One Punch Man - OPM

I call it posting on Yea Forums

I don't know what's up with his VA but he sounded more passionate in kaguya then this for some reason. Only episode 3 had him go near his normal deadpan but expression filled voice and the one time when he sweats.

not enough random sparklies and stretched highlights

ah no argument i see, i accept your concession

unironically this.
too bad what I WANT is for it to be good

Attached: 4565435676379.png (148x224, 8K)

Sausage sakuga

Ghosting can be used well, it's just that OPM S2 has every mildly fast movement use it when should only be only as contrast to pace scenes.

It’s garou x watchdog

I'm gonna have to put my money on suru

this being the first major quality anime I've watched in a while, can someone redpill me on the "-uru" meme?