Imagine being in this position, while you see smoke through the spiral staircase...

are you retarded
it wasnt locked when the firemen first got to the door

Not him, but it is odd that no one would be on the rooftop if it wasn't locked.

>intense fire destroys the door locking mechanism\
>firefighters reach door hours later and it is now "unlocked"
What they said doesn't prove anything.

>one of the roles of a fireman is making closed doors be open
I wonder

Stop mansplaining

wonder if japanese politeness/ honor code was hindering them to act fast and swiftly because maybe they were not sure when to react as long no one else did

The door wasn't locked but they never reached the door, the smoke was that bad. Anons here really tend to underestimate the damn smoke from 40L of gasoline.

Windows were the only way, even then plenty didn't reach it either.

Attached: smoke.png (1200x630, 972K)

Maybe they just continued working.

Nah it was just that fast. The nearest one to windows and verandas survived by jumping. The rest were fucked. They had like a minute or two.

>Anons here really tend to underestimate the damn smoke from 40L of gasoline.
Smoke wouldn't be that bad on the 3rd floor within seconds if not for the spiral staircase that acted as a chimney, distributing thick smoke across the entire building and every floor. Why the fuck was that staircase even there? If not for the spiral staircase, many more lives would have been saved.