How dark is this and how deep is gonna fuck me up...

it's because other people don't get lost in their own self created neurotic delusions but instead open up to the world and experience it freely

im aware that im not the first "schizoposter" to say shit like this about dubs, i know that i'm a living meme, which in itself feels like a cheeky little cosmic wink-wink-nudge-nudge. it is just enough of a pinch to be infuriatingly in-my-face. i want an answer that isn't drugs or just refusal to participate in worldly life. tried taoism and some hindu stuff, various attempts at syncretic neopagan practices. the rare occasions when i can calm down enough and have free, alone time to lose myself in playing guitar or reading beautiful things are the only moments when the spiritual sensation changes from "in flames" to "falling from the building but hey its kinda like im flying"... for any of you DFW fans.

Cioran and Yeats are soothing.

Well, I was thinking more along Nietzsche, but sure. Camus is good as well.

anons need some of that Gay Science

you think that was crazy? check these puppies out

Attached: doublesguy10.jpg (934x625, 60K)


Very bland materialism

the dubs that rocked the very foundations of my beliefs


>thats just begging the question because you believe humans are merely biological computers. How would you know computers can work in a deterministic universe when you might not actually be in one?
You're being disingenuous. If you understand what determinism means and how computers work, it is safe to assume that computers can work in a deterministic universe, even if we weren't in one. If you're willing to question even such a basic assumption, then you're the radical skeptic, even though you accused determinists of that.

>We can have a self in a universe where there are really existing immaterial concepts.
How would you go about proving the existence of an immaterial "concept"? Also, what's your definition of "concept"? Concepts are things that exist within the mind, yet you somehow think that the mind itself is an immaterial concept? How does that work?

>I agree they do tend to believe that, my point is that if they were really honest about it they would admit they have no basis to say they "believe" anything. How can a computer believe something?
What better basis do you have to believe anything? Or do you concede that you're just a skeptic and you don't really believe anything?

>But to say that it is the only ground for knowledge doesn't work. Did you come to know that through empirical evidence?
Of course it isn't the only ground for knowledge. As I said, unless you believe in the uniformity of Nature you can't even begin the process of empirical induction. But why do we believe in the uniformity of Nature? We are exposed to regular phenomena and we come to see patterns in those phenomena. This is something that even AIs can learn to do. In the last instance it is a matter of identifying structures so you could say that our belief in the uniformity of Nature is due to our innate aptitude for logic and mathematics. This does not imply the existence of immaterial souls since even AIs can do this and nearly nobody seems to believe AIs have souls: it's more plausible to assume we're just biological machines.

wow sure am glad i came back to check this thread. an hero 5 real.

but seriously guys don't worry about me. i am very determined, just frustrated. i promise i will live at least long enough to write something i'm happy with.