I think white people are just more successful

No matter where I go in the world, I find that white people just seem to do better because they are better looking, and that they find each other easier to be around with.

Ultimately, it's working together that produces long term wealth. White people simply work together better on average because it's not so irritating looking at each other as much.

And I'm Chinese so I got no reason in being biased in this. The uglier the people, the poorer the country. Life is really more of a game of genetics and wealth.

Attached: 1-thinking-man-tinjoe-mbugus.jpg (600x400, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/TheBookOfNinjaTheFirstCompleteTranslation/The Book of Ninja The First Complete Translation_djvu.txt

Explain Iceland. Ugly fucks abound.

>for thousands of years Chinese, Indians and Middle Eastern people do better than white people
>in the last few hundred years white people start doing better
I guess the genetics changed in the early modern period

How were they doing better?

The nation state was created by and for the white man so of course it's going to serve him, his people and their culture the best

White people are going to die lel. There is no way they survive this century.

There literally more white people now than ever before in history

Doesnt matter if all white countries are being flooded. They dont need to die out. Just let the other become a major population in their countries and then watch what is going to happen, especially middle eastern muslims and subsaharan nigros. The remaining whites are going to be minority with no culture or genocided.

By what ever critiera you believe white people are doing better now

also asian, this also was my eventual conclusion

not all white countries are being flooded, and if it comes to civil war, you should probably look at how that turned out before in history.

Well jews were a minority in white countries for about 2 millenia and yet they are still here.
I think whiteys will be the new jews.

By every criteria imaginable

Why do asians have such an inferiority complex? literally all of the asian dudes I know in campus are racist insecure incels who want to "preserve western civilization"

Jews do not view "Jewsness" the same way white nationalists view whiteness

My anecdotal example: my super-senior year in college, I had a gay Icelandic roommate. He was very attractive and well-proportioned.

t. gay white guy

My dad once told me that the united states was the only country that made a profit after hosting the olympics.
He said among the things they did was selling the grass from the fields.

Jews are like hyper white nationalists. They are white nationalism to the nth power. They called themselves the fucking Chosen People of God, and call everyone else Goyim(cattle). They believe in a bloodline of Chosenness.

White nationalists are nowhere near as extreme about race as basic Jews. White nationalists try to unite disparate European peoples under a common banner. Israel tests for Ashkenazi DNA for citizenship, what other country does that?

>They called themselves the fucking Chosen People of God
It's not meant as a racial supremacist statement, they believe god gave them the mission of spreading their faith, but they do not get any preferential treatment on judgement day, at least that's what I read when I looked into it (not that it matters, most jews aren't even religious, it's an ethnic identity at this point).
>They believe in a bloodline of Chosenness
Jews have always been open to racial mixing throughout history, their identity is ensured to continue simply because it is passed through the mother's side.
>White nationalists try to unite disparate European peoples under a common banner
White nationalism is a 21st century meme ideology that does not exist outside of the US, we've been killing each other for centuries in Europe and if you think the average German skinhead sees the average Russian as a white compatriot you're delusional.
>Israel tests for Ashkenazi DNA for citizenship
I would like a source on this claim

>t. gay white guy
You are part of the problem, if you are good looking and at least average iq breed with white women.

>spreading their faith
They are against the idea of people converting to Judaism.
>average German skinhead sees the average Russian as a white compatriot
They view them as preferable to non whites.
>White nationalism is a 21st century meme ideology
Everything starts as a meme and a larp user.

White people are done lmao. Retards are going to argue about it but in the end the west is doomed to become third world. Good night whitey.

But aren't brown people equally capable as whites?
Don't be racist user, the west will continue to be economically prosperous and technically innovative.

No the west is going to become syria and turkeylike or ghetto detroit like.

Poverty leads to crime and religious fundamentalism.

Ah, British Colonialism, you've done it again. The Empire Strikes Back. They may have lost all their colonies but they still got their crass, sadist, English humor.

