Postmodernism is cancer

Postmodernism is cancer

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Nah, it was pretty cool, but it's definitely time to move on to something else

>he likes modernity

Mr.Peterson isnt it past your bedtime

Drive is a postmodern flick

not OP, but how so?

The moderns at least tried to discover the truth, whether they succeed or not is a topic for another thread. The postmodernists just want to tear down and destroy everything butnl don't both trying to build it back up or figure out why.
Steinbeck literally moved across the country, followed a family and wrote as it was happening to discover the truth. At least he tried instead of getting lost up his own ass like postmodernism does


I still don’t even know what postmodernism means

destruction is good though. they are clearing the ground for the next great constructive philosophy

>next great constructive philosophy
Bitch, when? Postmodernists are having too much fun wondering if fruit is racist or whatever trash they're coming up with lately and calling it science.

Neither do the postmodernists

cuz it wasnt a good film

It sucks but its influence is dramatized

The Neoreactionary traditionalist school?


How do I start this movement at school. Give me some texts and a rundown how to do this

How is accelerationism not just derivative postmodernism?

Lace the water supply with amphetamines


it's basically retardation it means "whatever i think is real is real".
so all the right wing nazi fagboys who hate pomo are actually functioning on pomo itself.
the only good thing about pomo is it unintentionally points out how western culture is a load of bs, which is also why the same people who hate it are using it.

no, postmodernitsm is literally just a broad movement of people who want to move past modernity by either developing upon it and creating a new system or developing antithesis against it and implementing that antithesis into society
Anyone who dislikes modernity is de facto postmodernist
You shouldn't get too bluepilled by peterson because he doesnt properly understand half of the things he's talking ( at least when it comes to philosophy and politics ) about and if he does he doesn't say nearly enough to make his case clear without causing confusement

My only touchstone for postmodernism is knowing that it involves deconstruction and a heavy use of irony. Also that David Foster Wallace hated it and wanted a new era of sincerity.

Would you guys say we are through with postmodernism? Is there more to it, functionally speaking, than what I just mentioned?

postmodernism is just people believing in whatever crazy shit they want to or don't want to.
it's the same old thing (religion) repackaged.
the difference between religion and pomo is that in religion people know it's just functional and will break the rules.
DFW was naive to think you can force everyone to start being honest and "good" because people are inherently fucked up. new sincerity just sounds like christianity 2bh.
you can't force culture it sorts itself out.

>have access to internet
>still don't know how to do basic research

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