Why is she so cute? Honestly looking forward for the next episodes
Bokuben - Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Defending the chapter here after last thread got archived.
Only thing that felt forced was Mizuki splashing sensei with water. I thought Tsutsui would play it as a jealous move, which would have made more sense, but it didn't really bother me overall.
As for everything else:
Hanae's obsessed with Moeyuki getting a girl, so all of her "he brought a half-naked woman over" and "ultimate level marriage notice" don't feel out of place. Mistaking "mom" for "mother in law", in that context and considering Japanese culture, is not forced at all either.
The twins are always saying embarrassing stuff they shouldn't to the girls and about them, so they saying "she was screaming about an illicit sexual relationship" is just their thing.
Yea Forums is an idiot. I love her, but come on.
And yeah, that the girls would rush to his home after receiving Yea Forums's message doesn't feel out of place to me. They worry about their boy, and they get jealous. Of course they want to know what this illicit sexual relationship is all about.
So, yeah, it all feels natural. Not saying it's realistic or that it's particularly deep and complex, but it feels right for the characters and the situation. It's cute and affectionate and there's no one breaking character for the sake of the jokes, which is what I would consider forced.
My new waifu
The problem is regarding whether it's within character, it's the whole fucking scenario. Granted, we've had shit like this in the past but this just screams "le random"
It's like 22i was trying to make two chapters out of one.
I meant this>The problem is not regarding whether it's within anyone's character or not.
Because she is going to win the nariyuki-bowl
Senpai especially wouldn't rush to his house because of something stupid like that.
Likewise, this may actually be this season's saving grace