Imagine being in this position, while you see smoke through the spiral staircase. Those that goes down first are then lit on fire, so you decide to move upstair. However, the rooftop is locked a week prior due to some coworkers throwing cigarettes off the building. Now, you realized you are fucked and there is no way out.
Imagine being in this position, while you see smoke through the spiral staircase...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the rooftop is locked a week prior due to some coworkers throwing cigarettes off the building
That's hilarious
the firemen said the roof door wasnt locked
Wait, are there no windows to jump out of in that room?
>not a single person made it to the rooftop
>most of the corpses were in the staircase behind the rooftop door
Sounds locked to me.
Just run Through the Fire and Flames
i'm sure you know better than the firemen who were there and opened the door
Is this incident going to lead to a revision of Japanese building and fire safety codes? Because if this building was in fact up to standard, then the standards are garbage.
Nothing revolutionary, nips getting fire trapped in a shitty buildings happens more often than you would think.
Maybe it wasn't locked because the firemen opened it afterwards
are you retarded
it wasnt locked when the firemen first got to the door
Not him, but it is odd that no one would be on the rooftop if it wasn't locked.
>intense fire destroys the door locking mechanism\
>firefighters reach door hours later and it is now "unlocked"
What they said doesn't prove anything.
>one of the roles of a fireman is making closed doors be open
I wonder
Stop mansplaining
wonder if japanese politeness/ honor code was hindering them to act fast and swiftly because maybe they were not sure when to react as long no one else did
The door wasn't locked but they never reached the door, the smoke was that bad. Anons here really tend to underestimate the damn smoke from 40L of gasoline.
Windows were the only way, even then plenty didn't reach it either.
Maybe they just continued working.
Nah it was just that fast. The nearest one to windows and verandas survived by jumping. The rest were fucked. They had like a minute or two.
>Anons here really tend to underestimate the damn smoke from 40L of gasoline.
Smoke wouldn't be that bad on the 3rd floor within seconds if not for the spiral staircase that acted as a chimney, distributing thick smoke across the entire building and every floor. Why the fuck was that staircase even there? If not for the spiral staircase, many more lives would have been saved.
Perhaps the people at the lower floors even helped the arsonist
>what are you doing here, honorabu guest?
>>konichiwa, kyoani employee-san
>>I am here to get rid of the parasites that infest this building
>ah, sodesune
>you are the exterminator we hired?
>can I be of assistance to you?
Where are the windows?
On the computer.
He just walked in and threw the gasoline. That's pretty much it. Apparently people from NHK was suppose to come in that day.
Yes user 19 people just randomly died right in front of that door, just couldn't make that extra step
Yeah this whole thing was one of those cases of everything going wrong. There was the police ignoring the complaints about the arsonist, there was the locked rooftop, there was the building having horrible fire mitigation and there was the meeting taking place that day at the office which caused more lax security.
That guy couldn't pass for a professional if he tried, except for a professional failure.
>the staircase is covered in smoke so you can see literally nothing
>if you take even a single breath, you will be knocked out almost instantly
It only takes one guy to fumble with the door, collapse and block the way from the rest.
Imagine still spamming threads about that dead studio three days after
Should never have allowed a guy with 40 gallons of gasoline inside the building in the first place.
Oh no! It's not like the entire building is lined with windows and it's only a 15 foot drop max to safety or anything.
And remember kids, smoking kills
Does this board have a sign that says "Dead Jap Storage?"
japanese are very prone to lying when it comes to work related accidents just think about fukushima so ofcourse the door was locked
Imagine being so dead inside that you can't work up any sympathy for the victims.
Weren't they speculating it was due to some sort of panic phenomenon where they all rushed to the roof staircase and squished together, allowing nobody to move? Also people were saying the door was a pull, not push, so that may have hindered people.
Try living after that much smoke
The fire codes are meant to mitigate regular fires, not ones where the building is covered in gasoline which explodes.
One morning you're going to work as usual to draw your anime cartoons, within the next couple of hours you're suffocating to death in a cramped staircase cause the rooftop door is locked and there's a maniac with a gasoline can on a rampage downstairs. Sometimes life just decides it's time for you to to die.
>pull door
no there is video of it swinging outwards
>door is transparent
>your oxygen-deprived mind thinks you are meters from safety
>only for you to bounce off the glass like a fly, make your last breath and just die, creating an obstruction to everyone else on the staircase
It was locked the same way the station nightclub front door was.
Chernobyl of our generation
Imagine this is all just a big hoax.
They set it up to tell the greatest isekai story ever told.
Way to go, Kyoani. Nobody will ever compare.
If the key card was turned off they should have hired a security guard for the day.
user, you know I ain't seen no-
>people were saying the door was a pull, not push
That's simply false.
Unless the survivors were hit by a fire truck I doubt this is gonna involve any isekai
>walls, wood, and floors looks extremely similar to interior of my house
Getting worried. No spiral staircase or clutter though.
You're average run of the mill unarmed security guard won't do much against a determined attacker.
Seems the roof gave up over them while they were trying to get out. Shitty construction materials if you ask me
This is from
- On the day of the attack, a film crew from NHK was scheduled to visit KyoAni's studio to do some filming for a documentary. NHK wrote about their film crew having an appointment with KyoAni in the first revision of one their articles on the fire, but silently edited that fact out a few hours later:
- NHK told KyoAni to relax security that morning so the film crew could go in and out unhindered. That's why the perp was able to simply go in and out of the unlocked front door.
- KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1 that day because NHK said they wanted to do interviews with them.
-The NHK crew actually was very close nearby when it happened, after the perpetrator ran out he was filmed by the crew's director from his car.
- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.
copypasta, dunno if true
Why do autists here pretend like they would've been able to survive in that situation? Hindsight is 20/20.
>low ceiling
>barely any space to walk
>wood and paper clutter everywhere
>no windows
>spiral staircase
>no visible fire suppression system in sight
The absolute state of Japanese fire safety standards.
A planned fire of this scale would've burned down literally any 3-story building in the United States no matter how much fire safety they have. Instead, they need to up their security system to never let anyone without a badge or something in, no matter the circumstance.
>the guy just nod at security guard and walk in it was usual for him
>everything was fire after that
Imagine being so retarded you think anons mocking the safety regulations won't achieve more to prevent accidents like this to happen than a soiboi like yourself who just posts "thoughts and prayers" on his fagbook like anyone gives a shit.
Get you one of these.
I have no doubt that everyone here would be fucked if trapped in a building like that. Absolutely appalling and flammable construction and layout.
Do Americans really think all Japanese people act like the samurais from the movies?
Pretty sure they did, but that ain't gonna do jack shit when 40L of gasoline is involved in addition to being in a place full of wood, oil, ink, etc. Not to mention, their co-workers were literally light on fire, which would be pretty demoralizing for you to see
That only works if the fire is small, wont do shit if a whole room is in flames
why is it always americans
That was probably a recommendation for an user's living situation where they are more likely to be the arsonist than be the victim of one.
>A planned fire of this scale would've burned down literally any 3-story building in the United States
No shit, the point is that the average American office building at least gives workers a fighting chance to escape such an inferno. These people were fucked within seconds of the first spark, that wouldn't be the case with proper fire and building codes in place.
user would probably use it to kill himself.
>fire suppression system
As if that would help
It's Japan, their spree killers normally go for elementary schools and nursing homes for disabled people
Is the guy who decided to lock to rooftop still alive?
I can't even imagine how many years of prison he's going to get. He's almost as responsible as the killer, what if the fire wasn't intentional but something accidentally overheating?
>implying anyone actually follows fire codes
Because Chinese trolls are obsessed with the US for some reason.
