What parts do i skip

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more like which parts should I read twice

The front cover, copyright information page, and the blank page.

But I like the copyright page



nice burn

how much of a fucking dilettante do you have to be to think like this?

read all of it, my friend. if you plan on reading it and are asking this question, then put the book away and don't bother. read it when you're ready to read it all.

a book as unique and idiosyncratic as this is all about the voyage, the senseless, mysticism, the cluelessness, about how you instinctively feel and cogently think about every bit Joyce throws at you.

The part where he talks about Nora farting into his mouth.


Realistically, Ulysses is possibly on of mankind's greatest achievements. The exhilaration you will get approaching the end cannot be matched except by actual love.

>t. dry vagene lawyer

>t. Satan
You would know

I unironically always read the copyright information for every book I read, now.

Ulysses. By James Joyce. Filthy, hoary book. Some teenagers enjoy it. Needs to be burned.

wrong. here's what i want you to do: read the first three chapters (i know, proteus is a bitch). then, stop there, and skip all the way (you'll thank me later) HALFWAY into oxen of the sun. continue on until the end.

trust me.

>The exhilaration you will get approaching the end cannot be matched except by actual love.

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What parts do I skip?

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just finished Infinite Jest, then I'm going to work through V and the big Pinecone 3. Should I give Ulysses a shot - what's the general gist of it, like setting n that?

It's Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man 2

read the whole thing fuck is wrong with you

This is a complete lie. While Portrait is a prerequisite to Ulysses any of the sections of Dubliners are superior. Likewise Ulysses itself is ethereal compared to Portrait. It does not go through an evolution but is supreme from the beginning and until the end.

>V and the big Pinecone 3
Excellent band name

This is retarded and skips the best section. After the first three chapters it is easy to finish the rest.

What's the pynchon 3? GR, of course. Then what? Mason and Dixon, Lot 49?

GR, MD and ATD