Is this really the best way to approach Rikka?
Is this really the best way to approach Rikka?
What can I do to not confuse rikka with rin from idolmaster?
Yuta's wife is too cute and hot💙
look at her ass
No, this is.
it's the only way
Ask for how much she charges.
Yuta wife is so cute!
Imagine being !Akemi and basing literally your whole life around trying to delude yourself into thinking you're an "epic troll".
Hah, !Akemi, you're so fucking weak. You couldn't even keep your shit thread going. Sure is funny how a thread with over a "100 people" in it suddenly stopped out on no where and feel off the board. OH RIGHT because it's just you spamming and samefagging.
HAHAHAHAHA look at the pathetic retard bumping his own thread from page ten. What a fucking joke. He literally can't let it go because this is all he has in his life.
You literally REFUSE to accept you're not "triggering" anyone because this is all you have in your life.
You can't even talk in correct English, you're just desperate to make any post you can to try and make people mad. You don't understand people are laughing at you.
And gives the best bjs.
Someone's cranky,not had your daily meds yet?
>l- laughing at me means ur cranky!!!
You literally are the COPE "meme".
You're just such a joke. You try SO HARD and get nothing from it.
Were you posting in yesterday’s thread? It was open season on shitposting but I didn’t see you, was concerning
>artist so lazy that he didn't draw yuta on the left😂
>Yuuta goes home to this everyday
It's also so funny when you reply to a post for the sole purpose of trying to pretend "ack" is real. Your desperation is just such a great source of laughs.
Hey, Austin. Real talk.
What went so wrong with your life that you have nothing in it other than trying to pretend you're an "epic troll"?
I honestly don't think you understand what a massive joke you are and how you look to other people.
>free (You)s
>around 2050 there will be 100% realistic VR where you can self insert as YUTA and fuck Rikka
gotta live for this day brothers😃
>i- im just getting (you)s
>h- hah look at how cool i am
Hahaha. Please stop. I'm laughing so hard.
Austin, you won't be living another ten years.
You spend to much effort and time shitposting, and staying away for over a day just to try and pretend you're more than one person.
See Really think about this, Austin. Is it worth making yourself a massive joke just to end your life sooner?
Sure is funny how you only spam images when you're being replied to. Almost like you're just mad you can't have the "last word."
For real though this time we're only 3 in the threads it seems
I have MP100 last ep to see so you guys will be alone between lovers, enjoy😂
>use 4chanX
>press F
>Screeches disappear, only pics of Rikka remain
It's almost always just you in threads all by yourself with people telling you off. It's why when you pass out your threads always instantly die.
>u- ur screehcing
>hah... i win... l- lol...
Nah. You're just a pathetic loser.
I know you are but what am I?
You're a pathetic loser who puts tons and tons of effort into posting multiple times in a the same minute. Because you have nothing else in your life.
It's why people are always laughing at you both in real life and the internet.
>changing your IP just to post an image
>this desperate to try and look like more than one person
And you wonder why people laugh at you.
The best part is how you only do this when you're being replied to. Which is what proves you're one person.
How different would the show be if Rikka wore stockings?
See You literally can not cope with not having the last word. So long as you're being replied to, and not getting your safe space, you're going to freak out and spam like crazy.
It would have been redundant with Akane wearing them too
Doing God’s work user
Yuta selfinserters are cringe
I love Rikka!!!!!💚
We know,Yuuta.
liked :)
Hey, have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you didn't get so ass hurt over not being able to have the last word in an argument over Yea Forums? You've spent more of your life shitposting on Yea Forums than it take it get a master's degree.
It's just one guy who hasn't even watched the show.
I actually loved the show, dunno about the guy he spergs about tho
I have no idea what you talking about I just want Rikka to kill me by sitting on my face and causing me to suffocate to death on her anal odor.
Thanks for always wearing a name tag, Austin.
Makes it really easy for everyone to tell who you are.
