Attached: IMG_20190718_091032.jpg (960x372, 54K)
In memoriam
Dominic Parker
Other urls found in this thread:
Kevin Wood
Shop fire pls
Jack Morales
Why are westerners so cringe
Kayden Moore
Why are they making fanart for this?
Connor Powell
Carter Lee
damn right in the feels
Jackson Williams
This is actually cringy as fuck
Jeremiah Butler
What's so cringe about this? Not enough edgy meme about dead people for you?
Colton Reed
Grayson Martin
i hate the overuse of the word but this is actually cringe
Wyatt Campbell
Wow I must have stopped watching anime for way too long, I don't recognize any of these.
Ayden Parker
end your lives crossboarders
Nicholas Wright
Bentley Perez
>its cringy now to have feelings and get upset about something you like being destroyed
i fucking hate zoomer culture
Gabriel Perez
Colton King
mommy why these rude user don't like my fanart
Anthony Smith
Good one post-2011 fag
Landon Brooks
Just checked. My K-on folder still intact you false flagging retard
Wyatt Sanchez
What's wrong bro, dont like nihilism and post ironic hatred of every bit of legitimate joy and happiness??? Bro...... you aren't a TRUE 4chadder
Xavier Roberts
Couldnt they have drawn actual good kyoani characters
Blake White
Nice edit.
Jacob Miller
yeah bro im so fucking cool.. people dying? lol i don't care. actually i'm kinda happy.. yeah i'm a fuckin badass
Tyler Myers
dont forget to donate to the gofundme !
Jaxon Bennett
It helps no one to be reductive.
Ryan Myers
>lucky star and nichijou were a big part of Yea Forums culture
>Yea Forums zoomers think they're above kyoani
If I could physically burn this board and its anons to the ground I would.
Wyatt Lopez
I'm an easterner, kys crossboarder
Matthew Reyes
This is so distasteful I want to cry.
Luis Robinson
Jack Wilson
or maybe the "mourning" faggots just haven't watched the actually good ol shit
Konata's not even in it
Chase Baker
At least they do something other than praying.
Jackson Barnes
Get out Frenchie
Samuel Nelson
Pussies like you need to be burnt.
Angel Martin
Nah. Buy stuff directly from KyoAni web store instead.
Kayden Perry
Now that's cringe.
Kevin Clark
Pretty good but it needs some charring on the hands and legs
Jack Johnson
Is the 3rd from the right suppose to be Nano?
Nathaniel Peterson
>lucky star and nichijou were a big part of Yea Forums culture
and what have they done since?
created some pink haired l*li with fat thighs whose claim to fame is prancing around qtly
such a bright future indeed, lost to the inferno
Caleb Parker
Nigger, the bodies haven't even cooled down yet.
Luke Cooper
>not haru
Parker Walker
Do you know where you are? This is an anonymous image board, nobody cares about your personal feelings, of course its a tragedy what happened to Kyoto Animation but we can't do shit about it, at least we can joke about it and move on, you don't even know anyone from the staff, you are just a stupid poser AW. Now fuck off faggot, go back to twitter and post your shit there.
Noah Sanders
Cringe, imagine you die and people pay respects to some random author's character you helped animate.
Nathan Nguyen
At least they were apart of the creation of something of value for millions of people around the world. Your demise will likely be met with little consideration.
Easton Sanders
alright bro i get it you wanna look badass your first posting on Yea Forums. we all know nobody cares about our personal feelings but why is it wrong to show care and sadness for a studio that made shows that are pretty fucking ingrained in this board's culture? my god, its like people aren't allowed to show their emotions anymore
Jackson Hall
Who exactly are the two in the center?
Jack Reed
>only recent shows are represented
Yeah, that artist is just trying to get recognition using the tragedy.
Adam Young
Or maybe these are the only ones he knows/has seen/likes.
Levi Bennett
You still don't get the point, we care about what happened, but the OP is just a fucking attention whore and the drawing is just out of place. What do you expect for that kind of post for everyone to say "oh what a tragedy I'm so sad how can something like this happen", when the reality is that you don't even give a fuck about the persons that died, I repeat its a tragedy what just happened but so is the state of this board.