Don't worry, it was the thick smoke that killed almost everyone long before the flames got them. It doesn't matter what your walls or floor are made of, a burning sofa for example will fill your house with a black cloud of superheated death in minutes. The result at kyoani would've been the same even if the floor and walls were concrete.
Why are they in this position? What they are doing?
Not really. If the supposed rumor that the arsonist chained up the exit doors were true, than imagine if they chain up the doors in those average American office building too. I agree that the Kyoani's building didn't give them a chance, but as I said before, security seems more important against planned attacks.
>fire suppression system
That would've made literally no difference at all. Water just helps the gasoline fire to spread, and it was the smoke that killed everyone in the upper floors.
The fact they don't even have one is pretty telling either way.
Daily morning exercise, man. Your workplace don't have those?
>If the supposed rumor that the arsonist chained up the exit doors were true
I seriously doubt this part of the story, especially since it was being circulated at the same time the train otaku motive was being heavily promoted.
>However, the rooftop is locked a week prior due to some coworkers throwing cigarettes off the building
That didnt happen. The firefighters who climbed on the roof found out the door could open and the reason no came out that way is because they were dead because they could even reach it.
People in these situations never act rationally or quickly
I just wish that BariSaku shit was true. Literally the dumbest motive ever. There's still chance...
I have worked in a few companies, in jobs that actually require some phisical activity, and none of them had this "morning exercise".
But I guess that's the least you can do when your emploees are all people who never lifted a weight.
I get the flowers, but what are the water bottles for? Some kind of holy water or something?
carbon monoxide poisoning
Is it true that he was carrying 5 fucking swords?
So what's the real morive?
Last time I heard the killer was an otaku who was mad because his favorite Hibiki Euphonium character didn't turn out lesbian.
Why do they look like npc that aren't functioning correctly?
Like a photo of the paint stained iceberg that struck the Titanic. They need to ban spiral staircases already. What a useless means of gaining elevation.
Apperantly kyoani plagiarized his LN
To put out the fire obviously.
That's a server rack on the back, RIP kyoani.
5 knives and a hammer
I've thought about what to do in case of fire at my workplace more than enough times and know the exterior walls and how to get to the ground safely. Unless I lucked out and got trapped in a room or got blasted directly by the fire I'm sure I would have survived, just like the Kyoani employees who survived by jumping from the balcony or using the drainage pipes. We've already read about people who were simply too afraid of jumping and that caused their deaths. Why do you keep talking about it like it was an unsurvivable situation? It was not. You may talk all you want about hindsight being 20/20 and all that, but that's exactly what fire drills and planning for the worst is for. I wouldn't need to think about what to do in those critical moments because I've done all the thinking calmly already, and it doesn't involve any heroics or physical feats. If you never prepar for anything in your life that's fine, but not everyone's like that.
Anyone that have watched any Kyoani shows in the last decade would know they are all generic plot-wise. Kyoani just got unlucky that they were targeted by this guy.
>could have installed a lift
>went for the meme spiral stairs
Roof wasn't locked, not to mentioned it was a glass door, they could have broken the glass to get out but didn't. They suffocated at the stairs before they could get to the door.
based and prepperpilled
>Why the fuck was that staircase even there?
>Select all images with stairs
I wonder how many could survive if that door was unlocked
>If you never prepar for anything in your life that's fine, but not everyone's like that.
Tell that to KyoAni, they're the ones that built that firetrap. This is the fault of management, not the poor workers who got caught in the fire.
It was 40 LITERS
10 gallons
two 5-gallon cans poured into a plastic bucket
It won't really help much desu
>>Select all images with stairs
They know.
You cannot trust such public reports. The firemen could have claimed otherwise when asked and someone changed the report for the media, do you think those few firemen who pried open the door would later go to some newspaper or twitter and give new reports about "how they actually found a different situation and/or claimed otherwise" than what was publically told or written in the police report? Do you even know how cases like this are handled irl, firemen are told to not comment or spread any personal opinions or observations because it's a crime scene. Those who control info go through the police department and the tabloid sites also only post what's told. If you claim otherwise you're trying to spread panic or cause problems, you're not allowed to mix into the process of public reports dumbasses.
And that's just one option, there's plenty of other ways around that for the perpetrators of foul play. You live in the clouds not even aware that the world around you is literally fueled by organised agenda and criminality.
Japan is the only country I know of that makes these elaborate computer models within hours of something like this. Why are they such big fans of telling stories this way?
How did he survive?
ラジオ体操 or radio calisthenics. The video that image is cropped from said they all did it at 3 pm. It's a good idea in a job where most of your employees are hunched over in front of their computers and papers all day and need to get up and stretch from time to time, but most of them wouldn't do it if it wasn't instituted like this. In Japan and China they are all used to it so it doesn't feel as silly as it would in a Western office environment.
some granny thought he was a victim and sprayed him down with a hose
>literally any
There is at least one three story building in the US with a gated fence and security guards so you're wrong.
The average American office building has cameras and smoking areas are usually near an exit so someone would have noticed some dude chaining up the exit doors. Not to mention that someone would have called the cops the second they saw some random dude walking around the building. Also American office buildings have a lot of fucking exits and a lot of fucking fire doors. Two fire doors would have saved at least half the people who died on the staircases.
Actually more of a professional success
>Not him, but it is odd that no one would be on the rooftop if it wasn't locked.
Thick smoke and heat has a way of killing you before you can walk 10 meters dude.
That is like 20 time this then
So a lot of anons are seriously underestimating it
>throwing cigarettes off the building
Smokers really are trash
dude what, he'd have to have crashed a car through the front door to get 40 gallons of anything inside. it was 40 -LITERS- spread across 2 jerrycans, so imagine the volume of two water cooler jugs in containers with handles
You just know how sad Abe is about this. All those fertile females, gone.
Jesus. Imagine it's your job to go in a building you know will be full of charred corpses. You have to be either really strong mentally or completely fucked in the head.
Is this loss?
Discipline, they don't want hearsay because it causes confusion.
More info coming in from this thread
>perpetrator's name is Samu Haido
>he is a well know right-wing activist
>the current death toll is 34
>GoFundMe's donations will be forwarded partially to our Greatest Ally
>CEO Hideaki Hatta said his collection of SoraYori BDs are lost in the fire
>Fire Force anime is postponed indefinitely
This. Also smoke rises, going up during a fire is generally a bad idea. But in this case they didn't have much of a choice.
Nobody calls the police because some random guy is walking near a building, he'd have to be visibly up to something
To tell shit quickly and clearly to stop fake news from coming up
Would getting on the roof even help? Looking at the videos you probably would have still died from the smoke/gasses.
>But in this case they didn't have much of a choice.
Yes they did. Jump out the window and land on their legs. They might break a bone but they wouldnt be fucking dead.
Suffocating is a much better way to go so I'd say yes
I think what he's trying to say is you're not judging an individual death but 19 human beings who don't have the same body and are not some cheap AI programing that collectively collapses instantly in the same programmed moment you idiot.
Not ALL of them would conveniently die all on the same spot from POISONING because every human body is different, others wouldn't faint in the EXACT SAME TIME as the other people around them, they'd get to the door and open it and die either on the roof or infront of the door outside. But they were all in the same area means something stopped them all together.
That has to be the worst possible luck
he was a lib
>Samu Haido
Driving around those gallons and walking around with chains is definitely enough to get one person to call the cops. The cops wouldn't send more than one guy to check on the suspicious person but they would send someone.
What does that conspiracy theory have to do with my post? Firemen have already said the roof door wasn't locked. Those people died because the smoked them up and they were panicking.
A jump from that roof is better than dying.
They suffocated inside filled with terror just fine.
Some did jump out of windows.
