionalist (?). To me, if your servant has an alternate class, it should be the result of your myth allowing you access to it like how Cu can be every non-Assassin class or Hercules can be any non-Caster. Those are testaments to their skills and myths rather than Scat just giving them a free class change.
Is this show Type-Moon Scooby Doo?
Summer version acts a little different depending on whether she's the summoned unit or the character in the event story. Same with Nero Bride. Story-wise, the characters don't change much, the summoned units are basically just fanservice in both mind and body.
Yes but therein lies my issue. Why not summon a servant who could actually suit that purpose? Why create a fake Cu to achieve that goal?
Are you telling me that in the entirety of history and myth, they couldn't have found a single servant which could have met the conditions needed?
Not that user but
>but her summer form she suddenly starts lusting after (you).
Due to Scathach's magic only though ? In New Year 2019 when Tamamo (Caster form) turned into her Lancer form, she said she didn't want to remember that 2016 Summer at all since it's a literal nightmare for her.
Only difference with Nero Bride is that she never met Hakuno, so she's for you. They literally say that in her bio and in her White Rose CE. She's just a Nero who never fought in Mooncell.
Nobles may or may not have assassinated her brother. Being no great detective, she opted to just drown them all...just to be on the safe side, you understand.
She literally tells (you) that she is just getting in character because is summer.
Tamamo in general is in a strange spot because she doesnt have the experience of being with hakuno but has the feeling that she was/is going to be summoned for her perfect lover at some point so she just get in character with (you) but is never going to really love you
Also reminder that gudao is one of the biggest cucks in a mobage outside of porn mobages
Well they wanted to use Queen Medb, and her story in FGO is that she's obsessed with Cu Chulainn. Cu Alter exists for the sake of Medb. You can basically think of it that way. It's perfectly natural for FGO's Queen Medb to create her own version of Cu Chulainn just for her. This is exactly the sort of thing she'd do.
But in E Pluribus Unum, she's not that different from the normal Nero.
The sad part is that everytime bride appears in story is just normal nero in bride outfit
So shes conceptually drowning you? I thought its like a mirror to the underworld or something.
>But in E Pluribus Unum
Yes a character who has exactly the same backstory except for one thing would act the same, wouldn't she?
I'm not misunderstanding the reasoning for it. I entirely understand that, my issue is on the writers for writing it that way.
I just generally don't accept FGO faggotry as a suitable answer to why things exist the way they do.
I understand it's a retarded stance to take since it's swimming against the tide but I can't not feel that certain things are just wrong by their very nature and imaginary servants created by servants wishing super hard and getting their own OC Donut steel out of it is just ill-fitting.
Like I said, it follow the theme. Summoned versions and story versions are treated differently.
>FGO summoning rules
Can we go back to Waver?
They just haven't been used properly in the HGWs we've seen.
Did you mean Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II)? He's a pretty cool dude and gives NP
It sounds to me like you just don't want the Singularities to be focused on Holy Grails at all.
I wish her idle stance in Extella Link wasn't so bad. Utterly defenceless!
She wants CU, because he's the only man in the world who would not become hers. No other man would be like that, there's no other servant in the world that would suit her purpose in this retard. She just wants Cu, because he rejected her.
Cu Alter isn't a fanfiction, he's warped Cu who's taken on the ideal of "become king", except becoming king is a very warped thing to him since he hated the concept of kingship in life. It turned him into a king of beasts who can only show his authority through power. After Medb dies in America he starts to act more like the old Cu just a bit.
Even Scath has a conversation with Cu for why he became a beast, and he goes into how his ideal of what a king is supposed to be made him into this. This conversation doesn't work if he's just a fake. This is what separates him from Jeanne Alter, he's not a fanfiction, he's just Cu warped by his own ideals and Medb's ideals at the same time. Which does have meaning in the story, and its the reason he chills out a bit when she dies.
Medb liked Cu because he rejected her, but at the same time didn't entirely ignore her. She summoned a version that suited her ideals, which is a Cu who rejects her outwardly and ignores her even more, yet at the same time is still by her side. Because this is what she really wants as a women who can get anything and anyone, she wants him because he can never be hers entirely.
It can be focused on Holy Grails, I have zero issue with that given that only Gilles and Medb who went full retard with it and created unneeded elements.
Okeanos/Septic/Babylonia/Camelot and LONDON all had fine stories based around grails and Demon Pillar summons and didn't have cancer servants in it.
Sounds like you lost the point and the only way you can pretend to hold onto it is just by saying it again and pretending it still stands the same.
>not a fanfiction
>is entirely Medb's fanfiction on how she wanted Cu to be.
If you have to have your personality altered by the wish of the person summoning you to force you to fit then you're trying to slam a square block into a round hole.
Doesnt Saber eventually gets revived as Future king, tells everyone to fuck off and becomes Mysterious heroine X?
Its funny how Gray got cut from the strange fake manga entirely. Waver doesnt collapse in that one either.
Here's the thing about Holy Grails: They're wish-granters. The focal point of Singularities are Heroic Spirits. A great many Heroic Spirits have regrets or wishes tied to specific individuals, often other Heroic Spirits. The moment you create a story where multiple Holy Grails fall into the hands of multiple Heroic Spirits, shit like Jeanne Alter or Cu Chulainn Alter are unavoidable.
An ideal lover, an ideal family member. A deceased loved one returned to life but twisted by your own desires. There are over twenty Holy Grails in Fate/Grand Order. How in the fuck do you think at least one of them wouldn't be used for a twisted desire of that nature? To deny them is to deny human desire, and if you deny human desire, then there's no point to Holy Grails at all.
Probably didn't want to canonize her appearance, considering it would be post 5th-War Gray.
Difference is the grounding
Jeanne Alter is a fanfiction because she has no grounding in the actual Jeanne, she's 100% fake at the end of the day.
Cu Alter deep down has some root in Cu, which is why he can answer something as the real Cu if prompted, while jeanne Alter when prompted couldn't remember Jeanne's parents and has no idea what it feels like to be burned.
Ultimately your argument comes down "Alters are fine because people want to impose their fanfiction ideals onto servants in-universe".
I don't disagree with your logic but I'm 100% confident they only exist to ape on the popularity of those servants while giving them a non-canonical outlet to express those servants in an edgier way than their actual forms would act.
Fundamentally, something like that would have to happen sooner or later, since all the Holy Grails are used for one reason or another to begin with. Besides, Jeanne Alter wasn't originally a playable Servant. She was only made available after popular demand. She was literally just a recolored Jeanne.
See, we're not actually that different in opinion. The only difference we're really having is that I don't think Cu is specifically a Cu Alter either, under your logic he's very much just a Cu who is summoned by a person who understands his personality well and then altered it to her will.
Jeanne was a crazy witch summoned by a crazy arts salesman so it makes sense she's obviously fake.
The easiest way to settle this is to know whether or not Cu and Jeanne Alter are pulled from Jeanne and Cu's actual place in the Throne of Heroes or if they have their own space.
