Is this really the best way to approach Rikka?

Someone's cranky,not had your daily meds yet?

>l- laughing at me means ur cranky!!!
You literally are the COPE "meme".
You're just such a joke. You try SO HARD and get nothing from it.

Were you posting in yesterday’s thread? It was open season on shitposting but I didn’t see you, was concerning

>artist so lazy that he didn't draw yuta on the left😂

Attached: __takarada_rikka_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_cut_bu_kunn__6d47c6aea8843e779a7ac3b87f9ea131.jpg (747x936, 115K)

>Yuuta goes home to this everyday

It's also so funny when you reply to a post for the sole purpose of trying to pretend "ack" is real. Your desperation is just such a great source of laughs.

Hey, Austin. Real talk.
What went so wrong with your life that you have nothing in it other than trying to pretend you're an "epic troll"?

I honestly don't think you understand what a massive joke you are and how you look to other people.

>free (You)s

Attached: 71556997_p0.jpg (1110x1553, 851K)

>around 2050 there will be 100% realistic VR where you can self insert as YUTA and fuck Rikka
gotta live for this day brothers😃