Pitou is moved

Attached: Pitou_cries.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

bugs can't cry

You take that back!

Attached: 125_-_Neferpitou.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

Does Togashi care about Aura types anymore? It seems to be an unimportant factor in the world. unless it forbodes the kind of nen abilities that the character will be able to use later. But the types of abilities themselves don't interact in any way. Specialists seem to be more prevalent now.

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

Hello Pitoubro

Attached: Neferpitou-14.jpg (640x360, 27K)


I don't want this thread to die an early death please. Bump in my absence if you also want a hxh thread.

user, I...

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