You're too fatalistic, user. "We have to have fanfiction servants because it might happen at some point"
Again, we don't disagree on the logic you're putting down but Nasu et al didn't need to do this. I'm sure there is 20 situations where they could have avoided creating a Fake Jeanne.
I always write my essays in Panera Bread or Starbucks
Alter managed to carve a niche in the Throne as an Avenger class Servant who embodies the idea that some people might believe she cursed the people who burned her at the stake. Most Avenger Servants are that way. Salieri isn't really all that different from Jeanne Alter and Cu Chulainn Alter.
>Implying King Hassan would be able to be summoned in a typical HGW.
Nasu didn't do it, though. Orleans was written by Higashide.
And if it wasn't a fake Jeanne, it would have been a fake King Arthur, a fake Diarmuid or a fake Karna. Basically, a fake Servant was only a matter of time. The more Holy Grails show up in FGO, the weirder it would have been if something like that didn't happen sooner or later.
Considering Marisbilly managed to summon Solomon, yeah.
>Alter managed to carve a niche in the Throne as an Avenger class Servant
This doesn't prove whether or not she has her own space in the throne.
Imagine it's like a computer folder do you go c://admin/throneofheroes/Jeanne/Jeannealter or is it c://admin/throneofheroes/Jeannealter.
"Nasu et al" meant every writer for FGO, I was just shorthanding it.
>Basically, a fake Servant was only a matter of time.
This is my issue. You could have avoided it. You didn't need to put this in. If a servant doesn't meet the criteria for what you need, just don't use it.
user, these are stories, written by real people. It's not real, there is no fatalistic outcome or "there is other way" situation unless the authoer himself decides on it.
It's downtown London. Walk 10 minutes in any direction and you'll find such a shop.
It should work the same as the jack or hassans case, they are in the same folder is just that when they are summoned the master gets one at random or the one fitting to the class. At the end the throne organize all the legends of one character in the same place not by individual soul.
Not that user, but we have saber alter since the beggining. Is not really weird that we can get other servants getting altered in some ways by the grail
That's not what I'm saying. Most human desires are more or less the same. If twenty different people each possessed a deus ex machina that could grant nearly any wish, what's the chances at least one of them wouldn't create an ideal lover or whatever? At the foundation of any Holy Grail War is human desire.
If you're writing a story about an object that grants wishes, wouldn't something like this eventually come up? The regrets that most Heroic Spirits have are often tied to their bonds with others. "I want to be reunited with that person." "I wish that person didn't die." "I wish that person did what I wanted."
This is a subject you can't ignore if you're writing a story about wishes and desires. As far as I'm concerned, if you did, you're doing something wrong.
>They even went and put a similar logo
I probably never going to be a fan of so 1:1 references for this things
>wouldn't something like this eventually come up?
Not if you don't write it to come up. We're not denying that some people would use the grail to wish for waifus.
I'm just stating it's shit writing and that making OC donutsteels devalues the servant it's attached to as it basically blemishes the servant by adding OOC shit to the character that they had no control over and will now forever have to deal with.
Why is England so ugly?
That's bullshit. You're proposing that a basic aspect of human desire be ignored in a story about human desire just so that your arbitrary and biased sense of integrity is preserved.
better question here is why doesn't any pedestrian think El Melon and his group looks like a bunch of clowns?
Reminder Nero Alter is also a thing too according to GudaGuda. That will probably be the summonable version of Mother Harlot who is a half of Beast VI.
How exactly did they think they were going to get saber's soul in gray's body. Her soul was more than a little occupied.
It's called the Faculty of Modern Magecraft, not like an old fart like you would know.
I demand more goth loli Gray in fluffy, frilly dress!
I even mentioned at the very start of this debate that I understand that my opinion is like swimming against a tide and that I am a HGW traditionalist in the sense that servants shouldn't be used as jokes and that if you want a class change, it should have been earned while you were alive and not given to you by RUNES.
After a while I figured our conversation became more about whether or not it is possible for a writer to not write about people summoning OCDNS servants given they only do it for the money of it.
If they were genuine about the concept, they would have given us an alter of a not hilariously popular servant to create a pre-established attachment to the character.
Shut your faggot mouth crestlet.
They didn't know. How would they? Ordinarily, you'd naturally assume that King Arthur is a Heroic Spirit recorded in the Throne of Heroes. There's no way to know otherwise.
Ever been to london? Place is full of weirdos, and everyone rides the damn tube. You'll be sitting down, and there's a performer from some play in costume sitting across form you on the train. You block it out after the first day there and just accept it as normal.
>OC donutsteels
But half of the myths are just that anyway. Its kind of the reason shit like sigurd siegfried happened or how lancelot became part of arthur lore
Servants have been forced into classes they don't qualify for since Fate/EXTRA.
Probably something something like "Gray sharing the same existence with King Arthur which is nonsense" so Alaya have to do something with it (maybe it's kind of akin to Roa and Ciel situation ?) but Artoria is not a normal Heroic Spirit by the time of FSN so dunno...
I love how theres always some people autistically finding places that get referenced in anime
>papa bones lets kill some servants tonight
>nope, fuck you, bells aint tolling
>im dying skeletor please halp me
>You hear any fucking bells? No, fuck off.
I can imagine how well it'll go with a religious zealot.
His motto is no retreat.
Even then, they should at least know (assume) the once and future king would be in Avalon on the other side of the world. Once again not exactly a situation where a soul trick makes sense. Seems like they're just a bunch of idiotic zealots.
See, I knew this argument would come up when I used it but I still chose to use it anyway.
The difference is that Lancelot is at least from a myth and while he was self-inserted by some cheese-eating surrender monkeys, he at least has some mythological basis to the common understand of Arthur and the Round Table as the commoner understands it.
It's not like he was created from Sir Kay as Kay Alter
>servants shouldn't be used as jokes
You really have a hard time in nasuverse dude. Nasu love his comedy and you can see how he likes to fuck around since fucking HA or more obviously in EXTRA
Avalon isn't a proven place. People can't just verify it exists. It's said that Francis Drake is in Avalon too, but that's clearly not true.
To be fair sometimes they are really easy to spot by how 1 to 1 the thing is
I'm not getting into Imperial Privilege. I'm stepping so far away from that shit so fast that I've achieved humanity's goal of getting into space without killing the Beasts.
My issue is more with fucking with the Throne of Heroes. Being a florist doesn't negatively impact Cu in the ToH while swimsuits and alters do.
Merlin has spent the last thousand plus years there, and wasted time talking to at least one of Charlemagne's crew of idiots. There's a way.
It's not just Imperial Privilege. Li Shuwen was forced into the Berserker class container as well. It's always been possible, as long as you're willing to break a few rules. It's even possible outside the Mooncell. Class containers were created by humans, after all. It's just not normally done because there's usually no merit to it; shoving a Heroic Spirit into a class that doesn't fit them is only going to cause problems in the end. Often, it'd only serve to weaken them. But it's still possible. It's always been possible.