Yeah? If you loved the show why are you not telling off the autistic retard who makes it impossible to have good threads for the show by trying to fake "shipping wars?
I agree with that, fuck shippers
Lmao look at this poor sap
Rikka's sweaty smelly stinky ass on my face smothering me to death!!!!!!!!!!👌
>xdd lol holy shit im epic i said "lmao" to change my posting style so i look liek more dan one ppl!
Calm down, Yuta. She'll do it with you later.🍖
I always love how easy it is to tell how mad you are.
Because you refuse to ever address anything anyone says to you.
Lol I just got into this thread and your butthurt stands out like a nigger in a jap subway but alright must be one person if that makes you feel better faggot lmao
Nah, you didn't just get to this thread. You're the one who made this thread. You changing your IP and intentionally typing like a retard doesn't hide who you are.
When you have to keep saying "durrr ur mad! durrrRRRR UR MAD!" you know you've failed. Winners and say they win.
Why are you so attached to your shit threads?
Oh right, because you're autistic.
Just you, Austin.
It's precious how you suddenly can't English very good once you get assblasted lmao, absolutely seething
There's nothing wrong with the English in that post, Austin.
>suddenly can't English
Though, there is some great irony in your post.
See, the reason you only spam images with one of your IPs is that you are in a rush to make posts. So you don't have time to type anything real.
Everyone knows you are only doing this to keep your shit thread alive.
No,why are YOU so attached to these threads? You could spend all this time doing some creative work like drawing or exercise but you willingly choose to spend it all on pretending to be a moderator (which you will never ever be). So why? Why do you do it?
It's called a joke you knuckledragging autist. Jesus christ do you get more mentally impaired the more you seethe? Absolutely pathetic
Constantly telling you to stop shitposting and stop bumping your garbage threads is being attached to them? What kind of world are you living in?
>Why do you do it?
Because you don't let shitposters have their safe space.
Plus, !Akemi replies 5 to 10 times for every single one post directed at him. He'll kill himself from over work just because he can't have a safe space.
Austin, you make stupid typos like that all the time. Tell me, considering you reply to every single post directed at you, multiple times, how come you're not "seething"?
Based schizoposter
That's another name tag word for you, Austin. Thanks for always using it so people don't have to guess which posts are yours.
Idk who austin is but you seem obsessed. do you make these threads all the time?
Cringe and cuckpilled
Why did you go out of your way to post twice in the same minute, Austin. It's really dumb considering you never actually trick anyone into thinking you're more than one person.
You should kill yourself faggot
You might have a mental illness
So if one stops will the other too?
Pretty sure the first one keeps going because the second feeds him
Reread the post you're replying to. It applies to your current set of posts.
No one wants the OP here. He makes these threads for the sole purpose of shitposting and trying to "troll".
Dunno but this retard obsessed with austin is pretty amusing
>didn't get to like ACK's posts
No one is obsessed with you, Austin. You on the other hand are obsessed with "ack". Everyone tells you to fuck off and stop posting here. Which is literally the exact opposite of being obsessed.
>didn't even change his IP when trying to pretend he's someone new
You're just getting lazy, Austin.
Oh the sweet, sweet irony
What if we stop replying to him? As I can see just calling him out doesn't work and just allows him to keep on going.
Maybe you should not reply to him for a while like 3-4 months and see how it goes since you're his biggest source of feed and converse with him everyday, giving him purpose.
Let's ignore him and see how it goes, he will probably get tired of it if no one cares anymore.
Let's try it out, at worst you get many days of your life back, nothing to lose really.
based anons taking ack to the mental hospital
Yeah I don't think so Austin, your nigger ass wil keep making these shitty threads
I love how you always try to reword "no u".
You say things like "irony", "projecting", "not self aware". etc etc. Pretty much you'll say anything other than actually addressing arguments against you.
Look at you literally begging people to think you're more than one person.
