Bokuben - Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

Why is she so cute? Honestly looking forward for the next episodes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.39_[2019.04.08_02.04.09]. (1280x720, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Defending the chapter here after last thread got archived.

Only thing that felt forced was Mizuki splashing sensei with water. I thought Tsutsui would play it as a jealous move, which would have made more sense, but it didn't really bother me overall.

As for everything else:

Hanae's obsessed with Moeyuki getting a girl, so all of her "he brought a half-naked woman over" and "ultimate level marriage notice" don't feel out of place. Mistaking "mom" for "mother in law", in that context and considering Japanese culture, is not forced at all either.

The twins are always saying embarrassing stuff they shouldn't to the girls and about them, so they saying "she was screaming about an illicit sexual relationship" is just their thing.

Yea Forums is an idiot. I love her, but come on.

And yeah, that the girls would rush to his home after receiving Yea Forums's message doesn't feel out of place to me. They worry about their boy, and they get jealous. Of course they want to know what this illicit sexual relationship is all about.

So, yeah, it all feels natural. Not saying it's realistic or that it's particularly deep and complex, but it feels right for the characters and the situation. It's cute and affectionate and there's no one breaking character for the sake of the jokes, which is what I would consider forced.

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My new waifu

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The problem is regarding whether it's within character, it's the whole fucking scenario. Granted, we've had shit like this in the past but this just screams "le random"
It's like 22i was trying to make two chapters out of one.

I meant this>The problem is not regarding whether it's within anyone's character or not.

Because she is going to win the nariyuki-bowl

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Senpai especially wouldn't rush to his house because of something stupid like that.

Likewise, this may actually be this season's saving grace

I enjoy the series, but let's not go that far.
It's just a generic harem.

I'm also looking forward to it. Having lownexpectations for this anime was the best thing I could do

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Yea Forums likes many things

Honestly? Evangelion was better.


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Next week, bros.

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>It's like 22i was trying to make two chapters out of one.
Why, exactly?

I guess you're right? She is the sensible one after all.

We get it.
You can stop posting this in every thread and pretend to be new now.

Hope VA delivers

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Ok user who hurt u

It is a bit jarring that all the girls showed up especially since they didn't really do anything.
I suppose it would look strange if it was just Sensei, Nariyuki and his family in the chapter discussing his future so he had to add the others.

Nariyuki & Mafuyu should just get married already. They both are meant for each other. Truly perfect married couple.

I agree. It was for the most part something to deal with both Sensei and Nariyuki, but it felt like it had to be forced into a semi group chapter so Tsutsui looked for the easiest way to try and get them together so that the group could show up at the end for when animeonlys pick up the issue.

>[AnonsAlliance] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p][21472f13].mkv
is this good? Official subs are terrible and I have limited internet connection.

She's worst girl tho
Rizu > Uruka >>> Fumino

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I love every girl in this they are all amazing in their own way

>Why, exactly?
Well this, It's like 22i made the chapter like this
>(chapter 1/2 done)"Oh, wait I need to make a group chapter!"


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Honestly I'd say that the chapter was 70% done at the point he remembered to make it a group chapter

>12 eps
>most chapters are about uruka and rizu
feels good

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maybe she just hasn't hit puberty yet?

Fumino = main and best girl

I don't agree, but I see your point.

Bad joke
Think of your dad when doing this next time

How many more girls are going to enter the MC-bowl, and is it even possible that they are going to be as cute as this blue haired cutie?

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Half right and wrong.

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Easy feats for best girl.

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None will be as cute as her desu

>(really) Simple TS
>Proper name order
>Added missing lines
>Fixed sub/video sync
It's better than the official at least.

The fuminofag director is going to ruin them and shoehorn fumino in, though

Will we be as popular as Nisekoi, bros?


Will be forgotten after a few episodes when everyone drops this and mangafags get tired of pretending to be new so their girl seems popular.

Not if I have anything to do about it

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their addition to the chapter felt a bit forced and didn't actually add anything meaningful to the chapter, it seems that the editor or 22i realized that leaving sensei alone in a chapter discussing his future and her mom mistaking the reason of the conversation at first would be a huge flag on sensei's head

Didn't see any bias towards Fumino in the first episode though. Doubt him liking her the most will make a big difference.

Pff, the director is Fuminofag so no.

Not trying to say anything but chapter 3 and 5 are cut from what we know now.

I hope so.

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Why do you want to stir shit? It's the best way to have an hate train on the next episode.

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Their addition was something along the lines of "oh hey, we're also heroines!"
Nevermind the fact that the others have heir own sort of chapters where they had the whole being potential brides by Hanae but it was only Sensei where they were forced into a group
Seems significant

What else would you have expect from Tsutsui's favorite Bokuben girl. As i have said, Fumino may as well be the heroine of this manga. She recieves the most development so far, the more screentime, is always the one to save the day like she's the leader, etc. But then characters like Uraka or Rizu are left off in the sides like they don't know what their roles are supposed to be for that chapter because Fumino does everything anyway.