>A day after an apparent arson killed at least 34 people at an animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto, a neighbor, the 81-year-old Ken Okumura, remembered seeing several women jump from the building’s second floor. They were so badly burned that blood was coming from their noses, and all of their clothes but their underwear were gone.
The roof is not really a fire exit, instead of being stuck inside a burning building, you're now stuck on top of one with no way down.
>locked door
they deserved it
Ah first Russian bots and now Chinese trolls.
Did you notice a sign out in front of this board that said "Dead Jap Storage"!?
They had a lift. And another set of stairs in the back. The spiral one was mostly for aesthetic purposes.
Unpopular opinion: you cant blame kyoani for how lethal the fire was. The building passed the fire code inspection and nobody couldve ever predicted some madman would show up with 40 liters of gasoline.
Russian news do it too
>But they were all in the same area means something stopped them all together.
dead bodies
At least 8 died even before reaching the windows
The first people died at the door and the others died unable to get over them.
Should have jumped sooner.
I know its no laughing matter but I cant help but chuckle at how they went through the trouble of showing how much of fat fuck that asshole is.
Is this incident going to make other studios improve security and safety?
>routinely see stories of nip cops having so little to do they practically make shit up
>ignore arsonist calls
hopefully fire drills will become a thing in japanland now
Go back to your stale joke thread
Animators don't breed user. They just wither and die at the ripe old age of 30.
The thick and black smoke didn't discriminate
There was a nursery for single mothers, but they probably realized it was useless.
Arsonist was some fat trainspotting mouthbreather who only actually went through with it because there was literally nothing in his way. Even some Paul Blart looking jobsworth would've made him at least pause for thought
since the room had a lot of gasoline, it probably happened like this
They weren't complaints about him burning shit, just complaints from his neighbors about him being unhinged.
Fair. So they take some panty thief seriously, but someone who might actually be a threat is still ignored?
Fucked up man
I always hated spiral staircases. Worst stair ever.
holy shit
imagine the smell.
>set of stairs in the back
Unless that set is an exterior fire escape they don't have fire safety
I can and will. If that building was up to code then nip fire code is fucking terrible and definitely needs to be revised.
Security could have called the cops and a gun/tazer/night stick would have saved everyone.
They will find their way to avoid making time flops
Are you really that dumb or just a bot? user if you're gonna simulate a situation in your head you need to fucking visualize it, not throw around concepts.
A dead body cannot stop you because if the very first person that was closest to the roof died first for example you're right behind them and just walk over their bodies. If they collapsed and we're not capable or moving they cannot block the god damn door because the door is not UNDERNEATH them, it's infront of the bodies lying DOWN. Down is where a collapsed person is, not matter if it's 1 or 10 people. They can't block an unlocked door, you just walk over them as I've said.
People don't die or collapse by standing up and blocking the passageway. Even if they collapsed on the stairs you can easily walk over their bodies, it's a matter of literally 5-10 seconds hassle not more.
They all died before they reached the rooftop
But I love spiral staircases. They should ban gasoline instead
Apparently it's a bunch of Saudis who were huffing butane (which is already pretty fucked) and then one of them decided to use a lighter.
Unfortunately, they all survived.
You have maybe a mere 30 seconds from the ignition to being enveloped by pitch black poison to make a beeline to the nearest window and see if you can fly. If you take any time to try to figure out what the hell is going on you're dead.
How did the perp chained exit narrative emerged?
>one main door which the perp get in and out from
>a few seconds between main door and spiral stairs
>most of bodies are not severely damaged, CO poisoning may be cause of death
>some survived jumping from balcony within seconds of explosion sound
>roof access was unlocked but they couldn't reach it due to smoke inhalation/visibility
>a bag on the street in front of studios with 5 big knives (not used because he was burning and hosed down by neighbor)
He had already served 3 years in prison for a convenience store robbery.
So its NHKs fault
> Using the lift in a fire
Are you retarded?
If this furnace actually passes the fire safety code then there's something wrong with it
If only they had fire exits with crash bar doors and stairs that lead to sweet safety.
>for single mothers
So two parent kids were turned away or what?
>5-10 seconds in pitch black smoke while you're hyperventilating
If not for the spiral staircase acting as a chimney could the people on the second and third floors have had a better chance of surviving or at least reaching the roof?
Roof won't really help much
Every one should be thoroughly drilled to drop on the floor to avoid the fucking smoke, think with his/her head and make the correct decision to bail out the fucking window before getting burnt.
Yeah, welcome to Yea Forums. I‘m glad you‘re getting a reality check
Yes genius for some people but not all 19 of them. How fucking dumb are you?
There's still the smokes but they can try falling down.
Why didnt they broke the windows?
How in the fuck are their windows are unbreakable
>What does that conspiracy theory have to do with my post
I think user was referring to the first part about security.
If the staircase was concrete and marble like the rest of the civilized world most of them would've survived. No easy way up for the fire. By the time the fire had made it to the top floor they would've been on the roof being evacuated by the firefighters.
Dont mind me, just chillin.
The Station fire is pretty harrowing with people stuck at the door if you've seen the video. And this is before the smoke caught up to them. All you need is one/two collapsed in a 1-2m wide stairway and it's chain reaction.
Pretty good
They still use XP
The glass actually melted.
If this image is true, even if it wasn't a spiral staircase, I think they were fucked because the normal staircase on the side is also a chimney, albeit, slower by a couple of seconds, which wouldn't really have saved more than maybe 1 or 2 people.
This is what happens when you work with women and for a so(y) filled studio. One of the female employees was probably the one that complained about the cigarettes, and I guarantee you once shit hit the fan all the women started panicking and screaming, and were the first ones to pass out/die blocking the exits with their burning bodies. If this had happened to a Chad Shounen studio, I guarantee you the workers would have remained calm and immediately knocked the door off the hinges and escaped or thrown their computers or chairs at the windows to create an exit and jumped out. Or they probably would have just beaten the austist to death as soon as he started spraying people with gas.
Every Japanese should go through 1 month of military training so they don't panic in a fucking fire. Panic killed them all.
Everything was full of smoke and melting user.
>1400 celsius
Holy shit
The windows were easy to open, the earlier photograps of the building show them all opened. It's either that a group of chicks followed the pack up the stairs due to fear of jumping and couldn't open the door for some reason. Some apparently did jump from the windows but those lying by the rooftop door make no sense since it's too many of them.
This is why in large commercial buildings the stairway is enclosed with fire doors. The studio was so small it wasn't subject to those parts of the fire code.
Wait a minute, is the cigarette thing not shitposting? How would you know?
70% of the office was women and the rest where "men", if you can even call them that.
This is going to sound made up, but a lot of Japanese believe that the shininess of water bottles scare away cats, especially at night.
You'll occasionally see them placed outside of homes like this.
You need to kys right now, really.
Shit was melted after the fire got to it which is ages after all the people died. When the smoke started on the 1 floor nothing the upper floors was melting you idiotic degenerates because smoke doesn't do that. All the windows were openable and if the door to the roof was unlocked there was nothing stoping them except the god damn smoke which doesn't melt shit.
>muh fire safety again
You faggots are really underestimating 40l gasoline fire and human panic
Why do they then need to scare away cats?
>tfw work in perfume factory in a lab filled with women
>tfw building has not 1, not 2, but fucking 7 exits
>tfw stairs are all in an enclosed area with steel doors
>tfw there are fire hoses in every floor in the emergency stairs
Feels good.
Very funny asshole, that wasn't my point. The door really must have been locked because nothing else explains so many dead on one spot.
Anything new in the past 12 hours?
The sticky is down so I assume that there are no updates.
