Animated by literally who studio

>animated by literally who studio
>voiced by literally who seiyuu

How bad would they butcher my daughter?

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Other urls found in this thread:

have some faith

Bocchi should attend school naked.

Everyone has to start somewhere.
If I had to guess, studio tries to ride a bit on the mitsubishi colors anime.

not much to butcher here tbhdesu


the studio did Harukana receive
everything about the bocchi adaption is screaming Shirobako to me

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Yea, let's go with a known studio like Silverlink. Look at this stunning background art they used for the movie. Not a terribly filtered photograph at all. Remember the colors anime? Beautiful, wasn't it? Actually, I just remembered, haha. Right, the Colors anime was one of the most amateurishly animated and visual directed of the past 3 years.

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Literally who voice actresses are CUTE

It only makes sense that Botchii should be animated and voiced by the Botchii's of their respective industries
The character designs do look like hot garbage though
Except for Nako it's imposible to make her look bad

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why are you bullying bocchi so early in the morning
is bullying in style or something
don't bring it in style

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 62 - Page 03.png (1336x1920, 473K)

>Aru didn't give Nako a chop in the chapter after this

Mako is literally me

Literally who VAs have been knocking it out of the park lately. Hitomi in Asobi Asobase, Kaguya in Kaguya-san, Kazuma in Konosuba.

Your favorite seiyu didn't materialize on this plane with 50 shows under her belt. She started with 1 (maybe 2 or 3 simultaneously if she had a good agent and was an idol beforehand or something).

I'm worried that normalfags will start comparing it to Komi.

I'd rather the best person rather than the most popular person do the job
I love it when I see a character that I didn't know was done by a seiyuu I like because it reminds me of how talented they are

>Look how they massacred my Bocchi

Jukki Hanada is doing the composition so we should be good

>animated by literally who studio
>voiced by literally who seiyuu

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Jukki Hanada is the writer so I'm still optimistic.

Every JS/JC should

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literally who

Wait so is Jukki Handa the composer or writer?

the studio did Harukana Receive before Bocchi

both it seems

What a cute married couple.

>Kazuma in Konosuba
user, I...

responsible for K-On, Love Live, Steins;Gate, Nichijou, Sora Yori...

>Harukana Receive
Now I'm more worried

>literally who manga
>animated by literally who studio
>voiced by literally who seiyuu
>watched by literally who anons
It all balances out in the end.

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That was a different director iirc

In the end all wil come to nothing, nothing matters, life is meaningless anyway.

This is the phylosophy for future Bocchi threads.

Aru's show is going to be AOTY and loved by everyone.

yeah we've got a an episode director from angel beats (who did episode 4 of HR) as the series director
also Harukana Receive had awful script composition/writing from notoriously bad Touko Machida
I've said it before, the animation in HR was beautiful it was just let down by poor direction and story
the bocchi anime seems to have everything it needs to punch above its weight
everyone is just anxious because they want bocchi to ganbaru

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Bocchi is that you?

It is easy to love the beautiful high-budget anime, loving the low-budget and downtrodden is what takes true strength.

Bocchi is the type of person to samefag her thread 50 times not realising how the IP count works

I am a lot like bocchi, but I am not strong like bocchi so I don't have any friends

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no she isn't, she is too pure hearted to even think about that
the most devious she has ever been is to delay doing some of her homework

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The weak should fear the strong

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the eyes looked weird in the PVs. I hope they'll fix that

in what way?

user you know how daring she becomes at night

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Is Bocchi willing to put her life on the line to inherit the Hokuto Shinken?

yes, with friendship

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Bocchi is cute! CUTE!


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you don't understand how strong she is

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or how fast she is

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 53 - Page 062.png (501x374, 61K)

Senryuu Shoujo shall shield Bocci from such things and take it unto itself.

I would be happy if she just forgot her pantsu for a day

Yeah, Colors was really disappointing. Everybody kept trying to tell me it was fine but I knew it wasn't. I would have killed just for NNB quality tbqh

That's more of an Aru gag
Speaking of Aru gagging

English VA


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s-she's fast!

I miss Mieru

I can see it now, the manga art is really cute.

I don't even know if you could top this cuteness with animation.

Of course you could, the manga's art isn't particularly intricate at all.

Looks fine to me.

wrong konosuba, rie was Literally Who until she did Megumin

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Why is my daughter so lewd.

Animation isn't some forbidden hidden magic, all it takes is effort and talent.

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Imagine a chapter focusing on nopan, nobra Bocchi.

please stop attempting to lewd the bocchi

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Senryuu is only a half-length show though

what does Bocchi need a bra for? she has no tits. I bet her nipples chafe rubbing against her school uniform

All JCs wear a bra, don't they?

when do new chapters for Bocchi/Colors come out? seems kind of sporadic

I want to lewd the Bocchi.

don't lewd the bocchi

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There's almost no art of Bocchi, but I can IMAGINE.

thats because people know they'll go to hell if they do

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>new seiyuus
Please watch more anime.