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This guy is obviously trying to start shit and derail the thread.
Please ignore.

You sound very happy user. I'm happy for you.

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I have seen this post on before, is this pasta?

I'm thinking of making normalfag sites account to shill Bokuben in those sites.
Should I do it Yea Forums? Should I shill BokubenFOR FREE?

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t. Seething Urukafag

from like a year ago, might be

>So, yeah, it all feels natural. Not saying it's realistic or that it's particularly deep and complex, but it feels right for the characters and the situation. It's cute and affectionate and there's no one breaking character for the sake of the jokes, which is what I would consider forced.
This whole part of your post is completely confusing. If you see our point, then that means you do agree that it's justified criticism.
> It's cute and affectionate and there's no one breaking character for the sake of the jokes, which is what I would consider forced.
It's not about the characters and their behavior. It's the scenario. The entire scenario/situation is forced.


>Just because you're correct, doesn't mean you're right.

>Sure Enough, that Visit was a Major Event for all of X
I wonder which visit is being referenced to here? Is it all of the girls or only Sensei's?

I am sorry user, I have evolved into being able to spot bait.

Obviously Sensei's. She's the reason they all happened to be there.

Oh, you Niggerfags are gonna like your threads next week, you'll see.


No, because we actually learned

I thought even mangafags hate this?

I would rather make a plan to increase the amount of Fumino fanarts by japanese artists.

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This. It is just is so sad to be Fuminofag in 2019

Is this a reference to 5Toubun?

We did. The 1st PV was horrendous with all the still shot, and the 2nd one didn't incite much hope either so expectation were at all time low.
The actual episode however was OK (the OP has some great shot even). Kaguya tier adaptation would be preferable, but at least the anime doesn't butcher it, and there's no QUALITY moment like in 5toubun (yet).
Reminder that Negi and 22i are drinking buddies.

Bride is not exclusive to Gotoubun, you know.

Why is she so cute? Hell, why are they all so cute?

For a poor man's 5toubun, I have to admit that this series is comfy as fuck.

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I can imagine the conversation with the editor.
> E: This looks like marriage interview you fool! Do you want to spoil the ending that badly? Quick, shoehorn all the girls into the house to make it look ambiguous.
> 22i: No problem. The usual asspull stuff?
> E: Can you do anything else at all?
> 22i: No?
> E: Then get it over with!

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I love Rizu

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>Hell, why are they all so cute?

Far as I'm concerned, this series is one of the few instances where all girls are best girl.

True that. I'm obsessed with Bokuben.

So is it CG or not

The biggest yet most subtle hint was sensei not having a bouquet. If by some providence by God himself that we get a Sensei end, this was very well played by Tsutsui

I would seriously fly to Japan and congratulate Tsutsui in person if Mafuyu wins


is 5toubun actually good?

True, all four girls are best. But between the boys Foom is worst.

It's sakuga.

>you do agree that it's justified criticism.
I understand why it bothers you and it's a reasonable objection; but it didn't bother me at all, so I can't really say "yeah, you're right, it's forced". Even in retrospect I don't think it makes the chapter worse.


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2 different people have told them to wait until graduation in less than 5 chapters, Tsutsui either got green light for a sensei end or he is one of the most heartless assholes and is baiting us hard

The only true answer.

To me, personally, it's one of the most interesting reads in recent times. It's been a while since I felt so strongly towards a series. I can't wait to see how it ends, yet at the same time I want the story to take its time and progress in its own pace.

But enough about 5toubun. Let's not derail the thread. My bad.

How about you reading it?
Very good in fact.

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I'm an Urukafag, but I really like Senpai as a character.

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I can't wait for Ibara club.

There are other parts where it's obviously CG, but not that one.

I get liking Senpai, but "as a character" she's by far the weakest.

I want to see Love Master Furuhashi in the anime already.

Worst girl

Are you guys memeing or am I retarded.

Just imagine that her fags are something along the line of pic related

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Childhood is when you idolize sensei, Adulthood is when you realize that senpai makes more sense.

So my dudes... Uruka's tanlines...

Plus or minus for you?

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Confirmed loser

I think people are overthinking this one. A sensei end can work, but I just can't see it happening. The manga had established 2 main heroines as love interest. I cannot think of any instance romance in recent memory where an actual side character win (even the most unconventional one I can think of like Nishino or Botan have the main heroine won).
The few last thread has some information on the animators of those cuts, look it up if you are that curious.

I miss Air Gear

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Why is sensei being shilled so much?

read the manga or wait until she gets the spotlight to know why

As do I, user. As do I. Air Gear 2: Higher and higher when oogure? Please look forward to more Air Gear my ass. Chapter 358 was like 3 years ago

why wouldn't they shill best girl?