It's not about there being a way. It's just that it's extremely unlikely that anyone knows at all. I mean, the Einzberns, Kiritsugu and Rin didn't bat an eyelash when they learned that King Arthur could be summoned as a Servant. None of them found it strange at all.
It wasn't alright in Extra either. It's shit like this which supports my point. Because he was forced into the container in Extra when Julius told the Mooncell to fuck off and then he went and grabbed a berserker container from another master it retroactively made Li available for summoning in the Berserker container in the extra materials.
Narratively, it's fine. Moon Cell has it's own rules since it's a digital landscape, so it's as simple as hacking a code to work in a way it shouldn't. And on Earth, again, Class Containers are created by humans. It's not like the rules of the Holy Grail War were created by the Root, God or the Throne of Heroes. They were created by three autists in Japan.
I mean every summer event the servants pretty much tells you that they just changed into swinsuits.
Alters are in the throne yeah but is mostly because they follow the rule that if the world could see it then is fair game, after all the throne saves literally everything about the heroes
>Class Containers are created by humans
See, now I want to argue this point because we know this isn't true. We know our system is only a copy of the actual system used by the world as London tells us.
That copy was created by humans. Classes like Avenger and Ruler didn't even originally exist among the seven Grands. The Grand Servant System was used as the blueprint for the class system created by the Einzberns. They even have a cheat they can use to make a Servant a Berserker even if they don't necessarily qualify, though they haven't used it that way.
To begin with, the purpose of Class Containers is to actually make it possible to summon a Heroic Spirit at all. Ordinarily, humans can't summon Heroic Spirits as-is. It's too much for them. By shoving them into a Class Container with preset parameter limits, it lessens the burden on the summoner and the Grail. The class system used by the Fuyuki Grail itself, which was then copied by all subsequent systems, existed specifically to make summoning Servants at all actually feasible.
No, summer servants have their saint graph altered in order to change class. Its not just them putting on a different costume. And every single time its explained
Summer1 = Scath used runes to change all their saint graphs so they could fit into a different class that they couldn't originally
Summer2 = Da Vinci altered Nero and Saber Alter's saint graphs so they could fit into a different class, Moriarty messed with Fran's saint graph, etc
Summer3 = BB used her god powers to change Ibaraki's saint graph so she could become a lancer. BB handles everyone's saint graph changes for summer.
Each time its not just pure fanservice where "they're just putting on a costume", no its explained how they can fit into another class due to saint graph expansion or ascension, and third party tampering. In fate Extra they say that Aoko and Touko can mess with servants saint graphs to power them up, its similar to that in a way.
The original system is about the grand servants though. When they created the holy grail war system they copy that but they literally cant make grand servant containers so they created the containers for the servants we use.
Also the servant class isnt even in the throne they get a class when they are summoned, what they have in the throne is their attribute (man, sky, earth, star)
Why does Waver refuse to look at Grey's face?
Is it because of being traumatized from 4th HGW or is it more metaphysical, like him trying to preserve Grey's soul by not recognizing her as Saber?
They already did? The entire final episode of UBW was about that. You even got the part where Shirou decides he is leaving.
The correct answer.
That's not how autism works.
I dig the Drama CDs being comfy SoL.
It's not that the Zeus thing really mattered that much. Also this was more of an adventure to show the class dynamics than a mystery.
Waver has PTSD of Saber and Gray told him to keep hating her face right in their first meeting (it is a "i don't like it so please don't like it either" case)
She'd probably not get along with Shirou and Rin.
one of the defining moments of his youth was riding a war chariot driven by a bara model while being chased by king arthur (female) on a motorcycle and seeing his life flash before his eyes multiple times in the span of an hour
Is there a actual hard date for how old the average 'old' mage family is supposed to be, like four to five hundred years old or whatever? Waver's family only being three generations deep doesn't seem that extreme compared to one that only became prominent around six generations ago, honestly.
Waver had a pretty good time with the 4th HGW war all things considered. Sure witnessing the mutilated bodies of young children and coming face to face with death twice is spooky, but when you look at what happened to the other masters it's not so bad.
From Fate/complete material III
>In the Magic Association, no rather, the Clock Tower, there are a number of families that hold sway. They are called Lords and are the objects of fear. There are three major families of Lords and about 20 families of relatives. These families are well-known even in normal society. The history of one family is at shortest 500 years and the longest is over 2000 years. They have been plotting and plotting since a staggeringly long past.
For another reference, the Zemlupus family is just around 200 years old, which is a short lineage in Kadoc's opinion while the Wodime is a thousand years old magi lineage. Lord families usually have a very very very long lineage (the Solonea, Eulyphis, Brishisan, Jigmarie and Animusphere are all more than 2000 years old)
If you compare him to Shirou, he didn't have it too bad.
just looking at those pics makes me cringe. It looks like one of those typical overpriced cafes where it costs like $15-20 for an english breakfast meal.
Wait, are Avicebron and Paracelsus really the only Caster servants that we know of that could've feasibly have been Association mages? That's hilarious.
Most Casters that would have been around during the operation of the Association wouldn't have joined in the first place.
>implying the heroes of mankind are compatible with organizations that demand secrecy and seclusion from human society at large
Helena too. Though too bad both she and Para were killed by the Clock Tower/MA.
Supposedly, Gudako has few Servants, but they're of excellent quality. No other special traits, but it looks like they're ideal for Rayshifting and have great aptitude as a Master.
So how would that translate to in fields other than being a Master? Does Gudako even have a future beyond the Grand Orders?
Supposedly, Gudako has few circuits, but they're of excellent quality. No other special traits, but it looks like they're ideal for Rayshifting and have great aptitude as a Master.
So how would that translate to in fields other than being a Master? Does Gudako even have a future beyond the Grand Orders?
He's just a vending machine for Servants. In any situation beyond FGO and without the protection of Chaldea, he would most likely get scooped up by some magus for experiments, or maybe even get a Sealing Designation to preserve his ability to summon any Servant.
No, they can't cast even the most basic spell. Same as Shirou. They have no ability as a magus. No one ever said their circuits were super excellent quality either, they're basic as fuck. They passed out the first time they tried to do the simulator at chaldea. You're a master, not a mage. Not everyone is fit to go to clock tower, and even less people should. Clock tower isn't a good place.
Guda will just run Chaldea as they grow up and take charge there.
>Supposedly, Gudako has few circuits, but they're of excellent quality. No other special traits, but it looks like they're ideal for Rayshifting and have great aptitude as a Master.
Wait where is the "excellant quality" part come from ? As far as i know they have never explained Rayshift ability's requirement(s) but Guda got chosen by a Chaldea staff in Tokyo after going to a blood donation, anyway.
>or maybe even get a Sealing Designation to preserve his ability to summon any Servant.
