Books on seduction?

Books on seduction?

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Dante's Divine Comedy

How can one series drop so badly in quality

The game

as someone who has resorted to studying seduction to get women, stop now. it's better to accept love for what it is than to learn manipulation in order to get the fruits of love.

Ovid - The Art of Love

Some great advice like "When seducing a woman who is particularly chaste, seduce her close friend first. Once you have her confidence transition to the real object of infatuation."

The art of seduction by Robert Greene

Love doesn't exist, so i don't get your point.
You just learn how to get what you want by using a strategy instead of relying on chance.

>Love doesn't exist
underage frog

>Love exists
Underage college boy

The fact that someone disagrees with you doesn't mean that they are underage user. If you have a different view about love you should post your argument.

>it's better to accept love for what it is than to learn manipulation in order to get the fruits of love.
I'm not trying to obtain the fruits of love.

Great works of didactic literature must speak to the spirit of their age.

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you will never "seduce" a woman if you aren't tall, muscular, and handsome, and if you are those things, its easy as fuck to "seduce" women and you don't need a book to tell you how to do it.

Swoon: Great Seducers and Why Women Love Them - Betsy Prioleau

And what do you want? Sex?

You don't like that?

I don't like what? Sex? Or the fact that you want sex (I assume, since you don't answer to my question)?


I don't care to have sex with a woman I don't care about in some way. Doesn't need to be THE LOVE OF MY LIFE but at least a girl I like in some way, not just some random girl I don't give a fuck about, don't know anything about and maybe even dislike. At that point I'd rather just masturbate.

What you do is no concern of mine.

certainly not my dairy desu

Is it good

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Assuming you mean novels and not Red Pill instruction manuals

Nana and Bel-Ami

The latter should help deter any "reee women" aftertaste.

>the literal book of love is nowhere to be seen in this thread
you joke ass niggas

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I went through a horribly obsessive oneitis when I was 24 that led me to read enough pick up, sexuality, and socializing books to write a literature review. The kicker: I learned recently that the girl I had the oneitis for was initially attracted to me, but I acted so weird and like such a pussy that I missed my chance.

Aside from the obvious rec of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, there are only two dating books I'd really recommend:

Models by Mark Manson. It teaches you how to become attractive to women.

The Manual by W. Anton. It explains female sexuality, albeit in a slightly chauvinistic way.

Those are essential. 99% of the rest of the books on that subject are bullshit.

> Simplicity in dress is what best befits a man. Theseus conquered Ariadne without troubling about the way his hair was done. Phædra fell in love with Hippolytus, who certainly was not a dandy. Adonis, a simple woodlander, was the idol of a goddess. Study to be clean, let your skin be tanned in the open air, wear well-cut clothes, and see there are no spots on them. Have a clean tongue, and let your teeth be free from tartar; and don't slop about in boots that are two or three sizes too big for you.
> Don't let your hair stick up in tufts on your head; see that your hair and your beard are decently trimmed. See also that your nails are clean and nicely filed; don't have any hair growing out of your nostrils; take care that your breath is sweet, and don't go about reeking like a billy-goat. All other toilet refinements leave to the women or to perverts.

Still works today

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I think "shower, shave and brush your teeth" was a bigger deal 2000 years ago. Everyone does that

Nah man, if you’re calculating with your behavior, people will be able to tell and will avoid you.
Read the pua shit if you want, but really it all comes down to improvement of character and shit like excercise and good hygiene/grooming.

Oh, and if it’s seduction itself you want to learn, you’re better off just reading a very small amount (book of pook) and immediately putting it to practice. Low chance of success if you’re not already handsome or naturally charming to an extent.