Last 6 books ive read. Rate my taste

Last 6 books ive read. Rate my taste.

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Ugly books, no taste.


Lil bit


I mean, if this is what you’re into...

Definitly very mythologically/historically driven at the moment with my pickings. The fantasy of those legends definitly intrests me more lately then a better written story from a different genre.

S. H. I. T

Got any recomendations? Im after anything with rich legends of either historical or mythological background.

just read mythology by edith hamilton and get it all over and done with


Go read Paradise Lost and On War

Man i had that in my hand today but chose against it. is it any good? i definitly dont think ill be done with the genre for a little while. no matter how informative a book may be. Theres definitly an espect of enjoyment over knowledge in it when i read, and theres plenty different artistic interpretations of history and myth to keep me entertained for a while longer.

Shots bro. Will do

Hamilton's Mythology is just a general overview of mainly Greek myths, with some Roman and Norse thrown in.

If you want something more in depth, get The Greek Myths by Robert Graves. His version also includes extensive footnotes as to the origins of these myths, so you can cross check with other books.

Or if you want one of the original sources that's frequently cited, read Apollodorus's The Library of Greek Mythology.

Also, if you liked The Divine Comedy, read Milton's Paradise Lost.

Good books and good covers OP, but place them apart from each other so as not to diminish their aesthetics like pic related

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Pretty entry level and basic bitch tier but not bad books

This (pic related). He also have another book but for Hebrew myths

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This is what im working towards. I read one book a week. But buy quicker then i read. So in 6 months i should have this and in a year i wouldve read through it.

Definitly gonna check those out. Thankyou

Definitly want to get into hebrew history and myth. Is his novel a good place to start or should i start with more basic religious texts first?

look like those shitty ornamental books assholes buy to decorate their rooms with.

My main focus is for the content. But i purposely buy the nice covers for that very reason. However being an asshole costs me 20$ more.

It's not really a novel, but a compendium of all characters, places, and gods in both mythologies

depends on translations of homer and dante

It’s missing Tolkien and the Biblical texts. Otherwise top tier my boy.

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Low IQ. learn ancient Greek and Latin first, then start learning these.

Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell (or Jordan Peterson if that's more your speed) for more understanding of the significance of myths.

Maybe some Tolkien so you can geek out trying to figure out what sources he drew inspiration from, now that you're decently well read in norse and Greek mythology

No. It's just a summary of myths. For example, there are chapters summarizing Jason and the Argonauts and Homer. It's useful as an encyclopedia of Greek myths but it shouldn't be your main experience with any story.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to read
"Art Of War" it is the pinnacle of "pseudo intellect.


>Ornamental covers like sodas and candies
Disgusting. Not that dust sleeves are any better.
Also checked

Please, go more in depth with your reasoning user.


>rate my taste
it’s shit if you need it validated here. I mean, clearly you walked into Barnes and noble and picked up the fancy looking “lit” books they literally sell right near the entrance for like 25 dollars a hardcover. Reading isn’t a hobby or passion for you, it’s a brand you can add to your personality. By reading them, or rather taking pictures of them, you are trying to cultivate your brand as a “literati”. Which is pretty lame/fucked up. Why not just read some books and stfu? Maybe say “I read these six books, I liked/hated them because ____. What would you recommend?” Instead you went “haha I Read™. Rate my Taste™”. Well if I must, it’s shit. Go to a used bookstore and browse for some random shit and buy it for 2 bucks and fucking read it and then ask without a picture (you actually took the effort to frame all 6 covers in one photograph too! Most normal people might’ve put them in a stack, but you had to reveal how you spent your post-tax post-rent dispensable income last month, since they have faaaaancy covers. Are you gonna show us funko pops next?) for some random recommendations. Here’s my recommendation: don’t ever read again. You should not be allowed near a bookstore. We need one of those “sex offender list” things for people like you — maybe “literature offending registration.” If you go within 200 feet of a library or bookstore, a SWAT team shows up to keep you from the rest of us. If you use your fingers to separate two pieces of paper and then ocularly harass their surface area, you get sent to prison for 15 years. You make me sick, I’m going to take a fat shit now and think about you while I read good books like Mason and Dixon and Women and Men.

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