If Bocchi had big tits, she would have a lot of (male)friends.

not really, japanese boys are betas
look at Ebina-chan

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 37v2 - Page 05.png (506x377, 149K)

Why doesn't she just wear band-aids then? And then forgets the uniform.

I'm sure she can make many more long-lasting friends with her childish JC body.


senryu's adaptation will be the real tragedy next season

Mieru is Aru's sister

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That'd be a really funny chapter. I hope the anime sexualizes Bocchi.

I want to see Bocchi's panties and midriff

will bocchi still care about kai after making all her new friends?
I don't see my friends for about half a week and already stop caring about them

yes, she still cares and she is half way to befriending the class

Kai cries and vomits when she sees Bocchi in the Karaoke.
Bocchi also cries and vomit.

I'm glad Kai has friends at her new school, I used to dislike Kai but its clear it was just tough love and she cheats by indirectly talking to bocchi

How fuckable is Bocchi?

Bocchi doujins when?

Fuck that nazi bitch

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I bet she would make a lot of friends

Bocchi is IMAGINE tier

How fuckable are small JCs?

Is that a rhetorical question?

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Aru is a loser.

Bocchi's manga is actual magic though.

even if the animation is shit , and VA too
i will finally see my daughteru being animated.

>voiced by literally who seiyuu
The real question is why, though.

why not?

I don't know, I fear that she might not get any more roles in the future, especially if the anime ends up tanking. Like I mean the attrition rate for SoL newbie seiyuu is relatively high, just look at New Game as an example.

that will depend on her skill I guess

in all of them

But thats a good thing

I want to non consensually hold Bocchi's hand!!


I want to flip Bocchi's skirt in front of her male classmates.

imagine the softness

>voiced by literally who seiyuu
she sounds alright

What does the stand for?

god damn it, I meant the maru maru.

cast photo for ants

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the one with the plaid shirt is a hottie

Bocchi's seiyuu is cute

thats Aru's seiyuu

which one is Bocchi's seiyuu?

brown skirt
front row: Aru, Bocchi, Nako, Sotoka
back row: Kai, Kako, ???

middle back is the cutest.

oh the other one is Teru-chan

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Bocchi looks like a frumpy unfun stickler.

Good casting choice.

please don't bully Bocchi or her seiyuu

Attached: [Doki] Hitoribocchi no OO Seikatsu - Chapter 34v2 - Page 03.png (499x369, 48K)

the cutest is the one in the lavender shirt

go do some homework and follow the rules. we're gonna be over here having fun.

thats Minyami, her entire shtick is being cute

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well, she's got it right down to a science.

>voiced by literally who seiyuu
Letting new seiyuus shine? Screw that nonsense. She needs to be by Aoi Yuuki or Rie Takahashi.

their voices wouldn't fit Bocchi

Maru means circle and they are commonly used to censor words, like Manko.
Hitori Bocchi no maru maru seikatsu = The (Something so depraved that needs to be censored)'s life of Hotori Bocchi.

the gyaru transformation of hitori bocchi

The cock sleeve life of Hotiri Bocchi.

>voiced by literally who seiyuu
But that's the best kind of seiyuu one can get.
Watch more anime, you'll see that newbies often do an amazing job.

The completely forgotten and friendless life of Hitori Bocchi.

Bocchi had a friend.

She's got a friend in me.

she had no friends once Kai-chan went away

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Double money? Double ass? Double OK? It doesn't make any sense.

Bocchi is a monthly not sure about Colors though.

Look at the title.

goodnight frens

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I'm going to make Bocchi carry my baby.

Every English VA is literally who

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>Posting the pre-TV Nichijou OVA.

Can't believe Bochi bought all her friends.

I want to rape Nako

I dont care about seiyuu nor studio.

Have you watch its PV? They literally butched its charming & simple Design already.

Colors anime actually delivered despite lack of animation.

Bocchi is monthly but Doki are hacks who just release when they feel like it

I wonder if we will get bad end Boch

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>anime designs are trash
>Anime will bring in anime-only shitposters

I'm not looking forward to this


Wouldn't it be funny if I punched Bocchi in the stomach and she started crying?

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>future Bocchi threads
no, I just caught up with the manga
I don't want anime-onlys

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Accept me and your future

Sometimes you just gotta have faith.
Pic related, Sugimoto from Golden Kamuy. Manly man, growling, snarling, screaming vows of determination and death threats in the heat of combat. Can't be having your usual "guy that voices 16-year old self inserts" doing the work. Who's it gonna be?
Anime comes around, they got a fucking nobody. Chikahiro Kobayashi. Dude is in his 30s, and has fucking nothing in his resume besides "Man in background/man doing job" and he just knocks it out of the fucking park. He does everything well, macho combat voice, reserved cool manliness, goofy comedic breeziness.
So now I don't get too worried about this or that, people gotta make a name for themselves somewhere.

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Bocchi will soon have lots of anime only friends!

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I can't stop laughing at bocchi getting hit in the stomach and vomiting in pan.