I enjoy the series, but let's not go that far.
It's just a generic harem.
Bokuben - Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Angel Harris
Asher Phillips
I'm also looking forward to it. Having lownexpectations for this anime was the best thing I could do
William Flores
Yea Forums likes many things
Jackson Young
Honestly? Evangelion was better.
Wyatt Lopez
Julian Bailey
Next week, bros.
Jayden Nelson
>It's like 22i was trying to make two chapters out of one.
Why, exactly?
I guess you're right? She is the sensible one after all.
Jack Long
We get it.
You can stop posting this in every thread and pretend to be new now.
Nolan Rivera
Hope VA delivers
Grayson Johnson
Ok user who hurt u