She doesn't need to be shilled. She's already the most popular girl according to the Nips.


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The colors are just so fucking off on every character design. I know they supposedly follow the manga color pages, but it's just off.

She looks like she's about to scowl at me and call me "N'vah!"

Good taste if true

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It's true.

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Don't you like Monogatari user? :^). Atleast Simca cucked Ringo at the end, but Kururu should've won.

If you consider the comments on gook scanlationsites to be good basis for popularity, she also seems to be quite popular there in that they'd also like a sensei end

I'd be happy about this but I know ultimately she won't win

Attached: [AnonsAlliance] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p][21472f13]-00_03_16.572.png (1280x720, 1.16M)

>Only thing that felt forced was Mizuki splashing sensei with water

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I really hate the whole main girl winning mindset most people have in these kind of series

What a bitch

Fumino is a fucking shit

Anybody who thinks senpai or sensei still has a winning chance is delusional and foolish.

At least she enabled more newlywed moments with Sensei and Nariyuki

Yeah, it was Kururu > Simca > Ringo for me as well. Sucks how she had to be part computer and got cucked. I guess I'll have to wait longer. What's he doing right now, anyway? Last time I heard he was working on Biorg Trinity, what's this Monogatari thing?

When you realize that she gets them from tanning beds it becomes a big minus

Just shooing away bugs

He ended BT and is adapting Monogatari

Senpai has no chance but sensei is still in the running

Based and imoutopilled.

I-I guess I'm used to waiting...
This really sucks

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Anyone got a link to the spreadsheet?

I think sensei has more of a chance than Uruka even if it's still closer to zero. Senpai I don't know why you put her on the same level as anyone else, she's by far the most irrelevant and underdeveloped heroine.

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Can we just skip ahead until Senpai falls in love with Nariyuki for real during their Christmas date? She hasn't had any meaningful development in over a year Tsutsui you hack.

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She shouldn't have been added in the first place.

please respond

Uruka > Sensei > Rizu > Asumi > Fumino

Surely the fake boyfriend subplot has to get us somewhere right?

You mean this one?
Thanks user. But why the grass background though? Personally I think a sakura tree background would be more appropriate.

That's the one, thanks.

Fumino > Mafuyu > Asumi > Rizu > Uruka



>Anybody who thinks senpai or sensei still has a winning chance is delusional and foolish.
Your sentence implies that you think Sensei and Senpai had a chance before but now don't anymore. That's fucking weird.

>6 seconds scene
>shilled so much

Sensei will win
you will see!

She mostly exists because there was a need for a teasing girl in the harem.

He probably means her presence in the advertising and merchandise

Why is sensei always shocked?

She was perfectly fine until they went back to school. I get the feeling she wasn't meant to be a main girl but she was unexpectedly popular so they kept her around even though the author clearly had no idea what to do with her character

Fumino a shit

There wasn't any need for that.

There was a need for a moedad but now we have two.

>she was unexpectedly popular
user, I... I'd argue that she was actually meant to be popular but was unexpectedly not very popular at all

Thanks user, Now I have a cute pic to post for my all Bokubens are cute posts.

Reminder that the shitposter is neither a Fuminofag nor an Urukafag.

It was those damn Senseifags all along. I knew it!

It was the Ikedafag, you all report him.

Don't worry, she doesn't stay like that for long.

Reminder that most Fuminofags are shitposters

No. Fuck off.

No it's someone who hates Bokuben and wants to ruin the threads.

>It was senseifags all along
I knew it

Yeah but a girl that is even slightly aggressive gives more to work with. He still didn't utilise it much though.

The best girls from Bokuben

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I thought this fanbase was full of otters to begin with

I only see two best girls a the left.

It is.
The people that actually love it are the minority here.

I knew those toubunniggers were up to no good...

Probably 5toubun fags

Lick all armpits.

I sure want to see.

>Inciting fanbase wars
Toubunfags already have their hands full with their internal shitposting.
They have no time for other threads
Everyday is a party afterall.

You managed to be wrong twice with only one statement. That's a neat trick.

She's still cute after a hundred chapters.

user got it 50/50 though

>Asumi: two flower petals
>Uruka: one flower
>Rizu: two flowers
>Fumino: four flowers
>Mafuyu: six flowers
>Nariyuki: Infinite flowers
Nariyuki best girl.

Super plus. I want to lick her.

Fucking KOfag and his proxies.

>Confirmed winner*

Ding ding ding ding. Finally someone got it.

>You managed to be wrong twice with only one statement. That's a neat trick.
Miku is basically a confirmed loser though and that's disregarding her doormat personality.

Sensei is gonna lose hard and there's nothing yku senseifags can do about it.


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Bride Mafuyu is so cute.

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We're trying to hide our tears behind the fact that she's most popular girl in japan and has the best arc to date, don't worry

Sensei is gonna win hard and there's nothing non-senseifags can do about it.