They're not doing that, its not a unique ability. Mashu's shield combined with Chaldea resources is the thing summoning servants. Guda isn't even the one providing mana for them. Guda isn't part of the process at all.
Only thing Guda does is befriend all the servants so they'll fight for Chaldea, which is an ability that Clock tower will see no merit in. Only reason that Clock tower would put a designation on Guda is if they heard hes the one that saved the world. But even then it really wasn't him at all.
The ability to summon any Servant is thanks to Chaldea. That said, Guda's an excellent conduit. The power comes from Merlin, but Guda's like a battery being charged by that power. The power has to pass through Guda before it can reach the Servant.
But Guda's main quality is being able to get along with any Servant. A lot of people think that the Servants are the ones doing everything, but Masters hold a very important role too. How well you can support your Servant in a variety of ways can make a huge difference. There are Servants who can't summon their full potential unless there's a worthwhile Master by their side. Even moral support can make a difference, as Servants tend to be heavily affected by their emotions.
If it were, for instance, Kayneth in the same situation, he probably would have died a long time ago.
In fact, it Guda uses too much mana at once, they'll collapse. It's the same deal as Sakura at the end of Heaven's Feel. Sakura's hooked up to an endless reservoir of mana, but the amount she can carry and expel at once is limited. Once she's capped off, she won't be able to receive any more power. If she uses all the energy she's saved up, her tank will be empty until it fills up again. It's not instantaneous, but she can fill herself back up in less than a day. It's automatic.
Because Guda's receiving energy from Merlin, it's functionally the same. But Guda can only carry and use a limited amount of energy. Their total capacity is less than Ilya's; if they allow Heracles to rampage with Madness Enhancement fully activated, they'll eventually collapse due to strain. That said, Guda still has a high enough capacity to fuel multiple Servants at once on the field and the process in which that energy is transferred to the Servants is smooth. That quality is probably the reason why Guda was headhunted to be a Master in the first place.
>Because Guda's receiving energy from Merlin, it's functionally the same. But Guda can only carry and use a limited amount of energy. Their total capacity is less than Ilya's; if they allow Heracles to rampage with Madness Enhancement fully activated, they'll eventually collapse due to strain.
To compare them to Ilya is a joke, they're shirou tier at best in terms of reserves. Heracles can't use ME at all with Guda or else he'll drain them instantly. The one time he turned it on they passed out the instant he did it. Although Heracles found some way to hold back how much mana he was using so they didn't die.
Guda's a novice, but they're getting stronger. Servants hold back from using the full power of their NPs until Guda gets stronger, but Guda is still eventually capable of allowing the likes of Karna or Emiya use their Noble Phantasms. Give them a little more credit than that. Being able to command multiple Servant at once at all is an accomplishment.
Besides, Magic Circuits are something that can be trained. The quality of their circuits is undoubtedly higher than Shirou's.
>Waver stole his master's catalyst
>Flat stole his master's vidya freebies
Like pottery.
Too bad this also mean we probably won't see Waver and Grey saving Flat's ass in America.
This discussion makes me want to puke.
How often do (You) faggots give developers your piece of mind?
Guda isn't a magus and didn't come from a magus family, confirmed already. Its hard to undersell them, they are specifically a shitter in terms of magus ability. You have no talent, can't do anything, can't even cast basic spells without a mystic code, and have no aptitude.
The only thing he can do is be a good master (ie; get along well with various servants and command them well). His only skill when it comes to that is being gutsy combined with being friendly.
Guda's few actual skills
>Good rayshifting compatibility (Has nothing to do with circuit quality, they still passed out in the simulator)
>Gets along well with servants'
>Sometimes their soul flies out of their body and goes on adventures without them, and in the real world they go into a coma when this happens.
>Poison attacks are negated
>And a man named Dantes literally lives inside their head.
Flat is damn lucky the Jack he summoned isn't as insane as loli Jack or other blood thirsty/insane Jack. Hell he even got a sane foil to Flat's own retardedness/genius.
Yumiduka isn't from a magus family either, but she's a freak who went from zombie to Dead Apostle instantly and awakened to a Reality Marble. Ciel wasn't from a magus family but the number and quality of her circuits surpass Roa's original body.
A first generation magus having decent-quality circuits isn't impossible.
That psycho looked nothing like this cutie.
Wait what, why can they summon shit like Jack in a HGW, did the americains really copy the corrupted version ? Are they stupid?
Also, how they even make it work you still need Heaven's Feel to hold a Fuyuki HGW. Is the first practitioner of the magic behind it?
How have Shirou and Rin not met Gray yet anyway in routes where they go off to the Clock Tower?
The Americans have made some grave errors in judgment from the start. They only seem smart because they managed to kill a magus and keep looking down on everyone, but frankly speaking, they're pretty much being manipulated like puppets.
Because Nasu hate Europe.
De we know how they duplicated it? We can copy True Magic now?
It seems to be a shoddy copy, but I'm a little concerned at how they were able to summon thirteen Servants. Does America even have a ley line capable of that?
I didn't read it but maybe it's what the plot will be about no?
They might've met her. We don't know much about what happens in those routes post 5th HGW.
They probably don't. Not in Nasu's world at any rate. I suppose someone else could write a parallel world in which they do.
>Magic Circuits are something that can be trained
Only in the sense of not getting crippled when using higher tier magic like what happened to Shirou in UBW. Magic circuits are bound to the soul so their quality and number are decided as soon as soul leaves Akasha.
Yeah, but nothing states that Guda's circuit quality is poor. That's just what people assume. But if they were poor, they wouldn't be able to command multiple Servants simultaneously.
Gudao can't even cast Reinforcement. He's a total shitter.
Master quality has nothing to do with Magic Circuits in Chaldea. Chaldea/Merlin is the one supporting the servants, not Gudao.
All depend of the ending of the 5 HGW. In Fate and UBW Shiro and Rin go both to the clock tower and their meeting Gray could be a very important moment for all of them. After HF only Rin go to the clock tower and in that route her relationship with Saber is non very important...
I'd imagine Rin meets Gray eventually anyway by being around Waver in routes where her and Waver dismantle the grail.
That's because they're a novice magus. They weren't originally a magus. The Fuyuki Singularity is literally the first time they ever use their circuits. They never learned any spells to begin with.
But that doesn't mean their circuits are of poor quality. You seem to believe that only those who belong to magus clans are capable of possessing decent quality circuits, when Yumiduka Satsuki's been around for nearly twenty years.
Circuit quality is necessary because the protagonist is still the one channeling Merlin's mana. This was already all explained earlier. Merlin sends mana to Chaldea, Chaldea sends mana to Guda, Guda sends mana to Servants. It's not as if Merlin has a direct feed to Guda's Servants. How much energy Guda's capable of carrying and how much they can channel are still dependent on their own circuits. Merlin is only an external generator; Guda's still the battery that takes in that energy and passes it on.