>stop replying to !Akemi
>he thinks he "won" and "shitposted people into submission"
>from then on into the future !Akemi thinks he can shitpost his way to getting whatever he wants
>more and more threads suffer because he'll always want to have things exact his way
This is why you can't give shitposters what they want. Because it makes them act worse.
No, I want him to kill himself through being unable to stop shitposting.
Almost made it when everyone started calling his translations rightfully shit.
Based user holding back tears at this point lmao
Austin, you calling other people by your name will fool no one into thinking you're more than one person.
I love how easy it is to tell who you are. Because you always try to call yourself everyone.
>doesn't deny his translations are outright wrong with a dash of delusion
Don't you feel pathetic as fuck for having to delude yourself into thinking you're making people mad? Why would anyone at all actually get upset over a failure like you? People laugh at you, that's all.
Rare Hassu
You're clearly mad as fuck tho lol, cry some moar
Why deny a baseless claim made by you that no one believes anyway?
>no one
Everyone but you, you mean. Because damn they were BAD.
Nah, you're the one who's mad. Just look at how much you're trying to call other people mad. And how you reply multiple times to every post directed at you. If you weren't insanely upset you wouldn't be so obsessed with replying.
>no u
Based and paranoidpilled
You know how easy it is to tell who you are? Because you have this weird kind of broken mentality where you think that if you say something that people have to accept it as fact no matter what.
Nope, that post is in no way even close to "no you".
Though, thank you for always acting so insanely bad. That way people instantly dismiss what you say. Like, you don't even try to hide how you're from reddit.
>Nope, that post is in no way even close to "no you".
>Nah, you're the one who's mad.
I mean, you literally posted no u.
Alright user, godspeed keep up the fight, it really matters.
You're doing great, we can't let shitposters feel at home and sacrificing your life to call them out everyday for hours is quite the devotion.
Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed.
This is the most autistic thread in the catalog right now and that says a lot given Yea Forums's standards.
This is still low key autism by ack's standard.
Now when he starts spamming the posts the jannie deletes, that's his groove.
i'm going to shitpost you into submission faggot
Maybe if you read past the first couple words things would make more sense to you. I get that's hard when you have autism, but at least try.
Just because you're baselessly calling people doesn't mean people can't make a valid claim that you are mad.
Telling off shitposters is the norm. Hell, it's even the last thing moot said about Yea Forums. And that Yea Forums is (was) better than other boards because of people telling off shitposters.
I do it some times. There are others. Many in fact.
I wonder when you'll realize that "ack" isn't real and that you've literally been wasting your whole life failing to "troll".
>xddd lol Feed ur paranoia lololol xddd
You aren't smart. You're just a joke.
These threads make me question, is the current demented state of Gochiusa threads is the result of yuri vs het shitposting gone too far?
>I do it some times. There are others. Many in fact.
You turning your phone's internet on and off to ban evade doesn't qualify as "many".
Pretty sure it's all the same person at this point. And if it isn't, then both are just as bad and should be ignored.
I like how you ignore the part of that post when points out how even moot and all the mods of Yea Forums recognize that telling off shitposters is what keeps a board good.
You literally have to block out reality in order to cope.
You qualify as a huge shitposter yourself, to the point of ban evading, so telling you off is the duty of the board.
>telling off a shitposter is somehow bad
>acting autistic and ignoring problems is good
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
Unironically based.
yes, try to neutralize her strongest weapons first
Gochiusa threads are love.
>I do it some times.
Man, no need to be shy about it. I've been lurking those shitposting central threads since I saw the thread on /qa/ and it's quite obvious by the wordings and your signature of replying to all the shitposter's posts that you're our same Knight figthing OP everyday at the cost of your short lifetime.
Again, no need to be shy about having no life, it's obvious that you love Yea Forums and don't want it to become whatever shithole OP's is trying to make it into so keep it up.
