Do you admire him, as a mage?

Would Kirei be a good dad for Angry Manjew?

I always wanted him to make peace with Waver. Actually didn't they kind of came to terms in fgo Zero event?

IIRC, Waver pretended to be some descendant of his sent to the past to 'make things go according to plan'. El-Melloi ate it up and went along with it.

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Well, at least I guess Waver didn't hold any grudge against him. I think he even started to respect him a little.

Yea, Waver also said that the technology that sent him to the past was created by Kayneth too and praised him a lot for it lol

Yeah. That whole event was top tier shit.Kayneth was a hell of a mage but dumb as a box of rocks. Jets taking out Gil was probably the best thoiugh.

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*teleports behind u*
Nothing personnel kid

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