Just find another shop you twit

Just find another shop you twit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.05_[2019.07.21_16.57.40].jp (1920x1080, 168K)

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the problem was that it was the only tea shop near his home

You don't get between Brits and tea.

Genuine spoilers, but who knows if the anime will even cover this since it's not in the arc they're adapting.

>Gray's backstory
Gray is a descendant of the Pendragon bloodline but that's not her original face.
Her family is a family of gravekeepers, running one of the many cemeteries across Britain that claims to be the resting place of King Arthur. But her family, her entire village actually, is part of a cult.

When Gray was born with a passing resemblance to Saber, the cult freaked out and decided to have her be the second coming of King Arthur. They used magic to synchronize her essence to Saber's, planning on having her body transform into a perfect copy of Saber's so that Saber's soul could possess her and bring about the return of King Arthur.

When Saber was summoned in Fate/Zero, Gray's face and hair suddenly changed to be identical to Saber's. The cult, her family, and her mom most of all, treated her like royalty and like an object. She wasn't a person to them, she was King Arthur.

Eventually Waver found out about her. He saved her from her cult village before she could be possessed by Saber's soul and brought her to London.

Add is a special weapon called Logos React Replica that has been passed down Gray's family since Arthurian times. He is a seal on Rhongomyniad, Saber's holy spear, that keeps Rhongomyniad from losing its power. His personality is a copy of Sir Kay's, Saber's nii-san.

>Gray at the end of the LNs
When Shirou summons Saber in volume 10, Gray's body reacts to it just like it did when she was summoned in Zero. This time Gray's hair turns blonde, she gets advanced regeneration abilities, and she gets a dragon mana engine in her body just like Saber has so she basically generates mana just by breathing.

Attached: rainy day Gray.jpg (849x1200, 978K)

Thanks for saving my time. Not worth wasting another minute on this chuuni fanfiction.

I love how he was going on about crimes, morality and whatnot, when he wouldn't have bothered if his favorite shop wasn't involved and/or he wasn't on assignment. Also, I think Svin might need a restraining order.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.06.011.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

poor svin, he can't help being a dog

>Convoluted way to have another saberface
Jesus christ

Why would you ever consider Fate if you don't like chuunishit?


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