>They view them as preferable to non whites.
Not really I have much more in common with brown people who share my language and culture and live peacefully alongside me than I do with white American KKK type people who want us all to hate each other. I have nothing in common with that guns and bible and country music shit

Basically, selective neurotoxins for the amygdala would cure racists.

because youre a fucking pussy who probably lavishly adores the criminal brown people in your country who are the counterpoint to the KKK that your media doesn't even allow you to talk about

your children are being raped en masse by foreigners and you focus on the fucking KKK? a defunct impotent American organization, in a country you don't even live in?

Iceland is not one of the succesful white countries. They have nice standard of living but they contributed fuck all.

>the asian dudes
>who want to "preserve western civilization"
what the fuck?
are you making that up?

I agree and disagree. I dont believe it has something to do with looks. I believe it has something to do with honor, environment, team work and respect. the european cultures (altho flawed in these respect sometimes) worked more towards these things than any other race as a whole. We see other cultures from different races also work towards these values and they also florished till savages took hold of them.

>your children are being raped en masse by foreigners
The American view of Europe is truly astonishing


>oh no why didnt these 300 000 people on a volcanic island contribute to history

read the edda's you mong

But we were talking about how does a german skinhead feels, not you.

*is less than half of his country its population*

i think we still have a better chance than you lmao

Not him but what country are you from.
Because i'm European and i have the same view as he does.

yeah look at Rotterdam and the pools in Germany. Or wait you can't, because your country blocks the news

I'm not, one guy posts weird shit on his social media about IQ and immigrants from some white nationalist sources, It's some /pol/ tier content.

It can be done. Changing the immigration policies to stop any non-white from entering and deporting as many as possible while at the same time allowing European white men of good character to immigrate.

on the contrary, white people are the most individualistic race.
Try to get them to do anything as a team if money is not involved.
you wont be able to because that requires the majority of the group to sacrifice some freedom and that is seen as conformist.

based chin chon chan

It's impossible for them to imagine that other countries might not have the same problems with race in the exact same way that America has. Most Americans know absolutely nothing about the world beyond their borders.

The UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Northern Italy created modernity. The rest if you cunts are just along for the ride.

How is he wrong?

kek what a cucked faggot
this remind me of my embarrassing 17 y/o self when i was a brown /pol/ nazi lmaooo

I'm not even American, i just am not lying to myself. you the the mass rape of white girls in England by Muslims in a dozen cities if not more is normal?

Explain how he's right. Despite all the /pol/ rhetoric, Europe remains a peaceful crime-free place to live, largely devoid of racial tension. The American culture of crime, violence and racial conflict is unthinkable here, and as pointed out, the average White European has far more in common with his Muslim neighbours than he does with some white American person.

Why don't whites just move to africa and use it's natural resources to make it the richest continent on the planet?

does being a bastard have anything to do with it?

>the average White European has far more in common with his Muslim neighbours than he does with some white American person
Name one thing that i have in common with a kebab
>Europe remains a peaceful crime-free place to live
If you live in a white area, the crime rates in any place with a large non white population are insane.

>the average White European has far more in common with his Muslim neighbours
Have you been to the Parisian banlieues or Marseille? you think that's harmony and cultural commonality?

Have you seen the Swedish or Dutch Muslim ghettos, that's integration in your mind?

God i hate christcucks so much.

Lower crime than any American city. I actually live in one of these are, and the propaganda is just that, propaganda. Europe remains low in crime with a peacefully integrated immigrant population. The American phenomenon of ghettos and racial violence is unheard of.
You share more with a 'kebab' than you do with a white American with his guns and bible and country and western, and a brief visit to Alabama will prove this to you

They already tried that, but they got kicked out by the africans.
So they bought resources from the war lords instead and moved out to their countries.
Now the Chinese are moving in with the intention of making it their home and unlike the whites they will succeed because there is so many of them.

>You share more with a 'kebab' than you do with a white American
Name one thing that i have in common with them.

you know that poor white areas in America are on par with poor white areas in Europe for crime rates? You know that the crime rates in Vermont and Maine are equivalent to very white countries in Europe?

you realize that the high american crime rates are entirely tied to black and hispanic crime?

Has nothing to do with the gun toting redneckes your censored media have fed you as explanation for violence in that country.

