This book literally made me a fascist. Dick is a genius. Would highly recommend

This book literally made me a fascist. Dick is a genius. Would highly recommend

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pick one

I'd rather be a fascist than a genius

PKD is one of my favorite authors, but I found TMITHC to be one of his more underwhelming works. 3 Stigmata will always be my favorite; a lot of his lesser praised works I found to be the jewels in his bibliography.

TV Show was unironically better

Come on man, I don't like /pol/ either, but every culturally significant political movement has attracted its share of exceptional minds.

how would you rate Ubik?

I've been putting that one off. In the Exegesis, PKD outlined what he thinks the correct order to read his later books should be, so I'm going to follow that.

Fuck off LARP'er
If you had any kind of tradition, or belief, or semblance of intelligence, it would not be swayed by some random pulp novel.
What mommy didn't suckle you when you were a baby, or you didn't get your tendies that you're so fucking desperate for attention from people you don't know and who don't give a shit if you live or die?

Yes, I fucking hate what you have all turned the internet into. Die already you fucking cumstains.

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what's the recommended reading order??

this book made me a fascist

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This book made me a fascist

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society made me one

Read this then.

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Watch the show, it’s better than the book

I think the opposite actually.

It's fucking terrifying. Fits under horror.

Yukio Mishima, D.H. Lawrence and W.B. Yeats are worth reading if you want to see some literature not necessarily fascist in nature but at least written by fascists. Knut Hamsun is quite based, too.

I'm already a fascist at heart, will I enjoy this book?

genius presupposes hierarchy and elitism
hierarchy is anti-egalitarian and elitist
fascism is anti-egalitarian and elitist

it's not a bullet-proof argument, but genius and fascism go well together.

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We live in a society meme, but you happen to be retarded.

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>In the Exegesis, PKD outlined what he thinks the correct order to read his later books should be, so I'm going to follow that.
what page?


The book is one of his clearest anti-fascist books. The fact that no one has pointed this out ... the stupidity of this board never ceases to surprises me ...

how is it anti-fascist, elaborate

That's like saying you became a hebephile thanks to Lolita or a violent rapist thanks to Clockwork Orange... You're missing the point.

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/pol/ please.

Okay buddy so basically they lie to you in school but some very big brained men were seriously convinced fascism was the way forward and then they lost so we don’t like to acknowledge it anymore

Dick considered Jews as human beings, for one

It's funny you should say that since fascism is the easiest ways to control idiots through populism. It's basically blaming all your problems on everyone else. With Germany suffering all the damage from WW1 it was the perfect time for such a stupid ideology to fall on ears.

>b-but Hitler and his people fixed Germany after WW1

Germany has enough resources to make it idiot-proof. After being almost wiped out of the map after WW2, it's today's richest country in Europe despite being run by kikes and passed around like a whore between America and Russia for decades

the first season unironically is. but whatever you do, stop after season 2
absolutely no one needs to see what the Jews do with it after that