You'd think he would have tried to learn from all the famous mages that get summoned in Chaldea then. Yet he can't cast a single spell in LB either.
>Yumiduka Satsuki
Nice try fgotard, but it's obvious you are exactly that, a fgo tard, can't even spell it correctly.
Alos, she was literally never stated to have great circuits. And yes, lineage is a huge factor for circuits quality
>Guda's still the battery that takes in that energy and passes it on.
And Aooko has shit tier circuit and yet is the greatest mana absorber and "battery" of modern magus.
That's what Mystic Codes are for. Chaldea as some very high-quality Mystic Codes. Guda's too busy anyway, since they're constantly working. Multiple Singularities, in-between events, Remnants and now Lostbelts. Thaumaturgy is a lifelong study.
Incidentally, being reliant on Mystic Codes doesn't denote a lack of quality circuits. You still need circuits to use Mystic Codes since you're passing prana through them in order to produce spells. Reliance on Mystic Codes denotes a lack of knowledge, not a lack of circuits. Caster Gilgamesh does nothing BUT rely on Mystic Codes. Besides, with no Thaumaturgical Crest, a reliance on Mystic Codes is inevitable. We don't know their Sorcery Trait either.
Lineage is a factor, but there are multiple recorded cases where a random nobody is revealed to have amazing circuits. Ciel is one of them. There is no way to guarantee whether someone has great or poor circuits. It's even possible for a distinguished magus line to produce someone with no circuits at all. Yumiduka has such excellent quality circuits that she was able to skip all the processes of vampirism and instantly become a Dead Apostle, as well as awaken to and use a Reality Marble which normally takes a tremendous amount of energy to use. Activating and using Shirou's Unlimited Blade Works even drained Rin.
If Ritsuka could learn magecraft despite having shitty magic circuit then Shinji's life could have been better.
Btw Ritsuka works out a lot according to Lostroom OVA, he/she also trains with Leonidas too.
Again, no one said that Ritsuka has shitty circuits. Those are all assumptions.
Shinji doesn't have proper circuits. He has vestigial circuits which no longer function properly due to his bloodline's decline (although they can still have mana forced through them). Shinji never had any aptitude to become a magus from the very beginning.
>he/she also trains with Leonidas too
Beating the shit out of someone with a shield isn't out of the question then?
It breaks my heart that Fujimaru has the ability to take all of humanities greatest but never able to learn from them in any significant way. Like do you know how useful Wu Er Da would be for a normal dude? Even if you couldn't kill someone in one hit, being able to stun them long enough would help.
Nasu wants to keep Gudao being a shitter for some reason. They even make a point of how useless he is in LB1.
You can't just spend all your time with one or two Servants and they regularly spend extended periods of time on the field. Resolving a Singularity/Remnant/Lostbelt can take anywhere from days to weeks to even potentially months. They have to train with ALL the Servants contracted with them, not just one or two, so that any Servant can be mobilized as necessary. They don't have the time to spend all their time with Medea learning thaumaturgy or learning martial arts from Shuwen.
Why do these threads always turn into FGO faggotry?
Apparently working out with humanities greatest lifters like Benkei, Beowulf and Leonidas is just a bit too much.
Honestly, you'd think at this point that Fujimaru would be swole just from all the exercise he gets considering he chose to bodyslam Quetz from the sky with no adverse effects.
>252 servants
>you'd only get through 1 1/2 rotations over a year.
Even basic shit from any servant would go a long way. Asking Li for a Kata you can practice while on the field would be easy and plenty.
>Ciel is one of them
Literally one in a million exception who was so exceptional she became a target for Roa's reincarnation.
>It's even possible for a distinguished magus line to produce someone with no circuits at all.
Yeah? Hence why it's one of their greatest fear and a proof having good circuits isn't something that just "happens" to random people.
>Yumiduka has such excellent quality circuits that she was able to skip all the processes of vampirism and instantly become a Dead Apostle
Literally stated absolutely nowhere beyond "she must have had great magical potential" which can mean anything.
>tremendous amount of energy to use
Again, Aoko. We literally don't know what made Satsuki a potential great mage, it could be her circuits quantity, their quality, her mentality towards magic, her Origin, her Elemental affinity or whatever.
Just clam down on that Guda wank user, he is canon and the most amazing Master ever, nobody's taking that away from you. Vive FGO!
Do you really think they can become martial arts masters in the course of two years, in-between constant missions?
In the animated adaptations, Ritsuka does fight some of the human soldiers. Still, tiring yourself with training in the middle of a mission doesn't seem like a good idea. In the Babylonia Singularity, for instance, everyone's wiping themselves out with odd jobs every day. Guda's often too exhausted at the end of the day to do any real training. The Babylonia Singularity takes place over the course of several weeks at least.
You can always make a difference by taking action you know.
You know what's your problem? You think FGO world is real and that right now, your phone's PNGs are moving and Ritardka is conversing with servants and resolving conflicts.
Don't bother. If he actually wanted to talk about another topic, he actually would have brought one up himself. It's not like we always talk about FGO in these threads. We also talk about DAA, cosmology, Magus Association politics, etc., etc. Just pick a topic and the conversation will naturally move on.
Hopefully one day we will see that "parallel universe"
It's either /fgog/ needing to have every TP thread on Yea Forums talk about fgog or that one autist who is completely consumed by fgo. Right now it's the latter.
>It's not like we always talk about FGO in these threads
Well it's not like Nasu's gonna write it.
Probabaly thinking on how to whore Tsuki and Mahoyo girls to Gudashit for the next collabs.
More like he'd never write a story about Gray to begin with. How often does he touch characters created by someone else? He doesn't even consider Waver his own character anymore, so he'll never write a story about him.
Not like he was ever his character, Butcher created him.
I liked the premise, but this show is seriously underwhelming me and Gray can just be deleted. Never have I see such an uninspired character.
That's not a problem,Fate franchise has already a lot of differents authors.
If they do this let's hope He/She will be a good one and possibly not someone depressing like Urobuchi,though i love Fate/Zero.
Nah. Nasu's the one who created the original character setting for Lord El-Melloi II. He debuted in Complete Material. But that's really all he did. The ones who ended up fleshing the character out are Urobuchi (Fate/Zero) and Sanda (Case Files), as well as a few cameo roles sprinkled here and there by other authors. Even though Nasu was the one who created the original character settings, he's never used Waver even once in any of his stories.
I don't think Nasu will really okay it. It's not an event that really needs to be fleshed out. It's just one of the Association's "regular" power struggles and bloodbaths. The Grail itself is a non-issue. With the Lesser Grail gone and the Greater Grail destroyed/closed forever, it's not really gonna cause any significant problems, especially a whole decade after Fate/stay night.
He a cute CUTE. Cutest master
>Unlimited Codes
>Case Files
Never getting finished
>Mahoyo again
>everything else
>Complete Material
Arguably the worst shit to ever come out of TP.
