Do you admire him, as a mage?
Do you admire him, as a mage?
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Hey he is Great Mage like Newton
But unfortunately he is not Jonh wick
His ability as a mage is good, but his personality kills him.
His mage Ability is perfection
But his Combat ability is ... Meh
Imagine getting cucked by a literal ghost
imagine having all this magical bullshit but getting shot
Nah, get bent
No. A mage's goal is to reach the endpoint of their work, the root. He let his pride interfere with his work, and as a result never reached his goal, nor did he advance and pass down his magecraft to another.
As a mage, he is a failure and should not be respected
why does he hate the Irish?
He did absolutely nothing in the show that made me think he was good at magic.
their music sucks
He had his own pet T-1000 and that is worthy of respect
yes he's got a cool ride and is a metal master and doesn't afraid of anything
Too bad he was designed only to show how Kiritsugu deals with enemies.
He's like a caricature of the absolute limits of retardation mage society can embody. It's near impossible to sympathize with the guy because he's a walking punchline at best and a fodder master at worst.
>Fucking using second magic
Well i'm more scared , too bad he got fucked over by some c4
I admired his fighting spirit.
did we watch the same show?
He’s based and bartholemoipilled, which counts for something.
I'd kill him and eat his flesh to gain his stats and buffs
No the gun does.
Boy got capped so fucking fast I can't help but laugh at him. Kiritsugu gives no fucks at all about his metal bending bullshit which probably took a century and a half to master that well
He was a magical otaku that was unable to do anything besides magic and that killed him.
Really strong as a mage. Kiritsugu was the only one who could've beaten him and only due to his origin.
The brits have always hated the Irish desu. Why do you think the potato genocide was so bad?
I wished I was as fast as him. Though memes aside, he was surprisingly civil for one belonging to such a degenerate order (aside from brutally murdering papa kotomine).
>kerry was the only one who could've beat him
I never actually thought about it that way before. In a 1v1 with any other master he really wouldn't have lost and that includes people from the fifth grail war. Illya might be the only one with a solid chance and that's just due to her top tier circuits.
And he learned and shot the referee to be back in the game.
Yeah, he's a brilliant scholar who had the not-so-bright idea of getting into a gladiator deathmatch to impress his gf. It's understandable.
This could be said about 90% of the people who participate in ClockTower politics.
Is Waver the only person who actually respects and mourns this guy? That fucking farewell Accel Zero.
He was likely respected by many.
Mages a shit, Kerry did nothing wrong.
I like (not really) how all of these mage Grail wars have a distinct lack of mages in them. I also really like (no) how Heracles has a heroic stupidly hard skin that can be pierced by some wolves and can die 7 times from 1 hit.
I miss Kaynethposting
The whole thing has been stupid since Gay Bulge missed right at the start.
I have been waiting for a chance to post this.
Those were not normal wolves, but Einzbern experiments.
Post the facebook wall.
I don't get why the church never came and clamp on his ass and the holy grail war when their mediator was killed.
Someone had to inform them for that and Kirei definitely didn't care.
How many people knew? Kirei could have just said "Nah it's cool, we took care of the mage who killed him and I performed the duties of mediator for the remainer of the battle. you can read the details in my report", and nobody in the church would have a reason to doubt model son Kirei.
Damn, that Origin bullet did a hell of a lot of damage. Kiritsugu literally destroyed hundreds of years of accumulated work in a single fucking instant. It's even more ruthless when you know the consequences.
The worst thing is that it does more damage the stronger your circuits are. Fucking terrifying if you're a mage.
Makes me wonder how many others have Kiritsugu's ability. He can't be the only one.
I forgot if origin bullet fucks up magic crest. If so, it's even more of a burn because mage won't even be able to pass it down to successor.
The El Melloi family was only able to recover 10% of the family crest, it was absolute devastation.
It's literally the main reason why the smug femdom loli chained Waver to his current job in the show. The bullet destroyed almost everything and it's the main reason behind the decline of the house.
Are there any countermeasures to this? Kerry is like the a mage’s greatest fear personified
Don't get shot.
If he was not retarded he would've won this fight easily. Reines beats Kerry in FGO event.
Magus needs to have some defense that isn't directly connected to his magic circuits. I think Shirou's projection would work as an example of what could block origin bullet without harm because once they're created they're just there without any further input from his circuits.
It was a specific trait of his Origin, so t's damn rare, and it only really works if you're being underestimated to the point your enemies will let themselves get shot.
has it right, most magi will be doing research while their workshops do the defending without directly involving their magic circuits. On top of that, if they're busy researching and not bothering others, then they'll probably not get a hit put on them in the first place.
A lot actually. It only worked that well because he baited Kayneth into using all his circuits. And Origin Bullets can be easily made completely useless if you don't feed them your circuits directly.
Aaaalso limited life supply, since they were made from his ribs to contain his origin.
would avalon have restored his ribs?
From what we see of it in FSN, Avalon should be able to restore bones.
Should have sent them to Japan then.
The Einzberns can mass-produce A-rank wolves? Damn, they should have sicked them against servants.
They can scratch Heracles by virtue of rank technicality and that's all, any servant would blitz and destroy hundreds of them. Normal A rank attacks are less than C rank NP, yet former can harm Heracles while later can't.
So in Fate/Zero, why did the grail choose Kiritsugu as the winner even thought there were still two servants and masters remaining? Can it just cuck the finalists like that?
It doesn't normally. Kiritsugu and Kirei both got visions from the grail, but the difference is that Kirei had no wish from it at the time while Kiritsugu did. So Kirei watched Kiritsugu's vision and when he rejected it, Kirei realized what he truly wanted from it.
Oops, forgot to mention that the only reason they got visions was due to being bathed in the grail's contents.
Would Kirei be a good dad for Angry Manjew?
I always wanted him to make peace with Waver. Actually didn't they kind of came to terms in fgo Zero event?
IIRC, Waver pretended to be some descendant of his sent to the past to 'make things go according to plan'. El-Melloi ate it up and went along with it.
Well, at least I guess Waver didn't hold any grudge against him. I think he even started to respect him a little.
Yea, Waver also said that the technology that sent him to the past was created by Kayneth too and praised him a lot for it lol
Yeah. That whole event was top tier shit.Kayneth was a hell of a mage but dumb as a box of rocks. Jets taking out Gil was probably the best thoiugh.
*teleports behind u*
Nothing personnel kid