>got kicked out by the africans
lel, it isn't how it happened
>Now the Chinese are moving in with the intention of making it their home
One has to love the gooks

I'm from France? those places have always been shitholes even before immigration spiked
Do you believe immigrants only exist in Paris and Marseille?

This just isn't true.
The peaks of Chinese, Indian (see the Mauryan Empire, which was larger in land than the modern Indian state), and Persian civilization were right around the Classical ages of Rome and Greece, who were Indo-European (and so were the Persians).
Nonwhite civilizations had their peak well after European civilization had risen, save for Egypt and Sumeria. And they haven't risen independently since, with the notion of rising being synonymous with Westernizing.
And Euro civilization regressed with the social collapse of Rome, and entered new heights in the age of printing.
In fact, advanced European civilization is far older than the Chinese, I'd argue, because Chinese history has literal mythological kung fu fantasy during the time Roman Empire was towards its "end" in Western Europe. The historical sources, the social cohesion, and the writing are all much stronger in Rome and Greece.

Attached: 1537671554500.jpg (835x1165, 281K)

are whiter cities in France nicer than cities with more blacks and arabs, think about it for half a second. You really can't see the correlation?

I disagree. However you might possibly be talking about certain cultures wich in todays day and age are nothing more than cultures standing on those of old. i do not believe america or the modern europe falls in line with what i praised the white race for. As a matter of fact i believe we have fallen greatly. We are still holding on because those that came before built us a very strong base. But were letting savages tear them down. Unironicly japan and russia are the countrus that hold these values i listed the closest to heart. Altho japan lacks pride and bravery and russia severally lacks a sense of brotherhood with its allies. Europe needs a war. And many many people need to die. But the survivors would be able to take the world over again, no matter how many shitskins there are to face them. America is doomed.

Rotherham is remarkable because it was so wildly beyond the scale of normality, trying to treat it as a norm is absurd. It also arose in very different circumstances - it's a problem with race but it's a completely different set of problems to those America has. Rotherham was allowed to happen pretty much entirely as a result of local councils in the UK being institutionally corrupt.
The story that it was political correctness that allowed it to happen is nonsense - the reality is that Rotherham council learned about the case over a decade before it came out and they refused to investigate it because the solicitor who discovered it also reported that the reason it was allowed to go on was because the council-run children's services were terribly run by abusive staff. The council's response to this was to fire her and immediately delete the report.

The political corruption aspect of Rotherham got totally overshadowed by people substituting in tabloid muslim scare stories, as a result of which the councilors who allowed it to happen with full awareness of it walked away free when they should have been strung up with the rape gang. That's what I mean when I say Americans don't understand that different countries can have different types of problems to America.


Bullshit, Maine has a higher homicide rate per capita than the entirety of fucking France

It happened in a dozen other cities in your country.

>those places have always been shitholes even before immigration
lel the magic soil theory?

Forgive him, he's German. They're brainwashed about the US, they think only dumb ass KKK rednecks are racist.

That's also true, but let's not pretend that rapes aren't increasing with non-white immigrants.

1.7 and 1.6 are 'comparable'.

More like the "poor blue collar commieblock outskirts of the city tend to have more crime than the fucking suburbs" theory

well im telling you this cause i went to jail and this is what i saw.
hispanics-everyone helps each other nobody messes with them
blacks-kind of helps each other but in a half assed way
whites-everybody for themselves fuck you i got enough problems, gets harrased by everyone constantly.

>Europe remains a peaceful crime-free place to live

>largely devoid of racial tension

>the average White European has far more in common with his Muslim neighbours than he does with some white American person
Kinda true. Americans (even whites) are like an alien race to us, but we are all heavily Americanized through their shitty media anyway.

that's magic soil theory, suburbs are created by specific people as are ghettos

Even Paris alone is comparable to Maine per capita, clearly this is a US gun problem

Oh. Well no. i dont think the people inside of a jail represent the values of a succesfull culture well. If anything what u saw was cultures well acustomed to jail.