Also, writing a story about that event would require for it to definitively take place after one of the three endings. Since Rin leaves the Clock Tower after UBW True, it could only take place in either Fate True or HF Normal/True. Given how Nasu tends to dislike direct sequels, he'll probably never allow it to be written.
Do they even need to dismantle greater grail in HF? It was destroyed/shut forever.
It's destroyed in all three routes. This is mainly just insurance. It's possible for someone to gather the pieces and create something with it, maybe. Either way, the Heaven's Feel Ritual will never take place in that town again.
>Given how Nasu tends to dislike direct sequels
>KH is no route canon-dream world fuckery
>Ataraxia is no route canon-dream world fuckery
>gutted Mahoyo from his memory
>never finished DDD
>Never expanded directly on any on this works
Holy shit, I actually never noticed. Is this autism?
Artoria Cult
Nasu was insecure and made a bunch of characters reminiscent of FSN characters under the guise of IT'S ALL A RUSE
Test tube baby
>Saber Lily, MHX, MHXA, Lancer Alter, Lancer, archer
FGO shenanigans. Ironically Lancer Alter and Lilly are the only ones I don't remember the origin for.
He doesn't like to definitely state whether a certain route is "True". The hypothetical Tsukihime 2 would have taken place after the Arcueid route, but he never planned on writing it in the first place. Melty Blood was jokingly said to take place after the Sacchin route, but it references things from both the Near Side and Far Side routes.
Even Mahoyo doesn't take place in the same world as Tsukihime, as the Kuonji Mansion is where the Tohno Mansion should be.
Does Rin develop an interest in gray when she meets her?
Muh hopes and dreams/muh Britain
>Lancer Alter
gotta Alter popular servant for the gacha bucks
Lancer Alter is a version of Lancer who used her connection to the Holy Grail to escape her destiny of becoming a goddess from overusing Rhongomyniad. By taking on the Curse of the Holy Grail, she became the King of Storms and the embodiment of the Wild Hunt.
Or something. Honestly, she's the least-fleshed out of the Altrias and Nasu doesn't seem to care that much about her.
Lily is supposed to be Altria's Misadventures Across Britain To Train To Be a King or something. Lancer thinks that she might be from another parallel world, since she herself has no memories of frolicking through Britain wearing a white skirt.
>Even Mahoyo doesn't take place in the same world as Tsukihime, as the Kuonji Mansion is where the Tohno Mansion should be.
...It's not even the same town aside for the name and geographical emplacement.
Being a foil for Luvia.
It has a lot of the same landmarks and stuff. Even Dai-Teito's there. But yeah, it's a parallel world. No evidence of whether it takes place in the Tsukihime collective of Fate collective.
Also, I think Nasu's stance is that Tsukihime (original) and Mahoyo (original) are their own separate timeline as well, distinct from the remake versions. So at least he's not completely disowning them.
mahoyo wasn't that good though
I think Rider Jack is meant to be a murderous nobleman and Saber Jack is meant to be a policeman or something
Pretty cool, wish lalter got more screen time though
lily is basically pic related
Parallel worlds are an important part of the lore so some characters can still make cross-over even if their background is not proprely the same like Caules in Lord El-Melloi...
Still my favourite Disney movie. Wonder if Nasu ever watched it?
So Chaldea also exists in Melty timeline? But it's not really strange considering it established in 1950. Both MB Sion and Extra Sialim know about the Animusphere and Olga too. For Sialim, she even says that Olga is dead and the Animusphere are no more.
Shinji's vestigial circuits do open after becoming the grail blob in UBW
They all seem to be future possibilities. Also, seeing as how Lev is seriously interacting with Necos, it's solely the silly half of Melty.
>Never getting finished
Narita was in the hospital, user. Normally he writes at a pretty good pace.
That's probably temporary. The main issue is whether Shinji can process prana on his own.
What the fuck is that? What happened to her legs?
Not if he keeps getting aneurysms everytime Nasu does something.
Does Shinji even have normal lifespan after being grail's host?
Should be fine. Sakura's life should get easier at least.
>They all seem to be future possibilities
Yeah. Eventhough this has never been confirmed, the system that Sialim used perfectly fits Sion's explaination about the Logos React (which is basically a mini-Moon Cell) in GudaGuda
>By inputting several articles of data, it create a limited observation space, which this apparatus lets you enter as a virtual experiment area.
>While all of it is virtual, it’s possible for it simulate a scenario that’s near identical with reality.
>Rather, since it’s able to establish pivots by using further readings of the scenes it makes, you could more appropriately call such dreamlike states as “Reality Experiments”.
>Da Vinci:
>That’s incredible. So it could be truly possible for it to imitate an irregular, different history despite its limitations?
>Well, in theory.
>Because the test operates on pre-existing historical notions, discrepancies with reality can compromise the simulation, making the created space fuzzy and unstable.
>Contradictions, conflicting operators, world management bugs, and the like, if left unnoticed, would advance the verified simulation area and change it into a singularity.
>Da Vinci:
>What!? This is a singularity creating device?
>Was the Atlus Institute filled with world-destroying geniuses (morons)!?
The one Sion has is just a replica version anyway, thus it isn't able to record and recreate the mind (which is the function of Add, another replica version of Logos React).
hopefully the two "brothers" will make some disinfestation..
Because the 英 in 英国 (England) is the same 英 as in 英霊 (Heroic Spirit), to the point google translates it as British Spirit.
The Japanese language itself wanks England.
You could also literally translate 英国 as Heroic Land/Country
Can't we get to the stage where things actually happen?
Gray is the fucking blandest Saberface so far.
Why can't we get good Fate shows anymore?? Apocrypha, LE, and now this shit??
>FGO avatar
It's anime. Just look at any flashback of a servant's life. Try to imagine freaking Astolfo in the middle ages
>Was the Atlus Institute filled with world-destroying geniuses (morons)!?
Ignorance is bliss. The folks at Atlas are the biggest, most worthless autists of all.
>Elizabeth Báthory was a Hungarian noblewoman and reputed serial killer. The stories of her sadistic serial murders are verified by the testimony of more than 300 witnesses and survivors as well as physical evidence and the presence of horribly mutilated dead, dying and imprisoned girls found at the time of her arrest.
bros... what happened to us...
Nasu was a mistake
Astolfo's crazy though.
Uhm... why does the Holy Grail in FGO has a feature to transform heroic spirits, regardless of their gender and age at which they peaked, into lewd lolis?
And why did this feature fail for Astolfo, only half-transforming him into a loli?
Only 11 months out of the year and when it's not cloudy!
Some people want their lolis to have one.
He's learned from Iskandar and the Greek philosophy of never paying denbts
>In fact, it Guda uses too much mana at once, they'll collapse. It's the same deal as Sakura at the end of Heaven's Feel. Sakura's hooked up to an endless reservoir of mana, but the amount she can carry and expel at once is limited.