It actually would've, the smoke would've funneled out into the open air preventing people from suffocating to death immediately & the fire team could get them down from there when they arrived. Worst case scenario they're forced to jump and the odds of living after falling 3 stories onto concrete aren't great but they're still favorable
Offering. We always leave water/beer for the dead. Food too but usually we only offer food for relatives, we don't just go to some burned out office and offer a bowl of rice for people we don't know.
It’s insane that this is the studio of a company that allegedly treats its employees well. What sort of dungeons are the rest working in?
remember, if you smell smoke, immediately jump out the nearest window. waiting to confirm if there's a fire will get you killed.
What does the 3rd panel and onwards mean?
this retard
People don't think that smoke does anything or at least don't think it will do anything quickly and won't be told.
People who weren't in a fire have lots of opinions about them, I guess.
like the one from office space i guess
You are being ironic but it’s true, Kyoani is full of women and betoids that don’t know how to react under stress. Jumping from those windows would have saved many lives.
I would presume so that the cats don't disturb the flower display right above the bottles, but who knows.
I would've jumped out of the window the second I saw this ugly motherfucker enter the building.
The anime version of the John Lennon assassination really.
America lives rent free in their heads
nobody died at the church. also christianity is a desert religion for sand people, it has no place in Europe
>nothing stoping them except the god damn smoke
Except you know for it being deadly smoke on its own.
>However, the rooftop is locked
It is just a glass door!
I thought it was confirmed that this isn’t a pic of the arsonist?
well yea, no one died with notre dame
Not that user but my room's window led to a spiral staircase which is connected to the kitchen
Am I super fucked?
>nobody died, french govt will repair it within years
>34 people gone, forever
Literally me. When is France ever not on fire?
Yeah user, the party is over after the damn smoke get you. Forget about breaking shit at that point
based user living in a country with respectable a fire code
>comparing goddamn fucking perfume factory to a tiny art and animation studio
One thousand years weigh heavier than human life
You cannot "repair" Notre Dame
Your house is not worth burning, don't worry.
Yes. Get a fire axe in your room and some rope. Learn to bailout a window with rope and axe like a fireman.
They just issued an arrest warrant for the guy. The perp was transferred to a hospital for burns and is in an unconscious state but is expected to recover so he will be actually arrested then presumably.
if it's wood, definitely. better do a controlled demolition of the house just to be safe. i herd u can buy c4 off the deepinterwebs
what's your favourite perfume?
>there was nothing stoping them except the god damn smoke
which can cause you to pass out before dying and can cause brain damage dumbass
How is it nobody ever barbecued here? Not even a couple pork ribs? Really?
Try to get a blow of black cancerous smoke in your face. Your eyes start to burn and close, you can't breathe, it's all itchy and nasty for a while. I recently got this while I was riding my bike and some patch of field was burning right next to me (le mosquito hating retards going full arson). I had to stop, cover my face and pour water on a napkin to breathe and proceed.
did you read the part about christianity being for sanddiggers?
Japan has the death penalty?
It's not a locked according to firemen
>glass door
Imagine running upstairs, seeing the door and outside but because of reduced visibility, panic, and reduced oxygen in the brain you run into the door and tumbled down blockking everyone.
>Thinks smoke is something that you can just walk past
Nigga just try and set something on fire and inhale the smoke. Even if you dont inhale it will fuck up your vision and just one whiff from it and it would ruin you
It got repaired plenty of times dude. The spire was relatively new for example. When the Victor Hugo novel came out they also did a big renovation because by that time it was in a bad shape.
Of course you can repair the Notre Dame.
Anything lavender
It's actually a serious warning for those who try carbon monoxide suicide
>1. don't do it
>2. if you have to, do it when nobody can stop you because even after you pass out it takes a few mins for you to pass away, and if they wake you up too late you're gonna be a mong for life
Fucker is going to hang. It's the only thing for it given the severity of his actions.
sure you can
ur right I guess
Of course Yea Forums doesn't care about Notre Dame. /his/ would care more. People just generally don't care about stuff that haven't affected them in anyway, just like /his/ doesn't care about Kyoani.
Watch the station nightclub fire video, hundreds are killed hardly a minute after the fire starts and many die IN THE DOORWAY because there is a panic and a pileup.
Flashover is no joke, the whole building and everything in it will be set on fire in no time at all in a circumstance like this.
>kyosoianiggers btfo
What does Yea Forums think of Mr. Obvious's take on the KyoAni fire?
Because we don't use shitty charcoals, user.
I too love lavender, especially Eau de L'Occitane
>meanwhile, at the notre dame water park
> Arsonist named Shinji Aoba
>Shinji Aoba
they hung the last of the aum guys involved in the sarin gas subway attack just last year IIRC, this dude's definitely going to have his neck broken after spending a miserable couple decades rotting in japanese prison not knowing when they're going to arrive with final execution orders
Unless you are trained for it, any other person wouldnt be able to process whats going until its too late. Most people would just stand there and be shocked to see whats happening then panic happens
that was hundreds and a lot made it out
ZERO made it to the roof
>perpetrator's name is Samu Haido
>promised kfc
Kek oh my kokujins
>Just want to draw your waifu
>Get doused with gasoline and set on fire because some train autist felt like it.
Fucking kek
It's the
"he's not gonna do it, is he?"
suspension of disbelief that kills you. All it takes is two seconds, it's like when you get stabbed, you don't think they're gonna do it until they do.
Ignore the obvious samefag
The difference is the station nightclub people had the advantage of running horizontally away from the fire. The worst direction you can go to escape a fire is up, because that is where fire, heat and smoke will spread first.
The point also is that all it took was one person to trip or stumble and there is an instant pileup, people are panicking and suddenly they are enveloped in flame and smoke and have no chance. In this case that probably didn't even need to happen, that building looks like a tinderbox and they might have been caught by the fire before they even made it to the door.
Try setting it on fire user, and see if you can make it out fast.
Sure, a straight line you have to run through while competing with over 150 people. That's quite the advantage.
It was him. He did it.
I thought it was going to be a ytpmv from the thumbnail, but instead I got 10 minutes of some dude mumbling to himself.
I hate it.
better than going up to an instant death
>some stranger pours gasoline halfway through the building and the employees did not take notice
Too lax?
well, the carbon monoxide probably got them before they made it. ever hear the one about the family with the carbon monoxide deposit outside their house? kids saw their dad laying face down in a ditch, so they walked over to him. they died as soon as they got there.
might be an urban legend, though.
We have a lot of earthquakes, user.
It's true. Was in a car accident last year after some guy didn't yield; when I saw him pull out in front of me my brain bluescreened and I ended up locking up until the inevitable. You know, instead of braking, swerving or doing literally anything else. No injuries luckily, but the point is that if you're facing impending disaster for the first time your brain can lock up and cost you the valuable seconds you could have used saving yourself, and in a fire like that it literally is seconds.
pretty sure grenfell tower fire tops this one. 80 people, more or less, burnt alive due to a series of bad decisions and avoidable scenarios
nobody probably seen him since 2 died on the first floor
Thread Theme music:
meant to tag you not the other post
Its all about that ppm. Very plausible. Kids are small. One breath and they are down. Which means more breaths. Which means death.
Just follow the camera man's easy tutorial.
Proof that Japan's strict building regulations are for Earthquake only.
But they still should have emergency door though.
Yea Forums told me crime is rare in japan so having no fire escapes and zero security is ok.
If you think for a second that it would be easier to try to escape it vertically then you don't understand fire. The comparison is not the amount of people, that hardly matters because all it takes is one person to stumble and those behind them are fucked in a narrow space like a staircase or doorframe.
Imagine not being able to see, breathe, and feeling the heat and flames catch up to you, and then trying to climb over or past people in a staircase. Literally a couple seconds is the difference between life and death.
This is true for the station nightclub fire, the smoke ended up causing most to pass out before the flames enveloped the building just minutes later. It might not have been the case for Kyoani because they were escaping vertically.
