Well people seem happy living in Falconia. Only degenerate savage known as Guts cannot comprehend the greatness Griffith created.
Other villains with noble goals?
Lincoln Peterson
Daniel Diaz
They would have been happier living in their now destroyed villages.
Joseph Watson
He just wanted a big castle.
Lucas Johnson
Chase Gray
Christopher Nguyen
Feds don't have noble goals user
Caleb Bailey
The entire world that isn't falconia became a shithole, only one city in midlands is safe
Gabriel Ross
Joseph Davis
Even if he was bonkers, new world would've been for the best. Ontop of curbing crime and wars, he could've enforced birthrate laws to curb overpopulation, controlled nation's handling of resources and waste, forced deconstruction of nukes, enforce space exploration, etc. Basically make the human race sustainable.
Jason Morris