Kind of. When she gets really pissed, she summons several giants at once, which are 1000 magical energy. So there are times where rules go off kilter. She was also supposed to break apart when she absorbed Gil, who is the equivalent of several hundred thousand souls, but he ended up being similar to her having a bad burrito at 7-Eleven at midnight on a weekend. Maybe it's because she was born special, or maybe it's because there was one special trait she herself has to be resilient they mentioned in Unlimited Codes, but Sakura seems a special case. Then you had Hollow where Rider tells her that she shouldn't use magic as a weapon yet, and she forces her circuits to go at max for an hour against a horde. So clearly Medea was right by saying something was special in her and maybe some rules don't apply cleanly.
They plan the saberface before coming up with a backstory
This. Moved to the UK a few years ago, and I was legitimately surprised. Serious fucking business.
Everyone has a limit. It's not like even Sakura's bottomless. Even Saber can only use Excalibur twice before she has to refill her tank. Nasu outright said that Sakura can only use so much mana at once. There's no such thing as an infinite will. Since she's connected to the Root, she can refill her well pretty quickly, but it's still possible even for Sakura to use up all her reserves if she wanted to.
Mass murderers can be cute too
Tea is like crack cocaine to the British
Coffee is better than tea though.
Why would it? He plans to leave to go to Tokyo after graduation, so at best it's just he is leaving her alone, but he was just an extra bit of suffering topping on the shit cake that is her life. If you read what Nasu says about him post UBW, it just says he feels better about leaving magecraft behind and it lifted a weight off his shoulders. Nothing about confessing to what happened in that house or doing anything but living his life. If anything, it implied Sakura helped him like a therapist which is even sadder. Even in H/A he basically says, "I'm leaving, she should do what's best for her, tell her not to use the inheritance because I'll be back for it when Zouken passes". Not exactly the type of guy who seems like he is gonna come clean about things, he is sailing off into the sunset, which is fair, but it's odd people are thinking he is gonna help Sakura post UBW.
he didn't want to walk 10 minutes, jesus christ, he's a lazy guy.
Gudako is naturally adept at being a Master, and is basically like a nexus or fulcrum. A miniature Throne of Heroes.
It'd earn a Sealing Designation if the Association knew about it. And/or dismemberment to see how he works.
He won't be abusing her anymore. And Zouken's done. His goals will never be achieved. There's no more point to doing anything to Sakura anymore, except out of spite.
>Shinji leaves
>Zouken dies or will die soon
>Sakura has a mansion and fortune to spend however she pleases
Compared how she was before it's a much better situation.
Zouken's probably gonna waste away. It's all over. Everything. His reason for living was stolen from him.
Zouken die?I thought he was immortal...
Zouken will live for another 50 years. And only get more unhinged with time, he is spiteful even in the peaceful world of H/A. Also, its not like his familiars will die with him as they feed off her life energy autonomously. So she has a few scenarios post UBW, talking with Rin and risking being euthanized for "her own good", finding a magus to help her on her own and the risks that entails, Zouken in the 0.0000000001% chance he just says fuck it and lets her go, or him deluding himself and going out with a bang with the dismantling ten years later and using her or her progeny as experiment #2 to get something out of the system before he inevitably gets stomped. Nasu does not add details because he likes to promote speculation, but it's unlikely anything good.
He's been artificially extending his life by periodically consuming people and reducing himself to crest worms. But he's not a Dead Apostle. His body will reach its limit sooner or later. His soul already did long ago.
Speaking of post-UBW Sakura, she still contacts and has a good relationship with both Rin and Shirou as mentioned in that Rin, Shirou, Waver fixing a car Drama CD.
where were you when zoken was kill
i was sat at home casting mana crystal when kirei ring
>he is spiteful even in the peaceful world of H/A
I don't remember him ever show up in HA.
Doesn't Rin end up taking Waver's class? Even if that scene is just something the anime added, it wouldn't be of of the realm of possibility for them to at least see each other.
Rin takes Waver's class but Shirou doesn't. Shirou hangs around the Clocktower for a short time them fucks off.
I only remember Sakura mentioning how she doesn't like the way grandfather eats her food or shits on the toilet in her diary.
About Waver and Rin i found this in the Type-moon wikia...
this part
The custodian (sponsor) of Rin after she went to study in London. The condition being "I will not give you one ounce of instruction. Eh well, I will at least send letters of recommendation to the other departments".
He really hates Japan and Japanese, but his sole pleasures are Japanese games. A petit bourgeois that you really can't hate.
And so, while being internally excited, he tried to bring this up to the complete game dunce Rin,
"Maybe you might..... You know, you should be familiar with that town. That place right between Ueno and Asakusa...."
Only to be given an instant answer from Rin that not only did she have no interest in Akihabara, but she had no interest in even Nihonbashi.
And so he got pissed off instead.
"Fuck! You're the worst Japanese in the world."
The person that took down the Fuyuki Holy Grail war.
I have no idea what's going on in this show. Is it because I've never read/watched/played anything Fate related?
Yeah, Fate is really big universe and this anime features characters and events explained in previous works.
IMO you should at least watch Fate/Zero before this
ideally you won't be a secondary and just read Fate Stay Night in its entirety since it's actually pretty gud, or you can just watch Fate Zero
If you have the time, read the original VN (Stay Night) first and watch Zero after you read it.
After that you can watch/read/play pretty much everything in TypeMoon-verse.
Prisma Illya and Kara no Kyoukai are helpfull to get a better understanding how magic and magi work.
He also called her slow and made fun of her along with Shinji. Then Sakura got tired of it and took over the household, then found her own mentor in magecraft.
Squirrel waifu in live action please. Also, please have her be white
I thought only Kishiyo does this shit but hell
How are these niggers pros again
Takeuchi's CEO so he does whatever he wants.
Takeuchi is too busy running the company and polishing his Saber decorated Ferrari to actually draw things.
Nasu just plays videogames all day long, only stopping to write whole chapters at once every once in a long while.
Takeuchi should just step down and let Koyama be TM's official artist, but that's unlikely
>Not Pako
>and let Takao be TM's official artist
Why is Waver so obsessed with Iskandar anyway? Even if he summoned him again, he won't have memories of the previous war.
Fucking homos man. What an irrational bunch of animals.
It's near his flat and he's a shut-in. All the other places are kebab stalls..
You're talking about a bunch of assbackwards cultist bums here, not exactly people who have access to all the nitty-gritty details.
>not Wada
I think he's hot.
who kills Gilgamesh in Strange Fake?
He is still alive. On life support, but alive.
Alcides, Ishtar and Humbaba did a number on him tho.
Of he doesn't die immediatwly we probably will have Gilgame's brawler wrc as he recovers the GoB's key from Ishtar
Fighting Heracles Alter
Suddenly Ishtar shuts off Gilgamesh's gates
This causes Gilgamesh to take a hit during his fight with Heracles Alter, which gets GIl poisoned
But this doesn't cause him to lose face, he won't even show pain in a situation that caused Heracles to go insane with pain
Still has a few weapons on reserve he can continue the fight with
But then Humbaba shows up and slices him as well
Humbaba takes Gil by surprise since he can't acknowledge that that thing is alive again even as a servant apparently.