This is why risk = threat x vulnerability. You minimize potential disasters by lowering vulnerability as much as you can.
You would think so, and yet
Panic and crowd is lethal, panic and crowd plus fire is hell.
it's a split second.
I know how it feels, and if stairs were normal, like made of normal materials made for normal sane mentally stable people instead of fucking wood, they would've lived. Try to set marble on fire with gasoline and tell me how it works out.
Leave KyoAni to me!
Shut uo nigger
They should have not just an emergency door but sprinklers, axes, hoses, extinguishers, ropes, ladders, training, drills and most of all, calm.
>It might not have been the case for Kyoani because they were escaping vertically.
smoke travels up, same with hot gasses. i think co is heavier than air, but the oxygen was probably gone
It's not about using the lift, it's about the enclosed space, the fire and smoke propagated so fast because there was a hole that went throughout all the stories. Normally, in buildings that have a high fire safety class, all staircases are are supposed to be enclosed, designed at a width and length appropriate for the number of people the building can house, have reinforced fire protection doors and even the concrete used in the stairwell structure should be treated to withstand fire for longer and burn harder. The building should have also had a fire escape with a one way opening door at the bottom of the enclosed stairwell, which I haven't seen, but normally, for the function it served, the building would require at least two closed stairwells, which I assume it passed the fire code inspection, it probably doesn't state that it's supposed to be enclosed. I don't know Japanese law, but if it how I think it is then the previous user is right, it's beyond fucked and needs changes ASAP.
My point was that fire travels up as well, it probably caught them before they passed out from lack of oxygen, evidence of this is the fact that they did not make it out of the door (if it is true that it wasn't locked). That, or it was pure panic why they didn't make it. I can't imagine how horrible of a death it must be like
Sprinklers and extinguishers aren't going to do shit against 40L of burning gasoline, those things are for accidental fires not arson
The only thing that would've helped would be more fire exits
>You cannot "repair" Notre Dame
Are you retarded?
Compared it to things that actually *were* rebuilt, Notre Dame only suffered pretty minor damages.
During WW2 many historical buildings, especially in Germany and Russia received far heavier damages and still were rebuilt.
Imagine having no reading comprehension.
yeah, shit's got me fucked up all week. they didn't deserve this shit.
>most of all, calm.
Basically this.
Unless you're in some kind of gas station or dry hot forest, fire generally takes quite a long time to spread. Just like this , people were on panic mode instantly instead of focus on the fire.
It will do just fine against a gasoline fire. It will remove a lot of heat and prevent the fire from getting any worse. Won't smother the fire but it definitely won't get any worse.
>Look up Greenfell Tower Fire
>20 survivors attempted suicide
Damn, will those kyoani staffs be okay?
>40L of burning gasoline
Is it even confirmed though?
Fire codes that didn’t allow for chimney stack spiral staircase and basic fire blocking doors would have helped.
The CEO should hang for turning off security that day
He's not just responsible for the death of 34 and counting, innocent people, he's responsible for the deaths of his own employers, and killed his own company
It isn't true, because the only door that was keeping them at bay was the one on the roof, which he didn't go to.
He was reported to have bought it just before, so yes.
This is the fate they deserve for being such yuri baiting faggots. Maybe if they didn't pair Kumiko with that faggot Itchy Shoe this wouldn't have happened.
It shouldn't matter, all buildings should have the same treatment when it comes to fire codes, the perfume factory works with highly flammable materials and should have more exits and escape routes but that doesn't mean the Kyoani building was properly designed.
>shilling this video again
Just wanted to make sure that someone points out your a faggot.
Kill yourself.
It doesn't matter if the staricase was spiral or not, any type of stairwell would've been a chimney for the fire. Look at this At most, a normal staircase would give them about another 10-20 seconds
I genuinely hope you burn in hell just for that. Go fuck yourself.
Look at this video. Getting to the rooftop wouldn't help you much.
Why would anyone care about a dumpster fire?
somehow reminds me of Breivik's attack on Utøya.
The leader of those children took the ferry and escaped the island with less than a handfull of others. the ferry was a armoured and former military landing craft.
Yes. He bought it in a nearby station in 2jerrycans before pouring it to a bucket/container with flatbed trolley which he used to carry it inside. Unlike the guy here, I guess just tipping thhe bucket all of the content would spread/not waiting for air to fill vacuum.
Here's a video which shows a recent skyscraper fire, from a small single starting point it managed to travel 19 floors in a matter of minutes and long before it had spread out to every room horizontally. It, like the Kyoani building, was loaded with combustible material.
Kyoani had even bigger problems, the gasoline probably caused a near instant flashover. It definitely sounds like they had seconds to escape rather than minutes.
>Yeah this whole thing was one of those cases of everything going wrong
You mean Kemerovo of this year.
My internet is shitty, someone please tell me what's going on.
These people dying before they ever got to make a good anime is tragic.
>fire Yea Forumsccidents
Roof was full of smoke too.
Shit. That's literal gas chamber.
I don't expect the smoke would be that bad.
Also why was the smoke white? Most of burned house has black smoke.
Some of them will likely never be able to work again.
I don't think OP was implying it would've helped. It is more like a natural instinct to move in the opposite direction of the arsonist if you see them dosing your co-workers with oil and lighting them on fire.
The saddest thing about this whole ordeal is the possibility that it causes people to take action and prevent it from happening again. This is the most interesting thing that has happened all year.
This came immediately to my mind as well.
Plus, I'd assume the first instinct was to get out of the building, not on top of it, so there probably were people trying to somehow extinguish the fire or running down the other stairs to get out, or opening and jumping out of windows (which might sadly have accelerated the demise of the remaining people by fanning the flames. I think the idea to get up on the roof was the very last resort for them when they saw no other way out, and by then there already was a substantial amount of smoke accumulated at that highest point, so the people collapsed as soon as they raised from the ground to try and climb the stairs.
>Anons here really tend to underestimate the damn smoke from 40L of gasoline.
It's also the smoke from all the stuff burning, electonic equipment, all sorts of glue from books, chemicals that were used to treat the wooden interior, all sorts of plastic stuff etc.
After one or two minutes, it was basically a giant toxic cloud.
>One building that even if it completely broke down could be rebuilt in years since we have full 3D copies of both its exterior and interior and stone-masonry is still a job in France (and a pretty renowned one at that, search Les Compagnons du Devoir with Google). Building that literally lost nothing of value outside of the attic, where no one died and with a fire that started because one imbecile was fucking smoking over a wooden structure and another fucking mistook the main building's attic with the sacristy's
>One building that got roasted to the core, saw 34 people die and the same amount injured and which housed art that won't ever be reproduced in the exact same way since each person's unique sensibilities and background led them to express basic things in slightly different ways than others. On top of that, the fire started because someone wanted to kill people that way
Yeah, of course I'll be more shocked by the second and I say that as a frog who was also shocked to see Notre-Dame emitting a hue closer to Diablo 1's church than any remake Blizzard could ever do.
that office lady at the front desk had enough time to close her binder and work she was working on and bend over to grab her purse and belongings.
Stupid shit like this is what kills hundreds when amplified in a crowed cramped setting.
If ever there is even a HINT of a fire I am full booking it, fuck leaving in a "calm and orderly manner". All it takes is a person to trip or stall everyone and that "calm and orderly manner" becomes a panic anyway. So I might as well RUN from the very beggining and get the fuck out of the building any means possible before smoke and shit kills me.
Of course if its just a fire alarm i will play the part so i don't get in trouble. But if any smoke actually occurs fuck waiting.
Life is not a cheesy drama series, lad.