Everyone except for a certain fanbase are dying for a Sensei end.

Huh, I thought he died already I haven't seen him in bot series threads.

Summary of this when

I'm a Fuminofag who doesn't mind a Sensei end.
I think most Fuminofags don't mind at all.

He's right though. Miku is too passive and Sensei is too old and not a main heroine.

I posed as a shitposter and he replied to me. He still lurks. With so much free time I wonder who the fuck he leeches a living from.

>Sensei is gonna lose hard and there's nothing yku senseifags can do about it
Ok, we know. It's just hoping at this point. Your point?

>Sensei is too old and not a main heroine.
Don't tell lies

Rizu and Fumino together are almost 1.5 times Sensei's numbers. If I were a smart editor, I would spent most of the time improving their numbers. Less butthurt that way when one of them wins.

Hope the poll doesn't change.

> confirmation: the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed.
> Synonyme: corroboration, verification, proof, testimony, endorsement, authentication, substantiation, justification, vindication, support, evidence
There has been no confirmation yet, therefore he's wrong twice.

And also despair because 22i keeps trowing use a bone and giving us hope.

>Senseifag cope

>>Sensei is too old
This is true though.

Yeah just like how Hinata was going to lose.

Well, Rizu keeps being overshadowed by Sawako and Mafuyu just got a great arc which will make her even more popular.

You really think a teacher will win in a Jump romcom huh

>Sensei is too old and not a main heroine.

Attached: i see.png (500x441, 330K)

>Rizu keeps being overshadowed by Sawako
Dumb meme.

citation needed

I wonder if Sawako has any chance of beating either Asumi or Rizu.

delete this right now

It's true

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Do we have anything to lose? No.
Are you going to be seething? Most likely.

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You really like to hear what you want to hear, huh?

Only in 2 chapters.
Pic not related of course.

I look forward to the new hall of anal devastation.

Yea Forumserally PERFECT!

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That will only happen when Fumino loses. I don't think Fumino winning would cause something like that.

At least don't post the ugly anime version.

Every time the whole teacher and student relationship gets brought up, they keep on saying to wait for graduation. The mere fact that tsutsui keeps on writing that means jump is slightly allowing it

She doesn't stand a ghost of a chance, delusional senseiturd. Moeyuki is not gonna marry that 30-something woman.

>the smile that saved Bokuben

>Moeyuki is gonna marry that prime breeding age woman.*

I'll survive.

she's 24

Literally the only thing that supports Fumino winning is that she's a first girl. Jump winning heroines actually don't have to be first like Hinata and Orihime.

There's a manga version?

>She doesn't stand a ghost of a chance, delusional senseiturd. Moeyuki is not gonna marry that 30-something woman.
>Replying seriously to someone obviously baiting for (you)'s
You're even more retarded

Will they finally allow open teacher-student relationship being shown in Jump in the Reiwa era?
Will PTAfags finally get BTFO?

>Moeyuki is not gonna marry that 30-something woman.

I meant Fumino in general.

Fumino's first girl status is half true as well. Rizu appears together with her first.

It's either her or Rizu since both are first girls. The reest are destined to lose.

She's 26 max.

Hinata didn't have any competition. She won by default.

Abe will allow it. Japan desperately needs it. The birthrates must be saved!

Abe wills it

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Don't confuse harem romcoms with fighting series.
Also never ever forget that Hinata had zero competition and Orihime's only competitions was Riruka from the fullbringers.
It's either Rizu or Fumino for Bukuben. And Bokuben's a mild anomaly for not actually making it incredibly obvious which of the two it will be.

Calculated it's between 23-27

27 max.

>Hinata had zero competition
Naruto liked Sakura in Part 1. No one knows how long Bokuben will go on.

Show the math
Is there anything else not considered?

>Not a main heroine

I mean, they wouldn't be teacher and student after graduation, and if someone wins it will be around that time

> they keep on saying to wait for graduation
How is it a relationship between student and teacher when he's no longer a student after graduation happens?

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I will marry Sensei!

Teachers never win unless they are the focus of the series

It doesn't matter because Sakura liked Sasuke the entire manga. She never ever liked Naruto romantically. No girl other than Hinata ever did other than anime filler girls. Hinata had no competition. There was no Narutobowl.
There was a Sasukebowl, with Sakura, Ino, and Karin. A full fledged harem there. And surprise, the main girl won the bowl she was in.

What they keep on saying is way different from what others keep on seeing.
They look like they're married already when they're together at some points.

Picking Rizu is like picking a slightly wet cardboard box.

she never though Tsutsui would actually let her win

Supposed to be Asumi?