Include the banlieues in the parisian murder rate and get back to me. That country doesnt even record race because they think it's racist.

White genocide is inevitable to stop racism forever.

>Crime rate in France
>In 1971, the rape rate stood at 2.0 per 100,000 people.[3]While in 1995, it was 12.5.[4] In 2009, it stood at 16.2.
What is happening baguette boy?

For frequently similar reasons - my opinion is that pretending people were scared of political correctness is a bullshit excuse used by people who didn't want to take action for other reasons. Namely that they had too much to lose and didn't think it was their problem.
Saville raped children for years and got away with it, the Catholic church did the same. In both these cases there was no fear of political correctness, yet they weren't investigated either. Even if the Pakistani gangs were white they would have got away with it.

That's true in the sense that white people are the only ones who make a big deal out of racism.

Saville belonged to the elite, which along with the Catholic churches are immensely powerful organizations. Why are poor Muslims raping white girls being afforded the same level of protection?

Think about it for a second.

Name a poor white group that got away with mass child rape.

Then let them die.

[Citation needed]

We're civilized here, marital rape is a punishable offense.


How the fuck do you rape your wife?
she is literally YOUR

You should be so lucky.

None of this proves Paris crime rates excludes minorities.
The US does this as well, you can't even compile a federal source of who the police shoots at

France does not have a database of crimes by race. They banned it.

>They banned it.

Those are mostly Scandinavian in origin.

>Using French data, we find that the share of immigrants in the population has no significant impact on crime rates once immigrants' economic circumstances are controlled for, while finding that unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed nonimmigrants.

>while finding that unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed nonimmigrants.
oh no no no no

Really? That's sad. I once had an argument with a couple of people on random video on youtube about gun rights after the concert shooting in France by a kebab and how they should've been armed. A number of Europeans, one of whom, a male I believe, said he would be terrified of holding a gun, considered me an uneducated redneck because I saw gun ownership as a virtue.

kill da whitey

I can't think of any that got caught doing it at all in any organized fashion.

Easy access to guns like in the US is objectively dumb, though and what you suggested is dumb.

The problem with the kebab shooter is that he was in Europe at all, not that other people weren't armed.

This, don't forget the UK child sex trafficking ring.

> no matter where i go in the world...
perhaps that's because the world is full of uneducated cultural cuckolds like yourself who lionise europeans just like massuh told you to
> it's not so irritating looking at each other...
you understand that your standards of beauty were essentially force-fed to you by hollywood, right?
> And i'm chinese...
The achievements and history of the chinese are well recorded - it's as vibrant as the annals of any european nation. it makes me feel sad to see how the youth of other cultures are forsaking their people and birthright because of the mass culture machine from the west. the light is there, but your eyes are closed.

This, also as we speak arabs and blacks are fighting each other in the streets of Grenoble, a group of sangniggers killed a nignog recently.
I hope they enjoy their "Mourir-Ensemble"

See, exactly like this, it's typical European effeminacy.

I bet i could crush your skull with my bare hands burger

>force-fed to you by hollywood,
Hollywood is constantly trying to promote non whites.
>the youth of other cultures are forsaking their people
I bet you don't feel this way in regards to europeans.

doesn't matter does it, if you won't crush the skulls of your invaders, instead you send your anger out at Americans. you don't think maybe someone taught you that impulse?

Well, it is European effeminacy. This aversion to "easy access to (just a euphemism to disguise your fear of guns)" guns. Guns aren't the problem. It's nonwhites. White-majority countries are often low in terms of homicides by gun.

Lol, non-sense. I lived in a ghetto in Frankfurt as a white young male and was unable to leave my apartment after like 10 pm because it was guaranteed you would be mugged, most likely at gunpoint. During the year I lived there 2 people got shot in the park right next to my building. These ghettos are all driven by tribalist mentalities, something we Europeans have abandoned long ago, to the point where many of us are incapable of even relating to the nepotistic mindset of non-Europeans. You knowing a few domesticated MEs, some Russo-Germans who are not alcoholics and perhaps the occasional Asian who is much closer to us in mentality than any other non-Caucasian does not mean that there are not fundamental irreconcilable differences between the races that lead to immense societal conflict on a daily basis.