The chance that the cathedral would collapse was higher than 60% at the time the firemen were ordered in. The likelihood of the cathedral collapsing even increased, but firefighters were not withdrawn.
Precisely because it's true that you can't outweigh a thousand years of history with either 10 or 100 people. Victims are possible and perhaps necessary to save one's own heritage.
Thank you.
I'm sure it's all a grand conspiracy. In fact, the conspiracy goes so deep that firefighters all around the world are in on it. They don't want you to know that inhaling burning smoke is actually great for your health. The people who surely tried going downstairs first and only stopped when the fire was blocking their escape, by which point the third floor would be filled with thick smoke rising into the very stairwell leading into the roof, would have had a great time breathing and seeing in it. I'm sure it's no different than swimming at a pool, just hold your breath. The only possible explanation is that anons shitposting about cigarettes and suicide proofing are more reliable than just about anyone trained in fire safety and building construction who can take one look at the open stairwells and tell you it's a deathtrap.
It was black first
>Victims are possible and perhaps necessary to save one's own heritage.
That's some pretty shitty heritage, then.
holy fuck
If this had to happen to a single anime studio in existence I am glad it was KyoAni, literally nothing of value was lost. We can move forward from this as if nothing happened desu.
I think we should agree to disagree on this matter
>act fast and swiftly
Most people anywhere will be just confused in the first moments. If someone walked into your workplace with a bucket, you probably wouldn't tackle him right away, just watching and maybe approaching and asking "May I help you, are you looking for someone?" or the like. But basically you can stop the time it takes for you to walk a few steps, pour gasoline on the floor (if it was indeed a bucket, that alone will only take a literal split second) and light a match. That's a matter of a few seconds in total. Maybe nobody were even looking up from what they were doing. Maybe they didn't even hear him entering or saw him, as they were looking at their desk. Just looking up when there was a splashing noise and only having time to utter "what the fuck" or shouting "Hey, you, what are you doing there?" before you suddenly found yourself in a rapidly spreading inferno.
Any victims named yet?
If it were Deen then sure.
stop taking the faggot's bait
>life is not a cheesy drama
>proceeds to give me this cheesy shit about how it's more important to save something that can be rebuilt than to save innocent lives
You are the bane of human existence, you understand nothing of what makes us different than animals and on top of it all you're a pretend oldfag faggot that reeks of nihilistic plebbit shit. Put the shotgun in your mouth and blow it's load in your mouth like your dad did so many times, you low IQ inbred.
dude that's exactly how I feel when I fart in bed and let the blanket slide down.
user, just fucking read what you just type, you fail as a human being even for Yea Forums standard, fuck you.
Tomoyo Kurosawa
What you're saying is just a series of random calendar lines.
The world is shit and you idiots just blithely go about your lives without a care in the world. You deserve this and more.
If you watch the video, there were actually many ways to get out of the building, not only the entrance. But look at the smoke pouring out and imagine people climbing up into the smoke.
Also, I'm pretty sure most of the people who died in fires thought about fires before when they read or heard about some, and thought "how stupid do you have to be to die in a fire, just get out, lol", only to find reality being much more harsh than they expected.
>Pathetic loser's crying for the attention mommy and daddy never gave him
>(taken from wiki) Voice actor. Among the voices she did are
Amagi Brilliant Park – Sylphy[5]
Black Bullet – Tina Sprout[6]
Yeah, it's astonishing how clever people are with the benefit of hindsight.
People just don't live (thankfully, probably) while constantly expecting the very worst to happen to them.
Not a firefag but from what I know is that darker smoke is when you're close to flashover, and black smoke is when you're in flashover, or at least the fire is spreading rapidly and is moments from flashover.
By the time the smoke is black, everything and anyone inside there is burning.
>"how stupid do you have to be to die in a fire, just get out, lol"
y-yeah, definitely not me haha
fuck I'm going to watch the video now
she did plenty of other voices, but those are the ones that stood out to me the most
You can't be any more wrong.
Well, the arsonist clearly went to that building to kill some people.
Even if He was mad, I thought he did that just for shit and giggles.
should have naruto run kek
We have armed security guards here on the East Coast. Its big business.
and that one user was going apeshit on why they couldn't get out building is hot boxed with black smoke
Let's just not forget that half the people escaped/survived, user. It's kinda weird how it often sounds as if everybody died and nobody jumped from a window or escaped otherwise.
8 jumped out and 10 climbed down the rain pipes because one guy yelled at them to climb down
>tragedy happens
>/pol/tards and SJWs already blaming each other IRL
You're all mentally deranged and should be fucking hanged.
>wouldn't tackle him right away
well guy in white shirt actually tried to but was a little slow. i hope he made it out
Why didn't we listen?
Nip cops mostly cover up crime.
Only her so far. They're still not done with identifying the corpses.
This hurts to look at, it really does.
That's the kanji for moe also
21. Man that’s fucked.
Jap police are pretty well known on covering up and making up crime statistics.
Honestly i think their low-crime stats are BS, obviously not Africa-tier, but higher than what it is.
They had a bunch of young employees in their 20s.
probably none. jumping from that roof would probably kill them, if they even got to that point.
by the time they wouldve reached the roof they would have lungs full of smoke, and that roof was engulfed in smoke also. that plus hestitation to jump just means more smoke in the lungs.
ultimately going to the roof was a poor decision. shouldnt went to the nearest window or door immediately
>Crime is insanely low
>Nothing to do
>Arson attack happens
>Meh... we'll let this one go
You have maybe 10-20 seconds to react before you succumb to the Carbon Monoxide from the smoke.
If one person dies on the stairs, it pretty much guarantees that nobody else will make it too.
That's unfair. All cops cover up crime.
Look at the grooming gangs in the UK.
>tfw you still die in a workplace fire because you can't get past the panicking women and lose consciousness before getting out
RIP user. We'll make sure to properly mock you ("why didn't he just jump out a window, lol") or maybe blame the company ("seven exits were clearly not enough, what the hell were they thinking") or think of some other reason ("the doors must've been locked, wtf") to shift blame away from the guy who actually set the building on fire.
Is this Bomberman?
Why didn't they just climb out the windows?
>be jap-san
>get sued by some bullshit reason
>get sent to court
>already guilty because no jury
>even if you're innocent you're be guilted because corrupt attorneys
This shit happens more often than you think.
>However, the rooftop is locked a week prior due to some coworkers throwing cigarettes off the building.
The roof wasn't locked retard, try reading news from an actual news source and not from Yea Forums.
Edgelord post coming through, but based on how many young 20s japanese women are so obscenely bitchy, rude, slutty, and self-important with no care to any other humans i can hardly feel pity for them. they were also clearly given the job they are not qualified for because they are cute
>tfw when on the 17th floor
So are we still under the impression that NHK did all of this?
Is this going to be like how TBS backstabbed someone they interviewed and they were killed because of it?
Man, Japan sounds like a really fucked up place.
Poor girl. She deserved the chance to grow into a legendary animator.
poor gramps too, shouldn't have to lose his granddaughter like that.
rub your body against the building to try increase friction and slow descent or be a ninja and drop from one ledge to the next.
retarded but increases your chance of living by 0.000000000001
As a society, yes.
But it still miles ahead from the west.
Lost their oldest and youngest
Its also fake news.
Her instagram.
She just wanted to work for her dream company in peace.
Fuck you, I was devastated when Notre Dame burned, even though it has no impact on my life whatsoever, contrary to one of my favorite anime studios getting destroyed.
I'll repost this as many times as I have to until you retards all realize what gasoline fire is like. In this video the guy uses about 2 liters. Aoba Shinji used 40 liters.
I think he's a faggot.
She was happy cos her name would be in credits, she was a good grand daughter
Seems like a nice kid
Those are nice, let me hit foll-
It's a fucking thin door with glass in the center. The door is the least of their concern.