Don't know user, isn't it funnier to have him check for Rikka threads every single day at every hour to make him mad? Just think in what state his brain is. I don't think he'll hold out for long
>Ah, okay, it's you, Austin. Figured.
A-Alright I think it's time to leave you to it, gambare
Nice attempt but he won't ever stop period, my friend. He constantly ban evades, uses proxies, and iirc there was an actual story in a past thread where someone told me they tried to talk to him on Skype but he refused it just to hear their voices when they talked to him because he's that fucking paranoid. He will never stop.
He's been going for like five years now across multiple shows. I'm pretty sure he'll keep going.
Love when that guy tries to claim that he is many but when the jannies delete his posts by IP literally half the thread is gone at once
It helps that you're not making anyone mad and that everyone is actually laughing at you. You just refuse to accept that because this is all you have in your life. This is also the third time you've replied to that post.
And this is the fourth time you've replied to that post.
Also, Austin. People aren't retarded as you. Editing your voice over online chat is extremely simple. You're the only one who's paranoid here. Thinking everyone in the world who tells you to stop shitposting is the same person.
It's also funny how as soon as you got called out on being Austin on that persona you made multiple posts replying to it.
Why are you replying to your own post, Austin? No one at all thinks you're more than one person.
Janitors can't see IPs, Austin. And you know that. And of course the mod is going to delete all the posts. He's out to censor people who don't share his personal taste.
Gochiusa threads are life!
>this is now my third post in this thread
Okay psycho.
Imagine being so insane you actually think being 90% of a thread all by yourself is rational.
Why do you always do this, !Akemi. You know that you'll never make it look normal. Trying to lie over the internet and give your word as proof of something only makes you stand out, because no one does it other than you. Prove this is your third post in the thread. Oh right, you can't.
Doesn't matter if they see it or not
mods or jannies idk can delete all of one IP's post at once I believe
There was that one time I was shitposting about black clover but also was the OP of /vn/ and all my posts got deleted on Yea Forums and so did my thread on /vg/. was pretty funny.
Basically what I'm saying is, mods/janny deleted your IP's posts and directly after the refresh all your post were deleted which makes it obvious that it was one person the whole thread
He's insane. That's why even /u/ doesn't want him and most yuri forums that do TL stuff have perm banned him.
Janitors can not delete all posts at once. Mods can. And mods can delete however many posts they want at the same time. Whether they are on the same IP or not.
And like you're fully aware of, the mod is not actually enforcing the rules. Which is why off topic meta shitposts are allowed to stay up.
I always laugh at how you literally make shit up just to try and slander the people who tell you to stop shitposting.
You're literally the only one who even mentioned yuri in this thread. You doing nonsense like this is why it's always so obvious you're trying to fake "flame wars" and and shit.
also test for emojy
RIP emojies
Why would I have to cope with you being pathetic? I feel great that you're so much of a failure.
Watch this.
Even when no one replies to him !Akemi will obsessively bump this thread for hours and hours until he is physically unable to. He NEEDS his shitposting to be up as long as possible because this is all he has in his life.
>Why yes, I do canonically have multiple boyfriends. How could you tell?
I could tell by your tits. They only grow to that size when groped by many people
>Watch this.
Who are you talking to? there's only you and me here
What do you even care about his shitposting in dead thead? I swear, your post are more annoying then his necause at least he contribute by pic dumping.
Rikka's tights are three times larger
A 100% realistic VR Rikka would reject you
>where you can self insert as YUTA
I don't think breasts get larger from groping, user.
I want to insert INTO Yuta if you get my drift.
>you would never be Yuta
You know, for someone who can pass as a trap if he crossdresses well enough, he's fucking the woman every man would dream of.
Imagine how many guys want to fuck Yuta as much as Rikka or Akane
First he skips an entire day, then he gives up after a few posts. I'm genuinely worried about him.
They grow from receiving love
Yeah but if that was true all attractive women would have HHH size breasts or larger.