>it was guaranteed you would be mugged
Only if you look weak

Women are fair game, then, huh?

>it's okay to be replaced by brown people, as long as we have guns to shoot each other
I'll take the "European effeminacy" over this.

>Guns aren't the problem.
Who said they were? I said they're not a solution to kebabs shooting up a place.
But even if you have a 100% white population, you'll have a few deranged psychos that should not have easy access to guns.

A group of 5 Turks armed with knives and guns doesn't care about how much of a gymlet you are, retard. All they care about is whether you're part of their tribal group or not.

You don't need to give everyone easy access to guns. Just make it easily available for Europeans who are upstanding citizens, so they have the ability to defend themselves. Guns are already very prevalent in Europe, esp. Germany and France, and easy to acquire for precisely that demographic, you're just not legally allowed to carry them in public with you. Guess what, school shooters and the like don't care about that anyways, as evidenced by the few mass shootings we have.

Women exist to be enslaved, if you don't keep them in check someone else will

I'd rather have guns and be free of nonwhites.

>they're not a solution to kebabs shooting up a place.
>Kebab tries to shoot up a place gets shot
Hm. I'm going to have think about that one.
>a few deranged psychos
Yes. And? You'll always have violent outliers. I'd rather that the government or large group who disregarded the law (like those kebabs who shot up that stadium, huh) weren't the only ones to have access to these weapons so that law-abiding civilians could have a defense against either.

>Better looking
This has no bearing on effectiveness. Just read a legit ninja manual : spymaster recommends go-time and deepfake operators to be olderfolk (tend to be diligent) who look dumb (antiradar) and are coolheaded quick thinkers. Being good looking opens doors and paints a target.

>Team work
Every race has niggers and bros; europe been shitflinging for centuries. White doesnt have better ratios.

>Uglier = poorer
No, poorer makes uglier. American born chines are nearly always better looking than those elsewhere. Good nutrition, healthcare, education, transport over a lifetime means 10-15cm height difference.

just get a tan and you will look like one of them

they still have a disgusting gook face no matter what, well unless they do plastic surgery

Not poster, but dude, you havent met a group of angry turks asking you what you think about PBUH.

>Kebab tries to shoot up a place gets shot
Except that never happens anywhere except in the movies.
How many times were mass shooters stopped by randoms with guns in the US? Certainly not enough to be a valid argument, that's for sure.

>You'll always have violent outliers.
The difference is they won't be able to kill a bunch of people very quickly. That's all.

Lol youre just racist, ami. I don't mind that at all; i'll take any 8 youre not.

Is having a feeling of disgust for ugly people racist?

Hey hey, remember that one time Texas had a Draw PBUH contest, errorists try to do a Hebdo in response, get riddled like sheep?

It brought tears to my eyes. God save america, but God bless texas.

>won't be able to kill a bunch of people very quickly
One can always drive a truck

Youre claiming all gooks ugly. I'm looking at taiwanese and jap daytime tv, and i disagree.

What legit ninja manual are you talking about? Sounds interesting

Gimme moment let me pull it up

>American KKK type people
these don't exist, they are a caricature. if you weren't a lying sheltered 16 year old girl you would know this
>more in common with brown people
>live peacefully alongside me
Nowhere in America is this happening, stop lying
>bible and county music shit

You know that most rich and or famous asians do plastic surgery right?

>Except that never happens anywhere except in the movies.
Except that did happen. A couple of years ago. I don't have the article, but I'll say this: which news story do you think would garner more buzz: a mass shooting that occurred or one that was thwarted?
>won't be able to kill a bunch of people very quickly
They could buy a cross bow? They could buy gasoline and matches? There are other, and probably more effective, ways to kill people than a gun.

The entire world wants to look white, europeans are objectively the most beautiful people in the world.

It's not a social construct

Got it. Bansenshukai.

archive.org/stream/TheBookOfNinjaTheFirstCompleteTranslation/The Book of Ninja The First Complete Translation_djvu.txt

Yes we all want to fuck your women

So do most rich whites. Becoming a 10 by surgery doesnt mean you werent born 7-8.