The tentacles did't give you a clue sempai?
>reading Yea Forums threads on YouTube so that people will donate to his Patreon
>doesn't know how to pronounce moe
>thinks fujoshi and yuri lovers are the same
We know it's you Mr. Obvious. Stop shilling your video.
>was a gasoline fire
>I will say it again, a GASOLINE FIRE
>"Why didn't they just climb out the windows lol?"
You guys need to fucking look up how a gasoline fire works lmao
Instant flashover. Kyoani stood no chance.
I'm not gonna kinkshame people, dude. If you want to get off to floor tiles or the state of Ohio, then go ahead.
Well their police are the opposite in terms of workload from say the US. Their police have nothing to do so they go out and find something to do. Usually they go start shit with people and go after small infractions because that's all they have. Their performance reviews much like any other police department are based off of what they have done. They have to do something to keep their jobs and the thing is they are what cities call essential personnel so the city can't downsize them. In Japan not a lot of crime happens but when it does it is usually pretty bad.
I’m too lazy to tag all those anons who don’t get why they didn’t make it if the rooftop wasn’t locked.
Remember this:
NEVER GO UP when you see smoke.
Smoke rises 5m/sec and is extremely toxic (holding breath won’t work) and hot (above 70℃).
You would pass out in 3 seconds when you are surrounded by smoke without mask.
There’s no chance to reach the rooftop and the best option was to jump off in this case .
Ironically, if the rooftop had been locked and they had awarded that, they might have jumped off the windows and survived.
who is this semen demon?
Is this pasta?
Yamada is cute but she's also a good director
Futo from touhou, doujin by ふあん亭.
Btw, I was serious about that post if you didn’t read it.
Everything was made of wood inside too.
Stop replying to baiters and just report them.
imagine being so anti feminist that you make a whole video talking about how much you hate a studio where 35 people have died
>muh traditional tatami/sliding door bullshit is more important than not bursting into flames
Every time I think about it this song gets stuck in my head
>[An eyewitness] lady said between sobs, "Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by."
That lady will have nightmares for sure. Wasn't there also a burning girl that ran around until she was saved by people around?
What a bunch of absolute morons. Imagine rushing to "safety" around a puddle of gasoline while the lunatic who poured it is fumbling with a lighter. This is why you should always make note of emergency exit locations - 99% of people will instinctively flee through the way they came in, even if it's a longer or more dangerous route.
Why do people with low IQ like you even post and pretend you know better?
>there was nothing stoping them except the god damn smoke which doesn't melt shit.
From this statement it is 100% certain you would have died too. Retard.
>the rooftop is locked a week prior due to some coworkers throwing cigarettes off the building
This didn't happen though.
Jesus Christ is that an hospital?
Nice retard
>you hate women
And you believe women are perfectly innocent and incapable of any criticism. Anyone who criticizes a women is just women-hating loser who can't have sex.
This reaction is precisely why women can not mature and develop natural empathy for others, they obtain god complexes from people like you
No, I don't think many will be "okay" ever again. Apart from psychological trauma, it's questionable how many will be able to work again due to their injuries. IIRC, Hatta said in the news conference that some had to have arms and/or legs amputated? It's just horrible.
What a real cutie, she could have been a model instead of working for Kyoani. Such a sad loss.
Shill that video more and I'll report it more, you piece of shit.
Cherrypick and you can make any place fucked up.
He had a hammer, he was getting in anyways. Besides, tossing gasoline and starting a fire happens way quicker than in the movies
Bong media certainly gave it and Notre Dame more coverage than Kyoani.
Pinned by MR. OBVIOUS
1 day ago
To all the people claiming Mr Obvious was condoning the crime, please show a timestamp. I think his take on this event was fresh.
desu I thought they were worshipping the door and then got smoked out lol
>Cherrypick and you can make any place fucked up.
Lets put it this way, you have to cherrypick to make Japan looked like a fucked up place. You don't need no cherrypicking in making the US a fucked up place because it naturally is. Fucked up beyond redemption.
>Nip cops mostly cover up crime
/pol/ is that way you bastard
9:52 motherfucker
That's all you can do when it comes to fire. Structure fires like these are dangerous even to fire crews because of how the building works and how fire eats away at things.
1 The FD has to start putting out the fire from the ground level
2 Bracing is needed because the fire started at the ground level and collapse imminent
3 Then they have to find a way to the second floor which is the most dangerous due to it being the weakest floor with the ground gone and the ceiling gone
4 They have to get to the 3rd floor and de smoke the area and cool the building down.
Its all a mess combined with they way the building was made and maintained. I know where I live they don't take building fires like these lightly and will send multiple fire houses to respond.
It's called exercise. A foreign concept among Murricans, surely.
>Pinned by MR. OBVIOUS
Probably one of his alt accounts.
i would probably ignore the smoke and continue "working" until i died
Getting tired of this asshole. Reporting both your video and your channel.
At least it wasn't a sky scraper fire
Those are dangerous in Japan because the TV studios love to use the building as an antenna and satellite relay station. Hopefully the japanese sky scrappers are much safer and staff with guards 24/7.
>What was known was that almost two-thirds of them — 20 — were women.
That appears to reflect a trend in Japan’s animation industry, as well as the hiring practices at Kyoto Animation. There are about twice as many women as men among working animators in their 20s, according to Daisuke Okeda, a lawyer and adviser to the Japanese Animation Creators Association.
Male animators still lead the industry, and they outnumber women among animators over 35, Mr. Okeda said. But Kyoto Animation — known as KyoAni to its fans — is known for employing more women, particularly younger women.
>kyoani puts its workers first
Yeah how sad. Unqualified cuties burning for their sugar daddies
>Yeah how sad. Unqualified cuties burning for their sugar daddies
Stop shilling your shitty video all over Yea Forums. Mr. Obvious.
I agree he's not condoning the crime, the video itself is very retarded in every aspect so I wouldn't watch any of his stuff after realizing how low his IQ actually is.
>this guy hasn't been range-banned yet
You work, you die.
The rule is universal.
But here is the thing that most westerners forget. Kyoani makes mostly girly moe anime. They are in their own class. Guess that's why the western media is having a hard time spinning this.
He has an even spicier take here.
target audience is clearly male
>he's able to escape his shit take by pointing out the even shittier take CNN and New York Times gave out for the event
He's no different from them. Their muh wahmen is no different than his muh feminists. They're both retards.
You forget the Yaoi shows they make which is also a huge part of their income, clearly women working on those projects makes more sense.
christ this video is so stupid i don't even know where to start
I have a deja vu of a deja vu upon seeing these posts. But no. Man don't know how to be cute, women do. It takes a woman to draw cute things. I am a man, I know this.
I love the fire safety experts here.
Smoke from gasoline will fuck you good within seconds.
It was unlocked. They passed out before they even reached the door. Not like makint it outsude would make a difference since the flames spread too fast.
Equally as bad as the CNN feminist articles. Gender was not a motive for the attack nor the reason why most people are angry.
Are there sprinklers on that ceiling?
>read an article while make terrible, emotionless and cringe attempts at humor by referencing anything to some anime
How does this even get 15,000 view or mention at all?
>oh nevermind the prefecture neighboring where many people live
>let me show my lack of knowledge with my odd pronounciation and simultaneously throw away all my credibility by showing my only reference for the word "saitama" is some recent ass anime
what the fuck is he pouring the gas into? a squat toilet?
Exactly. Not to mention the premise has a lot of paper due to the work people do.
You're really shilling in overdrive now, huh? Are you using a VPN or something?
Because I'm just going to report both of your shitty videos and your shit channel for good measure.
