Attached: Pitou_cries.jpg (1280x720, 80K)
Pitou is moved
Gabriel Lewis
Ethan Barnes
bugs can't cry
Carson Cooper
You take that back!
Christopher Young
Does Togashi care about Aura types anymore? It seems to be an unimportant factor in the world. unless it forbodes the kind of nen abilities that the character will be able to use later. But the types of abilities themselves don't interact in any way. Specialists seem to be more prevalent now.
James James
Pitou is the best girl and is my wife
Ayden Butler
Hello Pitoubro
William Brown
Anthony Jones
I don't want this thread to die an early death please. Bump in my absence if you also want a hxh thread.
Dominic Turner
user, I...
William King
Liam James
Pitou is a good girl
Carson Roberts
It's funny that you ask that. My wife and I had just left our son with the babysitter so we could go out to dinner.
As I was ordering a delicious looking roast duck, She asked me if I ever remembered when we first started going out.
I was shocked for one, because no, I did not remember, and two it felt like she was bringing up a subject I didn't like talking about, especially at dinner.
Before she could get to the forbidden topic though, my cellphone rang so I quickly used the opportunity to cut the conversation short.
It was my good buddy and fellow mangaka Kentaro Miura-san. I suspected he was going to tell me about another one of his all nighters with his idols, but my dear wife didn't know that so I feigned it as a buisness call and temporarily excused myself.
Walking out of listening distance from my better half, I thanked Miura-chin (my nickname for him) and asked why he called.
Sure enough it was about his idol games.
I laughed, but a little too loudly that my precious wife shot me a glance.
I told Miura-chin that I had to go or else I'd be on a boat ride to hell (www) and that I was looking forward to staying the night again that weekend.
When I sat down our food had arrived and she asked me who had called.
"Oh that was my editor asking how I was feeling. He made that joke about Gon being the main character again." I told her.
I didn't want to lie to my beautiful wife, but she always gets pretty jealous whenever me and Miura-kun are hanging out.
We closed our eyes and said our pre-meal ritual.
"Oh my rubber nen, thinking isn't going to get us anywhere."
We enjoyed our meal and thankfully she didn't bother me with our previous conversation.
After that we went to the doctor who confirmed my frail condition and suggested I get plenty of bed rest.
We went home, thanked the babysitter for her services and watched tv together.
My lovely wife asking me if I was going to work on HunterxHunter at all, but all the food was making me sleepy.
Connor Perry
I told her I'd doodle a little bit and get a good headstart in the morning. I started to feel uneasy and wondered if there was something wrong with our dinner.
I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I either blacked out or fell asleep on my way to the room where I draw.
I woke up a few hours later in my bed and asked them what happened.
It turns out, just thinking about drawing makes me weak and liable to pass out.
Can you imagine?
So anyway, I took some medication to help heal my soft body and laid back down. It was easy not to think about anything HunterxHunter related because it's so tiring to do in the first place. (Even typing this is giving me a backache).
Long story short,
No. I do not care.
Easton Sanchez
Jayden Hernandez
Alright faggot, you may be pretty smart. BUT I am still an idiot.
Noah Barnes
Get smart
Brandon Sanchez
Pitou is a goddess
Alexander Robinson
It was great when Gon beat her stupid tranny face into the ground
Isaiah Peterson
She's also gone.
Gavin Young
No she isn't, she's alive and is happily married to me.
Evan Cook
Best character in all of HxH
Camden Brooks
>muh pitou isnĀ“t girl
>this shit again
Fuck you user.
Aiden Campbell
Pitou is the queen of all hunter threads
Easton Butler
Pitou's exoskeleton has feminine curves.
Chase Richardson
Evan Allen
fucking based
Austin Adams
to the trashcan I hope
Jonathan Walker
I want to have my first kiss with Pitou!
Alexander Perry
Pitou is perfection
Leo Ross
Aiden Carter
Is this a female?
Ethan Cooper
Obviously not
Owen Moore
Hisoka will die of old age.
Hudson Lopez