Which part is best and why

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pt 6 because it has foo fighters

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Part 6 because it gets truly bizarre

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pt 6 has a great cast which develops, unlike 5's

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For being called a "bizarre aventure", part 3 4 and 5 are really mundane desu

>part 3
has a vampire and introduces weird ghost powers
>part 4
has a literal alien and a serial killer with a hand fetish
probably has something too, read it ages ago

For me, it's three.

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>the part 6 circlejerk has already started
cringe, part 6 is a fucking mess. part 7 is the best though
>easily best characters and development
>best pacing
>great fights
>fantastic villain
>by far the best art
part 5 has better fights, but thats the only thing part 7 doesn't do the best

every thread is a pt 7 circlejerk, fuck off

because its the best, and by a huge margin

It's only liked by pretentious unerage fags, it's a better than average part at best

In order from best to worst


Best part, had best character development and story, not everything revolves around stand users, the spin power adds variety


Short and sweet, different from the typical Jojo formula, had very creative and interesting fights despite the lack of stands, it's short but great from beginning to end


Had more room to showcase different events rather than just being the group heroes fighting a new henchman every day until they get to the main villain

The main villain was interesting in the way he was just a guy threatening a small town and not someone that wanted to end the world


Similar to Part 3 but with much better fights and stands and definitely much better characters

It hasn't aged well because of newer parts improving upon it, but it didn't great introducing stands and wasn't just punching ghosts like shaman king


Creative stands and good fights but story was a mess and all over the place, characters not that good

just average
Part 8 isn't finished yet, but so far it has had great fights and premise, but as time drags on, story development seems to be stalling, there no clear end to the series or villain with a plan


>definitely much better characters
opinion discarted, 5 has 0 development. It also has the most useless and inept jobbers in the series

Part 7 is the only part that does not have any major flaws so that.

>best pacing
Let's kill the pacing with every 4th chapter being a flashback or an inner monologue
>Fantastic fights
D4C was good
>Fantastic Villain
I really hope you mean Diego
It's Hamon with balls

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This, part 6 was too much fun to read despite its flaws
also the best ending

D-Did you just spoiler part 6?????????

Grrrrrrrr...... >:(

7 by a long shot

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Part 4 just barely edges out 5 for various reasons.
6 is reddit incarnate.

Based dabbing on animeonlies

7 is worshipped by reddit, 6 is what's hated

>part 4 edging out part 5
Nope Part 5 has the better Kira, better and cooler in every way Giogio, better motivation, much better group, an actual adventure, it's in ITALY and not in a wetback nippon town, much better, dynamic and threatening minor villains, and the "final fight" is very unique and a great deviation from the extremely cliche punching fight.


It's unfair, with most of SBR having a month worth of effort in every chapter instead of a measly week. It's so much better than the other parts it's not even funny.

As for the rest of Jojo, Diamond is Unbreakable really strikes a chord with me. Love the setting and villain. It also introduces the best character in all of Jojo.

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sbrfags are basically hxhcels at this point

Based and honest

Are "part 6 is the best" posters just contrarians? There are some legitimately good features to it, but it's largely just a mess.

Maybe people disagree with your garbage taste? Maybe people are overexadurating its issues while ignoring the issues of other parts?

I remember when pretty much all of Yea Forums hated part 5, and people called Diavolo the shittiest villain in Jojo. I guess that changed after the manga got a competent translation, but I still say Diavolo fucking sucks. As for the final battle, it's a poorly handled clusterfuck with people switching bodies, it's just confusing. Also Polnareff is a fucking turtle now, thanks for that, Araki.

Maybe, but that seems unlikely

3 because of jotaro, retards need not to reply

Jotaro is in every part until after 6 though

1. Steel Ball Run
>the effort put into fleshing out the cast; Johnny, Valentine, Gyro, Diego, Lucy, HP are some of the best characters with interesting backstories, motives and development
>dynamic between Johnny/Gyro and the way their interactions enable their growth is fantastic
>racing premise also led to a consistent sense of progression and the ability to set up future opponents in a logical way
>uses the history of Jojo is better than any previous part
2. Golden Wind
>consistently well thought out fights that make clever use of the environment and battle
>fights don't inject as much character work as 7 but they're second best in that regard while being stronger on a mechanistic level
>has some strong thematic work -especially clear towards the end with the finale serving as a solid conclusion to it
>don't like some things about the narrative (Fugo) but otherwise this placement seems fair -also helps that it's similar to 3 since i can directly compare it and it's hard to see anything 3 does better
3. Diamond is Unbreakable
>managed to make the format complement the Jojo formula while using that structure to weave an interesting narrative where Morioh itself serves as fundamental part
>Kira is an effective villain because he's detailed and how he correlates to the town
>developing a relationship with Morioh through its extensive cast before introducing the villain helps create a stronger connection
>though the Akira arc isn't very compelling and the format doesn't help in term of retaining dramatic tension but the unusual mixture works well enough, and how Morioh well ties into the resolution this placement seems right

4. Stone Ocean
>blending the MC heavy narratives of the hamon parts with the MOTW focus of the stand parts was neat and led to one of the best written characters in the series with Jolyne and a consistently progressing narrative
>have some issues with the narrative and wish the supporting cast got more spotlight but still overall strong
5. Battle Tendency
>from a writing perspective it wasn't good to have Joseph essentially do everything but considering he's such a force of personality I don't mind
>the personality embedded into the fights and the adventure Joseph embarks on against the Pillar men makes it good crazy fun but in terms of writing it has less going on than the above parts
6. Stardust Crusaders
>second last, namely for the above reason that I can just point to part 5 and say that does this better
>some good points like Polnareff's arc and that leads to the Vanilla ice fight, which ranks among the best fights in Jojo on both mechanistic and character levels
>mostly it's just a series of MOTW fights with little connective tissue to make it feel more like an actual journey
>fun, but less going for it than part 5
7. Phantom Blood
>last because it isn't very well written
>majority of the plot is just brief travel segments in between lengthy fights that are easily among the weakest in Jojo
>beginning and end are solid but the characters are so blatantly one note that i find it hard to get invested, thankfully it's short

part 2 because wamuu

and that's a good thing

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