Translating Literature

I want to partake in translating books as hobbies.

Any tip or trick to be a good Translator.
Also More book recommendations.

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Uh oh, user. You should delete the thread before it's too late.


What languages do you know?

Japanese and German

cool, you want to translate from those into English or the other way around?

When it come to translate it is highly advice to translate the foreign language to your mother tongue.
I already read the first two chapters

I've been doing it for the last 10 years, from English to my native language, professionally.

I advise against it. Time consuming, not worth the money. It's a matter of love. If you think you'll enjoy it, sure. (but you'll prolly hate it once you start to get paid for it.)

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nah, i got banned last time someone posted bait like this.

I'm not planning to get paid doing .
But how do you go about capturing the feel of the author ?

For example
How you say something can slight change the meaning of the sentence and how people view you.

Why are you black

Does it matter ?
we are not in /pol/ or Yea Forums

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fuck off you stupid racist piece of shit.

Not doing it professionally gives you freedom. (That's how I started doing it.)

>how do you go about capturing the feel of the author
By studying the author and his works.

>How you say something can slight change the meaning of the sentence
You should start by accepting defeat, and from there start building by cutting up your losses.

>how people view you
they'll only know you if you're really good or really bad. either way, it should be your intention to be invisible.

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calm down, he's just asking a simple question

this is the book you need user
read the section by anthea bell, one of the best translators ever

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>another "accidental" black hand thread
Nobody cares that you read books, nig, just post the fucking book, no need for your hand.

Anyway, in my opinion, it's about practice. Your first translations will be fucking garbage, no matter how well you speak the desired language. Utter garbage.
Take what people say about programming to your heart: Your first project shouldn't be your magnum opus. Start with something short and relatively simple.

I'd be interested in good books on translation too.

You have a pdf/epub? It's not on libgen as far as I can tell.

If we have daily critique and short stories threads, then should we have daily translation threads?

I doubt it'd survive for long enough.
There are a lot of proud monolinguals and then there are the people who are outright hostile towards the idea of translations. It'd quickly turn into a shitshow.
Not to mention that I don't want you to steal my work, even if it's mediocre

That a nice idea a translation and language thread.
where we try to find the meta of being a good translator

Jannnie make it happen

thanks for the suggestion
but the book is not in my library nor can i find a link online.

please anyone give me the pdf if you have it give me.

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just buy a copy. don't be a cheapskate
or ask for it at your local library if you're poor

What the fuck? Relax.

It’s 60 fucking euros on Bookdepository you Anglo bastard, don’t give me this “wow ur poor” farce!

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Unironically start translating hentai, from japanese into both english and german.

It will serve as valuable practice.

Calm down shithead.

Wow so rude
And you wonder why nobody will help you

This is actually true. I started off translating English anime subs into my native language as practice, and it's immensely helpful, especially if the style of the dialogue matters.

Not shilling out 60 Euros for something is not "being a cheapskate" mate. At least not where I live.
Does a PDF even exist in the first place?

The best practice is translating roughly 1300 pages of 19th Century German into contemporary English. May I recommend Mainlaender's Die Philosophie der Erlösung, then post the translation to here for feedback.

as of know i can not find the PdF.

Me neither, and no library seems to have it in the country.