Jason Evans
It's made in good spirit.
Connor Mitchell
Not him but I find it cringey whenever someone online tries to act sad over the death of people they did not know, just so they look sensitive to others.
Isaiah Morales
Are you upset they openly state they are sad about it instead of cracking boring jokes about it?
Oliver Lee
>the only reason to be sad about people burning to death is to look sensitive to others
Nice projection, psycho.
Luke Phillips
They constantly stole from their animators, so what makes you think they'll use that money to compensate the deceased families or rebuild? It's going straight to their bank account.
Aaron Morgan
>working 24/7 for peanuts in a cramped office and burning to death because of anti suicide windows
im good
Jace Nguyen
>no lucky star
Colton James
>Getting upset over someone you didn't know dying
Pussy. Sorry my world doesn't come to a fucking halt and I feel the need to post my unoriginal feelings online whenever someone dies.
Jordan Turner
monitor deviantart newest entries for kyoani search for fresh cringe
Luis Russell
>What is empathy?
Caleb Foster
>Sorry my world doesn't come to a fucking halt and I feel the need to post my unoriginal feelings online
The irony here is great.
Gabriel James
hush you
Juan Watson
isekai yourself
Zachary Phillips
user, you are projecting, you think everyone who is feeling something you aren't is lying or being dishonest. They aren't. Its absolutely normal to look at an event where 30 people died and think that is terrible, people look at that act of arson and find it to be disgusting. The fact they worked on a field of their interest naturally enhances their worry and care.
David Diaz
apology for poor english
when were you when kyonus dies?
i was sat at home watching lucky stor when yamada ring
"kyoani is kill’
Adrian Adams
Thought the big guy was Sousuke. Can't be kyon since his hair is relatively straight
Nathan Martinez
Jacob Butler
Footage of what happened
Thomas Miller
The definitive sign of autism is not understanding emotions and feelings of others when you aren't feeling them
Jacob Butler
>We we we we
Listen fuckface, this isn't a hivemind, whatever idea you have in your head that Yea Forums "needs" to act in a single defined way is only your retarded reddit nonsense. Shut the fuck up and stop posting.
Landon Jones
It looks better and portrays what happened better.
Even more solemn.
Hudson Clark
Stop telling people how they are supposed to feel you stupid fucking toddler.
Michael Powell
Imagine being a psychopath and not about it
Ian Peterson
>not haruhi
>not lucky star
Yup, zoomer art.
Jason Evans
This actually looks pretty cool
They can kill KyoAni but they will never kill anime
Ethan Johnson
All these newfag shows. They still pretend that Kadokawa and Key adaptations don't exist and never happened, do they?
Ayden Gonzalez
Anime will kill itself
Samuel Perry
Who would have tought that if you cater to obsessive fanbase, obsessive fanbase may kill you
Jack Miller
fucking kek
Sebastian Barnes
The “ironic” stupidity in this post is palpable.
Charles Butler
this is why I love Yea Forums, you really don't give a fuck about people feelings.
Ryan Morales
ah yes, when I get offended must be anons from other boards and possibly with a penis.
Ayden Wilson
>Nothing from Hyouka
Asher Roberts
Time to post on le twitter for sweet hearts
Nathan Hall
Alexander Smith
>Haruhi isn't even on there
This image is so fucking tacky even without forgetting to include all of their history
Christian Mitchell
go easy on the onions, mate.
Alexander Perry
Julian Wright
i'm guessing it's not an inclusive feefees circlejerk like the rest of the popular websites.
Angel James
Austin Watson
Characters in order?
Camden Bailey
Jackson Bennett
It's no a true kyoani anime.
Adrian Hernandez
rip 4am threads
Jaxon Baker
>no Haruhi
y doe
Parker Lewis
>but they will never kill anime
Nice delusions, gaijin.
Kayden Turner
Jack Reyes
Angel Cooper
Why is that tiny no so funny to me?
Kevin Sanders
Even if Kyoani make another anime, they'll never be the same studio again, This was the end of an era
Ethan Ramirez
God damn it Tohru