What kind of man does Rikka like?
Well it has to have a big dick for sure so she's probably into niggers, she is with Yuta as a couple but he enjoys watching her being fucked
Akane > Rikka
>longer hair
>black hair
>nice tits
>wide thighs
>large hips
>very big butt
Did he finally kill himself after his headcanon for 12.12 was exposed?
Unfortunately, no.
How so?
delete this
i bet rikka's farts are really loud cause the gas would need to penetrate through her thick asscheeks causing them to violently flap into one another in quick succession. less of a BRAAAP more of a FRAAPPAPAPAPLPALAPALPALprr
Finally a good thread. Did you guys liked the final battle?
If I ever had the chance to lick her whole body, I'd begun by licking the floor around her
Wish the show had more porn desu.
You meant fanservice
It isn't a hentai
Yeah,I would like more of that
best part of this show was when the final audio drama revealed akane was straight all along
face first into her butt
You'd lose your entire head then.
I'll be honest, i was starting to lose my faith in Trigger but they managed to end it right. Based Trigger i guess
SIX HOURS. !Akemi didn't a single reply for seven hours and he still couldn't stop. He's been talking to himself for hours just to keep his own shit thread alive. He tries to pretend he's some "epic troll" who can "trigger" people. But really, he's just some loser with no life or friends that spends all day and night posting and talking to himself. He's so invested in shitposting and spamming that he can't give up this point. Because he knows that when he stops, it's going to instantly give away he's more than one person. But, everyone already knows that. Because all the time his garbage threads were he's changed his IP 100 times die. And a thread with over 100 posters magically dying would never happen.
>he's STILL talking to himself
The best part about of these threads is how you're literally going to kill yourself with over work because you're so insanely mad you can't have a shitposting safe space.
The better part is how you think if you keep "durrr lol xdd she straight" and saying things you know are blatantly it will somehow "trigger" people.
Remember to laugh at !Akemi every day.
Why do I get the feeling that the good times are over now?
>xdd lol if i pretend my shit thread was good that makes it look like i wasn't talking to myself the whole time
Nah. Everyone can see what you're doing. It's really easy to tell, because your threads always die when you fall asleep. Because a threads with 100 IPs in it wouldn't just magically die for no reason.
You know what's funny? How there is no crack yuri for this show at all, so !Akemi had to default to spamming "het" images. Because he's so fucking desperate for ANYTHING he can use to try and "trigger" people. I love how easy he is to read.
Nothing to cope with. Other than maybe how my sides hurt from laughing at you.
It'll get better in the future.
By the way, does anyone know the soundtrack of when gridman did his clean beam thinge? Was that soundtrack from the original series?
Hahaha, your life is such a joke.
Please, keep going.
It's so obvious who you are. Because as soon as you started getting replied to, you got mad as fuck and started spamming posts.
the cat's out of the bag
What exactly are you trying to imply with this post?
This guy must be an idiot underaged yutafaggot, 99% certain that he like dick
>you got mad as fuck and started spamming posts.
We aren't talking about you buddy
That was @guyeverywhere alt account
That's mummy12. He did the same when Franxx was airing.
You know at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if ack turned out to be a discord tranny
Why would I be mad over your literally destroying your own life?
And I don't spam. That's what you do. When you get replied to, you go from making slow posts only bumping your thread from page 9 or 10 to making multiple posts a minute. It's a very constant pattern in your behavior.
Yikes bro
>I don't spam
>Posts huge wall of mass replies repeatedly
Yeah, sure you don't asshole.
Imagine being so pathetic you LITERALLY cry over not having any friends.
This right here was literally the defining moment of !Akemi's life. He's never recovered.
>y- you scare me with words! t- that meens ur spamming!!!
Please, keep going.
what would the sex be like
With proofs in that screenshot you can literally report him to FBI or any child protection agency
Best girl Akane!