Wait until graduation, Nariyuki
Your mom already approves

Blackmino edit when

>I'm a speedreader

I can feel the sensei end...........

teachers usually aren't the most popular character either, not saying that a sensei end will happen, but they keep giving hints here and there and the biggest argument against it (teacher and student) has been thrown out the window by 2 characters in less than 5 episodes (just wait until graduation which is a few months away), dismissing her like any other teacher is dumb when she has accomplished more than most teacher characters

Shut your whore mouth



Sawako wishes

Misspelled Asumi there, bro

Nerds with glasses and useless fat on their chest are the worst.

*5 chapters
I still keep thinking in the anime

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Rizu was too cute in the episode.

This will be the only pout Rizu will show in the anime huh


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It's ok Fumino
You're fine the way you are.

People call the arguments made by senseifags cope, but when your girl loses the poll, gets vastly rewritten, has an awful arc, and the only argument for your girl winning is literally just because she appeared in chapter 1...
I think that's the definition of coping right there

I suspect that Tsutsui used elements of his own marriage when creating those chapters, perhaps they show his love for his wife?

if we go by first girl rule, Rizu is the first girl since she is the first one to get focus out of the Ch1 girls

He uses some of his own life as reference.
Probably why he killed moedad and made moemom the best wingwoman in the series.
And probably why we saw Lolimino getting slapped hard by her dad.

Shh, you aren't supposed to say inconvenient truths around here.

I'll try to not do it too much

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>director is a fumino fan

Rizu a cute and hopefully a winner

Attached: Riz.png (368x394, 129K)

>They look like they're married already when they're together at some points.
That does make sense because they complement each other pretty well. I wonder if that was planned out from the beginning.

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And yet Rizu was way cuter in the first episode.

Is it really a sensei ending if she stops being a sensei?

I'm fine with a cake ending too

Mega smol qt.

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>Think of your dad when doing this next time
Pretty sure he did.

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Let's settle this one and for all: the chances of Sensei winning is VERY low. Sure it CAN happen, but so does winning the lottery.
>She's fan favorite
Unless the 2 main heroine are universally hated (which they are not), it won't happen.
>Graduate hints
Usually a harem will ship ANY, and I mean ANY of its participants in their solo chapter toward their endings (TLR, Nisekoi, etc....) Until we are in the last arc those are never enough to discern the winner. Which leads to my next point
>Side character winning
There's 5 participants in the bowl, but it's painfully clear which 2 are the main heroines (and I hope I don't have to explain why, if you can't even aggree with this one then there's no debate to be made). Side character winning in a harem with clear lead are non-existant in my rmemory (pls show me example if you want to refute, maybe Negima?, but I didn't finish it). Even the most unconventional one I can think of like Nishino or Botan are clearly main heroines in their respective series.
I like it when we have actual discussion instead of muh falseflagging bullshit, but I sincerely hope no one actually think Sensei have a good chance of winning, because all awaits you is just dissapointment.

Teaching is a lifelong profession, so yes.

We prefer Sensei, Rizu and Uruka though

Asumi's and Uruka's look like towels.

There's a chance user, believe there is a chance.....I mean, there's a chance for anything i guess right?

>Let's settle this one and for all.

Attached: 1554570263969.png (999x815, 458K)

I know it's almost impossible, but I will keep hoping until the ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean and I will go down with it.

Attached: 1552160923733.png (927x1300, 1.09M)

They fear Sensei's power................

Are you suggesting that 22i planned to make Sensei the Zaku of Bokuben all along?


I'll never give up!

> Mafuyu
> Zaku
If you mean that Nariyuki is supposed to man her, then yes.

Attached: 1554677188341.png (510x393, 225K)

Mafuyu is love
Mafuyu is life

Together till the end Anons !!

What do you think of the adaption? I didn't expect much but it kinda has a comfy vibe and I like how colorful it is. Also thanks Moeyuki for keeping Samon's horn alive

Attached: samon.jpg (890x1299, 339K)

The true opening:

Today is best girl's birthday. Say something nice about her.

Attached: 018.png (891x1300, 192K)

>Unconventional winner
As much as I hate her winning, she's still a main girl in that series.
His cousin though? She's billed as part of the compass heroines but she doesn't feel like one at all.
I can't even remember what the fuck did she do in that series.

I think it'd based when Yuiga sensei died. The twins were already born, so it was probably 5 years before the story started. It also seems like he died by the time Mafuyu was helping Hino when she was still a TA. So depending on how long Mafuyu's education was, her age is 18+5ish+1-4= 24-28. Though this is just what my own math. I'm not sure what the other anons did here.

Attached: 13 (14).jpg (932x1300, 327K)

Hang in there

I want to impregnate her!

First episodes always try to bait you in to watch their series.

> smug smug

Attached: soon.png (359x398, 77K)

If I wasn't already a fan of the manga I would've dropped this shit 5 minutes in.


Takagi is better.

Who has the biggest bush?

Attached: 1398955210614.png (590x720, 488K)


How big of a bush can be hidden behind that?

