Margaret Atwood has recently argued that the Appendix on the Principles of Newspeak at the end of 1984 implies that...

Yes but it still may exist. When Winston asks O'Brien if there actually is a resistance O'Brien tells him that he will never know.

Why does lit hate Atwood?

The state of the world seemed more or less permanent to me.

I've never actually read her so I'm not sure if the hate is political in nature or if it's because she's a bad writer. Certainly she is outspoken politically, more so than other authors, so at least some of the hate must be due to that. Is she actually a good writer?

Pynchon is a hack

I think her writing is pretty decent personally, don't really know about her opinions

They don't.

shit writer, shit opinions, what is there to like about her?

I’d argue it’s more like Yea Forums just doesn’t give a fuck about her. We barely know who Emily Bronte is.

It's an interpretation i had arrived to indipendently when I was 13. Then I told my teacher and he explained to me patiently that i was being retarded and that simply, for most of history, people have talked of What happens in a book of fiction to the past as to imply that it only happened in the book which you've allready read Since You're having a conversation on it.
Marghy litteraly was never corrected by an Authority figure in her developing years; That's How you get Marxists and feminists. I propose Castor Oil.