The only "people" who keep whining about this show and fantasizing about shills are redditors who do not watch anime and are only here to whine about their politics.
I don't understand how anyone here can possibly like this show...
imagine actually thinking this
I like all of the side characters so far. Tuesday especially is a QT. The OP, ED and the bar song from episode 5 were all great. The show looks good. It's made me laugh a few times.
Theres not really much to dislike. They aren't even really tackling the progressive ideas in an offensive way at all either. I refuse to watch 99% of modern western film because of all the forced racial representation and shit but there really hasn't been much that this show is trying to shove down your throat.
can you prove that?
Let the cancer be contained, don't start new threads about this. If you absolutely have to, then at least type the title so my filter can catch you.
Well one is a nigger so it fits.
>Its premise centres around utterly abysmal and offensively plain top 40 radio music
Do you even watch the show? The whole premise of the show is trying to redpill people on what modern top 40 bullshit is. It's set in a future where it's common knowledge that music is produced by AI's and algorithms. That future is not unlike our current reality where even if the people producing and writing music designed to attract maximum mass appeal are still actual human beings, they are doing the exact same thing. If you are somebody who doesn't know that this is mean to open your eyes to possibility of more authentic musical productions existing and what it might take to make it in that environment starting as a nobody.
If you already have that disdain for the top 40 scene and all its bullshit, you're meant to sit back and watch these two girls and their band of misfits BTFO the version of that which exists in the show.
You've got the whole thing backward. I get the feeling you'd enjoy more things if you chilled out a bit. You seem predisposed to disliking this one for SOME reason.
>looks kind of nice
Not with the women in the show, especially not with the lead black girl.
>all I can see is race
>lets redpill people that top 40 music is bland which is such a hot take
>and let's do this by depicting people going against computer written bland top 40 music by making similarly bland human written top 40 music, genius!
>and while we're at it, let's make it appeal to the west as much as possible with the songs being in english and shoehorning in culturally western references