Rank All of DFW books

rank All of DFW books

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never read any and don't intend to

Late DFW is best, so Pale King and Oblivion come out on top. Oblivion is obviously the best short story collection since it has Wallace’s two best short stories, “Good Old Neon” and “The Soul Is Not a Smithy.”

>that top comment

Someone who kill themselves has no respect for themselves, so why would you and read his works, which are homosexual to the core.

Very based.
Also I really like "another pioneer".


Let me rank all of the ones I read

r8 my list

based af. I've read all he's written at least twice, and IJ and Oblivion three times. You're right on the money, except I would add "Mister Squishy" as one of the greats, because when you really understand it, it blows your mind. I feel like Good Old Neon is easier to understand.
Brief Interviews is not that great upon a second reading.
Underrated is the Girl with Curious Hair collection. Though most stories aren't that great, the titular story is a great read (though essentially written to discredit BEE) "Here and There" has always stuck with me, and seems like seminal DFW in the way it gets under your skin. Also "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way" is really amazing, and the prototype to IJ and in some ways even better through its brevity
The Broom of the System really is a mind-blower, if you read the whole thing. But I would say the Pale King was his best.
The best thing he's written, imo, is the irrelevant chris fogle chapter in the Pale King.

Pathetic huh.

Mate, could you shine a little light on Mister Squishy for me? I'd love to hear more about it

very curious about this

Infinite Jest is the best thing he wrote.

The Soul is Not a Smithy comes in second.

The Pale King probably would’ve been awesome if he finished it.

Just read articles about how David Foster Wallace abused women and go "fuck yeah! Fuck yeah, Dave! Nice!" while you read them.

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Ranking by book is a bit irrelevant because he only ever finished one novel. TPK is fragmented enough for some passages to be considered stand alone shorts.

Little Expressionless animals is probably my favorite thatI’ve read
TPK has a couple fantastic stories also

Just read the soul is not a smithy because of your posts. Shit was great. Didn't 'get' all of it, but there's clearly something seeded and roving about in my head, and I will read it again.

"Infinite Jest" is obviously great and was DFW blowing his entire literary load but "Broom of the System" is by comparison so economical and fun I'm almost tempted to say I had a better time reading it than Infinite Jest, even if it's not as "good"

BotS is such a probably-not-completely-intentional novel length shitpost
like there was one part of his brain that wanted to write a serious novel and one part that just wanted to write a bunch of self-professed wank and they somehow synthesized into something that's both but also neither

Essays > Infinite Jest > Short Stories > Early Fiction

Can someone PLEASE explain what Mr. Squishy is about?

his childhood molestation

your post sucks

Wow, didn’t realise how based he was

good post

I'm being genuine: can someone please help this story 'click' for me? Or at least put me in the right direction??

A genuine nigga would never use a colon like that.

Oblivion > Infinite Jest > Brief Interviews > All the other CRAP

A nigga can use my colon however he damn well please.

5/10. The average ranking.

Why did Weezer become a reddit meme?

Every DFW fan acts like that on reddit. Somebody asked a while ago if his suicide note was ever released and the comments acted like he called him a nigger.

This post is absolutely corrected. How IJ is meme'd beyond TPK is beyond me.