Enkidu is now healing Gilgamesh using the leylines
Not really healing, just kept barely in existence. His Saint Graph is gone, I doubt that's really fixable without re-summoning.
I was about to praise Narita for finally growing the balls to kill off someone, and what a guy to start with, but it seems he pussied out once again.
killing off gil doesn't exactly take balls though, that happens every single time
Well it's fate, what did you expect? A good story?
Don't make me laugh, laddie.
>near his flat
Near his apartment. Even though he's British Waver insists on calling it an apartment instead of a flat because he doesn't want to be reminded of his autistic student named Flat.
She's probably closer to Mysterious Heroine XX. Lancer Artoria is in her 30s because she's supposed to be what Saber would look like if Excalibur never halted her aging. On the other hand, MHXX is college-ish age.
Why isn't he living in the el-melloi mansion?
It was explained in the first vol (chap 1 or 2 or 3 in the manga iirc)
I'm not sure if the El-Mellois even have one anymore. Kayneth's death seriously fucked them up because of all the debts he had. Also, remember all those traps and spirits and curses he rigged his hotel with in Zero? Turns out he embezzled them from the Clock Tower.
>"For instance, how I've overlooked the fact that you've decided to live here in an apartment of your own instead of at the El-Melloi mansion. The very fact you are here paying rent at a building owned by our own family is absurd in and of itself."
>"It's the opposite of absurd. The rent I pay goes into paying off my debt to the El-Melloi family. There is no more efficient way of handling it."
Because it's too soon for him to live with his special "little sister" :D
>The rent I pay goes into paying off my debt to the El-Melloi family.
This is a scam. He's living rent-free basically.
I've been thinking, origin and magic circuits are bound to the soul as soon as it leaves Akasha and can't be changed, right? During fire Shirou lost his self and his husk of a body was revived by Kiritsugu with origin changing to Sword. Then could it be that pre-fire Shirou had different circuits or didn't have any at all?
Also in the LN Reines say a lot of smaller branch families looted all the El-Melloi stuff. She only has the title of Lord and a few proprieties aparently
You got that version too.
From the mouth of El Melon himself:
>Flue: "Anyway, what's the deal with there being too many Heroic Spirits?"
>Flue: "The land here is pretty good for leylines, but from what I hear, it still doesn't measure up to Fuyuki. It doesn't make sense that more Heroic Spirits than usual got summoned in spite of that."
El-Melloi II: "They're probably priming the pump."
>Flue: "Yeah?"
El-Melloi II: "The first several Heroic Spirits summoned were used as a catalyst to intentionally disturb the leylines and temporarily draw in magical energy from elsewhere in the Americas. It's a drastic measure, like inflicting damage on the body in order to stimulate an immunity."
>Flue: "So, in order to summon seven Ghostliners, they summoned and sacrificed another six? They used those crazy Ghostliners as a catalyst like you'd use chicken blood? Isn't that a bit too out there to believe?"
El-Melloi II: "In order to push seven pendulums to the fore, they shoved...probably five or six pendulums into them from behind. Ordinarily, that would only move an equal number of pendulums, like a Newton's cradle, but the supervisors who shaped the land simply have to add enough power to push the seventh pendulum. Now that the first set of Heroic Spirits have served their purpose, they will probably be absorbed into the land over time in order to preserve the balance."
>Flue: "That's not a pretty thought. I only half believed what you told me, but I bet that guy in the shiny gold armor really is the Akkadian King of Heroes. The instant I took a look at his star through a far-seeing spell, my head spun and I thought it was going to scramble my brains. They must be out of their minds if they're using up someone like that as disposable kindling—not even material for the Grail."
Could very well be the case, though it seems a bit underwhelming that Avalon would grant so few circuits considering how much it gets wanked like everything Arthurian.
.......wait a second, don't tell they managed to shut his Gate with the fucking he discarded in the beginning ?
Exactly. Just as Kotomine said to him in HF.
>"There are worthless things, but there are no meaningless things.
>…Beware, king of heroes. If there is something that will bring you defeat, it will be just that."
Are you shitting me? So yeah, the only reason he lost again was because he is an arrogant cunt.
Why can he never have real fight? It diminishes his status and the one of his oppenents because he basically only ever jobs to himself.
iskandar is macedonian, not greek. and he preferred persian culture anyways
That's the problem with Gil. If he isn't holding anything back, he would absolutely destroy almost anyone in seconds. The only serious fight he had was against his equal Enkidu.
Shirou's actually noted for having very high amount of circuits despite being first generation magus. Saber was also gone at the time when Kerry sealed it in Shirou's body so it wasn't at full capacity.
Oh wow, Gil gets killed off! Again! What great writing! Keeping the fuck alive until the end would be more novel at this point than just having him die like every other time he pops up.
I think having avalon for so long changed shiro body : is not a coincidence his attribute is now "Swords"
good lord he's so based
>is not a coincidence his attribute is now "Swords"
Yeah, that's more due to his body gradually becoming literally made of sword.
if everyone did write-in campaigns like him maybe video games wouldn't be so shit
Koyama degenerated hard after Mahoyo, so I wouldn't want him at the helm either.
>has a giant framed classical painting of his husbando in his game room
Living the dream.
>still caring about that shitty beast plotline
>here is your epic beast bro
I honestly half expect that they'll save him by turning him into kid Gil, somehow. Has Tine used the youth potion he gave her yet?
Pretty sure he degenerated BECAUSE Nasu wouldn't let him work on Mahoyo.
Shirou would have had circuits before the fire, but what form his magic would take is unknown.
His Origin was always Sword, but Avalon changed his Elemental Affinity to Sword as well, which is what made him capable, along with his general insanity, of developing Unlimited Blade Works.
>be a master
>summon gil
>oh yes, easy win
>"hahaha mongrel, I will only use my D-- spoon to win the war!"
that absolute state of gil summoners, Tiné didn't deserve him.
This. Alters shouldn't be summonable servants because they simply do not exist in the throne of heroes.
No, what would she use it for?
But I doubt a youth potion can save a destroyed Saint Graph. Maybe it'll be something weird like Gil inhabiting Enkidu's body since Enkidu has no soul
imagine if wolf summoned gil and tine summoned enkidu
A professional artist doesn't just stop drawing because they don't have an immediate job to do.
With how much worse he's gotten in recent years, either he got lazy and stopped drawing regularly to maintain his skill or he's been too busy in managerial position.
What you approve and don't approve of seems pretty arbitrary.
i want to fuck svin
cosplay gray
Put on a Gray mask
I meant he probabaly doesn't really give a shit about fgo while Mahoyo was a passion project.
I'm not saying it's right to act like this but that it might very well be the reason.
You forgot that chuuni chick with the eyepatch.