Attached: 54.jpg (899x1300, 584K)

> yfw that is no steam

Attached: optic_blast.png (626x223, 124K)

That's not right though. Moedad died when Nariyuki just entered middle school and that's roughly six years ago. Mafuyu joined the school as an assistant teacher "after" Moedad died. So that makes Mafuyu's time as a teacher definitely shorter than six years, making 5 the maximum amount.
Considering she joined the school as an assistant teacher, it's likely she did so while attending her University, which is a common thing. It's in order for the student to build up experience in teaching and getting used to standing in front of his/her students.
So, saying she graduated high school at 18 and joined as an assistant teacher after 2 years at her University, that would make Mafuyu roughly 25 years old and if she joined after graduating (which is highly doubtful) she'd be 27.

Even if she has no shot of winning, I do think she is a really good friend to the moeman.

Attached: Asumi Advice.jpg (931x1300, 272K)

like this

Attached: Not even.png (520x684, 365K)

We know the chances are "very" low. No need to keep posting it over and over in every thread when we say we know. It's hope user.

>Usually a harem will ship ANY, and I mean ANY of its participants in their solo chapter toward their endings (TLR, Nisekoi, etc....) Until we are in the last arc those are never enough to discern the winner. Which leads to my next point
106 was not a solo chapter though, even though it felt like one. All you're doing is repeating the same points over and over again. Stop being so insecure, I believe multiple anons have said in this thread that they know a sensei end has a very low chance.

Showing my support brothers, till the end.


Bless you user for the subs. I can finally watch this series.

based user

Attached: hold stil.png (503x483, 201K)

Those rizus are way too small.


Attached: 1548391836966.jpg (990x700, 146K)

They are early Rizus. All the breasts grew bigger over time except Fumino who actually got smaller.

Anime Fumino made the best sounds ever in anime history, it's gonna be hard staying a sensei fag after this.

Her voice is fucking terrible.
But nice try, falseflagger.

Why is this happening?

Well that's some absolute shit taste you got there friend.

Attached: 1518963596817.jpg (763x500, 83K)

you faggots are as worst as the quintuplet shit
what makes cringey incels so gay about tutoring harem series?

dunno about the other anons but they are fun and they actually motivated me to study harder

I liked her voice but I fear she would not be good enough when she has to voice Blue.


Attached: D3kxPrTV4AAnrfq.jpg large.jpg (1535x2048, 787K)

W-what is she doing

Being best girl.

Where did her nipples go

smelling his clothes

Looking at the original topic, I have to say that it's clear that this was always a group chapter, the previous chapter showed that Nariyuki was ready to tell his mother about his career choice, Uruka coming back and calling her friends wasn't random because they were studying in her house the same day.

Tiny smug is great. It must feel awful for her to be surrounded by idiots.

She's cute and smug and fun and I love her

Attached: backstory.png (156x156, 19K)

>It must feel awful for her to be surrounded by idiots.
She's comfortable around her kind.


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Attached: Dpc7yGWU8AAcQrw.jpg (850x1200, 177K)

Jap scans when.

Attached: DpaHq8_UUAAy47c.jpg large.jpg (1450x2048, 744K)

why cant i sit down and just draw anymore?
my whole life it just work, Yea Forums and fapping
i want to erase my brain of Yea Forums

She seems like she really needs to be bullied by the D

this is bokuben?


Sensei WILL win

Are you retarded?

Hot damn, these are always god tier doujins

>bokuben thread
>is this bokuben?
>no are you retarded

Speak for yourself. WE prefer Fumino, Rizu, and Mafuyu.

I like Senpai more.

I highly doubt it but I sure hope she will.

We like all of them

Attached: Bokubens.jpg (1590x1805, 1.75M)

I don't like Senpai.

Eh, she is the sensible one in the cast, though.

To think that Ikeda's first appearance will be animated in THAT episode.

Attached: literally criminal.jpg (346x277, 74K)

>We will probably get Oomori and Ikeda fucking shit up one episode after another.

Absolutely based.

I want more Mizuki.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_20.57_[2019.04.06_17.02.40] (1920x1080, 178K)


Attached: D3b_0pZU8AAhRE5.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>chapter 2

Attached: where is the 'x'.png (516x610, 257K)

I want more of horny brocon JC Chitanda

Anime Onlys, seasonalfags, or people who haven't read much of the manga please reply.

>caring about anime only opinions

Attached: based bitch.png (787x599, 241K)

Do bridesmaids usually wear veils?
I thought it's a bride only thing.

The x is missing, you need to find it.

Why the fuck did she actually wear it? Is she retarded?

You don't appreciate gifts, you monster?

I'm gonna Frodo this

Can't they just apply for a double degree course?

As much as she's a fucking degenerate,

She is the bride.