Oh they'll still try
Nice, he pissed off the weebs this time. For once I agree with Mr obvious
>mostly women died
>people died trying to get to the roof
So the men weren't as retarded and gtfo.
It only needed one or two to pass out before reaching the door and this would block the way for everyone. The fact that they were all found in a small clump implies that this is exactly what happened. Someone at the front collapsed, and the entire group was screaming and crying and unable to push their way past.
Yes, it was. Albania hospital fire in 2016.
Here is a colored one:
The staircase acted like a chimney, and chimney temps can spike to 2000+ degrees in a matter of seconds, especially if there are flammable materials inside it. Those poor folks suffered an extremely painful end.
Stop samefagging replies you dolt. We can tell it's you because the post counter doesn't go up.
They had more female than male employees so it makes sense that more females died.
A very bad depiction of the gasoline puddle. He poured/tipped the bucket near the spiral stairs near the entrance.
There are high rates of depression and suicides in that field.
Retard, most workers in KyoAni are women.
>crime is insanely low
>because you routinely ignore or do not file paperwork for criminal activity
think for one fucking second.
CNN has earned the rope long before this. They might as well do whatever the fuck they want now.
Bodies haven't even gotten cold and he frames this as a muh feminism issue and says he hates KyoAni as though it's relevant to the news he's reporting and monetizing over.
No shit. doesn't change the fact that the manner in which most people died was stupid and were decision made by young, uneducated women.
The smoke? Not just particularly the fire?
Feminists are right about entitled men, like this cunt.
This. Why not just fucking stick your head out the windows? Or jump though some might not have survived the fall anyway.
>t the manner in which most people died was stupid and were decision made by young, uneducated women.
The arsonist was in the fire exits pouring gasoline on those who came out and putting them on fire.
Dear God. That's barely 10-15 seconds from ignition to total inferno. Also, that zero visibility after the smoke fills the room, you're pretty much blind in there.
the whole world is a fucked up place. Just remember that being displaced from your native culture makes it even worse. Go watch 99% of jap transplant YouTubers: They're depressed, anxious, and upset with Japanese society. That's how it u usually turns out when you migrate to a country where you're a weird 1% of the population.
Reported :^)
The guy in the white suit blocked the arsonist causing the arsonist to not be able to escape the fire and catch on fire himself.
By all means tell me what part of what I said was wrong.
Yet most of the men and older women survived in some bizarre way
Only read about a girl on fire running outside, dunno what happened to her afterwards.
They would have lived if it weren't an open office plan.
With how fast smoke spreads from a gasoline fire and what the video showed on how thick it was, just that alone prevented anyone on the upper floors from getting out easily. There aren't many options when you're nearly blind and getting poisoned quickly
Yeah just like don't breathe in the CO dumb girls lmao.
see: don't run up the fucking wooden stair when hot air/smoke rises and jumping from the roof would be suicide
>Is this going to be like how TBS backstabbed someone they interviewed and they were killed because of it?
They had like no time to think. It was "fire is downstairs, uh, run away"
>the entire floor was ablaze
>you should go to the floor that blazing fire
You're just proving you'll be one of the casualties if that happened to you.
Gasoline is very hot and explosive, the stairwells acted like a chimney where temps can spike to over 2000 degrees in an instant. Things went from typical day to brutal painful death in seconds.
>Yet most of the men and older women
You have a tally of the survivors proving that the majority of all men and older women survived or are you getting that number out of your ass?
>>Fire Force anime is postponed indefinitely
based, theres a silver lining to everything
There were quite literally no options left judging by the situation, it may be a stupid choice but it's better to take chances than just sit and wait for the fire. Sadly nothing worked though
have sex
6 people, that's it. That's all who escaped from that out of over 70 people without injury. Of the people there, only ~8.5% escaped being burned or killed
Those people must have been right at the door and missed getting sprayed by the fat fuck.
Ah yes deflect and don't answer the question.
God jesus christ go back to /pol/
The worst part of this shit is that people from /pol/ and Yea Forums will come to Yea Forums and throw their toxic two cents in even though they don't know shit
Lack of education results in not knowing what to do.
You can sit here and spout on about how quick fire spreads. You can know to jump out a window and not go upstairs if you have basic education
>reee women are so dumb right reeee thots roasties feminists reeee
Incels have brain problems.
Now we just have to add some accelerant to the clamp offices and...
Because you are an expert of fire safety, education, and hiring standards because you watched lucky star right? lmfao
t. will probably die in a fire
>seething retards so quick to pounce on a post that wasnt even made by me but was simply providing facts
It must be easy for you to say that when you aren't in midst of the sudden fire with only about 30 seconds at max to respond before you pass out and die due to CO poisoning. Good luck finding the window unless you are already next to it when the smoke suddenly covers the entire floor.
40l of spilled gasoline, it basically exploded in fireball in lowest room setting all present on fire (including perp). People upstairs might take moment to catch up wtf and then only way was up (or through windows if you think calmly) and there they were caught in smoke and suffocate.
Replying to you just to see you go more unhinged tbhfamalam.
Clearly it is the victim's fault for not having been trained in terrorist attack response.
Why are girls so dumb if I were there I would have tackled the arsonist, knocked him out, blown all the smoke out of the building, and pissed the fire out.
Have you seen what the thing looked like while it was smoking up retard? With so much smoke you wouldn't have been able to make it to the windows because of low visibility and quick death smoke, and even if you did you likely wouldn't have been able to open it. Past that, smoke from other floors rising up would have still killed you. There was no escape for most you fucking idiot
>Because you're an expert
Let's see you try out your fuckin window thing in a gasoline fire then. Let me know how that works out
>Haha I was actually not replying to that poster's question but providing facts instead!
His main bait is "Women are stupid hurr, men are smart like me".
Because incels gonna incel.
This is your brain on /pol/.
Not him, but making this about gender is just as retarded, equally for CNN and for "misogynists". Putting that in quotation marks because women are indeed more panicky and stupid in survival situations, but that's really not relevant in this case.
>It must be easy for you to say that when you aren't in midst of the sudden fire
Was easy enough for the male and older, education women to do.
I have, and so did the educated survivors.
Let's ask the educated survivors.
Pic related is your brain on /communism/
Nobody can be this fucking retarded right? Melted glass aside, it was a fucking hotbox of fumes.
>Was easy enough for the male and older, education women to do.
So where's the proof that the survivors are mostly male and older women?
>muh educated survivor
You really are a retard
Also, opening the window, as soon as that window cracks open the slightest, that fire and smoke is going to race to the source of fresh oxygen so it can feed itself. They'd probably be burned to death while opening/climbing out the window.
Soon it wil be legal to hunt people like you, enyoy ur last days idiot
Why can't I ask you instead? I thought you were the educated one with fire safety?
>This is your brain on /communism/
This has no fucking relevance to anything that has been said on this thread. Please go back to /pol/ and never come back.
Why are you guys all taking the bait and replying to this obvious troll?
>No easy way up for the fire.
It wasn't the fire that killed everyone, it was the smoke. They suffocated long before the flames reached the second floor.
Wow this is fucking retarded
This is really what kyoani haters think? How they rationalize their mindset? Now im up to the part where he says Kumin and Satone never existed in the source material and this is why he hates kyoani, what kinda of excuse to get angry is this? Even if it were true which its not
Very interesting stuff I always wondered how stupid kyoani haters are but this was insight beyond my imagination.
Do people really pronouce user this way?
I’m I made that conclusion because I KNOW IT WAS 40 LITERS OF GASOLINE.
I would probably make the same decision as them.
Thick smoke is also soundproof so they had no idea how fucked up downstair.
If it had been a normal fire, there wouldn’t been that much smoke. Going to rooftop would been better than risking your neck broke by jumping off since firefighters would reach there first.