Did he ever actually do anything evil?

He was the best boy and he didn't do anything wrong.

I'm by no means trying to retcon or deny the "he married an old woman just to kill her and steal her fortune" thing but it seems really out of character for Diego and I'd like to remind everyone we got that piece of information as a rumor from Johnny, a notorious piece of shit and liar that hates him, so
Just thought that was worth mentioning

him and hot pants are pretty good couple

Do people consider Mountain Tim a good guy? He probably wouldn!t have helped if he wasn’t a pedo

how can one person write something beautiful like SBR and something shitty like SDC

he got better

>part 3
>not beautiful
fuck off

No, Diego was awesome and best Dio design. I wish the Hot Pants teamup had lasted a bit longer.

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Are we shitposting SDC now? It's still a good arc, but it really is the worst part to feature Stands and is arguably no better than BT.
Iconic, traditional, etc. don't mean shit now that we have access to the other parts. SDC is as vanilla as soft serve ice cream.