Know a few gook asian 7-8s IRL, all middleclass.

I guess we have different tastes, because i find the typical gook eyes and skull shape as incredibely disgusting. Even the most top tier gook female can't compare with the average white girl.

Too bad all your women want to fuck us too: researchgate.net/publication/271837870_Racial_Preferences_in_Online_Dating_across_European_Countries

The racial hierarchy of desirability in this study across Europe for both genders combined was established as:

White > Hispanic > Asian > Black > Middle Eastern

Similar findings hold true for the US.

Attached: Womens_first_contacts_based_on_male_race.png (1406x844, 61K)

Nonsense. The Brahmin stock has beautiful specimens; theyve bred out the stupid.

>Middle Easterners below blacks

White people are going to die and that's a good thing boi.

To be honest i have never seen an attractive female who wasn't pure white.

Gotchu homes. Lemme hazard: It's the small no lid slanteye, plus the superflatface with highforehead?

Monkeys are more attracitve than pigs. Chaddam is the rare exception and even he retains piglike qualities. Curry genes also severely bring down the gene pool.

The entire world wants to fuck white men, including all of the disgusting 3rd world faggots.

If I want to sleep with a non-white woman (which I don't) I barely even need to put in any effort. You just talk to her and she immediately melts

>online dating
But irl white women fuck only blacks and arabs

I know a girl is 1/4-1/8 Injun and she has the most alluring eyes. There's something completely enchanting about her.

What is pure white? Is mix of vanilla and vodka included?

Gigacope. White people will never die out and will only grow more beautiful the rarer they become. Especially Germanics have assimilated different genotypes into their genetic pool for generations now and outbred them.

>online dating
lmao this is a western thing

You type weird, but yes.
Is having a disgust for typical racial features "racist"

Stay mad and cope harder cracker.

Am azn, true enough to make me racist with envy.

Only literal whores do. Women of quality will be disgusted by non-whites, either openly or privately. Just yesterday I observed some German liberal feminist upper class white girl who is a declared anti-racst go through tinder. She would've made a great SS officer.

I'm sure it is the case

Attached: chad.jpg (800x530, 119K)

Go and create a tinder with a slightly above average white male, I dare you. It will ruin your existence. I cope by letting noodlewhores suck my dick whenever I desire to.

Even very young and cute white girls who are possibly virgins go for blacks and arabs in europe.

prove it

Whatever you say boi. I fuck white girls all the time. They want my chocolate log not your cumskinned pencil.

Nah, i find those features unappealing too. But natural double lids exist for chinks, also the high estrogen "diamond" faceshape. Handsome cheekbones exist too, but rare.

Know whats gross? Britney speares drunken eyes. So hot, buttereyes.

Europeans with no shitskin admixture

If this sounds crazy to you, I have some bad news

i am a brown women and i think whitebois look disgusting

I know guys like you. You're all ethnic manlets, usually MEs, who cope like crazy by degrading white women and viewing them as whores. You stand around in your groups of 5 in night clubs and hit up bottom tier trash women, hoping to score, and even then get rejected. On your way home you drunkenly declare how white women are all sluts and love your cock, because you're so far removed from the higher classes of society that you do not even live in the same world as high quality men and women, who are all busy living out their hedonistic lifestyles without even thinking about you. If you only knew how easily your sisters and cousins drop their panties for an attractive white man.

Show us your face so we can laugh at you.

>The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence.[6][22] A 2005 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".[23] In fact, a study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[24]

Oh no no no no

Hey, ever read hunchback of notre dame?

Frenchwoman has her female child kidnapped by black-lipped gypsies; child grows up as a gyppo, comes back as a troupe performer, AND NO ONE COMMENTED THAT SHE WAS WHITE.

Christ, he's just the regular kangz baiter.

>implying i need any validation from a brain dead /pol/tard
eww go away w*iteboi

Attached: 1538731678611.jpg (841x407, 55K)

the most views on blacked.com are also from pakistan. it's just mostly bots.