I wonder how long until you realize your life is the biggest joke ever.
I wish. But I doubt the mods would ever hand over his IP.
I remember death threats being thrown around. He could potentially land this guy in jail if he bothers gathering some evidence
Death threats from who to who?
From !Akemi
Doesn't hurt to try, since it's US based the police could potentially get a court order issued
I guess you have a point. I'll look into it tomorrow morning when the local courts open.
Only Yuta knows
All this Rika talk about her ass is fun and all but why don't we talk about Akane Ex boyfriends?
>Is this really the best way to approach Rikka?
No with a stack of cash is
Is an OVA still needed or nah
I'd like to see it but with real people.
It's always funny how triggered and upset Troid gets at these posts which link all of !Akemi's posts. 99% of the time I get a ban, it's for a post like this.
Remember to laugh at !Akemi every single day. It's a nice ego boost when you see someone so genuinely pathetic.
i doubt anyone here gets an ego boost for not being as autistic as you. Limits exist you know?
Pretty much
Based and canon-pilled.
Tell me. Why do you think anyone at all will take you seriously when you call other people autistic?
You are literally a walking text book definition of the term.
>a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication
!Akemi clearly can not socialize with others in a normal rational way, which is why he is obsessed with this site, because he can't actually talk to anyone in the real world. And even here, the only "people" (his other posts) he will reply to are people who already agree with what he's saying.
>restricted and repetitive behavior
!Akemi has been "bait" and "trolling" (failing to) in the exact same way for six years. Constantly repeating the same things over and over. (and then wondering why he always gets similar replies).
>Older children and adults with ASD perform worse on tests of face and emotion recognition
!Akemi thinks he's "triggering" anyone and everyone who says anything at all to him. He has bad face recognition as well, as he thinks everyone is "ack".
!Akemi has literally destroyed his own life in his attempts to "troll" "ack".
uh, Okay? I did not call anyone autistic. Don't @ me anymore and don't put words in my mouth you weirdo.
>xdd lol i said dun @ meee so that make meee look liek more dan one ppl!!
Way to go telling everyone your life story. Keep us updated ;)
>xddd NO U
>lol i fuckin epic!
go get a life bro, u ruined the OTP thread already
I love how you just announce it's you shitposting in every single thread.
I love how you try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads.
>I never even watched this show but this one schizo-kun is so entertaining that I pretend to care about Rikka's and yuta's ship.
Tell me. Why should ANYONE think you're not the problem and the one who ruins threads?
Depends on how much Kaijuloli it has.
This is the only well-proportioned drawing of this girl I've seen, she is japanese so she is obviously tiny.
I love how you just announce it's you shitposting in every single thread. I love how you try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads.
>I never even watched this show but this one schizo-kun is so entertaining that I pretend to care about Rikka's and yuta's ship.
Tell me. Why should ANYONE think you're not the problem and the one who ruins threads?
Me too. I need more Alexis stuff.
Why did you just reply to your own post?
>autistically just posting images without talking
Hmm, wonder who this could be.
This post is guaranteed replies.
What's the show about? I only know her from porn.
Of course people will reply to a shitposter. That's the norm and what you're supposed to do.
You're not special. You're just a joke.
Every damn thread.
The sad part is that all of this could be fixed simply by the mod enforcing the rules. Like he's supposed to.
What happened yesterday user that you didn't appear in any gridman thread? was it because the board was fast or what?
Sure is funny how you never actually address anything that anyone says to you.
It's like you want to give away who you are.
That didn't answer my question, where you afraid yesterday? Maybe, "mad" perhaps?
Your question doesn't need an answer because it's based on a false premise. And of course, look at how you are autistically bumping your shit thread from page ten.
Oh, and of course, you never answer anything anyone says to you.
The things I would do to maid Rikka.
Is this an anime I can really sink my teeth into and become hopelessly depressed at how lonely I am in contrast to the MC?