Attached: x1 (1).jpg (1070x1600, 950K)

Because she revels in toying with her school rivals. Uruka and Rizu both confide in her and Fumino is aware of their crushes. She manipulates them and Nariyuki into playing her little games. She's essentially the main antagonist of the story along with her father.

Why would they apply for something they don't want?

>Mizuki above Raiha
What the actual fuck?
Mizuki is by far the worst thing about Bokuben.

>working your ass off even more for something you don't want.

meant for

No the worse thing about Bokuben is that she doesn't have her own chapter yet.

That's the best part. Hopefully she never gets one.

user you fucked up
It's the opposite.
She's a fucking brocon.
Immediate trash tier.

2 girls are wearing veils though.

>Marrying Asumi and Fumino at the same time
Oh man, that's the best.

Seethe more.
She already got exposure for two consecutive chapters.
It's only a matter of time.

She's dead

Attached: Mizuki_dead.png (302x158, 36K)

You're the only one seething since she got utterly destroyed last chapter.

But they have bouquets

Since when brides don't have them?

What's the problem?

Attached: royal-wedding-bouquets-t.jpg (820x492, 125K)

>Brides not having a bouquet


Nah, she's just suffocating.

No worries, Nariyuki won't choose any of those sluts and will keep the love for his own family

>He fell for the throwing bouquet meme

>liberal arts

Fucking waste of talent, big tits and megane character. Worst girl (ROASTIE) of the year.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.13_[2019.04.08_16.20.27]. (1280x720, 1.19M)

She lost the volume extras already, loosing oniichan is just a formality at this point

>all this Mizuki bullying
Why? She's so cute

Attached: 1532186172305.png (308x631, 136K)

Mizuki is made for bullying.

Trash personality.

Poor Mizuki, she got her chapter stolen by Fumino.

Attached: 4 - joLwWl4.png (764x1200, 62K)

More like her womb is made to be bullied by brother cock

She only loves her oniichan and wants the best for him

>because I don't get why she would be there
>in a manga that is mostly built upon forced bullshit nonsensical stories

22i please

She's creepy

Attached: 75_omake.png (480x381, 82K)

Am I retarded for thinking that Furahashi should have had more of a cool beauty type voice?

I guess. She Is not the cool type.

Incestuous thot that beat her brother in a popularity poll a year or so ago despite appearing in maybe 5 or 6 chapters tops by then.

Her haircolor is throwing me off, I always thought she had black hair.

I'm content with having best arc.

Attached: D16.png (924x1300, 520K)

I've never thought of her as cool beauty type like Yukino or Kaguya.

We don't have canon hair color in this series.

Attached: 1550173579931.gif (600x600, 140K)

Kei is actually helpful to her brother and is genuinely interested in his love life
similarly to Raiha, though she is ina cuter package, but that's probably only thanks to their age gap being slightly bigger, when she grows up she'l bu more like Kei.
Mizuki acts like a total creep, whenever there are people around or not, somebody who'd visit them and saw her usual apron could come to the wrong conclusion .

Also Negi made Raiha's design to be as weird as possible to keep incestfags away

We ride to waifuwars, but not to victory.

>We ride to waifuwars
Toubun threads are down below.

Fumino a cute!!

Fumino is Yea Forumserally perfect


It's been dark blue in the manga colored pages since forever ago, but the anime seems to have picked every color a few shades higher.

The thumbnail looked like she had an exposed pregnant belly.
I’ve never been more disappointed in my life after clicking it.

Best girl next episode

Attached: 1554582233961.jpg (1725x2022, 1.04M)

>chapter 3 and 5 are cut
Yet this part makes it into the OP

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.00_[2019.04.09_08.55.18]. (1280x720, 232K)

Cute hat.

I shall remind my brothers.

Attached: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - c039 (v05) - p102 [mag] [Jaimini's Box].png (904x1300, 397K)


Attached: D3pCUygUwAE6Xsk.jpg (631x1024, 96K)

A nip who went to pre-screening said anime skipped it and episode 2 already reached chapter seven or maybe that was just a mistranslation.

Attached: 1554639556172.png (670x581, 162K)

Author agrees that /sensei/ is end game

Attached: 02.jpg (875x1300, 1.1M)

>tfw nobody could protect his smile

This is literally a 5Toubun ripoff but with random bitches instead of sisters

Maybe they're shuffling the events, or maybe it won't make it at all hence they including it in the OP
Who knows

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.01_[2019.04.09_09.34.29]. (1280x720, 211K)


Cute moeyuki worried over his drunk wife

but Bokuben was first.....

The anime staff did say they will rearrange things.

yeah but does it have a cute boy?

Attached: 231516123151.png (2560x1440, 2.56M)

sensei will get the spotlight until episode 4, they can't build enough misunderstandings for her first chapter

someone edit the clip of uruka backing into the water with it labeled irrelevance or something
I was working on it but having to look at uruka for that long gave me diarrhea

This but unironically

Attached: 1554658652570.jpg (192x199, 11K)

fumino is secondary bait

Fumino is best girl.

