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Animated by literally who studio
Charles Gutierrez
Levi Gutierrez
Noah Scott
why are you bullying bocchi so early in the morning
is bullying in style or something
don't bring it in style
Kevin Butler
>Aru didn't give Nako a chop in the chapter after this
Henry Perez
Mako is literally me
Tyler Jenkins
Literally who VAs have been knocking it out of the park lately. Hitomi in Asobi Asobase, Kaguya in Kaguya-san, Kazuma in Konosuba.
Benjamin Parker
Your favorite seiyu didn't materialize on this plane with 50 shows under her belt. She started with 1 (maybe 2 or 3 simultaneously if she had a good agent and was an idol beforehand or something).
Jose Gomez
I'm worried that normalfags will start comparing it to Komi.
William Sanchez
I'd rather the best person rather than the most popular person do the job
I love it when I see a character that I didn't know was done by a seiyuu I like because it reminds me of how talented they are
Ayden Perez
>Look how they massacred my Bocchi