Okay, it must be hard to accept that yesterday you were humillated and outsmarted again, Rikka x Yuta pics got so many likes. It was really great.
You spam changing your IP to like your own posts doesn't mean you are actually popular. It means you're pathetic. Literally all you had to do was flip air plane mode on your phone on and off and you could vote again. The fact you're trying to pretend that's actually proof shows how truly desperate you are.
You're so hell bent on blocking out reality that you're totally going to ignore this and try to pretend it's not possible.
Yeah the L Word pictures got liked as well. So many people showing so many different scores liking each other's posts. It was a good thread.
I wonder how Utsumi would have reacted to her saying "multiple girlfriends" instead.
Look at you replying twice at the same post, how patetic and angry. Someone must be MAD
Yesterday gridman threads were very fast, lots of likes and different users, maybe 6 post per minute of Rikka sucking Yuta's cock, his mind isn't capable of facing that so he took the day off.
The day we got to literally Like our own posts was so much fun.
Mods are Gods and it felt like I was on reddit. Really great stuff.
But didn't you say he uses only a cellphone and a computer? how could someone do 6 replies in a minute and also auto liking everything while changing IPs?
Hear me out user, perhaps, just perhaps, there's an organization behind all this, some kind of "epíc troll" organization trying to make you mad.
You never made six posts a minute, Austin. And you have two passes. One for your PC and one for your phone, so making 4 posts a minute is easy for you. A 5th is also easy, just use a browser based proxy in a different tab than the one with your pass.
You try to pretend that what you do is really hard or impossible.
And it's also so obvious it's you because you are OBSESSED with the fact you're called out on samefagging.
Okay, you want to say you're more than one person? Great. Now explain how that justifies you destroying threads.
I love how you just announce it's you shitposting in every single thread. I love how you try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads.
>I never even watched this show but this one schizo-kun is so entertaining that I pretend to care about Rikka's and yuta's ship.
Tell me. Why should ANYONE think you're not the problem and the one who ruins threads?
someone is mad
smug meguca
>someone ban evades, re-buys a pass for two devices, also opens a proxy browser and has enough time to shitpost 4 times and re-change ip to auto like those posts
>all in one minute
Yeah, that might be true if you were actually getting banned and not just warned.
As always, you trying to pretend that what you do is hard only makes it more obvious.
Based Austin the shitposting KING breaking records to make some schizo seethe.
Aren't they the same person though, Akemi and ack are the same right? or did I get my lore wrong.
Hahaha, just look at how much of a joke your life is.
Imagine your life being this much of a joke. I am actually laughing at you.
Again, what you're doing isn't hard and you make no one "seethe".
But didn't you claim he was ban evading?
Even if he doesn't get banned he still needs to change his IP in order for the IP counter to raise right?
Yeah, and you don't get banned for it anymore. You get warnings for posts where you say you're ban evading.
Which takes literal seconds.
And you making four posts a minute is also rare, because it's still a lot of work for you.
Why do you keep saying this. It's obviously you.
>he's into us. Shut it down
Do you guys think Google's neural network learns a lot from the data collected ITT?
Just you. Stop begging. Notice how not one of your personas will address how extremely bad your behavior is. All of "them" cry about how you're called a samefag. Not ONCE have you ever addressed your behavior.
>Of course people will reply to a shitposter. That's the norm and what you're supposed to do.
The norm is to report and move on retard
If everyone replied to shitposters they would be drowning in replies and all the threads derailed
Basically like this shit thread
>He ban evades at the same time in the computer and in the phone, re enters the pass in both devices, thinks of 4 different replies, writes the replies, changes IP again and likes all the replies made while also keep making new ones.
>All in one minute
Innate talent if you ask me.
Nope. That just what Troid, the newfag mod, wants you to think.
Troid doesn't want people telling off shitposters because he himself is a shitposter.