I don't get it.

dude you need to also keep the filename

Touch the Moe, do it now.

You are right they won't get it unless I do this.

Attached: A flat.jpg (192x209, 11K)

fumino a shit

Fumino is worst girl
Digits confirm


Attached: 1551590237186.png (217x190, 55K)

Fumino? more like FumiCUTE!!!!!!

Let's stop making new thread until spoilers come out in wednesday.

No we have to beat the quintniggers


Attached: smug_midget.png (242x326, 100K)

>tsutsui hasnt tweeted anything for senpai's birthday


Attached: 1536276479536.jpg (205x229, 10K)


Attached: moe man of chiba.jpg (595x169, 19K)

Just you faggots wait...

Shoseki Rank 4/7/2019
012 9784088817989 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 11 集英社 筒井大志 2019.4.4
201 9784088811116 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 01 集英社 筒井大志 2017.6.2
240 9784088817248 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 10 集英社 筒井大志 2019.2.4
273 9784088811956 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 02 集英社 筒井大志 2017.8.4
319 9784088812144 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 03 集英社 筒井大志 2017.10.4
365 9784088812892 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 04 集英社 筒井大志 2017.12.4
386 9784088813424 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 05 集英社 筒井大志 2018.2.2
427 9784088816463 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 09 集英社 筒井大志 2018.12.4
475 9784088814148 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 06 集英社 筒井大志 2018.5.2
499 9784088815640 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 08 集英社 筒井大志 2018.9.4
500 9784088815107 ぼくたちは勉強ができない 07 集英社 筒井大志 2018.7.4


The volumes got an "anime boost" presumably

at least it isn't as generic harem as Gotobun.
ffs, that shit didn't even try, the premise of that shit is pretty much "hey it's a harem show, but they're all sisters and there's five (5) of them!"
I'm glad I didn't watch that trash. This one might supposedly not be much better, but at least there's actually a point behind the two main girls being with the guy in the first place.

By how much, I can't understand shit of that

Yeah I don't really know myself since I can't interpret most of the charts posted here on Yea Forums

I cannot wait, I need to see Uruka

Attached: Urudaijobu.png (370x370, 135K)

It's not fair, why didn't this series' threads turn to irredeemable shit like 5Toubun's and Kaguya's when their anime aired?

How accurate is that rank anyway? I still don't understand how they get the data to make it.

>This one might supposedly not be much better, but at least there's actually a point behind the two main girls being with the guy in the first place.
You mean the exact same reason the quints are with Fuutarou in the first place? The premise of both series are exactly the same.
>A poorfag is given an opportunity to help their families by tutoring these girls

We have the power of moe on our side.

Attached: Moe_Otter_3.jpg (600x600, 64K)

we already suffered our own purgatory ages ago and this series is more comfy and way less drama oriented, it feels like a CGDCT manga on occasions

Sensei>all 5 quints>flatsama

I haven't related to a girl like this in years. In High School my aptitude in Literature and Social Studies was way above average but I was laughably shit at Math & Science. I won awards for my writing yet could barely crack 70 in geometry if I studied my ass off.

Are you also flat and have a complex about it?

Because fumino is cute

Are you also flat and have a complex about it?

God I wish.

Because of Foom.

Attached: Foom cute dress.png (374x1019, 330K)

How can someone have an aptitude for literature and social studies?

But foom a shit

She's FumiCUTE!

Read books and understand how the English language works. That's literally it.

No u.

Yea Forums pushed into irelevance
Sensei too old to win
Yea Forums desparately running for the front but can't reach
/sci/ effortlessly wins

Attached: 49xmr9h0q4q21.jpg (1536x1347, 357K)

Last for Uruka a shit.

Urucute a best

Attached: 1554623777864.png (1906x2413, 1.64M)

Cute Otter

>Lasting before bump limit
Come on shitposter-kun you can do better

Very cute!

Trips confirm. A best.

I got an even cuter otter.

Attached: OTTERED.png (795x253, 176K)

I'm the cutest. Right, user?

Attached: image.jpg (311x459, 28K)


Attached: 1554655478127.png (317x324, 100K)

Now moeyuki only needs to bring out this smile without using alcohol.

But he did.

He's getting there.

Attached: 20 (15).jpg (926x1300, 335K)


Top cute especially with that expression

We're not gonna have a new thread after this right?


user, I...

Guess we'll find out if otter can party as hard as quints.

Attached: Otters_1.jpg (950x534, 123K)

Don't ask me, I'm not the one making them.

Otters would go to the Kanokari thread.

The only otters here are Urukafags.

Fumino is peak adorable


Fumino best girl

Urukafag here and I love Bokuben.

Miharu > Mafuyu

Bold words.

Attached: 1550837130350.png (360x1010, 170K)

Last for Rizu a best