What he wants is for people to report and ignore so he can be the sole arbiter of what's seen as "good". If no one tells off shitposters, no one tells off his shipping cancer posts. Then if no one's telling them off, he can present the illusion of what he likes being popular. If everyone is telling off his shitposts, then he can't do that.
moot himself, even up until his last day here, said that user base self moderation and telling off shitposters is how a board stays good.
You already tried this, !Akemi. It's been explained how you don't have to ban evade because the mod is at best warning you. And your spam replies are always just a few words.
You're not special, smart, or "epic".
Please help
Okay he doesn't ban evade but he still needs to change IP, and also keep chaning it to like all the post, i mean, did you see how much likes were yesterday? he must have worked really hard
So, while I tell off !Akemi and rail against his shitposting, I usually have fitness and health videos playing on my other monitor. And I just realized what probably went wrong with !Akemi's life.
When he was a child he must have had an iodine deficiency from not eating correctly and that caused him to develop mental retardation.
If !Akemi's parents had given a shit about him and given him real foods, we wouldn't be having to deal with him today.
Ask Yuuta.
Why did you reply to your own post, again, your other post was basically the same.
You can't actually be this desperate to "trigger" anyone.
It's like you're trying to convince yourself you're making other people mad just through the sheer amount of spamming you do.
How many Likes did you get yesterday in that last Gridman thread friends?
Thank you buddy
How many times did you reset your IP yesterday alone, Austin.
Notice how !Akemi will never address that the thread with 100+ IPs in it died as soon as he fell asleep.
Notice how !Akemi will never address how extremely bad his behavior is.
Rikka is for lgd.
Bro these threads die because that one lunatic comes in here and starts mass-quoting everyone almost every single time. I stop Yea Forums X from watching these threads because I don't want it to be constantly triggered by a post that ends up being immediately deleted any way.
By the way, for all interested: The new Ultraman is garbage and in no way charming like Gridman.
Stop begging people to get upset at your posts, !Akemi. It's truely pathetic.
>mass quoting lol XDDDD holy shit i said it again
It sure is funny how people have been "mass quoting" your posts for years and only now you start saying something about it.
It's never been everyone. Every time you say this it instantly gives away who you are. Because the only posts that get linked are your shipping cancer ones and your meta nonsense. And that is in no way close to everyone.
And of course, you weren't even being replied to in the other thread, yet it still died even though it had more than a 100 IPs in it.
Thanks Trigger for making this canon!
Maybe you can self insert into Akane.
Don't open!
cute and scary
>charming like Gridman.
Let me tell you a secret, people doesn't like gridman because of that cringey toku shit
people still like it in spite of it,
They only like Rikka and Akane, the rest were irrelevant random literal who
Guess that explains the multiple Gridman figures as well.
i just want to put my big black cock inside her
Yep as we all know, those figure failed
Their marketing and ads campaign should give you that much
they don't even show gridman anymore, they only focused on Akane and Rika
So no source?
Fuck off. She is only for BYC (Big Yuta Cock)
Do you think trigger will blatantly announce that they failed selling those gridman figures?
their shift from gridman to Akane and Rikka during and after anime should give you enough clue
Stay in denial though
Why do you think anyone would get upset at your posts which are so blatantly pathetic?
I just really don't get it. You even brag about how you're trying to make people upset with your posts. So why would anyone let you do it? Do you think normal people are as irrational as you are?
And yes, it's obvious that all of these posts are yours.
Trigger wouldn't announce anything since they are not in charge of the figures.
okay bros how many times have u fapped to rikka's pics
>Production Committee
>not in charge
I love how you just announce it's you shitposting in every single thread. I love how you try to pretend you're not the one ruining threads.
>I never even watched this show but this one schizo-kun is so entertaining that I pretend to care about Rikka's and yuta's ship.
Tell me. Why should ANYONE think you're not the problem and the one who ruins threads?
Do you think every part of the production committee is in charge of every part of the production?
Rikka did 9/11